def genPage(self,sendToS3=True,compressJs=True): #vprint("CONSTANTS.COMPRESS",constants.compressJs) pagetext = "" # LATER fix this; pagetext is for custom pages pg0= gen.pageHeader("","ImageDiver") + "<body>" svdv = constants.devVersion if sendToS3: constants.devVersion = 0 if (sendToS3 or constants.compressJs): pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.cjsForPage("common") + constants.cjsForPage("snap") else: pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.toJsIncludes(constants.commonJsFiles) + constants.toJsIncludes(constants.jsFiles['snap']) constants.devVersion = svdv pg1 = """ <script> page.initialize(); </script> <div class="outerDiv"> <div class="topDiv"> <div class="topDivTop"></div> <div class="titleDiv"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> """ pg = pg0 + pg1 #fl = "/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/temp/snap.html" tp = self.topic #topicdir = "/topicd" if constants.publishToS3Dev else "/topic" s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/index.html" #the path where the page will finally end up #models.writeFile(fl,pg) #print "publishing to ",s3path #return pg if sendToS3: s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=pg,relativeTo="",contentType="text/html") return pg
def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session; if sess==None: user = ""; else: user = sess.user; txt = """ <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/imagestyle.css"/> </head> <body> <script>var jQuery; // for commonJS compatability</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> """ pageName = 'albums_for_image' if constants.compressJs: txt += cjsForPage(pageName) else: txt += jsForPage(pageName) txt += """ <script> idv.loggedInUser='******' $(document).ready(page.initialize); </script> """ return htmlResponse(txt)
def emitPage(webin): Logr.log("page", "EMITTING GALLERY PAGE") sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user images = {} albums = {} pg0 = gen.pageHeader(webin, "imageDiver") + """ <body> """ pageName = 'gallery' if constants.compressJs: pg0 += commonCjsInclude + cjsForPage("gallery") + toJsInclude( "/pages/gallery_data.js") else: pg0 += commonJsIncludes + toJsIncludes( jsFiles['gallery']) + toJsInclude("/pages/gallery_data.js") """ pg0 += commonJsIncludes + jsForPage(pageName) if constants.compressJs: pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.toJsInclude("/cjs/common.js") + constants.toJsInclude("/cjs/gallery.js") else: pg0 += constants.commonJsIncludes + constants.toJsInclude("/pages/gallery.js") """ pg0 += """ <script> $(document).ready(function () { page.initialize({loggedInUser:'******'}); }); </script> <div class="outerDiv"> <div class="topDiv"> <div class="topDivTop"></div> <div class="titleDiv">the depths of high-resolution images, annotated</div> </div> </div> </body> </html> """ return htmlResponse(pg0)
def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user pg0 = gen.pageHeader(webin, "the depths of high resolution images, annotated", facebook=False) + "<body>" pageName = 'images' if constants.compressJs: pg0 += commonCjsInclude + cjsForPage(pageName) else: pg0 += commonJsIncludes + jsForPage(pageName) """ var loading = $('<div style="margin:40px"><center>LOADING... <img src="/ajax-loader.gif"/></center></dir>'); page.loadingDiv = loading; $('body').append(loading); """ pg1 = """ idv.util.commonInit(); var jsonUrl = "/api/allImages" idv.util.get(jsonUrl,function (rs) { var images = rs.value; $('document').ready( function () { page.initialize(images,loggedInUser,"all"); }); }); </script> </body> </html> """ otxt = pg0 + \ "<script>" + \ "var loggedInUser='******';\n" otxt += constants.emitConstants() otxt += pg1 return htmlResponse(otxt)
def genStdPage(webin, pageName, options=None, pageTitle=None, compressJs=None, staticSize=False): if compressJs == None: cjs = constants.compressJs else: cjs = compressJs if cjs: jsFiles = commonCjsIncludes() + cjsForPage(pageName) else: jsFiles = commonJsIncludes() + jsForPage(pageName) if options == None: options = {} return genDynPage(webin, jsFiles, options, pageTitle=pageTitle, staticSize=staticSize)
def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user txt = """ <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/imagestyle.css"/> </head> <body> <script>var jQuery; // for commonJS compatability</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> """ pageName = 'upload_iframe' if constants.compressJs: txt += cjsForPage(pageName) else: txt += jsForPage(pageName) txt += """ <script> idv.loggedInUser='******' $(document).ready(initialize); </script> <form id="theForm" target="_self" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/api/upload?id=333" method="post"> <p>File: <input id="fileInput" style="color:white" type="file" name="file"/></p> <p id="errorP"></p> <p><input id ="theButton" type="button" value="Upload"></p> </form> </body> </html> """ return htmlResponse(txt)
import misc import model.models models = model.models import model.snap snapm = model.snap import pages.gen gen = pages.gen import urlparse headLines = [] js = "" pageName = 'post_to_tumblr' if constants.compressJs: js += commonCjsInclude + cjsForPage(pageName) else: js += commonJsIncludes + jsForPage(pageName) def authorizeTumblr(user,topic): tk = oauth_tumblr.requestToken() if topic: tk["topic"] = topic tkj = json.dumps(tk) #print "TKJ",tkj " the token needs to be saved for a few minutes: until the user authorizes or declines the app " dir = "/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/tokens/" uname = misc.pathLast(user) fln = dir+uname f = open(fln,'w')
def genAlbumPage(options, forS3Dev=False): vprint("OPTIONSSS", options) vprint("CONSTANTS.COMPRESS", constants.compressJs) if forS3Dev: options["forS3Dev"] = 1 forHomePage = options.get("forHomePage", False) user = options["loggedInUser"] # the visitor's imageidver user name albumOwner = options["albumOwner"] imD = options["imageD"] imAuthor = imD.get("author", "") imTitle = imD.get("title", "") published = options["published"] albumTopic = options.get("albumTopic", None) imageTopic = options.get("imageTopic", None) compressJs = options.get("compressJs", False) del options["imageD"] optionsJson = json.dumps(options) if albumTopic: sp = albumTopic.split("/") else: sp = imageTopic.split("/") imowner = sp[2] imname = sp[3] #if albumTopic: # albumname = sp[4] path = options["path"] pagetext = "" # LATER fix this; pagetext is for custom pages #imageTopic = "/image/"+imowner+"/"+imname #albumTopic = "/album/"+imowner+"/"+imname+"/"+albumname; #albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic) #imageTopic = albumD.image # if forHomePage: imt = "the depths of high-resolution images, annotated" else: #albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic) if imTitle: ttl = imTitle.encode('utf-8') else: ttl = imname #print "TTL",ttl,imAuthor imt = ttl + ", " + imAuthor.encode( 'ascii', errors='ignore' ) if imAuthor else ttl # WORKAROUND - what's wrong here? #print "IMT ",imt fttl = "ImageDiver" if (path == "/") else "ImageDiver: " + imt fdes = "the depths of high-resolution images, annotated" if ( path == "/") else imt + ", Zoomable and Annotated" """fbim = ""+imowner+"/"+imname+".jpg""" #fbim = ""+imowner+"/"+imname+".jpg""" fbim = "" + imowner + "/" + imname + "/resized/width_300.jpg" "" pg0 = gen.pageHeader(path, fttl, fdes, facebook=True, facebookImage=fbim) + "<body>" if compressJs or constants.compressJs: pg0 += jsPreamble + cjsForPage("common") + cjsForPage("album") else: if pagetext: pg0 += constants.commonJsIncludes + constants.albumPageJsIncludes # option not maintained else: pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + toJsIncludes( commonJsFiles, forS3Dev) + toJsIncludes( jsFiles['album'], forS3Dev) pg1 = """ <script> page.initialize({0}); </script> {1} <div class="outerDiv"> <div class="topDiv"> <div class="topDivTop"></div> <div class="titleDiv"> {2} </div> </div> </div> {3} </body> </html> """.format(optionsJson, pagetext, imt, constants.noScript) return pg0 + pg1