コード例 #1
    def vars():
        That function will add some needed variables to the output, calculated during the model, and it will remove another variables that are not needed.
        It can only be added variable to tree, but no to the plot (it will return an error).

        ############################################  PLOT variables ############################################################

        #------------------------------------------- REMOVE -------------------------------------------------------#

        # Basic plot variables measured
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('EXPAN')  # Expan  # expansion factor

        # Basic plot variables calculated - basal area
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BASAL_AREA')  # Basal area  # (m2/ha)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BA_MAX')  # BA Max  # (m2)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BA_MIN')  # BA Min  # (m2)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_BA')  # Mean BA  # (m2)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - diameter
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DBH_MAX')  # D Max  # (cm)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DBH_MIN')  # D Min  # (cm)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_DBH')  # Mean dbh  # (cm)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('QM_DBH')  # Quadratic mean dbh  # (m2)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DOMINANT_DBH')  # Dominant dbh  # (cm)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - height
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('H_MAX')  # H Max  # (m)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('H_MIN')  # H Min  # (m)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_H')  # Mean height  # (m)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DOMINANT_H')  # Dominant height  # (m)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - crown
            'CROWN_MEAN_D')  # Mean crown diameter  # (m)
            'CROWN_DOM_D')  # Dominant crown diameter  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CANOPY_COVER')  # Canopy cover  # (%)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - plot
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('REINEKE')  # Reineke Index  # Stand Density Index - SDI
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('HART')  # Hart-Becking Index  # Hart-Becking Index - S
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SI')  # Site Index  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('QI')  # Quality Index

        # Basic plot variables calculated - volume
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('VOL')  # Volume  # (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BOLE_VOL')  # Bole Volume  # (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BARK_VOL')  # Bark Volumen  # (m3)

        # Plot variables calculated - biomass
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WSW')  # Wsw  # wsw = stem wood (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WSB')  # Wsb  # wsb = stem bark (Kg)
            'W_CORK')  # W Fresh Cork  # w_cork = fresh cork biomass (Kg)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WTHICKB')  # Wthickb  # wthickb = Thick branches > 7 cm (Kg)
            'WSTB')  # Wstb  # wstb = wsw + wthickb, stem + branches >7 cm (Kg)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WB2_7')  # Wb2_7  # wb2_7 = branches (2-7 cm) (Kg)
            'WB2_T')  # Wb2_t  # wb2_t = wb2_7 + wthickb; branches >2 cm (Kg)
            'WTHINB')  # Wthinb  # wthinb = Thin branches (2-0.5 cm) (Kg)
            'WB05')  # wb05 = thinniest branches (<0.5 cm) (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WL')  # Wl  # wl = leaves (Kg)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WTBL')  # Wtbl  # wtbl = wthinb + wl; branches <2 cm and leaves (Kg)
        )  # Wbl0_7  # wbl0_7 = wb2_7 + wthinb + wl; branches <7 cm and leaves (Kg)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WR')  # Wr  # wr = roots (Kg)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WT')  # Wt  # wt = biomasa total (Kg)

        # Plot variables calculated - wood uses
        )  # Unwinding  # unwinding = useful volume for unwinding destiny (m3)
        )  # Veneer  # veneer = useful volume for veneer destiny (m3)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_BIG')  # Saw big  # saw_big = useful volume for big saw destiny (m3)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_SMALL')  # Saw small  # saw_small = useful volume for small saw destiny (m3)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_CANTER')  # Saw canter  # saw_canter = useful volume for canter saw destiny (m3)
            'POST')  # Post  # post = useful volume for post destiny (m3)
            'STAKE')  # Stake  # stake = useful volume for stake destiny (m3)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CHIPS')  # Chips  # chips = useful volume for chips destiny (m3)

        ############################################  TREE variables ############################################################

        #------------------------------------------- REMOVE -------------------------------------------------------#

        # Tree general information
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('number_of_trees')  #  number of trees
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('specie')  #  specie
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('quality')  #  quality
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('shape')  #  shape
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('special_param')  #  parameter esp
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('remarks')  #  remarks
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('age_130')  #  normal age  # (years)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('social_class')  #  social class
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('tree_age')  #  tree age  # (years)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('coord_x')  #  coord X
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('coord_y')  #  coord Y

        # Basic variables measured
            'dbh_1')  #  dbh 1  # diameter mesasurement 1 (cm)
            'dbh_2')  #  dbh 2  # diameter mesasurement 1 (cm)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('stump_h')  #  stump height  # (m)
        )  #  bark thickness 1  # bark thickness mesasurement 1 (mm)
        )  #  bark thickness 2  # bark thickness mesasurement 2 (mm)
            'bark')  #  bark thickness  # mean bark thickness (mm)

        # Basic variables calculated
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('normal_circumference')  #  normal circumference  # circumference at breast height (cm)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('hd_ratio')  #  slentherness  # (%)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('basal_area')  #  basal area  #  (m2)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('bal')  #  basal area acumulated  # (m2)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('ba_ha')  #  basal area per ha  # (m2/ha)

        # Crown variables
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('cr')  #  crown ratio  # (%)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('lcw')  #  lcw  #  largest crown width (m)
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('hcb')  #  hcb  # height crown base (m)
            'hlcw')  #  hlcw  # height of largest crown width (m)

        # Volume variables
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('vol')  #  volume  # volume with bark (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('bole_vol')  #  bole volume  # volume without bark (dm3)
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('bark_vol')  #  bark vol  # volume of bark (dm3)
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('firewood_vol')  #  fuelwood volume  # (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('vol_ha')  #  volume per ha  # volume with bark per hectare (m3/ha)

        # Biomass variables
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wsw')  #  wsw  # wsw = stem wood (Kg)
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wsb')  #  wsb # wsb = stem bark (Kg)
            'w_cork')  #  w fresh cork  # w_cork = fresh cork biomass (Kg)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wthickb')  #  wthickb  # wthickb = Thick branches > 7 cm (Kg)
        )  #  wstb  # wstb = wsw + wthickb, stem + branches >7 cm (Kg)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wb2_7')  #  wb2_7  # wb2_7 = branches (2-7 cm) (Kg)
            'wb2_t')  #  wb2_t  # wb2_t = wb2_7 + wthickb; branches >2 cm (Kg)
            'wthinb')  #  wthinb  # wthinb = Thin branches (2-0.5 cm) (Kg)
            'wb05')  # wb05 = thinniest branches (<0.5 cm) (Kg)
        VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wl')  #  wl  # wl = leaves (Kg)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wtbl')  #  wtbl  # wtbl = wthinb + wl; branches <2 cm and leaves (Kg)
        )  #  wbl0_7  # wbl0_7 = wb2_7 + wthinb + wl; branches <7 cm and leaves (Kg)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wr')  #  wr  # wr = roots (Kg)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('wt')  #  wt  # wt = biomasa total (Kg)

        # Wood uses variables
        )  #  unwinding  # unwinding = useful volume for unwinding destiny (dm3)
        )  #  veneer  # veneer = useful volume for veneer destiny (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('saw_big')  #  saw big  # saw_big = useful volume for big saw destiny (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('saw_small')  #  saw small  # saw_small = useful volume for small saw destiny (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('saw_canter')  #  saw canter  # saw_canter = useful volume for canter saw destiny (dm3)
            'post')  #  post  # post = useful volume for post destiny (dm3)
            'stake')  #  stake  # stake = useful volume for stake destiny (dm3)
        #VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('chips')  #  chips  # chips = useful volume for chips destiny (dm3)

        # Quercus suber special variables
            'dbh_oc')  #  dbh over cork  # dbh over cork (cm) - Quercus suber
        )  #  uncork height  # uncork height on main stem (m) - Quercus suber
        )  #  uncork boughs  # number of main bough stripped - Quercus suber
        )  #  cork cycle  # moment to obtain cork data; 0 to the moment just immediately before the stripping process,
コード例 #2
 def get_index_by_name(name):
     return PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.index(name)
コード例 #3
    def vars():
        That function will add some needed variables to the output, calculated during the model, and it will remove another variables that are not needed.
        It can only be added variable to tree, but no to the plot (it will return an error).

############################################  PLOT variables ############################################################

#------------------------------------------- REMOVE -------------------------------------------------------#

        # Basic plot variables measured
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('EXPAN')  # Expan  # expansion factor

        # Basic plot variables calculated - basal area
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BASAL_AREA')  # Basal area  # (m2/ha)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BA_MAX')  # BA Max  # (m2)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BA_MIN')  # BA Min  # (m2)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_BA')  # Mean BA  # (m2)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - diameter
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DBH_MAX')  # D Max  # (cm)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DBH_MIN')  # D Min  # (cm)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_DBH')  # Mean dbh  # (cm)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('QM_DBH')  # Quadratic mean dbh  # (m2)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DOMINANT_DBH')  # Dominant dbh  # (cm)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - height
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('H_MAX')  # H Max  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('H_MIN')  # H Min  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('MEAN_H')  # Mean height  # (m)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('DOMINANT_H')  # Dominant height  # (m)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - crown
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CROWN_MEAN_D')  # Mean crown diameter  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CROWN_DOM_D')  # Dominant crown diameter  # (m)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CANOPY_COVER')  # Canopy cover  # (%)

        # Basic plot variables calculated - plot
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('REINEKE')  # Reineke Index  # Stand Density Index - SDI
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('HART')  # Hart-Becking Index  # Hart-Becking Index - S
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SI')  # Site Index  # (m)
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('QI')  # Quality Index

        # Basic plot variables calculated - volume
        #PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('VOL')  # Volume  # (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BOLE_VOL')  # Bole Volume  # (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('BARK_VOL')  # Bark Volumen  # (m3)

        # Plot variables calculated - biomass
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WSW')  # Wsw  # wsw = stem wood (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WSB')  # Wsb  # wsb = stem bark (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('W_CORK')  # W Fresh Cork  # w_cork = fresh cork biomass (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WTHICKB')  # Wthickb  # wthickb = Thick branches > 7 cm (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WSTB')  # Wstb  # wstb = wsw + wthickb, stem + branches >7 cm (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WB2_7')  # Wb2_7  # wb2_7 = branches (2-7 cm) (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WB2_T')  # Wb2_t  # wb2_t = wb2_7 + wthickb; branches >2 cm (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WTHINB')  # Wthinb  # wthinb = Thin branches (2-0.5 cm) (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WB05')  # wb05 = thinniest branches (<0.5 cm) (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WL')  # Wl  # wl = leaves (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WTBL')  # Wtbl  # wtbl = wthinb + wl; branches <2 cm and leaves (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WBL0_7')  # Wbl0_7  # wbl0_7 = wb2_7 + wthinb + wl; branches <7 cm and leaves (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WR')  # Wr  # wr = roots (Kg)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('WT')  # Wt  # wt = biomasa total (Kg) 

        # Plot variables calculated - wood uses
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('UNWINDING')  # Unwinding  # unwinding = useful volume for unwinding destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('VENEER')  # Veneer  # veneer = useful volume for veneer destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_BIG')  # Saw big  # saw_big = useful volume for big saw destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_SMALL')  # Saw small  # saw_small = useful volume for small saw destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('SAW_CANTER')  # Saw canter  # saw_canter = useful volume for canter saw destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('POST')  # Post  # post = useful volume for post destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('STAKE')  # Stake  # stake = useful volume for stake destiny (m3)
        PLOT_VARIABLE_NAMES.remove('CHIPS')  # Chips  # chips = useful volume for chips destiny (m3)