コード例 #1
 def count_and_save_errors(self):
     with DatabaseConnection('data.db') as cursor:
             "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS errors (error_number int, table_name text)"
         cursor.execute("INSERT INTO errors VALUES (?, ?)",
                        (self.error_count, self.table_name))
コード例 #2
 def _insert_into_table(self, values_list):
     content_list = [value.get('content', None) for value in values_list]
     for insert_values in zip(*content_list):
         if None in insert_values:
         with DatabaseConnection('data.db') as cursor:
             cursor.execute("INSERT INTO {} VALUES {}".format(
                 self.table_name, insert_values))
コード例 #3
def per_sector():
    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT dealsDateCreated,dealsPrice FROM deals")
        deals = content.fetchall()

    date_formated = remove_day(deals)
    deals_per_month = group_data(date_formated)

    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT dealsDateCreated, dealsPrice, sectorKey FROM deals INNER JOIN companies ON deals.companiesId = companies.companiesId"
        deals = content.fetchall()
    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute("SELECT sectorKey, sector FROM sectors")
        sectors = content.fetchall()

    date_formated = remove_day(deals)
    sums = defaultdict(int)
    for amount, date, sectorKey in date_formated:
        amount_number = int(amount)
        key = f'{date}#{sectorKey}'
        sums[key] += amount_number

    another_list = []
    for sectorKey, sector in sectors:
        for key, value in sums.items():
            date, formated_key = key.split('#')
            if formated_key == sectorKey:
                another_list.append((sector, sectorKey, value, date))

    final = []
    for name, key, value, month in another_list:
        total = int(deals_per_month[month])
        sector_pct = (100 * value / total) / 100
        formated_pct = "{:.2f}".format(sector_pct)
        final.append((int(key), name, formated_pct, month))

    final.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))  # index da sectorKey
    final.sort(key=lambda index: datetime.strptime(index[3], '%m/%Y'))

    return final
コード例 #4
def per_contact():
    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT dealsPrice, contactsName FROM deals INNER JOIN contacts ON deals.contactsId = contacts.contactsId"
        contacts = content.fetchall()

    data = group_data(contacts)
    final = list(data.items())
    final.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    return final
コード例 #5
 def _create_table(self, values_list):
     Eu sei que essa não é a pratica recomendada mas utilizar o .format foi o único jeito que eu
     consegui usar nome de colunas e tables dinamicamente.
     title_list = [
         f'{value.get("title", None)} text,' for value in values_list
     titles_formated_for_SQL = f"({''.join(title_list)[:-1]})"  # descobri que para conseguir criar uma coluna para a table é necessario esse formatação super estranha
     with DatabaseConnection('data.db') as cursor:
         cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} {}".format(
             self.table_name, titles_formated_for_SQL))
コード例 #6
def per_date():
    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT dealsDateCreated,dealsPrice FROM deals")
        deals = content.fetchall()

    date_formated = remove_day(deals)
    data = group_data(date_formated)
    final = list(data.items())
    final.sort(key=lambda index: datetime.strptime(index[0], '%m/%Y'),
    return final
コード例 #7
 def select_from_db(self):
     if self.beach:
         with DatabaseConnection(self.database_path) as cursor:
             select_query = "SELECT * FROM locations_2 WHERE beach=?"
             results = cursor.execute(select_query, (self.beach, ))
             return results.fetchall()
     elif self.city:
         with DatabaseConnection(self.database_path) as cursor:
             select_query = "SELECT * FROM locations_2 WHERE city=?"
             results = cursor.execute(select_query, (self.city, ))
             return results.fetchall()
     elif self.state:
         with DatabaseConnection(self.database_path) as cursor:
             select_query = "SELECT * FROM locations_2 WHERE state=?"
             results = cursor.execute(select_query, (self.state, ))
             return results.fetchall()
         with DatabaseConnection(self.database_path) as cursor:
             select_query = "SELECT * FROM locations_2"
             results = cursor.execute(select_query)
             return results.fetchall()
コード例 #8
def errors():
    with DatabaseConnection('./parser/data.db') as cursor:
        content = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM errors")
        errors = content.fetchall()
    return errors
コード例 #9
 def save_to_db(state, city, beach, wind, lat, lon, path_to_db):
     with DatabaseConnection(path_to_db) as cursor:
         cursor.execute('INSERT INTO locations_4 VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)',
                        (state, city, beach, wind, lat, lon))