def insert_record(self): #create object of class connection con1 = Connection() con = con1.conn() #create cursor means create object of cursor cur = con.cursor() #insert record into table Employee table q = "insert into employee values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" #input from user empid = int(input("Enter Employee id=>")) dno = int(input("Enter department number=>")) deptn = input("Enter department name=>") desig = input("Enter designation=>") emn = input("Enter Employee name=>") a = int(input("Enter employee age=>")) c = input("Enter Empolyee city=>") email = input("Enter Email=>") p = input("Enter password=>") m = input("Enter mobile number=>") bs = float(input("Enter basic salary=>")) #create tuple val = (empid, dno, deptn, desig, emn, a, c, email, p, m, bs) #insert Query run try: cur.execute(q, val) except: print("Query Error") else: #save in database use commit() con.commit() print("Record Insert successfully") #close connection cur.close() con.close()
def update_salary(self): con1 = Connection() con = con1.conn() empid = int(input("Enter employee id")) basic_salary = float(input("Enter salary")) q = "UPDATE employee SET basic_salary=%s where empid=%s" cur = con.cursor() q = "select salary from employee where empid=%s" cur.execute(q, empid) result = cur.fetchall() sal = result[0] #print("current salary",sal) s1 = sal[0] print("current salary", s1) s1 = s1 + s1 * s / 100 print("after salary", s1) val = (s1, empid) try: cur.execute(q, val) con.commit() print("Record update successfully") #print("record update successfully") except: print("Record not found") cur.close() con.close()
def insert_record(self): #create object of class Connection con1=Connection() con=con1.conn() #create cursor means create object of cursor cur=con.cursor() #query fire of insert means to insert record into table Employee table q="insert into Employee values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" #input from user eid=int(input("Enter Employee Id : ")) n=input("Enter Employee Name ") #varchar type in table=string a=int(input("Enter Employee Age : ")) m=input("Enter Employee Mobile No. :") s=int(input("Enter Employee Salary :")) #create tuple val=(eid,n,a,m,s) #Insert Query run try: cur.execute(q,val) except: print("Query Error") else: #save in database use commit() con.commit() print("Record Insert Successfully") #close connection cur.close() con.close()
def update_Salary(self): con1=Connection() con=con1.conn() eid=int(input("Enter employee id no. to be updated : ")) s=int(input("Enter Increment salary of Employee : ")) #Fire delete Query query="UPDATE Employee SET Salary=%s WHERE Empid=%s" #prepared cursor #create object of class Connection cur=con.cursor() #to keep cursor on particular path q="SELECT Salary FROM Employee where Empid=%s" cur.execute(q,eid) result=cur.fetchall() sal=result[0] #print(sal) #print(type(sal)) s1=sal[0] print("Current Salary " ,s1) s1=s1+s1*s/100 print("After Increment , New Salary =",s1) val=(s1,eid) #run update query try: cur.execute(query,val) con.commit() #to changes permanently in table print(" Record Update successfully") except: print("Record not found") cur.close()
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode='', ver=1.0, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout): Cmd.__init__(self, 'Tab', stdin, stdout) ConnectionListener.__init__(self) self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode, wait_on_receipt=True, version=ver) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.transaction_id = None self.version = ver self.__subscriptions = {} self.__subscription_id = 1 self.prompt = '> '
def view_record(self): con1 = Connection() con = con1.conn() query = "SELECT * FROM employee" cur = con.cursor() #run select query cur.execute(query) result = cur.fetchall() print(result) cur.close() con.close()
class Bot(object): '''The Bot class is the core of the bot. It creates the connection and the responder. All messages that are received come through here, and are dispatched accordingly.''' def __init__(self, path, default, quiet): '''Constructs the bot object. Takes path, default, and quiet arguments from the command line input and sets the bot accordingly. Initializes logging, creates instances of necessary classes. Loads plugins, begins the connection.''' self._config_path = path self._default = default self._quiet = quiet self.logger = logging.getLogger("GorillaBot") self._configuration = Configure(self._config_path, self._default, self._quiet) settings = self._configuration.get_configuration() self.GorillaConnection = Connection(self, settings["host"], settings["port"], settings["nick"], settings["ident"], settings["realname"], settings["chans"], settings["botop"], settings["fullop"]) self.GorillaCommander = CommandManager(self, self.GorillaConnection) self.GorillaConnection._connect() def dispatch(self, line): '''Determines the type of message received: If the message is a ping, it pongs back. If the message is from NickServ, it determines identification status. If the message contains a reply code, it forwards it to parse_number. If the message is a PRIVMSG, it forwards it to parse_message.''' # Probably will want to remove this at some point in the future, but for now I'm going # to hold on to it for debugging. self.logger.debug(line) # Responds to ping messages. Doesn't bother to send it to the CommandManager. if "PING" in line[0]: self.logger.debug("Ping received.") self.GorillaConnection.pong(line[1][1:]) # Identifies messages from NickServ, sends to CommandManager elif "NickServ" in line[0]: self.GorillaCommander.nickserv_parse(line) # Identifies server message codes, sends to CommandManager elif len(line[1])==3: self.GorillaCommander.process_numcode(line[1], line) # Identifies PRIVMSGs, sends to CommandManager elif line[1]=="PRIVMSG": self.GorillaCommander.check_command(line) # Nick changes elif line[1] == "NICK": self.GorillaCommander.nick_change(line)
class Bot(object): '''The Bot class is the core of the bot. It creates the connection and the responder. All messages that are received come through here, and are dispatched accordingly.''' def __init__(self, path, default, quiet): '''Constructs the bot object. Takes path, default, and quiet arguments from the command line input and sets the bot accordingly. Initializes logging, creates instances of necessary classes. Loads plugins, begins the connection.''' self._config_path = path self._default = default self._quiet = quiet self.logger = logging.getLogger("GorillaBot") self._configuration = Configure(self._config_path, self._default, self._quiet) settings = self._configuration.get_configuration() self.GorillaConnection = Connection( self, settings["host"], settings["port"], settings["nick"], settings["ident"], settings["realname"], settings["chans"], settings["botop"], settings["fullop"]) self.GorillaCommander = CommandManager(self, self.GorillaConnection) self.GorillaConnection._connect() def dispatch(self, line): '''Determines the type of message received: If the message is a ping, it pongs back. If the message is from NickServ, it determines identification status. If the message contains a reply code, it forwards it to parse_number. If the message is a PRIVMSG, it forwards it to parse_message.''' # Probably will want to remove this at some point in the future, but for now I'm going # to hold on to it for debugging. self.logger.debug(line) # Responds to ping messages. Doesn't bother to send it to the CommandManager. if "PING" in line[0]: self.logger.debug("Ping received.") self.GorillaConnection.pong(line[1][1:]) # Identifies messages from NickServ, sends to CommandManager elif "NickServ" in line[0]: self.GorillaCommander.nickserv_parse(line) # Identifies server message codes, sends to CommandManager elif len(line[1]) == 3: self.GorillaCommander.process_numcode(line[1], line) # Identifies PRIVMSGs, sends to CommandManager elif line[1] == "PRIVMSG": self.GorillaCommander.check_command(line) # Nick changes elif line[1] == "NICK": self.GorillaCommander.nick_change(line)
def __init__(self): self.conn = Connection() Thread.__init__(self) WhiteBoard.__init__(self) self._init_mouse_event() self.setDaemon(True) self.isMouseDown = False self.x_pos = None self.y_pos = None self.last_time = None self.line_x1, self.line_y1 = None, None self.line_x2, self.line_y2 = None, None
def View_Record(self): #create object of class Connection con1=Connection() con=con1.conn() #Fire Select Query query="SELECT * FROM Employee" #prepared cursor cur=con.cursor() #run select query cur.execute(query) result=cur.fetchall() #fetchone() to display only first record print(result) cur.close() con.close()
def delete_record(self): con1 = Connection() con = con1.conn() empid = int(input("Enter employee id no. to be delete=>")) q = "delete from employee where empid=%s" cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute(q, empid) con.commit() print("record delete successfully") except: print("record not found") cur.close() con.close()
def Search_Record(self): eid=int(input("Enter employee id no. to be Searched : ")) #create object of class Connection con1=Connection() con=con1.conn() #Fire Select Query query="SELECT * FROM Employee where Empid=%s" #prepared cursor cur=con.cursor() #run select query cur.execute(query,eid) result=cur.fetchall() #fetchone() to display only first record print(result) cur.close() con.close()
def delete(self): con1=Connection() con=con1.conn() eid=int(input("Enter Employee id no. to be deleted : ")) #Fire delete Query query="delete FROM Employee WHERE Empid=%s" #prepared cursor cur=con.cursor() #run delete query try: cur.execute(query,eid) self.con.commit() #to changes permanently in table print("Delete Record successfully") except: print("Record not found") cur.close() con.close()
def search_record(self): empid = int(input("Enter Employee id")) con1 = Connection() con = con1.conn() query = "SELECT * FROM employee where empid=%s" cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute(query, empid) con.commit() except Exception: print("Query Error") else: result = cur.fetchall() print(result) cur.close() con.close()
def __init__(self, path, default, quiet): '''Constructs the bot object. Takes path, default, and quiet arguments from the command line input and sets the bot accordingly. Initializes logging, creates instances of necessary classes. Loads plugins, begins the connection.''' self._config_path = path self._default = default self._quiet = quiet self.logger = logging.getLogger("GorillaBot") self._configuration = Configure(self._config_path, self._default, self._quiet) settings = self._configuration.get_configuration() self.GorillaConnection = Connection( self, settings["host"], settings["port"], settings["nick"], settings["ident"], settings["realname"], settings["chans"], settings["botop"], settings["fullop"]) self.GorillaCommander = CommandManager(self, self.GorillaConnection) self.GorillaConnection._connect()
class Patient(object): ''' has a tiny percentage of the footprint (and loading time) of the main patient class ''' TOOTH_FIELDS = ("ur8", "ur7", "ur6", "ur5", 'ur4', 'ur3', 'ur2', 'ur1', 'ul1', 'ul2', 'ul3', 'ul4', 'ul5', 'ul6', 'ul7', 'ul8', "lr8", "lr7", "lr6", "lr5", 'lr4', 'lr3', 'lr2', 'lr1', 'll1', 'll2', 'll3', 'll4', 'll5', 'll6', 'll7', 'll8') DECIDUOUS = ('***', '***', '***', 'ulE', 'ulD', 'ulC', 'ulB', 'ulA', 'urA', 'urB', 'urC', 'urD', 'urE', '***', '***', '***', '***', '***', '***', 'lrE', 'lrD', 'lrC', 'lrB', 'lrA', 'llA', 'llB', 'llC', 'llD', 'llE', '***', '***', '***') connection = Connection() def __init__(self, sno): ''' initiate the class with default variables, then load from database ''' if sno <= 0: raise PatientNotFoundException self.serialno = sno db = self.connection.connection cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(self.query, (sno, )) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: raise PatientNotFoundException self.dent1, self.dent0, self.dent3, self.dent2 = row[:4] for i, field in enumerate(self.TOOTH_FIELDS): self.__dict__[field] = row[i + 4] @property def query(self): query = 'SELECT dent1, dent0, dent3, dent2, ' for field in self.TOOTH_FIELDS: query += "%sst, " % field return '%s from patients where serialno = %%s' % query.rstrip(", ") #@property def chartgrid(self): grid = "" chart_dict = {} for quad in (self.dent1, self.dent0, self.dent3, self.dent2): grid += from_signed_byte(quad) for i, tooth in enumerate(self.TOOTH_FIELDS): if grid[i] == "0": chart_dict[tooth] = tooth else: chart_dict[tooth] = self.DECIDUOUS[i] return chart_dict
def __init__(self, path, default, quiet): '''Constructs the bot object. Takes path, default, and quiet arguments from the command line input and sets the bot accordingly. Initializes logging, creates instances of necessary classes. Loads plugins, begins the connection.''' self._config_path = path self._default = default self._quiet = quiet self.logger = logging.getLogger("GorillaBot") self._configuration = Configure(self._config_path, self._default, self._quiet) settings = self._configuration.get_configuration() self.GorillaConnection = Connection(self, settings["host"], settings["port"], settings["nick"], settings["ident"], settings["realname"], settings["chans"], settings["botop"], settings["fullop"]) self.GorillaCommander = CommandManager(self, self.GorillaConnection) self.GorillaConnection._connect()
await queue.join() # cancel all workers log.debug('cancelling workers') for w in workers: w.cancel() # wait until all worker tasks are cancelled await asyncio.gather(*workers) if __name__ == '__main__': util.patchAsyncio() ib = IB() barSize = '30 secs' wts = 'TRADES' # object where data is stored store = ArcticStore(f'{wts}_{barSize}') # the bool is for cont_only holder = ContractHolder(ib, 'contracts.csv', store, wts, barSize, False, aggression=1) asyncio.get_event_loop().set_debug(True) # util.logToConsole(DEBUG) Connection(ib, partial(main, holder), watchdog=True) log.debug('script finished, about to disconnect') ib.disconnect() log.debug('disconnected')
from connect import Connection conn = Connection() conn.connect_to_fantasy_commander() query = """ SELECT name, year, team, hr, war FROM fangraphs_batter_standard WHERE team = 'steamer' """ conn.cursor.execute(query) for row in conn.cursor: print row
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode=''): self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.__commands = get_commands() self.transaction_id = None
class StompCLI(ConnectionListener): """ A command line interface to the client. See \link stomp::internal::connect::Connection \endlink for more information on establishing a connection to a stomp server. """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode=''): self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.__commands = get_commands() self.transaction_id = None def __print_async(self, frame_type, headers, body): """ Utility function to print a message and setup the command prompt for the next input """ sysout("\r \r", end='') sysout(frame_type) for header_key in headers.keys(): sysout('%s: %s' % (header_key, headers[header_key])) sysout('') sysout(body) sysout('> ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() def on_connecting(self, host_and_port): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connecting """ self.conn.connect(wait=True) def on_disconnected(self): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_disconnected """ sysout("lost connection") def on_message(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_message Special case: if the header 'filename' is present, the content is written out as a file """ if 'filename' in headers: content = base64.b64decode(body.encode()) if os.path.exists(headers['filename']): fname = '%s.%s' % (headers['filename'], int(time.time())) else: fname = headers['filename'] f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, "Saved file: %s" % fname) else: self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, body) def on_error(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_error """ self.__print_async("ERROR", headers, body) def on_receipt(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_receipt """ self.__print_async("RECEIPT", headers, body) def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connected """ self.__print_async("CONNECTED", headers, body) def ack(self, args): """ Usage: ack <message-id> Required Parameters: message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged Description: The command 'ack' is used to acknowledge consumption of a message from a subscription using client acknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages received from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until the message has been acknowledged. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout("Expecting: ack <message-id>") elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.ack(headers={'message-id': args[1]}) else: self.conn.ack(headers={'message-id': args[1]}, transaction=self.transaction_id) def abort(self, args): """ Usage: abort Description: Roll back a transaction in progress. """ if not self.transaction_id: sysout("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.conn.abort(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def begin(self, args): """ Usage: begin Description: Start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging - any messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be handled atomically based on the transaction. """ if self.transaction_id: sysout("Currently in a transaction (%s)" % self.transaction_id) else: self.transaction_id = self.conn.begin() sysout('Transaction id: %s' % self.transaction_id) def commit(self, args): """ Usage: commit Description: Commit a transaction in progress. """ if not self.transaction_id: sysout("Not currently in a transaction") else: sysout('Committing %s' % self.transaction_id) self.conn.commit(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def disconnect(self, args): """ Usage: disconnect Description: Gracefully disconnect from the server. """ try: self.conn.disconnect() except NotConnectedException: pass # ignore if no longer connected def send(self, args): """ Usage: send <destination> <message> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message message - the content to send Description: Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 3: sysout('Expecting: send <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=' '.join(args[2:])) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=' '.join(args[2:]), transaction=self.transaction_id) def sendreply(self, args): """ Usage: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message correlation-id - the correlating identifier to send with the response message - the content to send Description: Sends a reply message to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 4: sysout( 'expecting: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>' ) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message="%s\n" % ' '.join(args[3:]), headers={'correlation-id': args[2]}) def sendfile(self, args): """ Usage: sendfile <destination> <filename> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message filename - the file to send Description: Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 3: sysout('Expecting: sendfile <destination> <filename>') elif not os.path.exists(args[2]): sysout('File %s does not exist' % args[2]) else: s = open(args[2], mode='rb').read() msg = base64.b64encode(s).decode() if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=msg, filename=args[2]) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=msg, filename=args[2], transaction=self.transaction_id) def subscribe(self, args): """ Usage: subscribe <destination> [ack] Required Parameters: destination - the name to subscribe to Optional Parameters: ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client) Description: Register to listen to a given destination. Like send, the subscribe command requires a destination header indicating which destination to subscribe to. The ack parameter is optional, and defaults to auto. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout('Expecting: subscribe <destination> [ack]') elif len(args) > 2: sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with acknowledge set to "%s"' % (args[1], args[2])) self.conn.subscribe(destination=args[1], ack=args[2]) else: sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with auto acknowledge' % args[1]) self.conn.subscribe(destination=args[1], ack='auto') def unsubscribe(self, args): """ Usage: unsubscribe <destination> Required Parameters: destination - the name to unsubscribe from Description: Remove an existing subscription - so that the client no longer receive messages from that destination. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout('Expecting: unsubscribe <destination>') else: sysout('Unsubscribing from "%s"' % args[1]) self.conn.unsubscribe(destination=args[1]) def stats(self, args): """ Usage: stats [on|off] Description: Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified, dump the current statistics. """ if len(args) < 2: stats = self.conn.get_listener('stats') if stats: sysout(stats) else: sysout('No stats available') elif args[1] == 'on': self.conn.set_listener('stats', StatsListener()) elif args[1] == 'off': self.conn.remove_listener('stats') else: sysout('Expecting: stats [on|off]') def run(self, args): """ Usage: run <filename> Description: Execute commands in a specified file """ if len(args) == 1: sysout("Expecting: run <filename>") elif not os.path.exists(args[1]): sysout("File %s was not found" % args[1]) else: filecommands = open(args[1]).read().split('\n') for x in range(len(filecommands)): split = filecommands[x].split() if len(split) < 1: continue elif split[0] in self.__commands: getattr(self, split[0])(split) else: sysout('Unrecognized command "%s" at line %s' % (split[0], x)) break def help(self, args): """ Usage: help [command] Description: Display info on a specified command, or a list of available commands """ if len(args) == 1: sysout( 'Usage: help <command>, where command is one of the following:' ) sysout(' ') for f in self.__commands: sysout('%s ' % f, end='') sysout('') return elif not hasattr(self, args[1]): sysout('There is no command "%s"' % args[1]) return func = getattr(self, args[1]) if hasattr(func, '__doc__') and getattr(func, '__doc__') is not None: sysout(func.__doc__) else: sysout('There is no help for command "%s"' % args[1]) man = help def version(self, args): sysout(' Version %s.%s' % internal.__version__) ver = version def quit(self, args): pass exit = quit
#! /usr/bin/env python from connect import Connection from parse import * import time ## Load Settings settings = settings_load() ## Create Connection connection = Connection(settings) ## Connect to Server connection.connect() ## Register on Server connection.register() ## Create modules array modules = [] while 1: if connection.ssl ==-True: buffer = else: buffer = connection.sock.recv(4096) print buffer lines = splitline(buffer) for line in lines: message = parse(line) if message.type == "NOTICE":
class StompCLI(Cmd, ConnectionListener): """ A command line interface to the client. See \link stomp::internal::connect::Connection \endlink for more information on establishing a connection to a stomp server. """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode='', ver=1.0, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout): Cmd.__init__(self, 'Tab', stdin, stdout) ConnectionListener.__init__(self) self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode, wait_on_receipt=True, version=ver) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.transaction_id = None self.version = ver self.__subscriptions = {} self.__subscription_id = 1 self.prompt = '> ' def __print_async(self, frame_type, headers, body): """ Utility function to print a message and setup the command prompt for the next input """ self.__sysout("\r \r", end='') self.__sysout(frame_type) for header_key in headers.keys(): self.__sysout('%s: %s' % (header_key, headers[header_key])) self.__sysout('') self.__sysout(body) self.__sysout('> ', end='') self.stdout.flush() def __sysout(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(str(msg) + end) def __error(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(colors.BOLD + colors.RED + str(msg) + colors.NO_COLOR + end) def on_connecting(self, host_and_port): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connecting """ self.conn.connect(wait=True) def on_disconnected(self): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_disconnected """ self.__error("lost connection") def on_message(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_message Special case: if the header 'filename' is present, the content is written out as a file """ if 'filename' in headers: content = base64.b64decode(body.encode()) if os.path.exists(headers['filename']): fname = '%s.%s' % (headers['filename'], int(time.time())) else: fname = headers['filename'] f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, "Saved file: %s" % fname) else: self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, body) def on_error(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_error """ self.__print_async("ERROR", headers, body) def on_receipt(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_receipt """ self.__print_async("RECEIPT", headers, body) def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connected """ self.__print_async("CONNECTED", headers, body) def help_help(self): self.__sysout('Quick help on commands') def default(self, line): self.__error('Unknown command: %s' % line.split()[0]) def emptyline(self): pass def help(self, usage, description, required = [], optional = []): required.insert(0, '') rparams = "\n\t".join(required) optional.insert(0, '') oparams = "\n\t".join(optional) m = { 'hl' : colors.BOLD + colors.GREEN, 'nc' : colors.NO_COLOR, 'usage' : usage, 'description' : description, 'required' : rparams.rstrip(), 'optional' : oparams.rstrip() } if rparams.rstrip() != '': rparams = '''%(hl)sRequired Parameters:%(nc)s%(required)s\n\n''' % m m['required'] = rparams if oparams.rstrip() != '': oparams = '''%(hl)sOptional Parameters:%(nc)s%(optional)s\n\n''' % m m['optional'] = oparams self.__sysout('''%(hl)sUsage:%(nc)s \t%(usage)s %(required)s%(optional)s%(hl)sDescription:%(nc)s \t%(description)s ''' % m) def do_quit(self, args): self.conn.stop() sys.exit(0) do_exit = do_quit do_EOF = do_quit def help_quit(self):'exit', 'Exit the stomp client') help_exit = help_quit def help_EOF(self): self.__sysout('') def do_subscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: subscribe <destination> [ack]') return name = args[0] if name in self.__subscriptions: self.__error('Already subscribed to %s' % name) return ack_mode = 'auto' if len(args) >= 2: ack_mode = args[1] sid = self.__subscription_id self.__subscription_id += 1 self.__sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with acknowledge set to "%s", id set to "%s"' % (name, ack_mode, sid)) self.conn.subscribe(destination=name, ack=ack_mode, id=sid) self.__subscriptions[name] = SubscriptionInfo(sid, ack_mode) def help_subscribe(self):'subscribe <destination> [ack]', '''Register to listen to a given destination. Like send, the subscribe command requires a destination \theader indicating which destination to subscribe to. The ack parameter is optional, and defaults to \tauto.''', [ 'destination - the name to subscribe to' ], [ 'ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)' ]) def do_unsubscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: unsubscribe <destination>') return if args[0] not in self.__subscriptions.keys(): self.__sysout('Subscription %s not found' % args[0]) return self.__sysout('Unsubscribing from "%s"' % args[0]) self.conn.unsubscribe(destination=args[0], id=self.__subscriptions[args[0]].id) del self.__subscriptions[args[0]] def help_unsubscribe(self):'unsubscribe <destination>', 'Remove an existing subscription - so that the client no longer receive messages from that destination.', [ 'destination - the name to unsubscribe from' ], [ 'ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)' ]) def do_disconnect(self, args): try: self.__sysout("") self.conn.disconnect() except NotConnectedException: pass # ignore if no longer connected def help_disconnect(self):'disconnect <destination>', 'Gracefully disconnect from the server.') def do_send(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: send <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:])) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id) def complete_send(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): mline = line.split(' ')[1] offs = len(mline) - len(text) return [s[offs:] for s in self.__subscriptions if s.startswith(mline)] complete_unsubscribe = complete_send complete_sendrec = complete_send complete_sendreply = complete_send complete_sendfile = complete_send def help_send(self):'send <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendrec(self, args): args = args.split() receipt_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendrec <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), receipt=receipt_id) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id, receipt=receipt_id) def help_sendrec(self):'sendrec <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system and blocks for receipt of the message.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendreply(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 3: self.__error('Expecting: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>') else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message="%s\n" % ' '.join(args[2:]), headers={'correlation-id': args[1]}) def help_sendreply(self):'sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>', 'Sends a reply message to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'correlation-id - the correlating identifier to send with the response', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendfile(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendfile <destination> <filename>') elif not os.path.exists(args[1]): self.__error('File %s does not exist' % args[1]) else: s = open(args[1], mode='rb').read() msg = base64.b64encode(s).decode() if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=msg, filename=args[1]) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=msg, filename=args[1], transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_sendfile(self):'sendfile <destination> <filename>', 'Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'filename - the file to send' ]) def do_version(self, args): self.__sysout('%s%s [Protocol version %s]%s' % (colors.BOLD, stomppy_version, self.conn.version, colors.NO_COLOR)) do_ver = do_version def help_version(self):'version', 'Display the version of the client') help_ver = help_version def check_ack_nack(self, cmd, args): if self.version >= 1.1 and len(args) < 2: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id> <subscription-id>" % cmd) return None elif len(args) < 1: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id>" % cmd) return None hdrs = { 'message-id' : args[0] } if self.version >= 1.1: if len(args) < 2: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id> <subscription-id>" % cmd) return hdrs['subscription'] = args[1] return hdrs def do_ack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('ack', args) if hdrs is None: return if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.ack(headers = hdrs) else: self.conn.ack(headers = hdrs, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_ack(self):'ack <message-id> [subscription-id]', '''The command 'ack' is used to acknowledge consumption of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged.''', [ 'message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged' ], [ 'subscription-id the id of the subscription (only required for STOMP 1.1)' ] ) def do_nack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('nack', args) if hdrs is None: return if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.nack(headers = hdrs) else: self.conn.nack(headers = hdrs, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_nack(self):'nack <message-id> [subscription]', '''The command 'nack' is used to acknowledge the failure of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged (ack or nack).''', [ 'message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged' ]) def do_abort(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.conn.abort(transaction = self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None do_rollback = do_abort def help_abort(self):'abort', 'Roll back a transaction in progress.') help_rollback = help_abort def do_begin(self, args): if self.transaction_id: self.__error("Currently in a transaction (%s)" % self.transaction_id) else: self.transaction_id = self.conn.begin() self.__sysout('Transaction id: %s' % self.transaction_id) def help_begin(self):'begin', '''Start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging - \tany messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be handled atomically based on the \ttransaction.''') def do_commit(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.__sysout('Committing %s' % self.transaction_id) self.conn.commit(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def help_commit(self):'commit', 'Commit a transaction in progress.') def do_stats(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: stats = self.conn.get_listener('stats') if stats: self.__sysout(stats) else: self.__error('No stats available') elif args[0] == 'on': self.conn.set_listener('stats', StatsListener()) elif args[0] == 'off': self.conn.remove_listener('stats') else: self.__error('Expecting: stats [on|off]') def help_stats(self):'stats [on|off]', '''Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified, \tdump the current statistics.''') def do_run(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) == 0: self.__error("Expecting: run <filename>") elif not os.path.exists(args[0]): self.__error("File %s was not found" % args[0]) else: lines = open(args[0]).read().split('\n') for line in lines: self.onecmd(line) def help_run(self):'run <filename>', 'Execute commands in a specified file')
from crop_faces import Crop_faces from connect import Connection crop_faces = Crop_faces('./crops/', './crops_data.json', './models/model_faces.pb') connect = Connection('cam1')
import json from connect import Connection connection = Connection() def lsp_request(msg): connection.send(msg) response = connection.receive() print(json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) def main(): connection.connect("", 9090) # Initialize LSP server lsp_request({ "method": "initialize", "params": { "rootUri": "file:///home/ec2-user/environment/example" }, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, }) input("Press Enter to continue...") # Send request to find definition for class "Hello" lsp_request({ "method": "textDocument/definition", "params": { "textDocument": {
class StompCLI(ConnectionListener): """ A command line interface to the client. See \link stomp::internal::connect::Connection \endlink for more information on establishing a connection to a stomp server. """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode=''): self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.__commands = get_commands() self.transaction_id = None def __print_async(self, frame_type, headers, body): """ Utility function to print a message and setup the command prompt for the next input """ sysout("\r \r", end='') sysout(frame_type) for header_key in headers.keys(): sysout('%s: %s' % (header_key, headers[header_key])) sysout('') sysout(body) sysout('> ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() def on_connecting(self, host_and_port): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connecting """ self.conn.connect(wait=True) def on_disconnected(self): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_disconnected """ sysout("lost connection") def on_message(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_message Special case: if the header 'filename' is present, the content is written out as a file """ if 'filename' in headers: content = base64.b64decode(body.encode()) if os.path.exists(headers['filename']): fname = '%s.%s' % (headers['filename'], int(time.time())) else: fname = headers['filename'] f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, "Saved file: %s" % fname) else: self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, body) def on_error(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_error """ self.__print_async("ERROR", headers, body) def on_receipt(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_receipt """ self.__print_async("RECEIPT", headers, body) def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connected """ self.__print_async("CONNECTED", headers, body) def ack(self, args): """ Usage: ack <message-id> Required Parameters: message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged Description: The command 'ack' is used to acknowledge consumption of a message from a subscription using client acknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages received from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until the message has been acknowledged. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout("Expecting: ack <message-id>") elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.ack(headers = { 'message-id' : args[1] }) else: self.conn.ack(headers = { 'message-id' : args[1] }, transaction=self.transaction_id) def abort(self, args): """ Usage: abort Description: Roll back a transaction in progress. """ if not self.transaction_id: sysout("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.conn.abort(transaction = self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def begin(self, args): """ Usage: begin Description: Start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging - any messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be handled atomically based on the transaction. """ if self.transaction_id: sysout("Currently in a transaction (%s)" % self.transaction_id) else: self.transaction_id = self.conn.begin() sysout('Transaction id: %s' % self.transaction_id) def commit(self, args): """ Usage: commit Description: Commit a transaction in progress. """ if not self.transaction_id: sysout("Not currently in a transaction") else: sysout('Committing %s' % self.transaction_id) self.conn.commit(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def disconnect(self, args): """ Usage: disconnect Description: Gracefully disconnect from the server. """ try: self.conn.disconnect() except NotConnectedException: pass # ignore if no longer connected def send(self, args): """ Usage: send <destination> <message> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message message - the content to send Description: Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 3: sysout('Expecting: send <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=' '.join(args[2:])) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=' '.join(args[2:]), transaction=self.transaction_id) def sendreply(self, args): """ Usage: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message correlation-id - the correlating identifier to send with the response message - the content to send Description: Sends a reply message to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 4: sysout('expecting: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>') else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message="%s\n" % ' '.join(args[3:]), headers={'correlation-id': args[2]}) def sendfile(self, args): """ Usage: sendfile <destination> <filename> Required Parameters: destination - where to send the message filename - the file to send Description: Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system. """ if len(args) < 3: sysout('Expecting: sendfile <destination> <filename>') elif not os.path.exists(args[2]): sysout('File %s does not exist' % args[2]) else: s = open(args[2], mode='rb').read() msg = base64.b64encode(s).decode() if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=msg, filename=args[2]) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[1], message=msg, filename=args[2], transaction=self.transaction_id) def subscribe(self, args): """ Usage: subscribe <destination> [ack] Required Parameters: destination - the name to subscribe to Optional Parameters: ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client) Description: Register to listen to a given destination. Like send, the subscribe command requires a destination header indicating which destination to subscribe to. The ack parameter is optional, and defaults to auto. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout('Expecting: subscribe <destination> [ack]') elif len(args) > 2: sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with acknowledge set to "%s"' % (args[1], args[2])) self.conn.subscribe(destination=args[1], ack=args[2]) else: sysout('Subscribing to "%s" with auto acknowledge' % args[1]) self.conn.subscribe(destination=args[1], ack='auto') def unsubscribe(self, args): """ Usage: unsubscribe <destination> Required Parameters: destination - the name to unsubscribe from Description: Remove an existing subscription - so that the client no longer receive messages from that destination. """ if len(args) < 2: sysout('Expecting: unsubscribe <destination>') else: sysout('Unsubscribing from "%s"' % args[1]) self.conn.unsubscribe(destination=args[1]) def stats(self, args): """ Usage: stats [on|off] Description: Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified, dump the current statistics. """ if len(args) < 2: stats = self.conn.get_listener('stats') if stats: sysout(stats) else: sysout('No stats available') elif args[1] == 'on': self.conn.set_listener('stats', StatsListener()) elif args[1] == 'off': self.conn.remove_listener('stats') else: sysout('Expecting: stats [on|off]') def run(self, args): """ Usage: run <filename> Description: Execute commands in a specified file """ if len(args) == 1: sysout("Expecting: run <filename>") elif not os.path.exists(args[1]): sysout("File %s was not found" % args[1]) else: filecommands = open(args[1]).read().split('\n') for x in range(len(filecommands)): split = filecommands[x].split() if len(split) < 1: continue elif split[0] in self.__commands: getattr(self, split[0])(split) else: sysout('Unrecognized command "%s" at line %s' % (split[0], x)) break def help(self, args): """ Usage: help [command] Description: Display info on a specified command, or a list of available commands """ if len(args) == 1: sysout('Usage: help <command>, where command is one of the following:') sysout(' ') for f in self.__commands: sysout('%s ' % f, end='') sysout('') return elif not hasattr(self, args[1]): sysout('There is no command "%s"' % args[1]) return func = getattr(self, args[1]) if hasattr(func, '__doc__') and getattr(func, '__doc__') is not None: sysout(func.__doc__) else: sysout('There is no help for command "%s"' % args[1]) man = help def version(self, args): sysout(' Version %s.%s' % internal.__version__) ver = version def quit(self, args): pass exit = quit
class queriesClass: """class for queries about limits etc.""" db = Connection() merged1 = None user_id = None userPreferences = None count = 0 list_length = 25 dfList = None toPrint = None alreadyTry = False userNum = 0 usersUsed = None def __init__(self): self.db.connect() #here we get the user \new user id from the sign up system def return_suggested_products(self, userID): #for now we are not counting the avarage list length, because we still #dont have enough receipts and the function returns small amount (10), so after checking the avarage #receipts size for family, and suggested list size for existing costumer, we decide to take first 25 products #and suggedst it to new user #when our data will grow, we can use this function ##############self.countAvarageListSize() query = "SELECT [limit_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [user_id]=" + userID self.userPreferences = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql(query, self.db.connection)) #get user limits self.user_id = userID #save userID for later if we will need it #if the user do not exist\have no limits if (self.userPreferences.empty): self.noLimits() #if the user have only one limit elif (len(self.userPreferences.index) == 1): self.count = 0 #self.checkIfPartialOrNot(self.userPreferences.iloc[0]['limit_id']) self.returnDfOfOneLimitQuery(self.userPreferences) #if the user have few limits else: #print(userPreferences.iloc[0]['limit_id']) self.returnFewLimitsQuery(self.userPreferences) #there is no option to get empty list, because even if a mistake accured and #there is no user with the given id, we still want to return suggestion list #after all the calculations we return the suggestion self.printToCsv(self.dfList) return (self.dfList) #if the user have no limits, we take from the db array of all existing limits, because #we can reccomend everything for this user def noLimits(self): query = "SELECT [limit_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits]" userPreferences = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql( query, self.db.connection)) #get all limits self.alreadyTry = False self.returnFewLimitsQuery(userPreferences) #a function to check if the preferences of the user is partial (only part of the family have this limit) def checkIfPartialOrNot(self, limitId): #variable user_id saves the info of the user queryForPart = "SELECT [Partial] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [limit_id]=" + str( limitId) + " And [user_id]=" + str(self.user_id) val = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(queryForPart, self.db.connection)) #get user limits #if the match not partial we can continue to finding the list if (val.iloc[0]['Partial'] == 0): self.returnDfOfOneLimitQuery(limitId) #what should we do if the user have only one limit and it's partial? else: self.learningForPatial() #function to count avarage list size, for now the database not big enough, so we decided to give a reccomendation of 25 #products def countAvarageListSize(self): countReceipt = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipt]", self.db.connection)) countProducts = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipt]", self.db.connection)) a = int(countReceipt.iloc[0]) b = int(countProducts.iloc[0]) self.list_length = round(a / b) * 10 #we use this function if we get empty suggestion list, because then its relevant def learningForPatial(self, limitNum): #if i'm partial or full and there is no suggested list for the user, i can learn from any one- and from those who are single too. #after that i'm doing merge, and sending it to calculate list, to find the best options #when the user have few limits we get an int variable, and when there is #only one limit we get a data frame, so we have to check what do we get #to use the right variable in our query few_values = {} if (self.count == 0): a = limitNum.iloc[0]['limit_id'] query = "SELECT [user_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [limit_id]=" + str( a) #+" AND [Partial]=0" A = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql( query, self.db.connection)) #users wity "full" limit dataframe else: A = pd.DataFrame(columns=['user_id']) if (limitNum.size > 1): index = 0 for index, row in limitNum.iterrows(): query = "SELECT [user_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [limit_id]=" + str( row['limit_id']) #+" AND [Partial]=0" few_values[index] = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql(query, self.db.connection) ) #users wity "full" limit dataframe index = 0 while (index < len(few_values)): A = pd.concat([A, few_values[index]]) index = index + 1 self.user_id = A.size # query="SELECT [user_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [limit_id]="+str(a)+" AND [Partial]=1" query_shoppingList = "SELECT [user_id],[receipt_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipt_ref_user]" query_items = "SELECT [receipt_id],[product_id],[quantity] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipet_ref_product]" queryForFew = "SELECT [limit_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits]" userPreferences = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql(queryForFew, self.db.connection)) #get all limits #data frame of all users with choosen A = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(query, self.db.connection)) #users by limits B = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(query_shoppingList, self.db.connection)) #receipt by users C = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(query_items, self.db.connection)) #products by receipy B.append(self.usersUsed) B = B.drop_duplicates(keep=False) self.usersUsed = B self.usersUsed = pd.concat([self.usersUsed, B]) A.append(userPreferences) if (A.empty or B.empty): self.merged1 = None self.noLimits() else: #only users and receipt merged = pd.merge(A, B, on='user_id') #user receipt and products self.merged1 = pd.merge(merged, C, on='receipt_id') #print(merged,'\n') #print(self.merged1,'\n') #i dont need the user or the receipt id anymore self.merged1.__delitem__('user_id') self.merged1.__delitem__('receipt_id') #print(self.merged1) #how many users - different- we have n_users = merged.user_id.unique().shape[0] #how many differen products we have n_product = self.merged1.product_id.unique().shape[0] #print(n_users,n_product) #i collecting the items to groups- by counting the numbers they were bought self.merged1.groupby('product_id') #print(self.merged1) self.alreadyTry = True self.calculateList(limitNum) #if after all the manipulation we still don't have suggested list for the costumer we will give him #basic suggested list for user with no limits if (self.dfList == None): self.noLimits() #there is similarity to leartningForPartial function, but here we choose only users with "full" limits #where the limits is not partial def returnDfOfOneLimitQuery(self, limitNum): #when the user have few limits we get an int variable, and when there is #only one limit we get a data frame, so we have to check what do we get #to use the right variable in our query if (self.count == 0): a = limitNum.iloc[0]['limit_id'] else: a = limitNum query = "SELECT [user_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] WHERE [limit_id]=" + str( a) + " AND [Partial]=0" query_shoppingList = "SELECT [user_id],[receipt_id] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipt_ref_user]" query_items = "SELECT [receipt_id],[product_id],[quantity] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[receipet_ref_product]" queryOnlyOne = """select [user_id] from [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] where [user_id] in (select user_id from [db_shopagent].[dbo].[user_ref_limits] group by [user_id],[limit_id] having count(*) =1 and [limit_id]=""" + str( limitNum) + ") AND [Partial]=0" A = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql( query, self.db.connection)) #users wity "full" limit dataframe B = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(query_shoppingList, self.db.connection)) #receipt by users C = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_sql(query_items, self.db.connection)) #products by receipy B.append(self.usersUsed) B = B.drop_duplicates(keep=False) self.usersUsed = B #we can get empty data frames of users with the limits that we need. #but in the function of few limits we have to check all the limits, and it #not important for us in this function to get non empty array, because we will take care of it #at the function self.user_id = A.size #only users and receipt merged = pd.merge(A, B, on='user_id') #user receipt and products self.merged1 = pd.merge(merged, C, on='receipt_id') #print(merged,'\n') #print(self.merged1,'\n') #i dont need the user or the receipt id anymore self.merged1.__delitem__('user_id') self.merged1.__delitem__('receipt_id') #print(self.merged1) #how many users - different- we have n_users = merged.user_id.unique().shape[0] #how many differen products we have n_product = self.merged1.product_id.unique().shape[0] #print(n_users,n_product) #i collecting the items to groups- by counting the numbers they were bought #self.merged1.groupby('product_id')['quantity'].sum() #print(self.merged1) if (self.count == 0): self.calculateList(limitNum) def calculateList(self, limitsArray): #self.merged1 = self.merged1.groupby(['product_id']).agg({'quantity': 'count'}).reset_index() #print(self.merged1) #grouped_sum = products_grouped['quantity'].median() #products_grouped['percentage'] = products_grouped['quantity'].div(grouped_sum)*100 #products_grouped.sort_values(['quantity', 'product_id'], ascending = [0,1]) #ab=self.merged1.loc[self.merged1['product_id'] == 573] #n=ab['quantity'].median() #dfMed.loc[0] = [str(ab.iloc[0]['product_id']),n] #print (dfMed) #dfMed.iloc[0]=sign #i prefered not delete this part because it worked well enough and if there would be an errors #maybe i will use part of it ################################################################################################### self.usersUsed = None mm = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'quantity']) #we don't want that one user will affect all the list (for example 150 milk bottels was bought by one user) #so we calculate the median if (self.merged1.empty): self.learningForPatial(limitsArray) mm = self.merged1.groupby( 'product_id')['quantity'].median().reset_index() #if the suggested list size (25 for now) smaller then the suggested shopping list #we will return less products if (self.list_length > mm.size): self.list_length = mm.size #we take the products with largest median #we take the products with largest median mm = mm.nlargest(self.list_length, 'quantity') self.dfList = mm['product_id'].tolist() print('Ans:' + str(self.dfList)) if (self.dfList == None): self.learningForPatial(limitsArray) # self.printToCsv(self.dfList) #print print #when we get few limits for one user def returnFewLimitsQuery(self, limitsArray): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'quantity']) df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'quantity']) df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'quantity']) df3 = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'quantity']) isinA = {} self.count = 1 #variable to use in another functions, because we use there a function of dataframe_collection = {} #"oneLimitQuery, we need to return to our function and this variable help us to decide if (self.alreadyTry == False): for index, row in limitsArray.iterrows(): self.returnDfOfOneLimitQuery(row['limit_id']) #we append all the dataframes that we get after calculation of every limit by itself #and then we send it to "calculate list dataframe_collection[index] = self.merged1 self.merged1 = None #new_df = pd.merge(A_df, B_df, how='left', left_on=['A_c1','c2'], right_on = ['B_c1','c2']) index = 0 while (index < len(dataframe_collection)): sign = [df, dataframe_collection[index]] df = pd.concat(sign) print("dsf") if (index == 0): new_df = df elif (dataframe_collection[index].empty): new_df.append(dataframe_collection[index]) else: new_df = pd.merge(new_df, dataframe_collection[index], on=['product_id']) index = index + 1 if (new_df.empty): new_df['quantity'] = "" else: if 'Total' in new_df: new_df = new_df.drop('Total', 1) if 'quantity_x' in new_df: new_df = new_df.ix[:, ~new_df.columns.duplicated()] new_df['quantity'] = new_df['quantity_x'] else: new_df['quantity'] = "" if 'quantity_x' in new_df: new_df = new_df.drop('quantity_x', 1) if 'quantity_y' in new_df: new_df = new_df.drop('quantity_y', 1) #df2['Total']=df2['Total'] = df.groupby('product_id')['quantity'].sum() #df2=df = df2[pd.notnull(df2['Total'])] #remve all row where all value is 'NaN' exists #df2['quantity']=df2['Total'] #df2 = df2.drop('Total', 1) #print(df2.sort_values('product_id', ascending=False)) #df1=df2.groupby('product_id').count() self.merged1 = new_df self.alreadyTry = True self.calculateList(limitsArray) else: if (self.count == 0): self.learningForPatial(limitsArray) else: self.dfList = None return #at the futer if we will use a server instade of calculating new list every time #we can save template of suggested list for every limit #and recalculate it only at the end of the day for example def printToCsv(self, dfta): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['product_id', 'product_name']) for row in dfta: A = pd.DataFrame( pd.read_sql( "SELECT [product_id],[product_name] FROM [db_shopagent].[dbo].[products] WHERE [product_id]=" + str(row), self.db.connection)) #users by limits sign = [df, A] df = pd.concat(sign) df.to_csv("cvName", encoding='utf-8')
class StompCLI(Cmd, ConnectionListener): """ A command line interface to the client. See \link stomp::internal::connect::Connection \endlink for more information on establishing a connection to a stomp server. """ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=61613, user='', passcode='', ver=1.0, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout): Cmd.__init__(self, 'Tab', stdin, stdout) ConnectionListener.__init__(self) self.conn = Connection([(host, port)], user, passcode, wait_on_receipt=True, version=ver) self.conn.set_listener('', self) self.conn.start() self.transaction_id = None self.version = ver self.__subscriptions = {} self.__subscription_id = 1 self.prompt = '> ' def __print_async(self, frame_type, headers, body): """ Utility function to print a message and setup the command prompt for the next input """ self.__sysout("\r \r", end='') self.__sysout(frame_type) for header_key in headers.keys(): self.__sysout('%s: %s' % (header_key, headers[header_key])) self.__sysout('') self.__sysout(body) self.__sysout('> ', end='') self.stdout.flush() def __sysout(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(str(msg) + end) def __error(self, msg, end="\n"): self.stdout.write(colors.BOLD + colors.RED + str(msg) + colors.NO_COLOR + end) def on_connecting(self, host_and_port): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connecting """ self.conn.connect(wait=True) def on_disconnected(self): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_disconnected """ self.__error("lost connection") def on_message(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_message Special case: if the header 'filename' is present, the content is written out as a file """ if 'filename' in headers: content = base64.b64decode(body.encode()) if os.path.exists(headers['filename']): fname = '%s.%s' % (headers['filename'], int(time.time())) else: fname = headers['filename'] f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close() self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, "Saved file: %s" % fname) else: self.__print_async("MESSAGE", headers, body) def on_error(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_error """ self.__print_async("ERROR", headers, body) def on_receipt(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_receipt """ self.__print_async("RECEIPT", headers, body) def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ \see ConnectionListener::on_connected """ self.__print_async("CONNECTED", headers, body) def help_help(self): self.__sysout('Quick help on commands') def default(self, line): self.__error('Unknown command: %s' % line.split()[0]) def emptyline(self): pass def help(self, usage, description, required=[], optional=[]): required.insert(0, '') rparams = "\n\t".join(required) optional.insert(0, '') oparams = "\n\t".join(optional) m = { 'hl': colors.BOLD + colors.GREEN, 'nc': colors.NO_COLOR, 'usage': usage, 'description': description, 'required': rparams.rstrip(), 'optional': oparams.rstrip() } if rparams.rstrip() != '': rparams = '''%(hl)sRequired Parameters:%(nc)s%(required)s\n\n''' % m m['required'] = rparams if oparams.rstrip() != '': oparams = '''%(hl)sOptional Parameters:%(nc)s%(optional)s\n\n''' % m m['optional'] = oparams self.__sysout('''%(hl)sUsage:%(nc)s \t%(usage)s %(required)s%(optional)s%(hl)sDescription:%(nc)s \t%(description)s ''' % m) def do_quit(self, args): self.conn.stop() sys.exit(0) do_exit = do_quit do_EOF = do_quit def help_quit(self):'exit', 'Exit the stomp client') help_exit = help_quit def help_EOF(self): self.__sysout('') def do_subscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: subscribe <destination> [ack]') return name = args[0] if name in self.__subscriptions: self.__error('Already subscribed to %s' % name) return ack_mode = 'auto' if len(args) >= 2: ack_mode = args[1] sid = self.__subscription_id self.__subscription_id += 1 self.__sysout( 'Subscribing to "%s" with acknowledge set to "%s", id set to "%s"' % (name, ack_mode, sid)) self.conn.subscribe(destination=name, ack=ack_mode, id=sid) self.__subscriptions[name] = SubscriptionInfo(sid, ack_mode) def help_subscribe(self): 'subscribe <destination> [ack]', '''Register to listen to a given destination. Like send, the subscribe command requires a destination \theader indicating which destination to subscribe to. The ack parameter is optional, and defaults to \tauto.''', ['destination - the name to subscribe to'], [ 'ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)' ]) def do_unsubscribe(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: self.__error('Expecting: unsubscribe <destination>') return if args[0] not in self.__subscriptions.keys(): self.__sysout('Subscription %s not found' % args[0]) return self.__sysout('Unsubscribing from "%s"' % args[0]) self.conn.unsubscribe(destination=args[0], id=self.__subscriptions[args[0]].id) del self.__subscriptions[args[0]] def help_unsubscribe(self): 'unsubscribe <destination>', 'Remove an existing subscription - so that the client no longer receive messages from that destination.', ['destination - the name to unsubscribe from'], [ 'ack - how to handle acknowledgements for a message; either automatically (auto) or manually (client)' ]) def do_disconnect(self, args): try: self.__sysout("") self.conn.disconnect() except NotConnectedException: pass # ignore if no longer connected def help_disconnect(self):'disconnect <destination>', 'Gracefully disconnect from the server.') def do_send(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: send <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:])) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id) def complete_send(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): mline = line.split(' ')[1] offs = len(mline) - len(text) return [s[offs:] for s in self.__subscriptions if s.startswith(mline)] complete_unsubscribe = complete_send complete_sendrec = complete_send complete_sendreply = complete_send complete_sendfile = complete_send def help_send(self):'send <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendrec(self, args): args = args.split() receipt_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendrec <destination> <message>') elif not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), receipt=receipt_id) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=' '.join(args[1:]), transaction=self.transaction_id, receipt=receipt_id) def help_sendrec(self): 'sendrec <destination> <message>', 'Sends a message to a destination in the messaging system and blocks for receipt of the message.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendreply(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 3: self.__error( 'Expecting: sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>' ) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message="%s\n" % ' '.join(args[2:]), headers={'correlation-id': args[1]}) def help_sendreply(self): 'sendreply <destination> <correlation-id> <message>', 'Sends a reply message to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'correlation-id - the correlating identifier to send with the response', 'message - the content to send' ]) def do_sendfile(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 2: self.__error('Expecting: sendfile <destination> <filename>') elif not os.path.exists(args[1]): self.__error('File %s does not exist' % args[1]) else: s = open(args[1], mode='rb').read() msg = base64.b64encode(s).decode() if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=msg, filename=args[1]) else: self.conn.send(destination=args[0], message=msg, filename=args[1], transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_sendfile(self):'sendfile <destination> <filename>', 'Sends a file to a destination in the messaging system.', [ 'destination - where to send the message', 'filename - the file to send' ]) def do_version(self, args): self.__sysout( '%s%s [Protocol version %s]%s' % (colors.BOLD, stomppy_version, self.conn.version, colors.NO_COLOR)) do_ver = do_version def help_version(self):'version', 'Display the version of the client') help_ver = help_version def check_ack_nack(self, cmd, args): if self.version >= 1.1 and len(args) < 2: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id> <subscription-id>" % cmd) return None elif len(args) < 1: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id>" % cmd) return None hdrs = {'message-id': args[0]} if self.version >= 1.1: if len(args) < 2: self.__error("Expecting: %s <message-id> <subscription-id>" % cmd) return hdrs['subscription'] = args[1] return hdrs def do_ack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('ack', args) if hdrs is None: return if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.ack(headers=hdrs) else: self.conn.ack(headers=hdrs, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_ack(self): 'ack <message-id> [subscription-id]', '''The command 'ack' is used to acknowledge consumption of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged.''', ['message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged'], [ 'subscription-id the id of the subscription (only required for STOMP 1.1)' ]) def do_nack(self, args): args = args.split() hdrs = self.check_ack_nack('nack', args) if hdrs is None: return if not self.transaction_id: self.conn.nack(headers=hdrs) else: self.conn.nack(headers=hdrs, transaction=self.transaction_id) def help_nack(self): 'nack <message-id> [subscription]', '''The command 'nack' is used to acknowledge the failure of a message from a subscription using client \tacknowledgment. When a client has issued a 'subscribe' with the ack flag set to client, any messages \treceived from that destination will not be considered to have been consumed (by the server) until \tthe message has been acknowledged (ack or nack).''', ['message-id - the id of the message being acknowledged']) def do_abort(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.conn.abort(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None do_rollback = do_abort def help_abort(self):'abort', 'Roll back a transaction in progress.') help_rollback = help_abort def do_begin(self, args): if self.transaction_id: self.__error("Currently in a transaction (%s)" % self.transaction_id) else: self.transaction_id = self.conn.begin() self.__sysout('Transaction id: %s' % self.transaction_id) def help_begin(self): 'begin', '''Start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging - \tany messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be handled atomically based on the \ttransaction.''') def do_commit(self, args): if not self.transaction_id: self.__error("Not currently in a transaction") else: self.__sysout('Committing %s' % self.transaction_id) self.conn.commit(transaction=self.transaction_id) self.transaction_id = None def help_commit(self):'commit', 'Commit a transaction in progress.') def do_stats(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) < 1: stats = self.conn.get_listener('stats') if stats: self.__sysout(stats) else: self.__error('No stats available') elif args[0] == 'on': self.conn.set_listener('stats', StatsListener()) elif args[0] == 'off': self.conn.remove_listener('stats') else: self.__error('Expecting: stats [on|off]') def help_stats(self): 'stats [on|off]', '''Record statistics on messages sent, received, errors, etc. If no argument (on|off) is specified, \tdump the current statistics.''') def do_run(self, args): args = args.split() if len(args) == 0: self.__error("Expecting: run <filename>") elif not os.path.exists(args[0]): self.__error("File %s was not found" % args[0]) else: lines = open(args[0]).read().split('\n') for line in lines: self.onecmd(line) def help_run(self):'run <filename>', 'Execute commands in a specified file')
#! python3 import traceback from connect import Connection from parse import * import time import select try: settings = settings_load() except IOError: print("No settings file found, please run file") raise SystemExit connection = Connection(settings) connection.connect() connection.registration() connection.sock.setblocking(0) module_dict = get_module_objects() timestamps = {} for item in module_dict: timestamps[item] = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(item)) while True: try: ready =[connection.sock], [], [], 5) if ready[0]: if connection.ssl == True: buffer = else: buffer = connection.sock.recv(4096) buffer = str(buffer, "utf-8")
class Client(Thread, WhiteBoard): Objects = { 'line': 'L', 'oval': 'O', 'circle': 'C', 'rectangle': 'R', 'square': 'S', 'erase': 'E', 'drag': 'DR' } def __init__(self): self.conn = Connection() Thread.__init__(self) WhiteBoard.__init__(self) self._init_mouse_event() self.setDaemon(True) self.isMouseDown = False self.x_pos = None self.y_pos = None self.last_time = None self.line_x1, self.line_y1 = None, None self.line_x2, self.line_y2 = None, None def _init_mouse_event(self): self.drawing_area.bind("<Motion>", self.motion) self.drawing_area.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.left_but_down) self.drawing_area.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.left_but_up) def left_but_down(self, event=None): self.isMouseDown = True self.x_pos = event.x self.y_pos = event.y self.last_time = time.time() self.line_x1, self.line_y1 = event.x, event.y if self.isMouseDown and self.drawing_tool == 'eraser': self.send_del_msg(event) def left_but_up(self, event=None): self.isMouseDown = False print(event.x, event.y) self.last_time = None self.line_x2, self.line_y2 = event.x, event.y if self.drawing_tool == 'text': self.draw_text() else: self.draw_one_obj() def draw_text(self): text_to_draw = UserDialog._text msg = ('T', self.line_x1, self.line_y1, 'red', text_to_draw) self.conn.send_message(msg) def draw_one_obj(self): tool = self.drawing_tool if tool not in Client.Objects.keys(): return else: cmd_type = Client.Objects[tool] msg = (cmd_type, self.line_x1, self.line_y1, self.line_x2, self.line_y2, 'red') self.conn.send_message(msg) def send_del_msg(self, event): canvas_item_id_tuple = self.drawing_area.find_overlapping( event.x - 2, event.y - 2, event.x + 2, event.y + 2) print(canvas_item_id_tuple) if len(canvas_item_id_tuple) > 0: to_delete_id = max(canvas_item_id_tuple) tags = self.drawing_area.gettags(to_delete_id) msgid = tags[0] msg = ('Z', msgid) self.conn.send_message(msg) def motion(self, event=None): if self.isMouseDown and self.drawing_tool == 'pencil': now = time.time() if now - self.last_time < 0.02: print('too fast') return self.last_time = now msg = ('D', self.x_pos, self.y_pos, event.x, event.y, 'red') self.conn.send_message(msg) self.x_pos = event.x self.y_pos = event.y elif self.isMouseDown and self.drawing_tool == 'eraser': self.send_del_msg(event) def run(self): # print('run')aa while True: msg = self.conn.receive_msg() self.draw_from_msg(msg) if msg == 'xxx': pass
for w in workers: w.cancel() # wait until all worker tasks are cancelled await asyncio.gather(*workers) if __name__ == '__main__': util.patchAsyncio() ib = IB() barSize = '30 secs' wts = 'TRADES' # object where data is stored store = ArcticStore(f'{wts}_{barSize}') holder = ContractHolder(ib, 'contracts.csv', store, wts, barSize, True, aggression=0.5) asyncio.get_event_loop().set_debug(True) # util.logToConsole(DEBUG) Connection(ib, partial(main, holder), watchdog=False) log.debug('script finished, about to disconnect') ib.disconnect() log.debug('disconnected')
self.admin = admin class Conteudo(Base): __tablename__ = 'conteudo' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) texto = Column(String(50)) complete = Column(BOOLEAN) user_id = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, texto, complete, user_id): self.texto = texto self.complete = complete self.user_id = user_id connection = Connection.session() def token_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): token = None if 'access-token' in request.headers: token = request.headers['access-token'] if not token: return jsonify({'mensagem' : 'Está faltando informar o token'}), 401 try: data = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY']) current_user = connection.query(Users).filter_by(public_id=data['public_id']).first() except:
def main(): test = Connection("raspy","postgres","","yolo","dht") test.connect() test.cursor() test.create() test.commit() test.close()