def addnewbook(): print("\n---New Book Entry---\n") name = strnotnull("Name: ") desc = strnotnull("Description: ") author = strnotnull("Author: ") isbn = strnotnull("ISBN: ") edition = inputnumber("Edition: ") publisher = strnotnull("Publisher: ") location = strnotnull("Location: ") qty = inputnumber("Quantity: ") r = answer("Save the new book? y/n: ") if r == "y": conn = connection.sql_connection() try: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO book (NAME,desc,author,isbn,edition,publisher,location,qty) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (name, desc, author, isbn, edition, publisher, location, qty)) conn.commit() print('' "\nrecord created successfully\n" '') except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Failed to create new book", e) finally: conn.close() else: print("User canceled, book not saved!")
def allbooklist(): try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( '''select id, name , author, isbn, edition, publisher, location, qty from book''' ) records = cur.fetchall() if len(records) > 0: print(f"\n{len(records)} Results found." ) #print how many results found table = from_db_cursor(cur) #new table from the prettytable class table.field_names = [ "ID", "Name", "Author", "ISBN", "Edition", "Publisher", "Location", "Qty." ] #Table headers for row in records: table.add_row(row) #add rows to table from database cursor print(table) #print table else: print("Search did not return any results.") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Database error: !", e) finally: conn.close()
def search_func(text): try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( '''select rowid, name, author, isbn, publisher from book_index where book_index match ?;''', (text, )) # id like ? or name like ? or desc like ? or author like ? or isbn like ? #or publisher like ?''',('%'+text+'%','%'+text+'%','%'+text+'%','%'+text+'%','%'+text+'%','%'+text+'%')) records = cur.fetchall() if len(records) > 0: print(f"\n{len(records)} Results found." ) #print how many results found table = from_db_cursor(cur) #new table from the prettytable class table.field_names = ["ID", "Name", "Author", "ISBN", "Publisher"] #Table headers for row in records: table.add_row(row) #add rows to table from database cursor print(table) #print table else: print("Search did not return any results.") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Database error: !", e) finally: conn.close()
def borrowedlist(type): try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() status = type cur.execute( "Select id,bookid,bookname,userid,username,cdate,status,rdate from borrow where status = ?", (status, )) records = cur.fetchall() print(f"{len(records)} Records found") if len(records) > 0: x = from_db_cursor(cur) x.field_names = [ "ID", "Book id", "Book name", "User id", "User name", "Date created", "Status", "Return Date" ] for row in records: x.add_row(row) print(x) else: print("No records found!") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Failed to reach the database!") finally: conn.close()
def borrowbook(): #function to borrow a book. while True: # While true keep asking for a valid book id number bookid = inputnumber( "Book ID or 0 to cancel: ") #call function to input number if bookid == 0: # if the bookid is 0 the user canceled print("User Canceled, no records saved!") return #return to main manu else: bookname = verifybook( bookid) # if the value is not cero search in database. if bookname == "": # If the return is none the book doesn't exist continue #continue asking for a valid number else: break #else break the while and continue print(f"\tBook name: {bookname}") # Print the book name while True: # While true keep asking for a valid user id number userid = inputnumber( "User ID or 0 to cancel: ") #call function to input number if userid == 0: # if the userid is 0 the user canceled print("User Canceled, no records saved!") return #return to main manu else: username = verifyuser( userid) # if the value is not cero search in database. if username == "": # If the return is none the user doesn't exist continue #continue asking for a valid number else: break #else break the while and continue print(f"\tNombre usuario: {username}") # print the user name cdate = status = 0 save = strnotnull("Do you want to save? y/n: ") if save == 'y': try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''select * from book where id = ?''', (bookid, )) records = cur.fetchall() newqty = records[0][7] - 1 cur.execute("update book set qty = ? where id = ?", (newqty, bookid)) conn.execute( "INSERT INTO borrow (bookid,bookname,userid,username,cdate,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", (bookid, bookname, userid, username, cdate, status)) conn.commit() print('' "\nrecord created successfully\n" '') except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Failed to create new borrow", e) finally: conn.close() else: print("User cancelled, record not saved!") return
def verifyuser(id): conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''select * from users where id = ?''', (id, )) records = cur.fetchall() r = "" if len(records) == 0: print( f"The user with the ID:{id} does not exist please try again or enter 0 to cancel!" ) else: r = records[0][1] cur.close() conn.close() return r
def retur(id): try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( '''select id, bookid, bookname, userid, username, cdate, status from borrow where id = ?''', (id, )) records = cur.fetchall() if len(records) > 0: bookid = records[0][1] if records[0][6] == 1: print(f"This borrow ID {id} is already returned!") else: table = from_db_cursor(cur) table.field_names = [ "Borrow ID", "Book id", "Book name", "User id", "User name", "Date created", "Status" ] for row in records: table.add_row(row) print(table) re = strnotnull( "Do you want to mark this borrow as returned? y/n: ") if re == "y": cur.execute('''select * from book where id = ?''', (bookid, )) records = cur.fetchall() newqty = records[0][7] + 1 cur.execute("update book set qty = ? where id = ?", (newqty, bookid)) date = status = 1 cur.execute( "update borrow set status = ? , rdate = ? where id = ?", (status, date, id)) conn.commit() print("Record updated successfully") elif re == "n": print("User canceled, no records updated!") else: print(f"The borrow ID {id} does not exists!") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Database Error:!", e) finally: conn.close()
def verifybook(id): conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''select * from book where id = ?''', (id, )) records = cur.fetchall() r = "" if len(records) == 0: print( f"The book with the ID:{id} does not exist please try again or enter 0 to cancel!" ) elif records[0][7] > 0: r = records[0][1] else: print(f"Te book {id} {records[0][1]} is not available!") cur.close() conn.close() return r
def viewusers(): conn = connection.sql_connection() try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select * from users") records = cur.fetchall() print(f"{len(records)} Records found") if len(records) > 0: table = from_db_cursor(cur) table.field_names = ["ID", "Name", "Address", "Phone"] for row in records: table.add_row(row) print(table) else: print("No records found!") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Database error!", e) finally: conn.close()
def addnewuser(): print("----Create new user-----") name = strnotnull("Name: ") address = strnotnull("Address: ") phone = strnotnull("Phone #: ") r = answer("Do you want to create the new user? y/n: ") if r == "y": conn = connection.sql_connection() try: conn.execute( "INSERT INTO users (NAME,address,phone) VALUES (?,?,?)", (name, address, phone)) conn.commit() print('' "\nUser created successfully\n" '') except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Failed to create new user", e) finally: conn.close() else: print("User canceled, User not created!")
def book_detail(id): #function to print book in detail view try: conn = connection.sql_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( '''select id, name, desc, author, isbn, edition, publisher, location, qty from book where id = ?;''', (id, )) records = cur.fetchall() dash = "-" * 90 if len(records) > 0: print(dash) format1('Book ID', records[0][0]) format1('Name', records[0][1]) format1('Author', records[0][3]) format1('ISBN', records[0][4]) format1('Edition', records[0][5]) format1('Publisher', records[0][6]) format1('Location', records[0][7]) format1('Qty', records[0][1]) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80) if records[0][2] != None: print("\033[1mDescription: \033[0m ") desc = wrapper.wrap(text=records[0][2]) for line in desc: print(line) else: print("\033[1mDescription: \033[0m None") print(dash) else: print("The book ID: [" + str(id) + "] does not exists:") except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Database error: !", e) finally: conn.close()
def create_sqlite(data): con = sql_connection() data.to_sql('regions', con, if_exists='replace', index=False) con.close()