def download_template_scripts(self, template_name, revision, force_overwrite=False): """Download all scripts of a template to local scripts folder. :param str template_name: "param str revision: :param bool force_overwrite: if True, will download the script even if it already exists. """ # Multiple codepaths enter into this. Hence all scripts are downloaded. # When id deprecated, the scripts should loop through # TemplateScriptFile to download scripts. for script_file in ScriptFile: remote_script_url = \ self._get_remote_script_url(template_name, revision, script_file) local_script_filepath = ltm.get_script_filepath( template_name, revision, script_file) download_file(url=remote_script_url, filepath=local_script_filepath, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback) # Set Read,Write permission only for the owner if != 'nt': os.chmod(local_script_filepath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
def _get_init_script(self): """Read the initialization script from disk to create temp vApp. :return: content of the initialization script. :rtype: str """ init_script_filepath = ltm.get_script_filepath( self.remote_cookbook_version, self.template_name, self.template_revision, TemplateScriptFile.INIT) init_script = read_data_file( init_script_filepath, logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback) if self.ssh_key is not None: init_script += \ f"mkdir -p /root/.ssh\n" \ f"echo '{self.ssh_key}' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys\n" \ f"chmod -R go-rwx /root/.ssh" return init_script
def download_template_scripts(self, template_name, revision, force_overwrite=False): """Download all scripts of a template to local scripts folder. :param str template_name: :param str revision: :param bool force_overwrite: if True, will download the script even if it already exists. """ if not self.cookbook_version: raise ValueError('Invalid value for cookbook_version') # Multiple code paths enter into this. Hence all scripts are # downloaded. When id deprecated, the scripts should # loop through TemplateScriptFile to download scripts. scripts_to_download = TemplateScriptFile if self.legacy_mode: # if server configuration is indicating legacy_mode, # download cluster-scripts from template repository. scripts_to_download = ScriptFile for script_file in scripts_to_download: remote_script_url = \ self._get_remote_script_url( template_name, revision, script_file) local_script_filepath = ltm.get_script_filepath( self.cookbook_version, template_name, revision, script_file) utils.download_file( url=remote_script_url, filepath=local_script_filepath, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback ) # Set Read,Write permission only for the owner if != 'nt': os.chmod(local_script_filepath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
def _customize_vm(self, vapp, vm_name): """Customize a vm in a VApp using customization script. :param pyvcloud.vcd.vapp.VApp vapp: :param str vm_name: :raises Exception: if unable to execute the customization script in the vm. """ msg = f"Customizing vApp '{self.temp_vapp_name}', vm '{vm_name}'" self.msg_update_callback.general(msg) cust_script_filepath = ltm.get_script_filepath( self.remote_cookbook_version, self.template_name, self.template_revision, TemplateScriptFile.CUST) cust_script = read_data_file( cust_script_filepath, logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback) vs = get_vsphere(self.sys_admin_client, vapp, vm_name, logger=self.logger) callback = vgr_callback( prepend_msg='Waiting for guest tools, status: "', logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback) wait_until_tools_ready(vapp, vm_name, vs, callback=callback) password_auto = vapp.get_admin_password(vm_name) try: result = vs.execute_script_in_guest( vs.get_vm_by_moid(vapp.get_vm_moid(vm_name)), 'root', password_auto, cust_script, target_file=None, wait_for_completion=True, wait_time=10, get_output=True, delete_script=True, callback=vgr_callback( logger=self.logger, msg_update_callback=self.msg_update_callback)) except Exception as err: # TODO() replace raw exception with specific exception # unsure all errors execute_script_in_guest can result in # Docker TLS handshake timeout can occur when internet is slow self.msg_update_callback.error( "Failed VM customization. Check CSE install log") self.logger.error(f"Failed VM customization with error: {err}", exc_info=True) raise if len(result) > 0: msg = f'Result: {result}' self.msg_update_callback.general_no_color(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) result_stdout = result[1].content.decode() result_stderr = result[2].content.decode() msg = 'stderr:' self.msg_update_callback.general_no_color(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) if len(result_stderr) > 0: self.msg_update_callback.general_no_color(result_stderr) self.logger.debug(result_stderr) msg = 'stdout:' self.msg_update_callback.general_no_color(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) if len(result_stdout) > 0: self.msg_update_callback.general_no_color(result_stdout) self.logger.debug(result_stdout) if len(result) == 0 or result[0] != 0: msg = "Failed VM customization" self.msg_update_callback.error(f"{msg}. Please check logs.") self.logger.error( f"{msg}\nResult start===\n{result}\n===Result end", exc_info=True) # TODO: replace raw exception with specific exception raise Exception(f"{msg}; Result: {result}") # Do not reboot VM after customization. Reboot will generate a new # machine-id, and once we capture the VM, all VMs deployed from the # template will have the same machine-id, which can lead to # unpredictable behavior msg = f"Customized vApp '{self.temp_vapp_name}', vm '{vm_name}'" self.msg_update_callback.general(msg)