コード例 #1
    def test_unprocessable_entity_error_without_name(self):
        response = MockResponse(422, {
            "requestId": "044bb23356babe4f11a3f7f1e77c762a",
            "message":"The resource you sent in the body is invalid.",
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "value": "not found"

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 422)
        message = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 422",
            "Message: The resource you sent in the body is invalid.",
            "Details: ",
            "The resource you sent in the body is invalid. - Value: 'not found'",
            "Request ID: 044bb23356babe4f11a3f7f1e77c762a"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), message)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, UnprocessableEntityError))
コード例 #2
    def test_default_error_message(self):
        response = MockResponse(512, "not json", invalid_json=True)
        error = get_error(response)

        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 512",
            "Message: The following error was received: not json"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
コード例 #3
    def test_generic_details(self):
        response = MockResponse(512, {
            'details': 'some text'
        error = get_error(response)

        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 512",
            "Message: The following error was received: {'details': 'some text'}",
            "Details: some text"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
コード例 #4
    def test_version_mismatch_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(409, {})

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 409)
        message = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 409",
            "Message: Version mismatch error. The version you specified was incorrect. This may be due to someone else editing the content."
        self.assertEqual(str(error), message)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, VersionMismatchError))
コード例 #5
    def test_other_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(418, {
            'message': "I'm a Teapot"

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 418)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 418",
            "Message: I'm a Teapot"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, HTTPError))
コード例 #6
    def test_service_unavailable_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(503, {
            'message': 'Service Unavailable'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 503)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 503",
            "Message: Service Unavailable"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, ServiceUnavailableError))
コード例 #7
    def test_server_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(500, {
            'message': 'Server Error'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 500)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 500",
            "Message: Server Error"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, ServerError))
コード例 #8
    def test_rate_limit_exceeded_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(429, {
            'message': 'Rate Limit Exceeded'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 429)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 429",
            "Message: Rate Limit Exceeded"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, RateLimitExceededError))
コード例 #9
    def test_rate_limit_exceeded_error_with_time(self):
        response = MockResponse(429, {}, headers={
            'x-contentful-ratelimit-reset': 60

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 429)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 429",
            "Message: Rate limit exceeded. Too many requests.",
            "Time until reset (seconds): 60"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, RateLimitExceededError))
コード例 #10
    def test_unauthorized_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(401, {
            'message': 'The access token you sent could not be found or is invalid.',
            'requestId': '$foobar123'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 401)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            'HTTP status code: 401',
            'Message: The access token you sent could not be found or is invalid.',
            'Request ID: $foobar123'
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, UnauthorizedError))
コード例 #11
    def test_not_found_error_details_is_a_string(self):
        response = MockResponse(404, {
            'message': 'The resource could not be found.',
            'details': 'The resource could not be found',
            'requestId': '$foobar123'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 404)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 404",
            "Message: The resource could not be found.",
            "Details: The resource could not be found",
            "Request ID: $foobar123"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, NotFoundError))
コード例 #12
    def test_bad_request_error_details_is_string(self):
        response = MockResponse(400, {
            'message': 'The query you sent was invalid. Probably a filter or ordering specification is not applicable to the type of a field.',
            'details': "some error",
            'requestId': '$foobar234'

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 400)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 400",
            "Message: The query you sent was invalid. Probably a filter or ordering specification is not applicable to the type of a field.",
            'Details: some error',
            "Request ID: $foobar234"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, BadRequestError))
コード例 #13
    def test_unprocessable_entity_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(422, {
            "requestId": "044bb23356babe4f11a3f7f1e77c762a",
            "message":"The resource you sent in the body is invalid.",
                        "name":"fallback locale creates a loop",

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 422)
        message = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 422",
            "Message: The resource you sent in the body is invalid.",
            "Details: ",
            "\t* Name: taken - Path: 'display_code' - Value: 'en-US'",
            "\t* Name: fallback locale creates a loop - Path: 'fallback_code' - Value: 'en-US'",
            "Request ID: 044bb23356babe4f11a3f7f1e77c762a"
        self.assertEqual(str(error), message)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, UnprocessableEntityError))
コード例 #14
    def test_predefined_errors_default_message(self):
        messages = {
            400: "The request was malformed or missing a required parameter.",
            401: "The authorization token was invalid.",
            403: "The specified token does not have access to the requested resource.",
            404: "The requested resource or endpoint could not be found.",
            409: "Version mismatch error. The version you specified was incorrect. This may be due to someone else editing the content.",
            422: "The resource you sent in the body is invalid.",
            429: "Rate limit exceeded. Too many requests.",
            500: "Internal server error.",
            502: "The requested space is hibernated.",
            503: "The request was malformed or missing a required parameter."

        for status_code, message in messages.items():
            response = MockResponse(status_code, "foo", invalid_json=True)

            error = get_error(response)

            expected_error = "\n".join([
                "HTTP status code: {0}".format(status_code),
                "Message: {0}".format(message)
            self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
コード例 #15
    def test_access_denied_error(self):
        response = MockResponse(403, {
            'message': 'Access Denied',
            'details': {
                'reasons': [

        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 403)
        expected_error = "\n".join([
            "HTTP status code: 403",
            "Message: Access Denied",
            "Details: ",
        self.assertEqual(str(error), expected_error)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(error, AccessDeniedError))
コード例 #16
    def test_default_additional_info_is_empty(self):
        response = MockResponse(512, "not json", invalid_json=True)
        error = get_error(response)

        self.assertEqual(error._additional_error_info(), [])