コード例 #1
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: jacobwindsor/osmc
def get_wifi_networks():
    interfaces = {}
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(WIFI_PATH):
            wifi_settings = {
                'path': str(path),
                'Strength': int(dbus_properties['Strength']),
                'State': str(dbus_properties['State'])
            security_props = dbus_properties['Security']
            if len(security_props) > 0:
                wifi_settings['Security'] = str(security_props[0])
            if 'hidden' not in path:
                wifi_settings['SSID'] = dbus_properties['Name'].encode('UTF-8')
                    'SSID'] = '< Hidden (' + wifi_settings['Security'] + ') >'

            if not str(dbus_properties['State']) == 'idle' and not str(
                    dbus_properties['State']) == 'failure':
                settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
                if settings:
            # get Interface name and address
            eth_props = dbus_properties['Ethernet']
            wifi_settings['Interface'] = str(eth_props['Interface'])
            address = str(eth_props['Address'])
            wifi_settings['AdapterAddress'] = address
            if address not in interfaces:
                interfaces[address] = {}
            interfaces[address][wifi_settings['SSID']] = wifi_settings
    return interfaces
コード例 #2
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: jacobwindsor/osmc
def get_ethernet_settings():
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        eth_settings = None
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(ETHERNET_PATH):

            settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
            if settings:
                eth_settings = {'path': path}
            return eth_settings

    # if we are here we have not detected a ethernet connection check for NFS
    ip_value = get_nfs_ip_cmdline_value()
    if ip_value:
        if ip_value == 'dhcp':
            nfs_settings = get_non_connman_connection_details()
            nfs_settings['Method'] = 'nfs_dhcp'
            nfs_settings = split_nfs_static_cmdlline(ip_value)
            nfs_settings['Method'] = 'nfs_manual'

        nfs_settings['Interface'] = 'eth0 (NFS)'
        nfs_settings['State'] = 'online'
        nfs_settings['path'] = 'nfs'
        if not check_MS_NCSI_response():
            nfs_settings['State'] = 'ready'
        return nfs_settings

    return None
コード例 #3
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: AlexanderLJ/osmc
def get_ethernet_settings():
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        eth_settings = None
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(ETHERNET_PATH):
            settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
            if settings:
                eth_settings = {'path': path }
            return eth_settings

    # if we are here we have not detected a ethernet connection check for NFS
    ip_value = get_nfs_ip_cmdline_value()
    if ip_value:
        if ip_value == 'dhcp':
            nfs_settings = get_non_connman_connection_details()
            nfs_settings['Method'] = 'nfs_dhcp'
            nfs_settings = split_nfs_static_cmdlline(ip_value)
            nfs_settings['Method'] = 'nfs_manual'

        nfs_settings['Interface'] = 'eth0 (NFS)'
        nfs_settings['State'] = 'online'
        nfs_settings['path'] = 'nfs'
        if not check_MS_NCSI_response():
            nfs_settings['State'] = 'ready'
        return nfs_settings

    return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: AlexanderLJ/osmc
def get_wifi_networks():
    interfaces = {}
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(WIFI_PATH):
            wifi_settings = {'path': str(path), 'Strength': int(dbus_properties['Strength']),
                             'State' : str(dbus_properties['State'])}
            security_props = dbus_properties['Security']
            if len(security_props) > 0:
                wifi_settings['Security'] = str(security_props[0])
            if 'hidden' not in path:
                wifi_settings['SSID'] = dbus_properties['Name'].encode('UTF-8')
                wifi_settings['SSID'] = '< Hidden (' + wifi_settings['Security'] + ') >'

            if not str(dbus_properties['State']) == 'idle' and not str(dbus_properties['State']) == 'failure':
                settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
                if settings:
            # get Interface name and address
            eth_props = dbus_properties['Ethernet']
            wifi_settings['Interface'] = str(eth_props['Interface'])
            address = str(eth_props['Address'])
            wifi_settings['AdapterAddress'] = address
            if address not in interfaces:
                interfaces[address] = {}
            interfaces[address][wifi_settings['SSID']] = wifi_settings
    return interfaces
コード例 #5
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: fernandog/osmc
def get_wifi_networks():
    interfaces = {}
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        path = str(entry[0])
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(WIFI_PATH):
            wifi_settings = {
                "path": str(path),
                "Strength": int(dbus_properties["Strength"]),
                "State": str(dbus_properties["State"]),
            security_props = dbus_properties["Security"]
            if len(security_props) > 0:
                wifi_settings["Security"] = str(security_props[0])
            if "hidden" not in path:
                wifi_settings["SSID"] = dbus_properties["Name"].encode("UTF-8")
                wifi_settings["SSID"] = "< Hidden (" + wifi_settings["Security"] + ") >"
            if not str(dbus_properties["State"]) == "idle":
                settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
                if settings:
            # get Interface name and address
            eth_props = dbus_properties["Ethernet"]
            wifi_settings["Interface"] = str(eth_props["Interface"])
            address = str(eth_props["Address"])
            wifi_settings["AdapterAddress"] = address
            if address not in interfaces:
                interfaces[address] = {}
            interfaces[address][wifi_settings["SSID"]] = wifi_settings
    return interfaces
コード例 #6
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: Imohamed/osmc
def get_wifi_networks():
    wifis = {}
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(WIFI_PATH) and 'hidden' not in path:
            wifi_settings = {'path': str(path), 'SSID': dbus_properties['Name'].encode('UTF-8'),
                     'Strength': int(dbus_properties['Strength']), 'State' : str(dbus_properties['State'])}
            security_props = dbus_properties['Security']
            if len(security_props) > 0:
                wifi_settings['Security'] = str(security_props[0])
            if not str(dbus_properties['State']) == 'idle' and not str(dbus_properties['State']) == 'failure':
                settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
                if settings:
            wifis[wifi_settings['SSID']] = wifi_settings
    return wifis
コード例 #7
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: fernandog/osmc
def get_ethernet_settings():
    manager = connman.get_manager_interface()
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        eth_settings = None
        path = str(entry[0])
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(ETHERNET_PATH):
            settings = extract_network_properties(dbus_properties)
            if settings:
                eth_settings = {"path": path}
            return eth_settings

    # if we are here we have not detected a ethernet connection check for NFS
    ip_value = get_nfs_ip_cmdline_value()
    if ip_value:
        if ip_value == "dhcp":
            nfs_settings = get_non_connman_connection_details()
            protocol = "IPV4"
            if "IPV6" in nfs_settings:
                protocol = "IPV6"
            nfs_settings[protocol]["Method"] = "nfs_dhcp"
            nfs_settings = split_nfs_static_cmdlline(ip_value)
            protocol = "IPV4"
            if "IPV6" in nfs_settings:
                protocol = "IPV6"
            nfs_settings[protocol]["Method"] = "nfs_manual"

        nfs_settings["Interface"] = "eth0 (NFS)"
        nfs_settings["State"] = "online"
        nfs_settings["path"] = "nfs"
        if not check_MS_NCSI_response():
            nfs_settings["State"] = "ready"
        return nfs_settings

    return None
コード例 #8
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: thewiep/osmc
import os
import os.path

WIRELESS_AGENT = '/usr/bin/preseed-agent'

ETHERNET_PATH = '/net/connman/service/ethernet'
WIFI_PATH = '/net/connman/service/wifi'

# this is wher we read NFS network info from this is the current running config
# but we want to update here - this gets copied to /proc/ as part og boot
PREESEED_TEMP_LOCATION = '/tmp/preseed.tmp'
PREESEED_LOCATION = '/boot/preseed.cfg'

manager = connman.get_manager_interface()

def is_ethernet_enabled():
    return connman.is_technology_enabled('ethernet')

def toggle_ethernet_state(state):
    connman.toggle_technology_state('ethernet', state)

def get_ethernet_settings():
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]
        if path.startswith(ETHERNET_PATH):
コード例 #9
ファイル: osmc_network.py プロジェクト: ActionAdam/osmc
WIRELESS_AGENT = '/usr/bin/preseed-agent'

ETHERNET_PATH = '/net/connman/service/ethernet'
WIFI_PATH = '/net/connman/service/wifi'

# this is where we read NFS network info from this is the current running config
# but we want to update here - this gets copied to /proc/ as part of boot
UPDATE_NETWORK_DETAILS_FILE = '/boot/cmdline.txt'
PREESEED_TEMP_LOCATION = '/tmp/preseed.tmp'
PREESEED_LOCATION = '/boot/preseed.cfg'

WAIT_FOR_NETWORK_SERVICE = 'connman-wait-for-network.service'

manager = connman.get_manager_interface()

def is_ethernet_enabled():
    return connman.is_technology_enabled('ethernet') or not get_nfs_ip_cmdline_value() == None

def toggle_ethernet_state(state):
    connman.toggle_technology_state('ethernet', state)

def get_ethernet_settings():
    for entry in manager.GetServices():
        eth_settings = None
        path = entry[0]
        dbus_properties = entry[1]