def simpleFailureEmail(message=""): smtpServer = configurationOptions().smtpServer recipients = configurationOptions().emailRecipients try: s = smtplib.SMTP(smtpServer) msg = "Subject: %s\n\n%s" % ('MediaSeal Process Error', message) s.sendmail("*****@*****.**", recipients, msg) s.quit() except Exception as e: info = 'There was an Error sending a sendSuccessEmail email:' + message + " :" + e.message DefaultLogger().debug(info)
def failureEmail(message=""): smtpServer = configurationOptions().smtpServer recipients = configurationOptions().emailRecipients try: s = smtplib.SMTP(smtpServer) msg = MIMEText("""MediaSeal Process Error""") sender = '*****@*****.**' msg['Subject'] = "MediaSeal Process Error" + "\n" + message msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients) s.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg.as_string()) s.quit() except Exception as e: info = 'There was an Error sending a sendFailureEmail email:' + message + " :" + e.message DefaultLogger().debug(info)
def doesTheFilePathExistElseWhereInThePathStructure(self, filePath, operationType, pathStructureName): ''' Checks to make sure the file isn't already in the queue, if is, then it moves to to a duplicate folder ''' result = 0 currentPathStructure = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) #exlcude inBox for path in configurationOptions().pathStructurePathsToCheckForDuplicates(): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(currentPathStructure[path], os.path.basename(filePath))): result += 1 if result == 0: return False return True
def DefaultDatabasePath(): options = configurationOptions() dataBasePath = options.dataBasePath if not os.path.exists(dataBasePath): os.makedirs(dataBasePath) return os.path.join(dataBasePath, 'database.db')
def main(): options = configurationOptions() if not options.isValid(): return logging = DefaultLogger() dbPath = DefaultDatabasePath() encryptionPathToWatch = options.pathStructureWithName('ArchivePath') decryptionPathToWatch = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath') decryptionPathToWatch2 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath2') decryptionPathToWatch3 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath3') decryptionPathToWatch4 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath4') decryptionPathToWatch5 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath5') processObjects = [] #Paths processObjects.append({"target":encryptorWatch, "args":(encryptionPathToWatch, dbPath), "info":'recreating encryptorWatcher process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decryptorWatch, "args":(decryptionPathToWatch, dbPath), "info":'recreating decryptionWatcher process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decryptorWatch, "args":(decryptionPathToWatch2, dbPath), "info":'recreating decryptionWatcher process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decryptorWatch, "args":(decryptionPathToWatch3, dbPath), "info":'recreating decryptionWatcher process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decryptorWatch, "args":(decryptionPathToWatch4, dbPath), "info":'recreating decryptionWatcher process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decryptorWatch, "args":(decryptionPathToWatch5, dbPath), "info":'recreating decryptionWatcher process...'}) #Operations processObjects.append({"target":acquirefile, "args":(dbPath,), "info":'recreating verifier process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":preprocess, "args":(dbPath,), "info":'recreating the preprocess process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":encrypt, "args":(dbPath,), "info":'recreating encrypt process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":decrypt, "args":(dbPath,), "info":'recreating decrypt process...'}) processObjects.append({"target":postprocess, "args":(dbPath,), "info":'recreating the postProcess process...'}) for processObject in processObjects: processObject["process"] = Process(target=processObject['target'], args=processObject['args']) for processObject in processObjects: processObject["process"].start() try: while True: sleep(2) options.updateProcessStatus("MainProcess is up") for processObject in processObjects: if not processObject['process'].is_alive() or processObject['process'].exitcode is not None: options.updateProcessStatus(processObject['info']) logging.debug(processObject['info']) processObject['process'].terminate() processObject['process'] = Process(target=processObject['target'], args=processObject['args']) processObject['process'].start() except KeyboardInterrupt: for processObject in processObjects: processObject['process'].stop() for processObject in processObjects: processObject['process'].join()
def DefaultLogger(): options = configurationOptions() logPath = options.logPath if not os.path.exists(logPath): os.makedirs(logPath) logPath = os.path.join(logPath, 'log.log') logging.basicConfig(filename=logPath,level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return logging
def checkSingleFiles(dbPath): logging = DefaultLogger() if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('Acquire File: can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) data = datastore.recordsForVerifying() for record in data: key_id = filePath = record.fileName recordSize = int(record.fileSize) dateModifiedString = record.dateModified pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName operationType = record.operationType isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName dateLastModified = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateModifiedString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') timeDifference = - dateLastModified #This can change with an if/else should I decide I want to put temp files to be decrypted in another place sourcePath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName( pathStructureName)['inBox'] workingPath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName( pathStructureName)['workingBox'] if timeDifference.seconds < verificationWaitTime: continue lastSize = recordSize currentSize = 0 if not os.path.exists(filePath): logging.debug( 'Acquire File: Will update record status as the file no longer exists' ) datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithID(key_id) continue currentSize = os.path.getsize(filePath) if lastSize != currentSize: logging.debug(record) logging.debug( 'Acquire File: attempting db modify as file size has changed...' ) datastore.updateRecordWithCurrentSizeAndDateModifiedWithID( currentSize,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), key_id) continue if currentSize == 0: continue # if the current size is zero, then continue until it isn't or never will be # its likely the file has been queued to copy but no data has been moved yet (actual OSX case) logging.debug( 'Acquire File: attempting to lock the file to see if I own the file yet...' ) try: fileToCheck = open(filePath, 'rb') portalocker.lock(fileToCheck, portalocker.LOCK_EX) fileToCheck.close() logging.debug( 'Acquire File: proceeding to update the file status knowing that no one else is using it...' ) except Exception as e: logging.debug( 'Acquire File: unable to lock file as it is likely in use') continue if datastore.doesTheFilePathExistElseWhereInThePathStructure( filePath, operationType, pathStructureName) == True: duplicatePath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName( pathStructureName)['duplicateBox'] newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( filePath, duplicatePath) datastore.updateRecordAsDuplicateWithNewPath(newPath, key_id) continue newPath = filePath #Only update if isBatch == 1 and operationType == 'Decrypt': amRecord = None uuidString = fileNameForUUIDFileWithPath(os.path.dirname(filePath)) if uuidString == None: #if I can't resolve the UUID, then resovle it though an AM Record #Does file's Archive Manager have data associated with it amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord == None: info = "Acquire File: Archive Manager data doesn't exist for " + filePath info = info + " " + "Marking file as having no AM Data. File will not be moved through the processing queue." logging.debug(info) datastore.updateRecordStatusWithID( datastore.noArchiveManagerDataExistsForRecord(), key_id) continue else: logging.debug('Updating record %s with UUID %s' % (filePath, uuidString)) amRecord = datastore.archiveManagerJobsTableRecordWithUUID( uuidString) datastore.updateRecordAWithBatchUUIDReference( uuidString, key_id) else: #at this point, I need to subtract the file's main folder from the pathStructure['inBox'] #this moves the file from the inbox to the working path try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( filePath, workingPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug( 'This shouldn\'t happen as pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder should create a unique name that avoids any collisions, otherwise the file has been moved' ) logging.debug('Acquire File: Error moving file') info = 'There was a problem moving the file into into the queue for: ' + os.path.basename( filePath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will require manual intervention as the occurrence is unique.' sendFailureEmail(info) continue logging.debug( 'Acquire File: updating record file status and path....') datastore.updateRecordAsStaticWithNewPath(newPath, key_id)
def processRecordsReadyToBeHashed(data, datastore): logging = DefaultLogger() for record in data: logging.debug(record) key_id = sourceFilePath = record.fileName filePath = record.operationFileName recordOperationType = record.operationType pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName currentPathStructure = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) finalPath = currentPathStructure['outBox'] finalOriginalDestinationPath = currentPathStructure['originalBox'] errorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] if not os.path.exists(filePath): # if the processed file doesn't exist, then move update the record and move to the error box # ADD LOGIC FOR BATCH PROCESSING logging.debug('PostProcess: Will update record status as the encrypted file does not exist') newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(sourceFilePath, errorPath) datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithFileNameAndID(newPath, key_id) continue #CALCULATE HASH startTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") datastore.updateRecordWithReHashStart(startTime, key_id) hashString = 'NO_HASH' #only hash files being decrypyted if recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': try: fileToHash = open(filePath, 'rb') logging.debug('PostProcess: locked file to calculate hash...') portalocker.lock(fileToHash, portalocker.LOCK_SH) hashString = hashForFile(fileToHash) logging.debug('PostProcess Hasher: unlocking file...') fileToHash.close() except Exception as e: hashString = 'HASH_GEN_ERROR' else: hashString = "NO_HASH_FOR_ENCRYPTED_FILES" endTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #ONLY DECRYPTED FILES' HASH IS CHECKED didChecksumFail = False checkSumErrorString = None if recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': fileBaseName = os.path.basename(filePath) if isBatch: fileBaseName = os.path.basename(filePath).split((batchName + "_"))[1] daisyNumber = getDaisyNumber(fileBaseName) try: errorRecordStatus = 0 if daisyNumber == None: errorString = 'There was an error Decrypting the file: ' + fileBaseName + '.\n' errorString = errorString + 'Unable to retrieve Daisy Number for ' + filePath + ' ' + batchName logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.daisyEntryNotFoundStatusCode() raise Exception(errorString) originalChecksum = DaisyMetadataLookup(daisyNumber).checksumForFile(fileBaseName) if originalChecksum == None: errorString = 'There was an error Decrypting the file: ' + fileBaseName + '.\n' errorString = errorString + 'Unable to retrieve Checksum for ' + filePath + ' ' + batchName logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.checksumLookupFailedStatusCode() raise Exception(errorString) if originalChecksum.upper() != hashString.upper(): errorString = 'Checksums do not match for file ' + filePath + '\n' errorString = errorString + ' ' + batchName + " expected the checksum: " + originalChecksum + '\n' errorString = errorString + " but found this checksum instead:" + hashString logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.checksumComparisonFailedStatusCode() raise Exception(errorString) except Exception as checksumException: #we have an error, so we must create a new folder in the error path #if the file is non-batch, then logging.debug('PostProcess: The checksum failed. Please see the appropriate Error Box') checkSumErrorString = 'There was a checksum error.' + '\n' + checksumException.message didChecksumFail = True #If the file failed a checksum and is not a bacth file, then move it to the error box if didChecksumFail == True and isBatch == False: errorPathInformation = '' try: logging.debug('PostProcess: creating a Decrypted Checksum folder') errorDestination = createSafeFolderInDestinationFolder(errorPath, 'DECRYPTED_CHECKSUM_ERROR') try: info = 'Moving the file that errored into the folder at ' + errorDestination logging.debug(info) shutil.move(filePath, os.path.join(errorDestination,fileBaseName)) errorPathInformation = info except Exception as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message + ' an error occurred moving the file: ' + fileBaseName + ' to ' + errorDestination logging.debug(info) except Exception as e: info = 'PostProcess: An error occurred when moving the decrypted file in to the Error box' logging.debug(info) #THEN MOVE THE ENCRYPTED FILE ASIDE TO THE ERROR BOX try: info = 'Moving the source file into the error box at ' + errorPath logging.debug(info) newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(sourceFilePath, errorPath) errorPathInformation = errorPathInformation + '\n' + info except Exception as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message + ' an error occurred moving the file: ' + sourceFilePath logging.debug(info) datastore.updateRecordStatusWithID(errorRecordStatus, key_id) info = checksumException.message + '\n' + errorPathInformation logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #Lets now address the batch decrypted files newPath = filePath success = False if isBatch == True and recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': #create the destination folder for the Archive Manager Job amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord is None: #This should not happen as we don't even allow for the logic to proceed to this point without #a valid Archive Manager Record info = 'An error occurred where no data was found for the Archive Manager job ' + batchName + '\n' info = info + 'This error should not happen. Please check ' + os.path.dirname(filePath) + '\n' info = info + 'The files will need to be manually removed from the Decryption Queue.' logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue if didChecksumFail == True: #add checksum error string to archive manager job amRecord.errorString = amRecord.errorString + '\n' + checkSumErrorString datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobErrorString(amRecord, amRecord.errorString) #create the new folder in interim where we will push all of the batch files destinationAMFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), batchName) if not os.path.exists(destinationAMFolder): try: os.mkdir(destinationAMFolder) except OSError as e: pass #get the file name, strip leading archive manager number originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath) if isBatch == True: originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath).split((batchName + "_"))[1] #this is where we will move the interim file, a new folder with its original name proposedAMPath = os.path.join(destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) #at this point the file should be in the a folder named after the batch try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFile(filePath, proposedAMPath) except Exception as e: info = 'There was an error moving a file at %s for Archive Manager job %s. This will need to be manually addressed.' % (filePath, batchName) sendFailureEmail(info) continue if os.path.basename(originalFileName) != os.path.basename(newPath): #there was a collision, there really is no reason why this should happen, but lets account for it errorString = 'For some reason, there already exists a file in %s labeled %s' % (destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) + '\n' amRecord.errorString = amRecord.errorString + '\n' + errorString datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobErrorString(amRecord, amRecord.errorString) success = datastore.updateRecordWithFinalEncryptedPathAndHashForStartTimeAndEndTime(newPath, hashString, startTime, endTime, key_id) currentFiles = visibleFilesInFolder(destinationAMFolder) amPath = amRecord.amPath filesInJob = amRecord.allFilesInRecord() #are we finished, are all the files in place or the batch job? try: areAllFilesInPlace = True for nFile in filesInJob: if nFile not in currentFiles: areAllFilesInPlace = False if areAllFilesInPlace == False: continue logging.debug('All files are in place') try: #remove old source folder logging.debug('PostProcess: removing original inbox') shutil.rmtree(amPath) except OSError as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message logging.debug(info) info = 'There was a problem removing the folder %s from the inbox after decrypting all of the files in the job.' % (amPath) sendFailureEmail(info) #refresh the record amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord is None: #This should not happen as we don't even allow for the logic to proceed to this point without #a valid Archive Manager Record info = 'An error occurred where no data was found for the Archive Manager job ' + batchName + '\n' info = info + 'This error should not happen. Please check ' + destinationAMFolder + '\n' info = info + 'The files will need to be manually removed from the Decryption Queue.' logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #if there is an error, the redirect to the error box if amRecord.errorString != '': finalPath = errorPath #move the error files into a folder that indicates they are errors, it will live in the error box try: if datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsErrored(amRecord) == True: logging.debug('Job has finished, but there were some errors') logging.debug('PostProcess: will send email') info = 'Job %s has some errors! Please see the ErrorBox at %s' % (batchName, errorPath) info = info + '\n' + amRecord.errorString sendFailureEmail(info) else: logging.debug('PostProcess: Error saving Job') errDirname = os.path.dirname(destinationAMFolder) errBasename = os.path.basename(destinationAMFolder) + '_DECRYPTED_ERROR' os.rename(destinationAMFolder, os.path.join(errDirname, errBasename)) destinationAMFolder = os.path.join(errDirname, errBasename) # shutil.move(destinationAMFolder, errorPath) pathAfterSafelyMovingFolderToDestinationFolder(destinationAMFolder, errorPath) except Exception as e: info = 'An error occurred when moving the errored files to %s.' % (errorPath,) logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) else: #No errors, move the files to the appropriate place print "No Errors finalPath", finalPath try: logging.debug('PostProcess: moving archive mananger folder to final destination') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(finalPath, os.path.basename(destinationAMFolder))): logging.debug('PostProcess: collision moving to duplicate box') altPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(destinationAMFolder, finalPath) else: shutil.move(destinationAMFolder, finalPath) if datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsReadyToComplete(amRecord) == True: logging.debug('PostProcess: job is ready to complete') logging.debug('PostProcess: moving files and sending email') info = 'Job %s is complete! All of the files are decrypted and have appropriate matching checksums.' % (batchName) sendSuccessEmail(info) else: logging.debug('PostProcess: Error saving Job') except OSError as e: #again, I am accounting for this error, I just don't know why I would ever encounter a situation like this info = 'There was a problem moving the folder %s to the outbox. You will have to move the file manually.' % (destinationAMFolder) info = info + " " + e.message sendFailureEmail(info) logging.debug(info) continue except Exception as e: info = 'An error occurred. Please see check the Decryption Queue for job %s. See Error: %s' % (batchName, e.message) logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) else: #LAST CASE FOR SINGLE MODE FILES LIKE ENCRYPTION AND SINGLE MODE DECRYPTION newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, finalPath) if not os.path.exists(newPath): logging.debug('PostProcess: Error moving file') continue logging.debug('PostProcess: Will update record status with Hash string and times') success = datastore.updateRecordWithFinalEncryptedPathAndHashForStartTimeAndEndTime(newPath, hashString, startTime, endTime, key_id) if success == True: # move original file to original box try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(sourceFilePath, finalOriginalDestinationPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug('There was an error moving the file into place') info = 'There was an error moving file %s into the outbox at %s' % (sourceFilePath, finalOriginalDestinationPath) sendFailureEmail(info) if configurationOptions().shouldDeleteOriginal == True: try: os.remove(newPath) except OSError as e: logging.debug('PostProcess: Unable to delete the file', newPath)
def postprocess(dbPath): ''' This is the post process module ''' if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('PreProcess: can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) loopcount = 0 while True: sleep(5) if loopcount % 10 == 0: logging.debug('PostProcess is alive') loopcount += 1 #calculate checksums on decrypted files data = datastore.recordsForReHashing() processRecordsReadyToBeHashed(data, datastore) #delete associated files as the job was successful amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsReadyToComplete() for amRecord in amRecords: dataStoreRecords = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in dataStoreRecords: recordPath = record.fileName if configurationOptions().shouldDeleteOriginal == True: try: os.remove(recordPath) except OSError as e: info = 'PostProcess: Unable to delete the file %s' % (recordPath,) logging.debug(info) datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsComplete(amRecord) #move the associated files to the error box as the job had problems amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsThatErrored() for amRecord in amRecords: logging.debug('performing clean up with ' + amRecord.amNumber) batchName = amRecord.amNumber destinationAMFolder = '' errorPath = '' dataStoreRecords = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in dataStoreRecords: pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName filePath = record.fileName currentPathStructure = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) errorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] print filePath destinationAMFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), batchName) print 'This is where the working files will go.', destinationAMFolder if not os.path.exists(destinationAMFolder): try: os.mkdir(destinationAMFolder) except OSError as e: pass originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath).split((batchName + "_"))[1] proposedAMPath = os.path.join(destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) try: # newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFile(filePath, proposedAMPath) print filePath, proposedAMPath shutil.move(filePath, proposedAMPath) except Exception as e: info = 'There was an error moving a file at %s for Archive Manager job %s. This will need to be manually addressed.' % (filePath, batchName) sendFailureEmail(info) continue currentFiles = os.listdir(destinationAMFolder) filesInJob = amRecord.allFilesInRecord() areAllFilesInPlace = True for nFile in filesInJob: if nFile not in currentFiles: areAllFilesInPlace = False if areAllFilesInPlace == True: print "moving files to the error path" try: pathAfterSafelyMovingFolderToDestinationFolder(destinationAMFolder,errorPath) except Exception as e: info = 'PostProcess: Unable to move the file %s' % (filePath,) logging.debug(info) info = 'There was an error moving the folder %s into the outbox at %s' % (destinationAMFolder, errorPath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will need to be addressed manually' sendFailureEmail(info) continue datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsComplete(amRecord)
from configurator import configurationOptions import datetime from time import sleep import os if __name__ == '__main__': path = 'C:\\ProgramData\\mediasealwatch\\statuslog.log' # path = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/result.txt') while (1): with open(path, 'a') as f: status = str( + " " + 'Valid' if configurationOptions().isValid() == True else 'Invalid' f.write(status) f.write('\n') sleep(60)
def main(): options = configurationOptions() if not options.isValid(): return logging = DefaultLogger() dbPath = DefaultDatabasePath() encryptionPathToWatch = options.pathStructureWithName('ArchivePath') decryptionPathToWatch = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath') decryptionPathToWatch2 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath2') decryptionPathToWatch3 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath3') decryptionPathToWatch4 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath4') decryptionPathToWatch5 = options.pathStructureWithName('DecryptPath5') processObjects = [] #Paths processObjects.append({ "target": encryptorWatch, "args": (encryptionPathToWatch, dbPath), "info": 'recreating encryptorWatcher process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decryptorWatch, "args": (decryptionPathToWatch, dbPath), "info": 'recreating decryptionWatcher process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decryptorWatch, "args": (decryptionPathToWatch2, dbPath), "info": 'recreating decryptionWatcher process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decryptorWatch, "args": (decryptionPathToWatch3, dbPath), "info": 'recreating decryptionWatcher process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decryptorWatch, "args": (decryptionPathToWatch4, dbPath), "info": 'recreating decryptionWatcher process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decryptorWatch, "args": (decryptionPathToWatch5, dbPath), "info": 'recreating decryptionWatcher process...' }) #Operations processObjects.append({ "target": acquirefile, "args": (dbPath, ), "info": 'recreating verifier process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": preprocess, "args": (dbPath, ), "info": 'recreating the preprocess process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": encrypt, "args": (dbPath, ), "info": 'recreating encrypt process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": decrypt, "args": (dbPath, ), "info": 'recreating decrypt process...' }) processObjects.append({ "target": postprocess, "args": (dbPath, ), "info": 'recreating the postProcess process...' }) for processObject in processObjects: processObject["process"] = Process(target=processObject['target'], args=processObject['args']) for processObject in processObjects: processObject["process"].start() try: while True: sleep(2) options.updateProcessStatus("MainProcess is up") for processObject in processObjects: if not processObject['process'].is_alive( ) or processObject['process'].exitcode is not None: options.updateProcessStatus(processObject['info']) logging.debug(processObject['info']) processObject['process'].terminate() processObject['process'] = Process( target=processObject['target'], args=processObject['args']) processObject['process'].start() except KeyboardInterrupt: for processObject in processObjects: processObject['process'].stop() for processObject in processObjects: processObject['process'].join()
def checkSingleFiles(dbPath): logging = DefaultLogger() if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('Acquire File: can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) data = datastore.recordsForVerifying() for record in data: key_id = filePath = record.fileName recordSize = int(record.fileSize) dateModifiedString = record.dateModified pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName operationType = record.operationType isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName dateLastModified = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateModifiedString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') timeDifference = - dateLastModified #This can change with an if/else should I decide I want to put temp files to be decrypted in another place sourcePath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName)['inBox'] workingPath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName)['workingBox'] if timeDifference.seconds < verificationWaitTime: continue lastSize = recordSize currentSize = 0 if not os.path.exists(filePath): logging.debug('Acquire File: Will update record status as the file no longer exists') datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithID(key_id) continue currentSize = os.path.getsize(filePath) if lastSize != currentSize: logging.debug(record) logging.debug('Acquire File: attempting db modify as file size has changed...') datastore.updateRecordWithCurrentSizeAndDateModifiedWithID(currentSize,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), key_id) continue if currentSize == 0: continue # if the current size is zero, then continue until it isn't or never will be # its likely the file has been queued to copy but no data has been moved yet (actual OSX case) logging.debug('Acquire File: attempting to lock the file to see if I own the file yet...') try: fileToCheck = open(filePath, 'rb') portalocker.lock(fileToCheck, portalocker.LOCK_EX) fileToCheck.close() logging.debug('Acquire File: proceeding to update the file status knowing that no one else is using it...') except Exception as e: logging.debug('Acquire File: unable to lock file as it is likely in use') continue if datastore.doesTheFilePathExistElseWhereInThePathStructure(filePath, operationType, pathStructureName) == True: duplicatePath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName)['duplicateBox'] newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, duplicatePath) datastore.updateRecordAsDuplicateWithNewPath(newPath, key_id) continue newPath = filePath #Only update if isBatch == 1 and operationType == 'Decrypt': amRecord = None uuidString = fileNameForUUIDFileWithPath(os.path.dirname(filePath)) if uuidString == None: #if I can't resolve the UUID, then resovle it though an AM Record #Does file's Archive Manager have data associated with it amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord == None: info = "Acquire File: Archive Manager data doesn't exist for " + filePath info = info + " " + "Marking file as having no AM Data. File will not be moved through the processing queue." logging.debug(info) datastore.updateRecordStatusWithID(datastore.noArchiveManagerDataExistsForRecord(), key_id) continue else: logging.debug('Updating record %s with UUID %s' % (filePath, uuidString)) amRecord = datastore.archiveManagerJobsTableRecordWithUUID(uuidString) datastore.updateRecordAWithBatchUUIDReference(uuidString, key_id) else: #at this point, I need to subtract the file's main folder from the pathStructure['inBox'] #this moves the file from the inbox to the working path try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, workingPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug('This shouldn\'t happen as pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder should create a unique name that avoids any collisions, otherwise the file has been moved') logging.debug('Acquire File: Error moving file') info = 'There was a problem moving the file into into the queue for: ' + os.path.basename(filePath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will require manual intervention as the occurrence is unique.' sendFailureEmail(info) continue logging.debug('Acquire File: updating record file status and path....') datastore.updateRecordAsStaticWithNewPath(newPath, key_id)
def checkArchiveManagerJobs(dbPath): logging = DefaultLogger() datastore = DataStore(dbPath) amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsReadyToStart() for amRecord in amRecords: areAllFilesAvailableAndReady = True recordsInAMRecord = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) filesInAMRecord = [x.fileName for x in recordsInAMRecord] filesInCurrentFolder = [] try: filesInCurrentFolder = os.listdir(amRecord.amPath) except Exception as e: pass isThereAnUnknownFilePresent = False for currentFile in filesInCurrentFolder: if currentFile not in filesInAMRecord: isThereAnUnknownFilePresent = True if isThereAnUnknownFilePresent == True: logging.debug('Unknown files are present') pass #report error for currentFile in filesInAMRecord: logging.debug('%s' % (currentFile)) lastComponent = os.path.basename(currentFile) if lastComponent not in filesInCurrentFolder: logging.debug('The following file is not yet available: %s' % (lastComponent)) areAllFilesAvailableAndReady = False if areAllFilesAvailableAndReady == False: logging.debug('Not all of the files are staged yet') continue canLockAllRecords = True data = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in data: filePath = record.fileName try: fileToCheck = open(filePath, 'rb') portalocker.lock(fileToCheck, portalocker.LOCK_EX) fileToCheck.close() logging.debug('Acquire File: proceeding to update the file status knowing that no one else is using it...') except Exception as e: logging.debug('Acquire File: unable to lock file as it is likely in use') canLockAllRecords = False if canLockAllRecords == False: logging.debug('Can not lock all of the records yet') continue for record in data: key_id = filePath = record.fileName recordSize = int(record.fileSize) dateModifiedString = record.dateModified pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName operationType = record.operationType isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName newPath = filePath workingPath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName)['workingBox'] proposedBatchName = batchName + "_" + os.path.basename(filePath) proposedPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), proposedBatchName) #we prepend the job name to the file here as it belongs to a batch try: if os.path.exists(proposedPath): raise Exception('file already exists') os.rename(filePath, proposedPath) filePath = proposedPath except Exception as e: #this is an unlikely occurrence info = 'There is a duplicate file in the queue for: ' + os.path.basename(filePath) + " " + e.message logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #at this point, I need to subtract the file's main folder from the pathStructure['inBox'] #this moves the file from the inbox to the working path try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, workingPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug('This shouldn\'t happen as pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder should create a unique name that avoids any collisions, otherwise the file has been moved') logging.debug('Acquire File: Error moving file') info = 'There was a problem moving the file into into the queue for: ' + os.path.basename(filePath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will require manual intervention as the occurrence is unique.' sendFailureEmail(info) continue logging.debug('Acquire File: updating record file status and path....') datastore.updateRecordAsStaticWithNewPath(newPath, key_id)
def processRecordsReadyToBeHashed(data, datastore): logging = DefaultLogger() for record in data: logging.debug(record) key_id = sourceFilePath = record.fileName filePath = record.operationFileName recordOperationType = record.operationType pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName currentPathStructure = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName( pathStructureName) finalPath = currentPathStructure['outBox'] finalOriginalDestinationPath = currentPathStructure['originalBox'] errorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] if not os.path.exists(filePath): # if the processed file doesn't exist, then move update the record and move to the error box # ADD LOGIC FOR BATCH PROCESSING logging.debug( 'PostProcess: Will update record status as the encrypted file does not exist' ) newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( sourceFilePath, errorPath) datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithFileNameAndID(newPath, key_id) continue #CALCULATE HASH startTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") datastore.updateRecordWithReHashStart(startTime, key_id) hashString = 'NO_HASH' #only hash files being decrypyted if recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': try: fileToHash = open(filePath, 'rb') logging.debug('PostProcess: locked file to calculate hash...') portalocker.lock(fileToHash, portalocker.LOCK_SH) hashString = hashForFile(fileToHash) logging.debug('PostProcess Hasher: unlocking file...') fileToHash.close() except Exception as e: hashString = 'HASH_GEN_ERROR' else: hashString = "NO_HASH_FOR_ENCRYPTED_FILES" endTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #ONLY DECRYPTED FILES' HASH IS CHECKED didChecksumFail = False checkSumErrorString = None if recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': fileBaseName = os.path.basename(filePath) if isBatch: fileBaseName = os.path.basename(filePath).split( (batchName + "_"))[1] daisyNumber = getDaisyNumber(fileBaseName) try: errorRecordStatus = 0 if daisyNumber == None: errorString = 'There was an error Decrypting the file: ' + fileBaseName + '.\n' errorString = errorString + 'Unable to retrieve Daisy Number for ' + filePath + ' ' + batchName logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.daisyEntryNotFoundStatusCode( ) raise Exception(errorString) originalChecksum = DaisyMetadataLookup( daisyNumber).checksumForFile(fileBaseName) if originalChecksum == None: errorString = 'There was an error Decrypting the file: ' + fileBaseName + '.\n' errorString = errorString + 'Unable to retrieve Checksum for ' + filePath + ' ' + batchName logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.checksumLookupFailedStatusCode( ) raise Exception(errorString) if originalChecksum.upper() != hashString.upper(): errorString = 'Checksums do not match for file ' + filePath + '\n' errorString = errorString + ' ' + batchName + " expected the checksum: " + originalChecksum + '\n' errorString = errorString + " but found this checksum instead:" + hashString logging.debug(errorString) errorRecordStatus = datastore.checksumComparisonFailedStatusCode( ) raise Exception(errorString) except Exception as checksumException: #we have an error, so we must create a new folder in the error path #if the file is non-batch, then logging.debug( 'PostProcess: The checksum failed. Please see the appropriate Error Box' ) checkSumErrorString = 'There was a checksum error.' + '\n' + checksumException.message didChecksumFail = True #If the file failed a checksum and is not a bacth file, then move it to the error box if didChecksumFail == True and isBatch == False: errorPathInformation = '' try: logging.debug( 'PostProcess: creating a Decrypted Checksum folder') errorDestination = createSafeFolderInDestinationFolder( errorPath, 'DECRYPTED_CHECKSUM_ERROR') try: info = 'Moving the file that errored into the folder at ' + errorDestination logging.debug(info) shutil.move( filePath, os.path.join(errorDestination, fileBaseName)) errorPathInformation = info except Exception as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message + ' an error occurred moving the file: ' + fileBaseName + ' to ' + errorDestination logging.debug(info) except Exception as e: info = 'PostProcess: An error occurred when moving the decrypted file in to the Error box' logging.debug(info) #THEN MOVE THE ENCRYPTED FILE ASIDE TO THE ERROR BOX try: info = 'Moving the source file into the error box at ' + errorPath logging.debug(info) newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( sourceFilePath, errorPath) errorPathInformation = errorPathInformation + '\n' + info except Exception as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message + ' an error occurred moving the file: ' + sourceFilePath logging.debug(info) datastore.updateRecordStatusWithID(errorRecordStatus, key_id) info = checksumException.message + '\n' + errorPathInformation logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #Lets now address the batch decrypted files newPath = filePath success = False if isBatch == True and recordOperationType == 'Decrypt': #create the destination folder for the Archive Manager Job amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord is None: #This should not happen as we don't even allow for the logic to proceed to this point without #a valid Archive Manager Record info = 'An error occurred where no data was found for the Archive Manager job ' + batchName + '\n' info = info + 'This error should not happen. Please check ' + os.path.dirname( filePath) + '\n' info = info + 'The files will need to be manually removed from the Decryption Queue.' logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue if didChecksumFail == True: #add checksum error string to archive manager job amRecord.errorString = amRecord.errorString + '\n' + checkSumErrorString datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobErrorString( amRecord, amRecord.errorString) #create the new folder in interim where we will push all of the batch files destinationAMFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), batchName) if not os.path.exists(destinationAMFolder): try: os.mkdir(destinationAMFolder) except OSError as e: pass #get the file name, strip leading archive manager number originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath) if isBatch == True: originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath).split( (batchName + "_"))[1] #this is where we will move the interim file, a new folder with its original name proposedAMPath = os.path.join(destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) #at this point the file should be in the a folder named after the batch try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFile( filePath, proposedAMPath) except Exception as e: info = 'There was an error moving a file at %s for Archive Manager job %s. This will need to be manually addressed.' % ( filePath, batchName) sendFailureEmail(info) continue if os.path.basename(originalFileName) != os.path.basename(newPath): #there was a collision, there really is no reason why this should happen, but lets account for it errorString = 'For some reason, there already exists a file in %s labeled %s' % ( destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) + '\n' amRecord.errorString = amRecord.errorString + '\n' + errorString datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobErrorString( amRecord, amRecord.errorString) success = datastore.updateRecordWithFinalEncryptedPathAndHashForStartTimeAndEndTime( newPath, hashString, startTime, endTime, key_id) currentFiles = visibleFilesInFolder(destinationAMFolder) amPath = amRecord.amPath filesInJob = amRecord.allFilesInRecord() #are we finished, are all the files in place or the batch job? try: areAllFilesInPlace = True for nFile in filesInJob: if nFile not in currentFiles: areAllFilesInPlace = False if areAllFilesInPlace == False: continue logging.debug('All files are in place') try: #remove old source folder logging.debug('PostProcess: removing original inbox') shutil.rmtree(amPath) except OSError as e: info = "PostProcess: " + e.message logging.debug(info) info = 'There was a problem removing the folder %s from the inbox after decrypting all of the files in the job.' % ( amPath) sendFailureEmail(info) #refresh the record amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord is None: #This should not happen as we don't even allow for the logic to proceed to this point without #a valid Archive Manager Record info = 'An error occurred where no data was found for the Archive Manager job ' + batchName + '\n' info = info + 'This error should not happen. Please check ' + destinationAMFolder + '\n' info = info + 'The files will need to be manually removed from the Decryption Queue.' logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #if there is an error, the redirect to the error box if amRecord.errorString != '': finalPath = errorPath #move the error files into a folder that indicates they are errors, it will live in the error box try: if datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsErrored( amRecord) == True: logging.debug( 'Job has finished, but there were some errors') logging.debug('PostProcess: will send email') info = 'Job %s has some errors! Please see the ErrorBox at %s' % ( batchName, errorPath) info = info + '\n' + amRecord.errorString sendFailureEmail(info) else: logging.debug('PostProcess: Error saving Job') errDirname = os.path.dirname(destinationAMFolder) errBasename = os.path.basename( destinationAMFolder) + '_DECRYPTED_ERROR' os.rename(destinationAMFolder, os.path.join(errDirname, errBasename)) destinationAMFolder = os.path.join( errDirname, errBasename) # shutil.move(destinationAMFolder, errorPath) pathAfterSafelyMovingFolderToDestinationFolder( destinationAMFolder, errorPath) except Exception as e: info = 'An error occurred when moving the errored files to %s.' % ( errorPath, ) logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) else: #No errors, move the files to the appropriate place print "No Errors finalPath", finalPath try: logging.debug( 'PostProcess: moving archive mananger folder to final destination' ) if os.path.exists( os.path.join( finalPath, os.path.basename(destinationAMFolder))): logging.debug( 'PostProcess: collision moving to duplicate box' ) altPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( destinationAMFolder, finalPath) else: shutil.move(destinationAMFolder, finalPath) if datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsReadyToComplete( amRecord) == True: logging.debug( 'PostProcess: job is ready to complete') logging.debug( 'PostProcess: moving files and sending email') info = 'Job %s is complete! All of the files are decrypted and have appropriate matching checksums.' % ( batchName) sendSuccessEmail(info) else: logging.debug('PostProcess: Error saving Job') except OSError as e: #again, I am accounting for this error, I just don't know why I would ever encounter a situation like this info = 'There was a problem moving the folder %s to the outbox. You will have to move the file manually.' % ( destinationAMFolder) info = info + " " + e.message sendFailureEmail(info) logging.debug(info) continue except Exception as e: info = 'An error occurred. Please see check the Decryption Queue for job %s. See Error: %s' % ( batchName, e.message) logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) else: #LAST CASE FOR SINGLE MODE FILES LIKE ENCRYPTION AND SINGLE MODE DECRYPTION newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( filePath, finalPath) if not os.path.exists(newPath): logging.debug('PostProcess: Error moving file') continue logging.debug( 'PostProcess: Will update record status with Hash string and times' ) success = datastore.updateRecordWithFinalEncryptedPathAndHashForStartTimeAndEndTime( newPath, hashString, startTime, endTime, key_id) if success == True: # move original file to original box try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( sourceFilePath, finalOriginalDestinationPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug( 'There was an error moving the file into place') info = 'There was an error moving file %s into the outbox at %s' % ( sourceFilePath, finalOriginalDestinationPath) sendFailureEmail(info) if configurationOptions().shouldDeleteOriginal == True: try: os.remove(newPath) except OSError as e: logging.debug('PostProcess: Unable to delete the file', newPath)
def encrypt(dbPath): ''' This process examines the database pointed to by dbPath. It Looks for any records which have status 2 and has had a hash value calculated for it. ''' logging = DefaultLogger() if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) loopcount = 0 while True: sleep(5) if loopcount % 10 == 0: logging.debug('Encryptor Process is alive') loopcount += 1 data = datastore.recordsReadyToEncrypt() for record in data: logging.debug(record) key_id = filePath = record.fileName pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName if not os.path.exists(filePath): logging.debug('Encryptor: will update record status as the file no longer exists') datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithID(key_id) else: options = configurationOptions() currentPathStructure = options.pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) encryptionErrorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] encryptionInterimPath = currentPathStructure['interimBox'] encryptedFilePath = os.path.join(encryptionInterimPath, os.path.basename(filePath)) encryptionStart ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") nextStatusValue = datastore.operationCompleteStatusCode() options.inputPath = filePath options.destinationPath = os.path.dirname(encryptedFilePath) ##UPDATE THAT ENCRYPTION STARTS HERE datastore.updateRecordStatusWithOperationStart(encryptionStart, key_id) message = 'Encryptor: encrypting file ' + filePath logging.debug(message) #there is a bug with MediaSeal when encrypting an encrypted file, #this checks for this so that MediaSeal doesn't blow away the file. returnCode = -7 fileToEncrypt = None try: fileToEncrypt = open(filePath, 'rb') portalocker.lock(fileToEncrypt, portalocker.LOCK_SH) returnCode = singleShotEncryptor(options) except Exception as e: logging.debug('unable to lock file') if fileToEncrypt is not None: fileToEncrypt.close() message = 'Encryptor: encrypted file with return code ' + str(returnCode) logging.debug(message) encryptionStop ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #try again should the connection be bad if returnCode == 2: sleep(5) returnCode = singleShotEncryptor(options) encryptionStart ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #as we are encrypting single files, we can leave this logic the same if returnCode != 0: info = "There was a problem encrypting " + filePath + ". Encountered Error Code: " + str(returnCode) + ". The file will be moved to the path's Error box: " + encryptionErrorPath sendFailureEmail(info) nextStatusValue = datastore.operationFailedStatusCode() encryptionStart = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1) encryptionStop = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1) if os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filePath)) != os.path.abspath(encryptionErrorPath): logging.debug('moving file to error path') if os.path.exists(encryptionErrorPath): try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, encryptionErrorPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug('Encryptor: Error moving file') nextStatusValue = datastore.errorMovingFileStatusCode() else: logging.debug('Encryptor: encryptionErrorPath doesnt exist') nextStatusValue = datastore.errorPathDoesntExistStatusCode() datastore.updateRecordStatusWithEncryptedFileNameAndStartAndEndTime(nextStatusValue, encryptedFilePath, encryptionStart, encryptionStop, key_id)
def checkArchiveManagerJobs(dbPath): logging = DefaultLogger() datastore = DataStore(dbPath) amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsReadyToStart() for amRecord in amRecords: areAllFilesAvailableAndReady = True recordsInAMRecord = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) filesInAMRecord = [x.fileName for x in recordsInAMRecord] filesInCurrentFolder = [] try: filesInCurrentFolder = os.listdir(amRecord.amPath) except Exception as e: pass isThereAnUnknownFilePresent = False for currentFile in filesInCurrentFolder: if currentFile not in filesInAMRecord: isThereAnUnknownFilePresent = True if isThereAnUnknownFilePresent == True: logging.debug('Unknown files are present') pass #report error for currentFile in filesInAMRecord: logging.debug('%s' % (currentFile)) lastComponent = os.path.basename(currentFile) if lastComponent not in filesInCurrentFolder: logging.debug('The following file is not yet available: %s' % (lastComponent)) areAllFilesAvailableAndReady = False if areAllFilesAvailableAndReady == False: logging.debug('Not all of the files are staged yet') continue canLockAllRecords = True data = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in data: filePath = record.fileName try: fileToCheck = open(filePath, 'rb') portalocker.lock(fileToCheck, portalocker.LOCK_EX) fileToCheck.close() logging.debug( 'Acquire File: proceeding to update the file status knowing that no one else is using it...' ) except Exception as e: logging.debug( 'Acquire File: unable to lock file as it is likely in use') canLockAllRecords = False if canLockAllRecords == False: logging.debug('Can not lock all of the records yet') continue for record in data: key_id = filePath = record.fileName recordSize = int(record.fileSize) dateModifiedString = record.dateModified pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName operationType = record.operationType isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName newPath = filePath workingPath = configurationOptions().pathStructureWithName( pathStructureName)['workingBox'] proposedBatchName = batchName + "_" + os.path.basename(filePath) proposedPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), proposedBatchName) #we prepend the job name to the file here as it belongs to a batch try: if os.path.exists(proposedPath): raise Exception('file already exists') os.rename(filePath, proposedPath) filePath = proposedPath except Exception as e: #this is an unlikely occurrence info = 'There is a duplicate file in the queue for: ' + os.path.basename( filePath) + " " + e.message logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue #at this point, I need to subtract the file's main folder from the pathStructure['inBox'] #this moves the file from the inbox to the working path try: newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder( filePath, workingPath) except Exception as e: logging.debug( 'This shouldn\'t happen as pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder should create a unique name that avoids any collisions, otherwise the file has been moved' ) logging.debug('Acquire File: Error moving file') info = 'There was a problem moving the file into into the queue for: ' + os.path.basename( filePath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will require manual intervention as the occurrence is unique.' sendFailureEmail(info) continue logging.debug( 'Acquire File: updating record file status and path....') datastore.updateRecordAsStaticWithNewPath(newPath, key_id)
def decrypt(dbPath): ''' This process examines the database pointed to by dbPath. It Looks for any records which have status 2 and has had a hash value calculated for it. ''' logging = DefaultLogger() if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('Decryptor: can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) loopcount = 0 while True: sleep(5) if loopcount % 10 == 0: logging.debug('Decryptor Process is alive') loopcount += 1 data = datastore.recordsReadyToDecrypt() for record in data: logging.debug(record) key_id = filePath = record.fileName pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName isBatch = record.isBatch batchName = record.batchName if not os.path.exists(filePath): logging.debug('Decryptor: will update record status as the file no longer exists') datastore.updateRecordAsMissingWithID(key_id) else: options = configurationOptions() currentPathStructure = options.pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) decryptionErrorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] decryptionInterimPath = currentPathStructure['interimBox'] options.inputPath = filePath decryptedFilePath = os.path.join(decryptionInterimPath, os.path.basename(filePath)) operationStart ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") nextStatusValue = datastore.operationCompleteStatusCode() message = 'Decryptor: decrypting file ' + filePath logging.debug(message) ##UPDATE OPERATION START datastore.updateRecordStatusWithOperationStart(operationStart, key_id) args = [options.decryptorApplicationPath, filePath, decryptedFilePath] process = subprocess.Popen(args) out, err = process.communicate() returnCode = process.returncode message = 'Decryptor: decrypted file with return code ' + str(returnCode) logging.debug(message) operationStop ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if returnCode != 0: info = 'An error occurred with the Decryption operation when decrypting %s.' % (filePath) logging.debug(info) operationStart = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1) operationStop = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1) if isBatch == 0: nextStatusValue = datastore.operationFailedStatusCode() if os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filePath)) != os.path.abspath(decryptionErrorPath): logging.debug('moving file to error path') if os.path.exists(decryptionErrorPath): # shutil.move(filePath, decryptionErrorPath) # newPath = os.path.join(decryptionErrorPath, os.path.basename(filePath)) newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFolder(filePath, decryptionErrorPath) if not os.path.exists(newPath): logging.debug('Decryptor: Error moving file') nextStatusValue = datastore.errorMovingFileStatusCode() else: logging.debug('Decryptor: decryptionErrorPath doesnt exist') nextStatusValue = datastore.errorPathDoesntExistStatusCode() else: #don't move batch files, just update the batch's am errorString to reflect the problem #the file's checksum will fail #we don't update the batch file's status amRecord = datastore.recordWithNumberFromAMJobsTable(batchName) if amRecord == None: #This should not happen as we don't even allow for the logic to proceed to this point without #a valid Archive Manager Record info = 'An error occurred where no data was found for the Archive Manager job ' + batchName + '\n' info = info + 'This error should not happen. Please check ' + os.path.dirname(filePath) + '\n' info = info + 'The files will need to be manually removed from the Decryption Queue.' logging.debug(info) sendFailureEmail(info) continue errorString = 'A problem was encountered while decrypting %s.' % (filePath) errorString = errorString + 'The file\'s checksum will be calculated and compared against that in Daisy should the error have occurred ater the file was decrypted.' if amRecord.errorString != '': amRecord.errorString = amRecord.errorString + '\n' + errorString else: amRecord.errorString = errorString datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobErrorString(amRecord, amRecord.errorString) # we update the status value datastore.updateRecordStatusWithDecryptedFileNameAndStartAndEndTime(nextStatusValue, decryptedFilePath, operationStart, operationStop, key_id)
from configurator import configurationOptions import datetime from time import sleep import os if __name__ == '__main__': path = 'C:\\ProgramData\\mediasealwatch\\statuslog.log' # path = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/result.txt') while (1): with open(path, 'a') as f: status = str( ) + " " + 'Valid' if configurationOptions().isValid( ) == True else 'Invalid' f.write(status) f.write('\n') sleep(60)
def postprocess(dbPath): ''' This is the post process module ''' if not os.path.exists(dbPath): logging.debug('PreProcess: can\'t find database at path') return datastore = DataStore(dbPath) loopcount = 0 while True: sleep(5) if loopcount % 10 == 0: logging.debug('PostProcess is alive') loopcount += 1 #calculate checksums on decrypted files data = datastore.recordsForReHashing() processRecordsReadyToBeHashed(data, datastore) #delete associated files as the job was successful amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsReadyToComplete() for amRecord in amRecords: dataStoreRecords = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in dataStoreRecords: recordPath = record.fileName if configurationOptions().shouldDeleteOriginal == True: try: os.remove(recordPath) except OSError as e: info = 'PostProcess: Unable to delete the file %s' % ( recordPath, ) logging.debug(info) datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsComplete(amRecord) #move the associated files to the error box as the job had problems amRecords = datastore.archiveManagerJobsThatErrored() for amRecord in amRecords: logging.debug('performing clean up with ' + amRecord.amNumber) batchName = amRecord.amNumber destinationAMFolder = '' errorPath = '' dataStoreRecords = datastore.recordsForUUID(amRecord.uuid) for record in dataStoreRecords: pathStructureName = record.pathStructureName filePath = record.fileName currentPathStructure = configurationOptions( ).pathStructureWithName(pathStructureName) errorPath = currentPathStructure['errorBox'] print filePath destinationAMFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filePath), batchName) print 'This is where the working files will go.', destinationAMFolder if not os.path.exists(destinationAMFolder): try: os.mkdir(destinationAMFolder) except OSError as e: pass originalFileName = os.path.basename(filePath).split( (batchName + "_"))[1] proposedAMPath = os.path.join(destinationAMFolder, originalFileName) try: # newPath = pathAfterSafelyMovingFileToDestinationFile(filePath, proposedAMPath) print filePath, proposedAMPath shutil.move(filePath, proposedAMPath) except Exception as e: info = 'There was an error moving a file at %s for Archive Manager job %s. This will need to be manually addressed.' % ( filePath, batchName) sendFailureEmail(info) continue currentFiles = os.listdir(destinationAMFolder) filesInJob = amRecord.allFilesInRecord() areAllFilesInPlace = True for nFile in filesInJob: if nFile not in currentFiles: areAllFilesInPlace = False if areAllFilesInPlace == True: print "moving files to the error path" try: pathAfterSafelyMovingFolderToDestinationFolder( destinationAMFolder, errorPath) except Exception as e: info = 'PostProcess: Unable to move the file %s' % ( filePath, ) logging.debug(info) info = 'There was an error moving the folder %s into the outbox at %s' % ( destinationAMFolder, errorPath) info = info + '\n' + 'This will need to be addressed manually' sendFailureEmail(info) continue datastore.updateArchiveManagerJobAsComplete(amRecord)