def verify_admin(): """ Verify Admin API """ a = admin.AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers}) our_topic = topic + '_admin_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) num_partitions = 2 topic_config = {"compression.type": "gzip"} # # First iteration: validate our_topic creation. # Second iteration: create topic. # for validate in (True, False): fs = a.create_topics([ admin.NewTopic(our_topic, num_partitions=num_partitions, config=topic_config, replication_factor=1) ], validate_only=validate, operation_timeout=10.0) for topic2, f in fs.items(): f.result() # trigger exception if there was an error # # Find the topic in list_topics # verify_topic_metadata(a, {our_topic: num_partitions}) # # Increase the partition count # num_partitions += 3 fs = a.create_partitions( [admin.NewPartitions(our_topic, new_total_count=num_partitions)], operation_timeout=10.0) for topic2, f in fs.items(): f.result() # trigger exception if there was an error # # Verify with list_topics. # verify_topic_metadata(a, {our_topic: num_partitions}) def verify_config(expconfig, configs): """ Verify that the config key,values in expconfig are found and matches the ConfigEntry in configs. """ for key, expvalue in expconfig.items(): entry = configs.get(key, None) assert entry is not None, "Config {} not found in returned configs".format( key) assert entry.value == str(expvalue), \ "Config {} with value {} does not match expected value {}".format(key, entry, expvalue) # # Get current topic config # resource = admin.ConfigResource(admin.RESOURCE_TOPIC, our_topic) fs = a.describe_configs([resource]) configs = fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # Verify config matches our expectations verify_config(topic_config, configs) # # Now change the config. # topic_config[""] = 12345 topic_config["compression.type"] = "snappy" for key, value in topic_config.items(): resource.set_config(key, value) fs = a.alter_configs([resource]) fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # # Read the config back again and verify. # fs = a.describe_configs([resource]) configs = fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # Verify config matches our expectations verify_config(topic_config, configs) # # Delete the topic # fs = a.delete_topics([our_topic]) fs[our_topic].result() # will raise exception on failure print("Topic {} marked for deletion".format(our_topic))
def verify_admin(): """ Verify Admin API """ a = admin.AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers}) our_topic = topic + '_admin_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) num_partitions = 2 topic_config = {"compression.type": "gzip"} # # First iteration: validate our_topic creation. # Second iteration: create topic. # for validate in (True, False): fs = a.create_topics([ admin.NewTopic(our_topic, num_partitions=num_partitions, config=topic_config, replication_factor=1) ], validate_only=validate, operation_timeout=10.0) for topic2, f in fs.items(): f.result() # trigger exception if there was an error # # Find the topic in list_topics # verify_topic_metadata(a, {our_topic: num_partitions}) # # Increase the partition count # num_partitions += 3 fs = a.create_partitions( [admin.NewPartitions(our_topic, new_total_count=num_partitions)], operation_timeout=10.0) for topic2, f in fs.items(): f.result() # trigger exception if there was an error # # Verify with list_topics. # verify_topic_metadata(a, {our_topic: num_partitions}) # # Verify with list_groups. # # Produce some messages p = confluent_kafka.Producer({"bootstrap.servers": bootstrap_servers}) p.produce(our_topic, 'Hello Python!', headers=produce_headers) p.produce(our_topic, key='Just a key and headers', headers=produce_headers) def consume_messages(group_id): # Consume messages conf = { 'bootstrap.servers': bootstrap_servers, '': group_id, '': 6000, '': False, 'on_commit': print_commit_result, 'error_cb': error_cb, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', 'enable.partition.eof': True } c = confluent_kafka.Consumer(conf) c.subscribe([our_topic]) eof_reached = dict() while True: msg = c.poll() if msg is None: raise Exception( 'Got timeout from poll() without a timeout set: %s' % msg) if msg.error(): if msg.error().code( ) == confluent_kafka.KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: print('Reached end of %s [%d] at offset %d' % (msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset())) eof_reached[(msg.topic(), msg.partition())] = True if len(eof_reached) == len(c.assignment()): print( 'EOF reached for all assigned partitions: exiting') break else: print('Consumer error: %s: ignoring' % msg.error()) break # Commit offset c.commit(msg, asynchronous=False) group1 = 'test-group-1' group2 = 'test-group-2' consume_messages(group1) consume_messages(group2) # list_groups without group argument groups = set( for group in a.list_groups(timeout=10)) assert group1 in groups, "Consumer group {} not found".format(group1) assert group2 in groups, "Consumer group {} not found".format(group2) # list_groups with group argument groups = set( for group in a.list_groups(group1)) assert group1 in groups, "Consumer group {} not found".format(group1) groups = set( for group in a.list_groups(group2)) assert group2 in groups, "Consumer group {} not found".format(group2) def verify_config(expconfig, configs): """ Verify that the config key,values in expconfig are found and matches the ConfigEntry in configs. """ for key, expvalue in expconfig.items(): entry = configs.get(key, None) assert entry is not None, "Config {} not found in returned configs".format( key) assert entry.value == str(expvalue), \ "Config {} with value {} does not match expected value {}".format(key, entry, expvalue) # # Get current topic config # resource = admin.ConfigResource(admin.RESOURCE_TOPIC, our_topic) fs = a.describe_configs([resource]) configs = fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # Verify config matches our expectations verify_config(topic_config, configs) # # Now change the config. # topic_config[""] = 12345 topic_config["compression.type"] = "snappy" for key, value in topic_config.items(): resource.set_config(key, value) fs = a.alter_configs([resource]) fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # # Read the config back again and verify. # fs = a.describe_configs([resource]) configs = fs[resource].result() # will raise exception on failure # Verify config matches our expectations verify_config(topic_config, configs) # # Delete the topic # fs = a.delete_topics([our_topic]) fs[our_topic].result() # will raise exception on failure print("Topic {} marked for deletion".format(our_topic))