コード例 #1
ファイル: isovid.py プロジェクト: illume/zanthor
    def load_bkgr_cache(self, level_fname, tiles_fname):
        """ try and load the painted background from cache.
            Returns True if it can load the background.  Otherwise False.

        if not CACHE_USE_LEVEL_CACHE:
            return False

        # check if the image is in cache.
        exts = [".jpg", ".tga"]
        found_image = False

        for ext in exts:
            cached_fname = data_dir('cache', 'levels',
            cached_fname = cached_fname[:-4] + ext

            if os.path.exists(cached_fname):
                # check if the cached file is newer.
                fname_stat = os.stat(level_fname)
                cached_stat = os.stat(cached_fname)
                if fname_stat.st_mtime > cached_stat.st_mtime:
                    return False
                found_image = True
                #TODO: check the tiles mtime too.

        if found_image:
            print "loading :%s:" % cached_fname
            self.bkgr = pygame.image.load(cached_fname)
            self.bkgr = self.bkgr.convert()
            return True
            return False
コード例 #2
ファイル: isovid.py プロジェクト: philhassey/zanthor
    def load_bkgr_cache(self, level_fname, tiles_fname):
        """ try and load the painted background from cache.
            Returns True if it can load the background.  Otherwise False.

        if not CACHE_USE_LEVEL_CACHE:
            return False

        # check if the image is in cache.
        exts = [".jpg", ".tga"]
        found_image = False

        for ext in exts:
            cached_fname = data_dir('cache', 'levels', os.path.basename(level_fname))
            cached_fname = cached_fname[:-4] + ext

            if os.path.exists(cached_fname):
                # check if the cached file is newer.
                fname_stat = os.stat(level_fname)
                cached_stat = os.stat( cached_fname )
                if fname_stat.st_mtime > cached_stat.st_mtime:
                    return False
                found_image = True
                #TODO: check the tiles mtime too.

        if found_image:
            print "loading :%s:" % cached_fname
            self.bkgr = pygame.image.load(cached_fname)
            self.bkgr = self.bkgr.convert()
            return True
            return False
コード例 #3
ファイル: sounds.py プロジェクト: philhassey/zanthor
NOTE: not using pygames channel queueing as it only allows one sound to be 
  queued.  Also the sound can only be queued on a certain channel.


import pygame
import os
import glob
import time

from pygame.locals import *
from const import data_dir

SOUND_PATH = data_dir("sounds")

EXTENSIONS = [".wav", ".ogg"]

def get_sound_list(path=SOUND_PATH, extensions=EXTENSIONS):
    """ gets a list of sound names without thier path, or extension.
    # load a list of sounds without path at the beginning and .ogg at the end.
    sound_list = []
    for ext in extensions:
        sound_list.extend(map(lambda x: x[len(path) + 1 : -4], glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*" + ext))))

    return sound_list
コード例 #4
ファイル: sounds.py プロジェクト: illume/zanthor
Probably have different sets of sounds in here somehow.

NOTE: not using pygames channel queueing as it only allows one sound to be 
  queued.  Also the sound can only be queued on a certain channel.


import pygame
import os
import glob
import time

from pygame.locals import *
from const import data_dir

SOUND_PATH = data_dir("sounds")

EXTENSIONS = [".wav", ".ogg"]

def get_sound_list(path=SOUND_PATH, extensions=EXTENSIONS):
    """ gets a list of sound names without thier path, or extension.
    # load a list of sounds without path at the beginning and .ogg at the end.
    sound_list = []
    for ext in extensions:
            map(lambda x: x[len(path) + 1:-4],
                glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*" + ext))))

    return sound_list
コード例 #5
ファイル: isovid.py プロジェクト: illume/zanthor
    def paint(self, screen):

        sw, sh = screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()

        tlayer = self.tlayer
        blayer = self.blayer
        zlayer = self.zlayer

        w, h = len(tlayer[0]), len(tlayer)
        if not hasattr(self, 'bkgr') and not self.load_bkgr_cache(
                self.level_fname, self.tiles_fname):
            t1 = time.time()

            self.bkgr = None
            v = self.view
            tmp, y1 = self.tile_to_view((0, 0))
            x1, tmp = self.tile_to_view((0, h + 1))
            tmp, y2 = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, h + 1))
            x2, tmp = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, 0))

            ww, hh = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
            self.view = pygame.Rect(x1, y1, ww, hh)
            s = pygame.Surface((ww, hh)).convert()
            s.fill((128, 0, 0))

            s2 = pygame.Surface((ww, hh)).convert()

            for n in [1, 2]:  #,4]:
                s2.blit(s, (0, 0))
                for x, y in [(-16 / n, 0), (16 / n, 0), (0, -8 / n),
                             (0, 8 / n)]:
                    s2.blit(s, (x + random.randrange(-2, 3),
                                y + random.randrange(-2, 3)))
                s2, s = s, s2

            self.bkgr = s
            t2 = time.time()
            print "_" * 40
            print "time to paint background: %s" % (t2 - t1)

            # this is the caching stuff.
            if CACHE_USE_LEVEL_CACHE:
                if t2 - t1 > 1.0:
                    # the machine didn't process this fast enough, so we cache it.
                    if not os.path.exists(data_dir('cache')):
                        if not os.path.exists(data_dir('cache', 'levels')):
                            os.mkdir(data_dir('cache', 'levels'))

                        cached_fname = data_dir(
                            'cache', 'levels',
                        pygame.image.save(self.bkgr, cached_fname)
                        # no cache for this person.  Maybe no permission.

        iso_w, iso_h, iso_z, tile_w, tile_h, base_w, base_h = self.iso_w, self.iso_h, self.iso_z, self.tile_w, self.tile_h, self.base_w, self.base_h

        base_h2 = base_h / 2
        base_w2 = base_w / 2

        bot = tile_h / base_h2
        todo_max = sh / base_h2 + bot
        #todo = [[] for y in xrange(0,todo_max)]
        todo = {}

        self.view.w, self.view.h = sw, sh
        view = self.view
        adj = self.adj = pygame.Rect(-self.view.x, -self.view.y, 0, 0)

        shift = pygame.Rect(adj.x, adj.y / base_h2 * base_h2, 0, 0)

        for s in self.sprites:

            if s.irect.colliderect(self.view):
                x, y = self.iso_to_view((s.rect.centerx, s.rect.centery))
                #v = (y+adj.y)/base_h2 - 1
                #v = (y+shift.y)/base_h2 -1
                #if v >= 0 and v < todo_max:
                #    todo[v].append((s,s.image,s.irect))
                v = y / base_h2 - 1
                if v not in todo: todo[v] = []
                todo[v].append((s, s.image, s.irect))

                if hasattr(s, 'effect'):
                    e = s.effect
                    if hasattr(e, 'zloop'):
                        z = 0
                        if hasattr(s, 'z'):
                            z = s.z

                        irect = s.irect
                        e.zloop((s.irect.x + irect.w / 2,
                                 s.irect.y + irect.h / 2 + z), v)

                        for z, img, pos in e.zpaint():
                            if z not in todo: todo[z] = []
                                (None, img, pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1)))

            #else: print 'doesnt fit',v

        w, h = len(tlayer[0]), len(tlayer)
        tiles = self.tiles

        if self.bkgr != None:
            if self.bounds == None:
                tmp, y1 = self.tile_to_view((0, 0))
                x1, tmp = self.tile_to_view((0, h + 1))
                tmp, y2 = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, h + 1))
                x2, tmp = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, 0))
                self.bounds = pygame.Rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

            if self.bounds != None: self.view.clamp_ip(self.bounds)
            #print self.bounds

        ox, oy = self.screen_to_tile((0, 0))
        sx, sy = self.iso_to_view((ox * iso_w, oy * iso_h))
        dx, dy = sx - self.view.x, sy - self.view.y

        if self.bkgr == None:
            print 'paint the background!!!'
            t1 = time.time()

            for i2 in xrange(-bot, self.view.h / base_h2 + bot):
                tx, ty = ox + i2 / 2 + i2 % 2, oy + i2 / 2
                x, y = (i2 % 2) * base_w2 + dx, i2 * base_h2 + dy

                #to adjust for the -1 in i1
                x, tx, ty = x - base_w, tx - 1, ty + 1
                for i1 in xrange(-1, self.view.w / base_w +
                                 2):  #NOTE: not sure why +2
                    #print tx,ty
                    if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
                        z = zlayer[ty][tx] * iso_z
                        if blayer != None:
                            n = blayer[ty][tx]
                            if n != 0:
                                t = tiles[n]
                                if t != None and t.image != None:
                                    screen.blit(t.image, (x - base_w2, y + z))

                    tx += 1
                    ty -= 1
                    x += base_w

            t2 = time.time()
            print "*" * 40
            print "time to paint background: %s" % (t2 - t1)


        tmp, y1 = self.tile_to_view((0, 0))
        x1, tmp = self.tile_to_view((0, h + 1))
        tmp, y2 = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, h + 1))
        x2, tmp = self.tile_to_view((w + 1, 0))

        #print x1,y1,adj
        screen.blit(self.bkgr, (x1 + adj.x, y1 + adj.y))

        for i2 in xrange(-bot, self.view.h / base_h2 + bot):
            tx, ty = ox + i2 / 2 + i2 % 2, oy + i2 / 2
            x, y = (i2 % 2) * base_w2 + dx, i2 * base_h2 + dy

            #to adjust for the -1 in i1
            x, tx, ty = x - base_w, tx - 1, ty + 1
            for i1 in xrange(-1,
                             self.view.w / base_w + 2):  #NOTE: not sure why +2
                if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
                    z = zlayer[ty][tx] * iso_z
                    #                     if blayer != None:
                    #                         n = blayer[ty][tx]
                    #                         if n != 0:
                    #                             t = tiles[n]
                    #                             if t != None and t.image != None:
                    #                                 screen.blit(t.image,(x-base_w2,y+z))
                    n = tlayer[ty][tx]
                    if n != 0:
                        t = tiles[n]
                        if t != None and t.image != None:
                            screen.blit(t.image, (x - base_w2, y -
                                                  (t.image_h - base_h) + z))

                tx += 1
                ty -= 1
                x += base_w
            #for s,img,irect in todo[y/base_h2]:
            #if i2 in todo:

            zz = (y - adj.y) / base_h2
            if zz not in todo: continue
            for s, img, irect in todo[zz]:
                z = 0
                if hasattr(s, 'z'):
                    z = s.z
                screen.blit(img, (irect.x + adj.x, irect.y + adj.y + z))
                if hasattr(s, 'effect'):
                    if not hasattr(s.effect, 'zloop'):
                        s.effect.loop((s.irect.x + irect.w / 2,
                                       s.irect.y + irect.h / 2 + z))
                            screen, (-adj.x, -adj.y)
                        )  #(irect.x+adj.x+irect.w/2,irect.y+adj.y+irect.h/2))

        self.updates = []
        return [pygame.Rect(0, 0, screen.get_width(), screen.get_height())]
コード例 #6
ファイル: isovid.py プロジェクト: philhassey/zanthor
    def paint(self,screen):
        sw,sh = screen.get_width(),screen.get_height()
        tlayer = self.tlayer
        blayer = self.blayer
        zlayer = self.zlayer
        w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
        if not hasattr(self,'bkgr') and not self.load_bkgr_cache(self.level_fname, self.tiles_fname):
            t1 = time.time()

            self.bkgr = None
            v = self.view
            tmp,y1 = self.tile_to_view((0,0))
            x1,tmp = self.tile_to_view((0,h+1))
            tmp,y2 = self.tile_to_view((w+1,h+1))
            x2,tmp = self.tile_to_view((w+1,0))

            ww,hh = x2-x1,y2-y1
            self.view = pygame.Rect(x1,y1,ww,hh)
            s = pygame.Surface((ww,hh)).convert()
            s2 = pygame.Surface((ww,hh)).convert()
            for n in [1,2]: #,4]:
                for x,y in [(-16/n,0),(16/n,0),(0,-8/n),(0,8/n)]:
                s2,s = s,s2

            self.bkgr = s
            t2 = time.time()
            print "_" * 40
            print "time to paint background: %s" % (t2 - t1)

            # this is the caching stuff.
            if CACHE_USE_LEVEL_CACHE:
                if t2 - t1 > 1.0:
                    # the machine didn't process this fast enough, so we cache it.
                    if not os.path.exists(data_dir('cache')):
                        if not os.path.exists(data_dir('cache', 'levels')):
                            os.mkdir(data_dir('cache', 'levels'))

                        cached_fname = data_dir('cache', 'levels', os.path.basename(self.level_fname))
                        pygame.image.save(self.bkgr, cached_fname)
                        # no cache for this person.  Maybe no permission.

        iso_w,iso_h,iso_z,tile_w,tile_h,base_w,base_h = self.iso_w,self.iso_h,self.iso_z,self.tile_w,self.tile_h,self.base_w,self.base_h
        base_h2 = base_h/2
        base_w2 = base_w/2
        bot = tile_h/base_h2
        todo_max = sh/base_h2+bot
        #todo = [[] for y in xrange(0,todo_max)]
        todo = {}
        self.view.w,self.view.h = sw,sh
        view = self.view
        adj = self.adj = pygame.Rect(-self.view.x,-self.view.y,0,0)
        shift = pygame.Rect(adj.x,adj.y/base_h2*base_h2,0,0)
        for s in self.sprites:
            if s.irect.colliderect(self.view):
                x,y = self.iso_to_view((s.rect.centerx,s.rect.centery))
                #v = (y+adj.y)/base_h2 - 1
                #v = (y+shift.y)/base_h2 -1
                #if v >= 0 and v < todo_max:
                #    todo[v].append((s,s.image,s.irect))
                v = y/base_h2 -1
                if v not in todo: todo[v] = []
                if hasattr(s,'effect'):
                    e = s.effect
                    if hasattr(e,'zloop'):
                        z = 0
                        if hasattr(s,'z'):
                            z = s.z
                        irect= s.irect
                        for z,img,pos in e.zpaint():
                            if z not in todo: todo[z] = []
            #else: print 'doesnt fit',v
        w,h = len(tlayer[0]),len(tlayer)
        tiles = self.tiles
        if self.bkgr != None:
            if self.bounds == None:
                tmp,y1 = self.tile_to_view((0,0))
                x1,tmp = self.tile_to_view((0,h+1))
                tmp,y2 = self.tile_to_view((w+1,h+1))
                x2,tmp = self.tile_to_view((w+1,0))
                self.bounds = pygame.Rect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1)
            if self.bounds != None: self.view.clamp_ip(self.bounds)
            #print self.bounds

        ox,oy = self.screen_to_tile((0,0))
        sx,sy = self.iso_to_view((ox*iso_w,oy*iso_h))
        dx,dy = sx - self.view.x,sy - self.view.y
        if self.bkgr == None:
            print 'paint the background!!!'
            t1 = time.time()

            for i2 in xrange(-bot,self.view.h/base_h2+bot):
                tx,ty = ox + i2/2 + i2%2,oy + i2/2
                x,y = (i2%2)*base_w2 + dx,i2*base_h2 + dy
                #to adjust for the -1 in i1
                x,tx,ty = x-base_w,tx-1,ty+1
                for i1 in xrange(-1,self.view.w/base_w+2): #NOTE: not sure why +2
                    #print tx,ty
                    if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
                        z = zlayer[ty][tx]*iso_z
                        if blayer != None:
                            n = blayer[ty][tx]
                            if n != 0:
                                t = tiles[n]
                                if t != None and t.image != None:
                    tx += 1
                    ty -= 1
                    x += base_w

            t2 = time.time()
            print "*" * 40
            print "time to paint background: %s" % (t2 - t1)

        tmp,y1 = self.tile_to_view((0,0))
        x1,tmp = self.tile_to_view((0,h+1))
        tmp,y2 = self.tile_to_view((w+1,h+1))
        x2,tmp = self.tile_to_view((w+1,0))
        #print x1,y1,adj
        for i2 in xrange(-bot,self.view.h/base_h2+bot):
            tx,ty = ox + i2/2 + i2%2,oy + i2/2
            x,y = (i2%2)*base_w2 + dx,i2*base_h2 + dy
            #to adjust for the -1 in i1
            x,tx,ty = x-base_w,tx-1,ty+1
            for i1 in xrange(-1,self.view.w/base_w+2): #NOTE: not sure why +2
                if ty >= 0 and ty < h and tx >= 0 and tx < w:
                    z = zlayer[ty][tx]*iso_z
#                     if blayer != None:
#                         n = blayer[ty][tx]
#                         if n != 0:
#                             t = tiles[n]
#                             if t != None and t.image != None:
#                                 screen.blit(t.image,(x-base_w2,y+z))
                    n = tlayer[ty][tx]
                    if n != 0:
                        t = tiles[n]
                        if t != None and t.image != None:
                tx += 1
                ty -= 1
                x += base_w
            #for s,img,irect in todo[y/base_h2]:
            #if i2 in todo:
            zz = (y - adj.y) / base_h2
            if zz not in todo: continue
            for s,img,irect in todo[zz]:
                z = 0
                if hasattr(s,'z'):
                    z = s.z
                if hasattr(s,'effect'):
                    if not hasattr(s.effect,'zloop'):

        self.updates = []
        return [pygame.Rect(0,0,screen.get_width(),screen.get_height())]