コード例 #1
class XmlMutationTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.mutator = Mutator(path + "/testconstellations.xml")

    def tearDown(self):
        self.mutator = None

    def test_node_list(self):
        list = self.mutator.node_list()
        self.assertEqual(0, len(list))

    def test_find_nodes(self):
        all_nodes = self.mutator.find_nodes()
        self.assertEqual('<testconstellation name="user_interface_test">', self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[0]))

    def test_generate_node_path(self):
        all_nodes = self.mutator.find_nodes()
        node_path = self.mutator.generate_node_path(all_nodes[2])
        self.assertEqual(self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[2]), node_path[0])
        self.assertEqual(self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[0]), node_path[len(node_path)-1])

    def test_convert_node_to_string(self):
        all_nodes = self.mutator.find_nodes()
        str_node = self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[0])
        self.assertEqual('<testconstellation name="user_interface_test">', self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[0]))

    def test_begin_mutation(self):
        all_nodes = self.mutator.find_nodes()
        for index, mutated_node in enumerate(self.mutator.begin_mutation()):
            self.assertEqual(self.mutator.convert_node_to_string(all_nodes[index]), mutated_node[0])
コード例 #2
def run_mutation_on_file(filename, database_name):
    filename is the xml file for generation make files.
    This function mutate on the file so that one node
    is missing per iteration. After mutating so every
    node have once been remove the original file will
    be restored.

    In every iteration the usuall procedure for creating
    makefiles is executed. If any errors occures during
    the "make" command the function[run_mutation_on_file]
    will save the error message and the node with all its
    parent nodes saved into tables in the (sqlite3)database.
        dbhandler = DatabaseHandler(database_name)
    except Exception as e:

        mutator = Mutator(filename)
        print("ERROR: not vaild filename/path for xml compilation file")

    prettyFilter = pyfilter.Filter()

    for node_list in mutator.begin_mutation():
            print("NODELIST: " , node_list)
            #CommandManager.run catch error_messages
            cmdManager = CommandManager()
            output, error_message = cmdManager.run("g++", filename)
            print("error_message: " , error_message)

            Insert procedure for generating and building makefiles
            here. Use cmdManager.run([command]...,)
            example: cmdManager.run("mbede-generator", "-l")
            example: cmdManager.run("mv", filename, "new_filename.txt")

            When runing "make" command use the vars output and error_message
            to make it possible to save content to database.

            #example of build procedure code
            cmdManager.run("mbede-generator", "-l")
            cmdManager.run("make", "makefiles")
            output, error_message = cmdaManager.run("make")#, target)

            #If error occures saved the errmsg in db
            if error_message != "":                
                error_message_pretty = prettyFilter.parse(error_message) 
                #reverse order of nodes. Parent... node
                node_list = node_list[::-1]
                print("run_mutation: DB INSERT")
                print("error_msg: " + error_message_pretty)
                print("error_type: " + " ".join(node_list))
                dbhandler.insert(error_message_pretty, node_list)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("KeyboardInterrupt caught, skipping to next xml mutation")
            #if something goes wrong continue to next mutation
            print("EXCEPTION: ", sys.exc_info())