def enter_restaurant(customer_id, table_number, num_people): # Creates an entry in the SESSION table. Num people is necessary for Crooked Cooks specifically. # If already in restaurant, return ERROR. print("Testing Enter Restaurant") with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM session " "WHERE customer_id = {}".format(customer_id)) results = cursor.fetchall() # Checking if already in database; if already in database, return negative if len(results) > 0: return -1 with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: if customer_id > 1000000000: transaction_id = int( * customer_id / 100000000) else: transaction_id = int( * customer_id / 1000000) print("Creating a new session, with transaction id", transaction_id) print(transaction_id) print(table_number) print(customer_id) print(num_people) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO session(transaction_id,table_number,customer_id,num_people,start_time) " "VALUES({},{},{},{},NOW())".format(transaction_id, table_number, customer_id, num_people)) print("Creation success") return 1
def exit_restaurant(customer_id): print("Customer {} exiting Restaurant".format(customer_id)) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: transaction_id, table_number, _, num_people, start_time = get_stats( customer_id) total_price, _, orders, _ = query_price(customer_id) order_string = "'" order_string += '{"' + '","'.join(item for item in orders) + '"}' order_string += "'" print( "INSERT INTO history(transaction_id, customer_id, food_orders, start_time, end_time, total_price)" "VALUES ({},{},{},to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),NOW(),{})" .format(transaction_id, customer_id, order_string, start_time, total_price)) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO history(transaction_id, customer_id, food_orders, start_time, end_time, total_price)" "VALUES ({},{},{},to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),NOW(),{})" .format(transaction_id, customer_id, order_string, start_time, total_price)) print("Customer {} inserted into history".format(customer_id)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM session WHERE transaction_id = {}".format( transaction_id)) cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM purchases WHERE transaction_id = {}".format( transaction_id)) print("Customer ID {} deleted from session & purchases".format( customer_id)) return True
def query_price(customer_id): # Returns total_price, timeSpent, orders, customPrice with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) # Can actually have this be a constantly existing VIEW in the database. I'll leave it as is for # the moment though - not sure how costly sql accesses are cursor.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS total_transaction_cost") cursor.execute( "CREATE VIEW total_transaction_cost AS " "SELECT session.transaction_id,SUM(price) FROM session " "INNER JOIN purchases ON purchases.transaction_id = session.transaction_id " "INNER JOIN menu ON purchases.food_id = menu.food_id " "GROUP BY session.transaction_id") cursor.execute("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS total_comment_cost") cursor.execute( "CREATE VIEW total_comment_cost AS " "SELECT session.transaction_id,SUM(additional_price) FROM session " "INNER JOIN purchases ON purchases.transaction_id = session.transaction_id " "INNER JOIN menu ON purchases.food_id = menu.food_id " "GROUP BY session.transaction_id") cursor.execute( "SELECT sum FROM total_transaction_cost WHERE transaction_id={}". format(transaction_id)) # print(cursor.fetchall()) cursor_info = cursor.fetchone() if cursor_info is not None: item_sum = cursor_info[0] cursor.execute( "SELECT sum FROM total_comment_cost WHERE transaction_id={}". format(transaction_id)) comments_sum = cursor.fetchone()[0] if comments_sum is None: comments_sum = 0 else: item_sum = 0 comments_sum = 0 cursor.execute( "SELECT (DATE_PART('day', NOW() - session.start_time) * 24 + " "DATE_PART('hour', NOW() - session.start_time)) * 60 + " "DATE_PART('minute', NOW() - session.start_time) as time_difference_minutes FROM session " "WHERE transaction_id={}".format(transaction_id)) # For crooked cooks, it's $2 per hour time_spent = int(cursor.fetchone()[0] / 60 + 1) time_price = time_spent * 2 total_price = item_sum + time_price + comments_sum cursor.execute( "SELECT session.transaction_id, FROM session " "INNER JOIN purchases ON purchases.transaction_id = session.transaction_id " "INNER JOIN menu ON menu.food_id = purchases.food_id " "WHERE session.transaction_id = {} " "ORDER BY transaction_id".format(transaction_id)) order_history = cursor.fetchall() ordered_items = [orders[1] for orders in order_history] # Returns total_price, time_spent, orders, customPrice print("Customer {} queried. Parameters returned: {},{},{},{}".format( customer_id, total_price, time_spent, ordered_items, comments_sum)) return total_price, time_spent, ordered_items, comments_sum
def set_delivered(customer_id, food_id): transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) sql_command = "UPDATE purchases SET delivered = true WHERE " \ "CTID IN (SELECT CTID FROM purchases WHERE transaction_id = {} " \ "AND delivered = false AND food_id = {} LIMIT 1)".format(transaction_id, food_id) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql_command) return True
def get_session(): sql_command = "SELECT * FROM session" with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'session'" ) session_headers = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql_command) session_array = cursor.fetchall() final_string = '{{"session":[{}]}}'.format( jsonify_reply(session_headers, session_array)) return final_string
def make_order(customer_id, order_array, comments): # Creates an entry in the PURCHASES table. # Each entry requires a customer id (int), order_array (int array), and comments (text array) # Input sanitization occurs here. "Comments" is the only category where the user has access to the database. # Formatting as %s, (_,) allows psycopg2 to sanitize the input such that only one command passes to the execute() # So no "Hello World!'; DROP TABLE menu;" shenanigans can occur transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: for i in range(len(order_array)): cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO purchases(transaction_id,food_id,delivered,comments,additional_price) " "VALUES({},{},false,%s,0)".format(transaction_id, order_array[i]), (comments[i], ))
def edit_purchase(customer_id, food_id, comment, additional_price): transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) sql_command = "WITH cte AS ( " \ "SELECT default_id " \ "FROM purchases " \ "WHERE transaction_id = {} AND food_id = {} AND comments = '{}' " \ "LIMIT 1) " \ "UPDATE purchases s " \ "SET additional_price = {} " \ "FROM cte " \ "WHERE s.default_id = cte.default_id".format(transaction_id, food_id, comment, additional_price) print('adding additional price for custom order') with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql_command) print("Order Price changed")
def order_satisfied(customer_id, food_id, comment): transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) sql_command = "WITH cte AS ( " \ "SELECT default_id " \ "FROM purchases " \ "WHERE transaction_id = {} AND food_id = {} AND comments = '{}' " \ "LIMIT 1) " \ "UPDATE purchases s " \ "SET delivered=true " \ "FROM cte " \ "WHERE s.default_id = cte.default_id".format(transaction_id, food_id, comment) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: for i in range(len(items)): cursor.execute(sql_command) print("One Order satisfied")
def get_stats(customer_id): with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM session WHERE customer_id = {}".format(customer_id)) item = cursor.fetchall()[0] transaction_id = item[1] table_number = item[2] customer_id = item[3] num_people = item[4] start_time = item[5] print( "Customer {} stats queried. Parameters returned: tid {}, tnum {}, nppl {}, stime {}" .format(customer_id, transaction_id, table_number, num_people, start_time)) return transaction_id, table_number, customer_id, num_people, start_time
def getMenu(table_number): restaurant_name = "Crooked Cooks" restaurant_image = "" with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'menu'" ) menu_headers = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM menu") non_parsed_array = cursor.fetchall() final_string = jsonify_reply(menu_headers, non_parsed_array) full_json = '{{"name":"{}","imagehyperlink":"{}","menu":[{}]}}'.format( restaurant_name, restaurant_image, final_string) return full_json
def replace_menu(menu_array): with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: print("Replacing menu") cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS menu CASCADE') cursor.execute('DROP TYPE IF EXISTS category CASCADE') cursor.execute("CREATE TYPE category AS ENUM('Main','Side','Veg');") cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE menu (itemid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, food_category category, food_id integer, name text, ' 'description text, price numeric(4,2),currency text,image_link text,is_available boolean)' ) for element in menu_array: print("Hello") element_insertion_command = "INSERT INTO menu(food_category, food_id, name, description, price, currency, "\ "image_link, is_available) VALUES('{}',{},'{}','{}',{},'{}','{}',{})"\ .format(element["food_category"], int(element["food_id"]), element["name"], element["description"], float(element["price"]), element["currency"], element["image_link"], element["is_available"]) print("Executing " + element_insertion_command) cursor.execute(element_insertion_command) return True
def get_time_and_price(customer_id, table_number): print("Getting time and price") transaction_id, _, _, _, _ = get_stats(customer_id) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT DATE_PART('hour',NOW() - start_time) FROM session WHERE transaction_id = {}" .format(transaction_id)) hours = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) cursor.execute( "SELECT DATE_PART('minute',NOW() - start_time) FROM session WHERE transaction_id = {}" .format(transaction_id)) minutes = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) if 0 < table_number < 50: return "{" + '"time_price":{},"hours":{},"minutes":{}'.format( 2 * (hours + 1), hours, minutes) + "}" elif 50 <= table_number < 100: return "{" + '"time_price":{},"hours":{},"minutes":{}'.format( 0 * (hours + 1), hours, minutes) + "}" else: return False
def getOrders(customer_id=None): sql_command = "SELECT session.table_number,session.start_time," \ "menu.price, purchases.food_id,purchases.delivered, purchases.comments, purchases.additional_price " \ "FROM session INNER JOIN purchases ON purchases.transaction_id = session.transaction_id" \ " INNER JOIN menu ON purchases.food_id = menu.food_id " if customer_id is not None: sql_command += "WHERE session.customer_id = {}".format(customer_id) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: # cursor.execute("SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'session'"); menu_headers = [("table_number", "integer"), ("start_time", "timestamp without time zone"), ("price", "numeric(4, 2)"), ("food_id", "integer"), ("delivered", "boolean"), ("comments", "text"), ("additional_price", "numeric(4,2)")] cursor.execute(sql_command) non_parsed_array = cursor.fetchall() final_string = '{{"orders":[{}]}}'.format( jsonify_reply(menu_headers, non_parsed_array)) return final_string
def createEmptyPurchases(): with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS purchases CASCADE') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE purchases (default_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, transaction_id integer NOT NULL, food_id integer NOT NULL, ' 'delivered boolean, comments text, additional_price numeric(4,2))')
def createEmptySession(): with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS session CASCADE') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE session (default_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, transaction_id integer, table_number integer, customer_id bigint, num_people integer, start_time timestamp)') print("Session reset!")
def createHistory(): with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS history CASCADE') cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE history (default_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, transaction_id integer NOT NULL, ' 'customer_id bigint, food_orders text[], start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp,' ' total_price float)')
def set_availability(food_id, boolean): sql_command = "UPDATE menu SET is_available = {} WHERE food_id = {}".format( boolean, food_id) with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql_command) return True
import psycopg2 from connection_pool import ConnectionFromPool #One-off; use this template to initialize new menus # connection = psycopg2.connect(database='Crooked Cooks', user='******', password='******', host='localhost') with ConnectionFromPool() as cursor: menuList = [] # Mains menuList.append(('Main', 100, 'Cheesy Chicken Burger', 'Deep Fried Chicken Leg Patty with Nacho Cheese. ', 4.50, "$S*", '', True)) menuList.append(( 'Main', 101, 'Tonkatsu Pork Burger', 'Crispy Pork Loin, Sunny Side Egg, Garlic Mayo', 4.50, "$S*", '', True)) menuList.append(('Main', 102, 'Sausage In A Cup', 'Veal Bratwurst Sausage, Mash & Home Made Gravy', 3.50, "$S*", '', True)) menuList.append( ('Main', 103, 'Mac and Cheese', 'Macaroni, Bacon, and Poached Egg', 4.00, "$S*", '', True)) menuList.append(('Main', 104, 'Toast Breakfast', 'Toast, Veal Sausage, Bacon, Mushroom, Scrambled Eggs', 4.90, "$S*", '', True)) menuList.append(( 'Main', 105, 'Chicken Cutlet Aglio Olio', 'Deep Fried Chicken Leg Patty, Linguine Pasta, Chilli, and Garlic', 4.90, "$S*", '',