コード例 #1
ファイル: adjust_scores.py プロジェクト: jwayne/conseval
def adjust_scores(dataset_name, *batchscore_ids, **kwargs):
    Create normalized versions of batchscore runs in `batchscore_ids`.
    Note that zscores with an absolute of higher than 5 are chopped off (set to 5).
    if 'overwrite' in kwargs:
        overwrite = kwargs['overwrite']
        overwrite = False

    # Determine adjustment type
    adj_type = None
    for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if k in ['norm', 'window', 'neg']:
            if adj_type:
                raise Exception("Cannot adjust in multiple ways: %s, %s" % (adj_type, k))
            if k == 'window':
                window_size = int(v)
                adj_type = '%s_%d' % (k, window_size)
                adj_type = k

    # Perform adjustments on all scores..
    for batchscore_id in batchscore_ids:
        dc = DATASET_CONFIGS[dataset_name]

        ds_dir = get_batchscore_dir(dataset_name)
        sc_dir = os.path.join(ds_dir, batchscore_id)
        sc_dir_adj = "%s-%s" % (sc_dir, adj_type)
        if not overwrite:
            resp = raw_input("Creating %s'd version of\n  %s\nat\n  %s\nContinue? y/[n]: "
                    % (adj_type, sc_dir, sc_dir_adj))
            if resp != 'y':

        if not os.path.exists(sc_dir_adj):
            for fname in os.listdir(sc_dir_adj):
                os.remove(os.path.join(sc_dir_adj, fname))

        align_files = dc.get_align_files()
        for align_file in align_files:
            out_file = dc.get_out_file(align_file, sc_dir)
            if not os.path.exists(out_file):
            scores = read_batchscores(out_file)

            if adj_type is 'norm':
                scores_adj = norm_scores(scores, filter=5)
            elif adj_type is 'neg':
                scores_adj = [-s for s in scores]
            elif adj_type.startswith('window'):
                scores_adj = window_scores(scores, window_size)

            out_file_adj = os.path.join(sc_dir_adj, os.path.split(out_file)[-1])
            write_batchscores(out_file_adj, scores_adj)

        print "Created %s" % sc_dir_adj
コード例 #2
ファイル: evaluate.py プロジェクト: jwayne/conseval
def get_batchscores(dataset_name, batchscore_ids=[], align_files_only=False):
    Useful for evaluators.
    Get an iterator on (alignment, scores_col) where scores_col consists
    of lists of scores for each id in `batchscore_ids`.  This iterator is over
    all alignments in `dataset_name`.
    # Sanity check.
    ds_dir = get_batchscore_dir(dataset_name)
    if not os.path.exists(ds_dir):
        raise IOError("%s for dataset %r does not exist"
                % (ds_dir, dataset_name))
    for batchscore_id in batchscore_ids:
        sc_dir = os.path.join(ds_dir, batchscore_id)
        if not os.path.exists(sc_dir):
            raise IOError("%s for dataset %r, scorer %r does not exist"
                    % (sc_dir, dataset_name, batchscore_id))

    dataset_config = DATASET_CONFIGS[dataset_name]
    align_files = dataset_config.get_align_files()

    # Be particular about which alignments we can evaluate.
    afs = []
    for align_file in align_files:
        alignment = Alignment(align_file)
        n_gapped_cols = 0
        for i in xrange(len(alignment.msa[0])):
            col = get_column(i, alignment.msa)
            if col.count('-') > len(col) / 2:
                n_gapped_cols += 1
        if n_gapped_cols > len(alignment.msa[0]) / 2:
        include = True
        for batchscore_id in batchscore_ids:
            sc_dir = os.path.join(ds_dir, batchscore_id)
            out_file = dataset_config.get_out_file(align_file, sc_dir)
            if not os.path.exists(out_file):
                include = False
        if include:

    print "Evaluating dataset %r: %d/%d scored alignments after minor filtering" \
            % (dataset_name, len(afs), len(align_files))
    if align_files_only:
        for af in afs:
            yield af

    # Iterate through score files in dataset, per alignment.
    for align_file in afs:
        scores_cols = []
        for batchscore_id in batchscore_ids:
            sc_dir = os.path.join(ds_dir, batchscore_id)
            out_file = dataset_config.get_out_file(align_file, sc_dir)
            scores = read_batchscores(out_file)
        alignment = Alignment(align_file,
        yield alignment, scores_cols
コード例 #3
ファイル: r4s_ppc.py プロジェクト: jwayne/conseval
def r4s_ppc(dataset_name, **jsd_params):
    afs = list(get_batchscores(dataset_name, align_files_only=True))

    dc = DATASET_CONFIGS[dataset_name]
    r4s_name = 'R4S_EB-vanilla'
    r4s_dir = os.path.join(get_batchscore_dir(dataset_name), r4s_name)

    r4s = Rate4siteEb()
    jsd = JsDivergence(**jsd_params)

    # Choose random alignment/scores pair
    align_file = random.choice(afs)
    test_file = dc.get_test_file(align_file)
    r4s_file = dc.get_out_file(align_file, r4s_dir)
    alignment = Alignment(align_file, test_file=test_file, parse_testset_fn=dc.parse_testset_fn)
    n_seqs = len(alignment.msa)
    n_sites = len(alignment.msa[0])

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.gca()
    inds = range(n_sites)

    rates = read_batchscores(r4s_file)
    tree = alignment.get_phylotree()
    root = tree.root
    names_map = dict((name,i) for i,name in enumerate(alignment.names))

    # Pre-compute probabilities for branch, for every site (i.e., rate)
    P_cached = precompute_tree_probs(tree, rates, r4s.sub_model)
    for r in P_cached:
        for node in P_cached[r]:
            # We treat root separately
            if node != root:
                cum_probs = np.cumsum(P_cached[r][node],axis=1)
                if not np.all(np.abs(cum_probs[:,-1]-1) < 1e-4):
                    raise ValueError("Bad probability matrix")
                cum_probs[:,-1] = 1
                P_cached[r][node] = np.array(cum_probs)
    root_freqs = np.cumsum(r4s.sub_model.freqs)
    if not abs(root_freqs[-1]-1) < 1e-4:
        raise ValueError("Bad probability matrix")
    root_freqs[-1] = 1

    # Repeat replication for N_RUNS
    jsd_rep_scores_all = []
    for n in xrange(N_RUNS):
        # For each site, generate amino acids for each sequence using that site's rate
        # DFS through tree, setting amino acids at each node
        msa = [[] for i in xrange(n_seqs)]
        for i in xrange(n_sites):
            r = rates[i]
            aa_ind = weighted_choice(root_freqs)
            bfs = [(aa_ind,node) for node in root.clades]
            for aa_ind, node in bfs:
                aa_ind = weighted_choice(P_cached[r][node][aa_ind])
                if node.is_terminal():
                    bfs += ((aa_ind,child) for child in node.clades)
        aln_rep = MockAlignment(alignment.names, msa, tree, alignment.get_seq_weights)
        jsd_rep_scores = jsd.score(aln_rep)
        ax.scatter(inds, jsd_rep_scores, color='k', alpha=0.2)

    jsd_orig_scores = jsd.score(alignment)
    ts = alignment.testset
    pos_inds = [i for i in inds if ts[i]]
    pos_orig_scores = [jsd_orig_scores[i] for i in pos_inds]
    neg_inds = [i for i in inds if not ts[i]]
    neg_orig_scores = [jsd_orig_scores[i] for i in neg_inds]
    ax.scatter(pos_inds, pos_orig_scores, color='g')
    ax.scatter(neg_inds, neg_orig_scores, color='r')
    ax.set_ylabel('JSD score')

    rep_scores_per_col = np.array(jsd_rep_scores_all).T
    means = np.mean(rep_scores_per_col, axis=1)
    stds = np.std(rep_scores_per_col, axis=1)
    zscores = (np.array(jsd_orig_scores) - means) / stds
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax2.plot(inds, zscores, '--')

    plt.xlim(inds[0], inds[-1])

    plt.scatter(rates, zscores)

    import ipdb