コード例 #1
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_rating(*_, code: int, type: str, rating: int) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "rating was queried -> type:'{}', code:'{}', rating:'{}'".format(
             type, code, rating))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_rating(database, external_id, type, code, rating)
コード例 #2
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_watch_status(*_, code: int, type: str,
                          watchStatus: str) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "watchStatus was queried -> code:'{}', type:'{}', watchStatus:'{}'"
         .format(code, type, watchStatus))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_watch_status(database, external_id, code, type, watchStatus)
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_user(*_) -> dict:
     Get user preferences
     :return: <dict> currently country & language fields
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("user was queried")
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_user_i18n(external_id, db)
コード例 #4
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_favorite(*_, code: int, type: str, favorite: bool,
                      seasonNumber: int, episodeNumber: int) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "favorite was queried -> type:'{}', code:'{}', seasonNumber:'{}', episodeNumber:'{}', favorite:'{}'"
         .format(type, code, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, favorite))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_favorite(tmdb, database, external_id, type, code,
                         seasonNumber, episodeNumber, favorite)
コード例 #5
ファイル: routes.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
    def graphql_playground() -> str:
        If get request was made on "/", route to playground.
        :return: <str>, <statuscode> Return playground html with status code 200
        logger = get_logger_instance()
        logger.debug("Routed to playground -> code:{}".format(200))

        return PLAYGROUND_HTML, 200
コード例 #6
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_language(*_, language: str) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to set the current user's preferred language
     :param language: <str> RFC 5646 BCP language tag (e.g. 'de-DE' or 'en-US')
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("language was queried -> language:'{}'".format(language))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_language(database, external_id, language)
コード例 #7
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_country(*_, country: str) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to set the current user's preferred country
     :param country: <str> ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (e.g. 'DE' or 'US')
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("country was queried -> country:'{}'".format(country))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_country(database, external_id, country)
コード例 #8
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_tv(*_, code: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "tv" queries.
     :param code: <int> Id of the tv show to get details for
     :return: <dict> Details of the tv show
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("TV was queried -> code:{}".format(code))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_tv(external_id, tmdb, code, db)
コード例 #9
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_watch_count(*_, type: str) -> int:
     API endpoint for "watchCount" queries.
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie", "Season" and "Episode"
     :return: <int> Count of watched media of provided type
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("watchCount was queired -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_watch_count(tmdb, external_id, type, db)
コード例 #10
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_tv_seasons(*_, code: int) -> list:
     API endpoint for "tvSeasons" queries.
     :param code: <int> Code of the TV show to get the seasons for
     :return: list of dicts consisting of seasons
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("TVSeasons was queried -> code:'{}'".format(code))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_tv_seasons(external_id, tmdb, code, db)
コード例 #11
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_watch_time(*_, type: str) -> int:
     API endpoint for "watchTime" queries.
     :param type: <str> Type to return count for (Movie, TV)
     :return: <int> Runtime of watched media of provided type
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("watchTime was queried -> type:'{}'".format((type)))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_watch_time(tmdb, external_id, type, db)
コード例 #12
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_popular(*_, type: str, page: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "popular" queries.
     :param type: <str> Choose between "tv" or "movie" to get popular results
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> Details of the movie/tv
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("Popular was queried -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_popular(external_id, tmdb, type, page, db)
コード例 #13
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_popular(*_, type: str, page: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint to get "popular" productions.
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie"
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> Results of either popular TV shows or movies
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("Popular was queried -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_popular(external_id, tmdb, type, page, db)
コード例 #14
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_number_of_watched_episodes(
         *_, code: int, seasonNumber: int,
         numberOfWatchedEpisodes: int) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "number of watched episodes was queried -> code:'{}', seasonNumber:'{}', numberOfWatchedEpisodes:'{}'"
         .format(code, seasonNumber, numberOfWatchedEpisodes))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_number_of_watched_episodes(tmdb, database, external_id,
                                           code, seasonNumber,
コード例 #15
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_search(*_, keyword: str, page: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "search" queries.
     :param keyword: <str> Search string
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> Results of the search
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("Search was queried -> keyword:'{}'".format(keyword))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_search(external_id, tmdb, keyword, page, db)
コード例 #16
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_season(*_, code: int, seasonNumber: str) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "season" queries.
     :param code: <int> Id of the tv show to get details for
     :param seasonNumber: <int> Number of the season to get details for
     :return: <dict> Details of the season 
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("Season was queried -> code:{}, season_number:{}".format(
         code, seasonNumber))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_season(external_id, tmdb, code, seasonNumber, db)
コード例 #17
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_list(*_, type: str, watchStatus: str, favorite: bool) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "list" queries.
     :param type: <str> Choose between "tv", "movie", "season" and "episode"
     :param watchStatus: <str> Choose between "Plan to watch", "Watching", "Dropped" and "Finished" or "any"
     :param favorite: <bool> to query media marked as favorite (best used with watchStatus = "any")
     :return: <dict> Movie, TV, Season or Episode
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("List was queried -> type:'{}', watchStatus:'{}'".format(
         type, watchStatus))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_list(tmdb, external_id, type, watchStatus, favorite, db)
コード例 #18
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_season_episodes(*_, code: str, seasonNumber: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint for "seasonEpisodes" queries.
     :param code: <int> Code of the TV show to get the episodes for 
     :param seasonNumber: <int> Number of the season to get the episodes for
     :return: list of dicts consisting of episodes
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "seasonEpisodes was queried -> code:'{}', seasonNumber:'{}'".
         format(code, seasonNumber))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_season_episodes(external_id, tmdb, code, seasonNumber, db)
コード例 #19
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_rating(*_, code: int, type: str, rating: int) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to rate media.
     :param code: <int> TMDB code of the item
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie"
     :param rating: <int> Rating of media to store for user.
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "rating was queried -> type:'{}', code:'{}', rating:'{}'".format(
             type, code, rating))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_rating(database, external_id, type, code, rating)
コード例 #20
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_watch_status(*_, code: int, type: str,
                          watchStatus: str) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to set the watchStatus of a TV show or movie
     :param code: <int> TMDB code of the item to change the watchStatus for
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie", "Season" and "Episode"
     :param watchStatus: <str> Choose between "Plan to watch", "Watching", "Dropped" and "Finished"
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "watchStatus was queried -> code:'{}', type:'{}', watchStatus:'{}'"
         .format(code, type, watchStatus))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_watch_status(database, external_id, code, type, watchStatus)
コード例 #21
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_discover(*_, type: str, person: int, similarTo: int,
                      page: int) -> dict:
     Get list of recommended media based on user ratings/favorites (popular as fallback)
     :param type: <str> Type of the media to query
     :param person: <int> TMDB code of a person to get media w/ them (e.g. acotr or director)
     :param similar_to: <int> TMDB code of a movie/tv show to get similar media
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> recommended media with respect to the values of watchStatus, favorites and rating
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("Discover was queried -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_discover(external_id, tmdb, type, person, similarTo, page,
コード例 #22
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_by_rating(*_, type: str, tmdbRating: float, minVotes: int,
                       releasedFrom: str, page: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint for (top) rated queries.
     :param type: <str> Popular item type "movie" or "tv"
     :param vote_avg: <float> filter media with average rating greater than set value
     :param vote_count: <int> minimum number of votes
     :param released_from: <str> search for media released after specified date (YYYY-MM-DD)
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> Details of the movie/tv
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("byRating was queried -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_by_rating(external_id, tmdb, type, tmdbRating, minVotes,
                          releasedFrom, page, db)
コード例 #23
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_by_rating(*_, type: str, tmdbRating: float, minVotes: int,
                       releasedFrom: str, page: int) -> dict:
     API endpoint to filter media based on rating.
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie"
     :param tmdbRating: <float> Filter media with average rating greater than set value
     :param minVotes: <int> Filter results by minimum amount of votes
     :param releasedFrom: <str> Search for media released after specified date (YYYY-MM-DD)
     :param page: <int> Search page (minimum:1 maximum:1000)
     :return: <dict> Results of either TV shows or movies filtered by ratings
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("byRating was queried -> type:'{}'".format(type))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return get_by_rating(external_id, tmdb, type, tmdbRating, minVotes,
                          releasedFrom, page, db)
コード例 #24
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_favorite(*_, code: int, type: str, favorite: bool,
                      seasonNumber: int, episodeNumber: int) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to set meida as favorite.
     :param code: <int> TMDB code of the item to set as favorite 
     :param type: <str> Media type, choose between "TV", "Movie", "Season" and "Episode"
     :param favorite: <bool> Boolean to set favorite to
     :param seasonNumber: <int> Number of season if type is season else set to null
     :param episodeNumber: <int> Number of episode if type is episode else set to null
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "favorite was queried -> type:'{}', code:'{}', seasonNumber:'{}', episodeNumber:'{}', favorite:'{}'"
         .format(type, code, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, favorite))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_favorite(tmdb, database, external_id, type, code,
                         seasonNumber, episodeNumber, favorite)
コード例 #25
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_number_of_watched_episodes(
         *_, code: int, seasonNumber: int,
         numberOfWatchedEpisodes: int) -> dict:
     Mutation endpoint to set amount of watched episodes
     :param code: <int> TMDB code of the item
     :param seasonNumber: <int> Number of season the episodes are part of
     :param numberOfWatchedEpisodes: <int> Amount of watched episodes
     :return: <dict> Dict containing status of mutation
     logger = get_logger_instance()
         "number of watched episodes was queried -> code:'{}', seasonNumber:'{}', numberOfWatchedEpisodes:'{}'"
         .format(code, seasonNumber, numberOfWatchedEpisodes))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_number_of_watched_episodes(tmdb, database, external_id,
                                           code, seasonNumber,
コード例 #26
ファイル: db.py プロジェクト: r2binx/consumat.io-backend
import datetime
from consumatio.external.db.models import *
from consumatio.external.logger import get_logger_instance
from consumatio.exceptions.invalid_parameter import InvalidParameter

logger = get_logger_instance()

class Database():
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db

    def cache(self: object, query: str, body: str) -> None:
        Cache the provided query and the respective result in the database.
        :param query: <str> Request to store in cache
        :param body: <str> Response of the query to store
        :return: None
        cache = Cache(query, body)

        logger.info("Query was saved in the database")

    def is_cached(self: object, query: str) -> bool:
        Checks if a query is cached in the database.
        :param query: <str> Tmdb query string
        :return: <bool> Returns true if the query is cached, else false 
コード例 #27
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_language(*_, language: str) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("language was queried -> language:'{}'".format(language))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_language(database, external_id, language)
コード例 #28
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: pojntfx/consumat.io-backend
 def resolve_country(*_, country: str) -> dict:
     logger = get_logger_instance()
     logger.info("country was queried -> country:'{}'".format(country))
     external_id = request.headers.get(CONSUMATIO_NAMESPACE_HEADER_KEY)
     return set_country(database, external_id, country)