コード例 #1
def bode_cor(num1, den1, num2, den2):
    sys1 = ctl.tf(num1, den1)
    sys2 = ctl.tf(num2, den2)
    sys_BO = ctl.series(sys1, sys2)
    sys = sys_BO.returnScipySignalLti()[0][0]
    w, mag, phase = sys.bode()
    return w, mag, phase
コード例 #2
    def instantiate (self, specs = None):

	if specs is not None:
	   self.specs = specs;

	self.Kc = insert (1,      self.specs, 'Kc');
        self.Ti = insert (np.inf, self.specs, 'Ti'); 
	self.Td = insert (0,      self.specs, 'Td');

	self.b  = insert (1.0, self.specs, 'b');
	self.c  = insert (1.0, self.specs, 'c');
	self.N  = insert (9.0, self.specs, 'N');

	num_p = self.Kc * self.b;
        den_p = 1;
	Cp = ctrl.tf (num_p, den_p);

	if (self.Ti != np.inf):
	   num_i = self.Kc;
	   den_i = [self.Ti, 0];
	   Ci = ctrl.tf (num_i, den_i);
	   Ci = 0;

	if (self.Td != 0):
	   num_d = [self.Kc * self.Td * self.c, 0];
           den_d = [(self.Td / self.N), 0];
	   Cd = ctrl.tf (num_d, den_d);
	   Cd = 0;

        self.tf = Cp + Ci + Cd;
コード例 #3
def classic():
    # PI controller
    Kp = 1.5
    Ki = 30.
    P = tf([Kp], [1])
    I = tf([Ki], [1, 0])
    Gc = parallel(P, I)
    # Power convertor
    Gpc = synthesize_2pole_filter(50, 0.707)
    # Plant
    Gp = tf([50], [1, 0])
    # Sensor
    # если выбросить из петли становится лучше
    # "remove sensor lag"
    Gs = synthesize_1pole_filter(20)
    # Openloop
    Gol = series(series(Gc, Gpc), Gp)
    # Closed loop
    Gcl = feedback(Gol)
    ts, xs = step_response( Gcl )
    plot(ts, xs)
コード例 #4
ファイル: pid.py プロジェクト: adaptivealgos/algo-stuff
def fitnessFunction(Kp, Ti, Td):
    G = control.tf([Ti*Td, Ti, 1], [Ti, 0])
    F = control.tf(1,[1,6,11,6,0])
    sys = control.feedback(control.series(G, F), 1)
    y = control.step(sys)
    yout = y[0]
    t = y[-1]
    # Integrated Square Error
    error = 0
    for val in y[0]:
        error += (val - 1)*(val - 1)
    # Overshoot
    OS = (yout.max()/yout[-1]-1)*100
    Tr = 0
    Ts = 0
    # Rising Time
    for i in range(0, len(yout) - 1):
        if yout[i] > yout[-1]*.90:
            Tr = t[i] - t[0]
    # Settling Time            
    for i in range(2, len(yout) - 1):
        if abs(yout[-i]/yout[-1]) > 1.02:
            Ts = t[len(yout) - i] - t[0]
    return 1/(OS + Tr + Ts + error*error*10)*100000
コード例 #5
ファイル: logsysid.py プロジェクト: dronecrew/px4tools
def attitude_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose=False):
    roll/pitch system id assuming delay/gain model
    :param y_acc: (roll or pitch acceleration)
    :param u_mix: (roll or pitch acceleration command)

    :return: (G_ol, delay, k)
        G_ol: open loop plant
        delay: time delay (sec)
        k: gain
    if verbose:
        print('solving for plant model ', end='')
    k, delay = delay_and_gain_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose)
    if verbose:

    # open loop, rate output, mix input plant
    tf_acc = k*control.tf(*control.pade(delay, 1)) # order 1 approx
    # can neglect motor, pole too fast to matter compared to delay, not used in sysid either
    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))
    G_ol = tf_acc * tf_integrator

    return G_ol, delay, k
コード例 #6
    def testLists(self):
        """Make sure that lists of various lengths work for operations"""
        sys1 = ctrl.tf([1, 1], [1, 2])
        sys2 = ctrl.tf([1, 3], [1, 4])
        sys3 = ctrl.tf([1, 5], [1, 6])
        sys4 = ctrl.tf([1, 7], [1, 8])
        sys5 = ctrl.tf([1, 9], [1, 0])

        # Series
        sys1_2 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(zero(sys1_2)), [-3., -1.])
        sys1_3 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_4 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-7., -5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_5 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             [-9., -7., -5., -3., -1.])

        # Parallel 
        sys1_2 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2)))
        sys1_3 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + sys3)))
        sys1_4 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4)))

        sys1_5 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4 + sys5)))
コード例 #7
def step_response_BF_cor(num1, den1, num2, den2, feedback=1, t=None):

    if t == None:
        t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

    sys1 = ctl.tf(num1, den1)
    sys2 = ctl.tf(num2, den2)

    sys_BO = ctl.series(sys1, sys2)
    sys_BF = g = ctl.feedback(sys_BO, feedback)
    lti_BF = sys_BF.returnScipySignalLti()[0][0]

    t, s = signal.step2(lti_BF, None, t)

    return t, s
コード例 #8
   def test_bode_margin(self):
      num = [1000]
      den = [1, 25, 100, 0]
      sys = ctrl.tf(num, den)
      ctrl.bode_plot(sys, margins=True,dB=False,deg = True)
      fig = plt.gcf()
      allaxes = fig.get_axes()

      mag_to_infinity = (np.array([6.07828691, 6.07828691]),
                         np.array([1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e-08]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(mag_to_infinity, allaxes[0].lines[2].get_data())

      gm_to_infinty = (np.array([10., 10.]), np.array([4.00000000e-01, 1.00000000e-08]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(gm_to_infinty, allaxes[0].lines[3].get_data())

      one_to_gm = (np.array([10., 10.]), np.array([1., 0.4]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(one_to_gm, allaxes[0].lines[4].get_data())

      pm_to_infinity = (np.array([6.07828691, 6.07828691]),
                        np.array([100000., -157.46405841]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(pm_to_infinity, allaxes[1].lines[2].get_data())

      pm_to_phase = (np.array([6.07828691, 6.07828691]), np.array([-157.46405841, -180.]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(pm_to_phase, allaxes[1].lines[3].get_data())

      phase_to_infinity = (np.array([10., 10.]), np.array([1.00000000e-08, -1.80000000e+02]))
      assert_array_almost_equal(phase_to_infinity, allaxes[1].lines[4].get_data())
コード例 #9
    def test_arguments(self):
        # Additional unit tests added on 25 May 2019 to increase coverage

        # Unknown canonical forms should generate exception
        sys = tf([1], [1, 2, 1])
            ControlNotImplemented, canonical_form, sys, 'unknown')
コード例 #10
    def test_observable_form(self):
        """Test the observable canonical form"""

        # Create a system in the observable canonical form
        coeffs = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0]
        A_true = np.polynomial.polynomial.polycompanion(coeffs)
        A_true = np.fliplr(np.flipud(A_true))
        B_true = np.matrix("1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0").T
        C_true = np.matrix("1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0")
        D_true = 42.0

        # Perform a coordinate transform with a random invertible matrix
        T_true = np.matrix([[-0.27144004, -0.39933167,  0.75634684,  0.44135471],
                            [-0.74855725, -0.39136285, -0.18142339, -0.50356997],
                            [-0.40688007,  0.81416369,  0.38002113, -0.16483334],
                            [-0.44769516,  0.15654653, -0.50060858,  0.72419146]])
        A = np.linalg.solve(T_true, A_true)*T_true
        B = np.linalg.solve(T_true, B_true)
        C = C_true*T_true
        D = D_true

        # Create a state space system and convert it to the observable canonical form
        sys_check, T_check = canonical_form(ss(A, B, C, D), "observable")

        # Check against the true values
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.A, A_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.B, B_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.C, C_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.D, D_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(T_check, T_true)

        # Observable form only supports SISO
        sys = tf([[ [1], [1] ]], [[ [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1] ]])
        np.testing.assert_raises(ControlNotImplemented, observable_form, sys)
コード例 #11
    def test_tf_input_with_int_element_works(self):
        num = 1
        den = np.convolve([1.0, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1])

        sys = ctl.tf(num, den)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, ctl.dcgain(sys))
コード例 #12
    def test_tf_num_with_numpy_int_element(self):
        num = np.convolve([1], [1, 1])
        den = np.convolve([1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1])

        sys = ctl.tf(num, den)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, ctl.dcgain(sys))
コード例 #13
    def test_eval(self):
        sys_tf = ct.tf([1], [1, 2, 1])
        frd_tf = FRD(sys_tf, np.logspace(-1, 1, 3))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sys_tf.evalfr(1), frd_tf.eval(1))

        # Should get an error if we evaluate at an unknown frequency
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, frd_tf.eval, 2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: plottings.py プロジェクト: MFaggioni/dsp-filtering
def plot_zero_pole_diagram(num,den,title):
        sys = control.tf(num,den)

        print('Error al Introducir los Datos, Vuelva a Intentarlo')
コード例 #15
 def siso_almost_equal(self,g,h):
     """siso_almost_equal(g,h) -> None
     Raises AssertionError if g and h, two SISO LTI objects, are not almost equal"""
     from control import tf, minreal
     gmh = tf(minreal(g-h,verbose=False))
     if not (gmh.num[0][0]<self.TOL).all():
         maxnum = max(abs(gmh.num[0][0]))
         raise AssertionError('systems not approx equal; max num. coeff is {}\nsys 1:\n{}\nsys 2:\n{}'.format(maxnum,g,h))
コード例 #16
ファイル: ga.py プロジェクト: tcooc/adaptive4
def Q2_perfFCN(Kp, Ti, Td):
  G = Kp * tf([Ti * Td, Ti, 1.0], [Ti, 0])

  sys = feedback(series(G,F),1)
  res = step_response(sys, t)

  ISE = sum((val - 1)**2 for val in res[1])
  return (ISE,) + stepinfo(res)
コード例 #17
ファイル: robust_mimo.py プロジェクト: kgnete/python-control
def weighting(wb, m, a):
    """weighting(wb,m,a) -> wf
    wb - design frequency (where |wf| is approximately 1)
    m - high frequency gain of 1/wf; should be > 1
    a - low frequency gain of 1/wf; should be < 1
    wf - SISO LTI object
    s = tf([1, 0], [1])
    return (s / m + wb) / (s + wb * a)
コード例 #18
 def testTf2ssStaticSiso(self):
     """Regression: tf2ss for SISO static gain"""
     import control
     gsiso = control.tf2ss(control.tf(23, 46))
     self.assertEqual(0, gsiso.states)
     self.assertEqual(1, gsiso.inputs)
     self.assertEqual(1, gsiso.outputs)
     # in all cases ratios are exactly representable, so assert_array_equal is fine
     np.testing.assert_array_equal([[0.5]], gsiso.D)
コード例 #19
ファイル: logsysid.py プロジェクト: dronecrew/px4tools
def pid_design(G, K_guess, d_tc, verbose=False, use_P=True, use_I=True, use_D=True):
    :param G: transfer function
    :param K_guess: gain matrix guess
    :param d_tc: time constant for derivative
    :param use_P: use p gain in design
    :param use_I: use i gain in design
    :param use_D: use d gain in design

    :return: (K, G_comp, Gc_comp)
        K: gain matrix
        G_comp: open loop compensated plant
        Gc_comp: closed loop compensated plant
    # compensator transfer function
    H = []
    if use_P:
        H += [control.tf(1, 1)]
    if use_I:
        H += [control.tf((1), (1, 0))]
    if use_D:
        H += [control.tf((1, 0), (d_tc, 1))]
    H = np.array([H]).T
    H_num = [[H[i][j].num[0][0] for i in range(H.shape[0])] for j in range(H.shape[1])]
    H_den = [[H[i][j].den[0][0] for i in range(H.shape[0])] for j in range(H.shape[1])]
    H = control.tf(H_num, H_den)

    # print('G', G)
    # print('H', H)

    ss_open = control.tf2ss(G*H)

    if verbose:
        print('optimizing controller')
    K = lqr_ofb_design(K_guess, ss_open, verbose)
    if verbose:

    # print('K', K)
    # print('H', H)
    G_comp = control.series(G, H*K)
    Gc_comp = control.feedback(G_comp, 1)

    return K, G_comp, Gc_comp
コード例 #20
ファイル: logsysid.py プロジェクト: dronecrew/px4tools
def control_design_ulog(raw_data, do_plot=False, rolling_mean_window=100, verbose=False):
    Design a PID controller from log file.
    data, dt = setup_data(raw_data)
    d_tc = 1.0/125 # nyquist frequency of derivative in PID, (250 Hz/2)
    K_guess_att = np.matrix([[1.0]]).T

    roll_acc = data.ATT_RollRate.diff()/dt
    K_rollrate, G_cl_rollrate = attitude_control_design(
        'roll rate', roll_acc, data.ATTC_Roll,
        do_plot=do_plot, verbose=verbose, d_tc=d_tc)

    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))

    K_roll, G_roll, G_cl_roll = pid_design(
        G_cl_rollrate*tf_integrator, K_guess_att, d_tc,
        verbose=verbose, use_I=False, use_D=False)

    if do_plot:
        plot_loops('roll', G_roll, G_cl_roll)

    pitch_acc = data.ATT_PitchRate.diff()/dt
    K_pitchrate, G_cl_pitchrate = attitude_control_design(
        'pitch rate', pitch_acc, data.ATTC_Pitch,
        do_plot=do_plot, d_tc=d_tc, verbose=verbose)

    K_pitch, G_pitch, G_cl_pitch = pid_design(
        G_cl_pitchrate*tf_integrator, K_guess_att, d_tc,
        verbose=verbose, use_I=False, use_D=False)

    if do_plot:
        plot_loops('pitch', G_pitch, G_cl_pitch)

    if verbose:
        print('G_roll', G_roll)
        print('G_cl_roll', G_cl_roll)
        print('G_cl_rollrate', G_cl_rollrate)
        print('G_pitch', G_pitch)
        print('G_cl_pitch', G_cl_pitch)
        print('G_cl_pitchrate', G_cl_pitchrate)

    return OrderedDict([
        ('MC_ROLL_P', round(K_roll[0, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_ROLLRATE_P', round(K_rollrate[0, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_ROLLRATE_I', round(K_rollrate[1, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_ROLLRATE_D', round(K_rollrate[2, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_PITCH_P', round(K_pitch[0, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_PITCHRATE_P', round(K_pitchrate[0, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_PITCHRATE_I', round(K_pitchrate[1, 0], 3)),
        ('MC_PITCHRATE_D', round(K_pitchrate[2, 0], 3)),
    ]), locals()
コード例 #21
def draw_step_response_feedback(K,sys):
    # Defining feedback system
    C = control.tf(K,1)
    # Using feedback according to http://nl.mathworks.com/help/control/examples/using-feedback-to-close-feedback-loops.html
    controled_sys = control.feedback(C*sys,1)
    poles = control.pole(controled_sys)
    y,t = control.step(controled_sys)
コード例 #22
ファイル: robust_mimo.py プロジェクト: kgnete/python-control
def plant():
    """plant() -> g
    g - LTI object; 2x2 plant with a RHP zero, at s=0.5.
    den = [0.2, 1.2, 1]
    gtf = tf([[[1], [1]],
              [[2, 1], [2]]],
             [[den, den],
              [den, den]])
    return ss(gtf)
コード例 #23
 def testTf2ssStaticMimo(self):
     """Regression: tf2ss for MIMO static gain"""
     import control
     # 2x3 TFM
     gmimo = control.tf2ss(control.tf([[ [23],   [3],  [5] ], [ [-1],  [0.125],  [101.3] ]],
                                      [[ [46], [0.1], [80] ], [  [2],   [-0.1],      [1] ]]))
     self.assertEqual(0, gmimo.states)
     self.assertEqual(3, gmimo.inputs)
     self.assertEqual(2, gmimo.outputs)
     d = np.matrix([[0.5, 30, 0.0625], [-0.5, -1.25, 101.3]])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(d, gmimo.D)
コード例 #24
def ramp_response_BF(num, den, feedback=1, t=None):

    if t == None:
        t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

    u = t
    # calcul de la BF
    sys = ctl.tf(num, den)
    sys_BF = g = ctl.feedback(sys, feedback)
    lti_BF = sys_BF.returnScipySignalLti()[0][0]
    t, s, x = signal.lsim2(lti_BF, u, t)
    return t, s
コード例 #25
    def test_tf2ss_robustness(self):
        """Unit test to make sure that tf2ss is working correctly.
         Source: https://github.com/python-control/python-control/issues/240
        import control
        num =  [ [[0], [1]],           [[1],   [0]] ]
        den1 = [ [[1], [1,1]],         [[1,4], [1]] ]
        sys1tf = control.tf(num, den1)
        sys1ss = control.tf2ss(sys1tf)

        # slight perturbation
        den2 = [ [[1], [1e-10, 1, 1]], [[1,4], [1]] ]
        sys2tf = control.tf(num, den2)
        sys2ss = control.tf2ss(sys2tf)

        # Make sure that the poles match for StateSpace and TransferFunction
コード例 #26
def weight_function(option, w_B, M=2, A=0):
    This function should return a transfer function object of a weight function
    as described in Skogestad pg. 58 (section 2.7.2)

    2.72 roll off of 1 for |S|.
    2.73 forces a steeper slope on |S|
    5.37 is good for tight control at high frequencies for S.

    5.45 is good for T where the roll off of |T| is at least 1 at high frequencies,
    |T| is less than M at low frequencies and the cross over frequency is w_B.

    Parameters: option => the weight function (enter the equation ref in skogestad)
                w_B    => minimum bandwidth (not optional)
                M      => maximum peak of transfer function (optional at M = 2)
                A      => steady state offset of less than A < 1 (optional at A = 0)
    if option == 2.72:
        wp = cn.tf([1, M * w_B], [M, M * A * w_B])
    elif option == 2.73:
        wp = cn.tf([1, 2 * (M ** 0.5) * w_B, M * (w_B ** 2)], [M, w_B * M * 2 * (A ** 0.5), A * M * (w_B**2)])
    elif option == 5.37:
        wp = cn.tf([1], [M]) + cn.tf([1, 0], [0, w_B])
    elif option == 5.45:
        wp = cn.tf([1, 0], [w_B]) + cn.tf([1], [M])
    return wp
コード例 #27
def step_response_BF_pert(num1, den1, num2, den2, feedback=1, pert=0.25, pert_time=1, t=None):

    if t == None:
        t = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)

    sys1 = ctl.tf(num1, den1)
    sys2 = ctl.tf(num2, den2)

    sys_BO1 = ctl.series(sys1, sys2)
    sys_BF1 = g = ctl.feedback(sys_BO1, feedback)
    lti_BF1 = sys_BF1.returnScipySignalLti()[0][0]

    sys_BF2 = g = ctl.feedback(sys2, sys1)
    lti_BF2 = sys_BF2.returnScipySignalLti()[0][0]

    u = pert * (t > pert_time)

    t, s1 = signal.step2(lti_BF1, None, t)
    t, s2, trash = signal.lsim2(lti_BF2, u, t)

    s = s1 + s2
    return t, s
コード例 #28
    def testSiso(self):
        "mixsyn with SISO system"
        from control import tf, augw, hinfsyn, mixsyn
        from control import ss
        # Skogestad+Postlethwaite, Multivariable Feedback Control, 1st Ed., Example 2.11
        s = tf([1, 0], 1)
        # plant
        g = 200/(10*s+1)/(0.05*s+1)**2
        # sensitivity weighting
        M = 1.5
        wb = 10
        A = 1e-4
        w1 = (s/M+wb)/(s+wb*A)
        # KS weighting
        w2 = tf(1, 1)

        p = augw(g, w1, w2)
        kref, clref, gam, rcond = hinfsyn(p, 1, 1)
        ktest, cltest, info = mixsyn(g, w1, w2)
        # check similar to S+P's example
        np.testing.assert_allclose(gam, 1.37, atol = 1e-2)

        # mixsyn is a convenience wrapper around augw and hinfsyn, so
        # results will be exactly the same.  Given than, use the lazy
        # but fragile testing option.
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ktest.A, kref.A)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ktest.B, kref.B)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ktest.C, kref.C)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ktest.D, kref.D)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(cltest.A, clref.A)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(cltest.B, clref.B)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(cltest.C, clref.C)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(cltest.D, clref.D)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(gam, info[0])

        np.testing.assert_allclose(rcond, info[1])
コード例 #29
    def testTf2SsDuplicatePoles(self):
        """Tests for "too few poles for MIMO tf #111" """
        import control
            import slycot
            num = [ [ [1], [0] ],
                   [ [0], [1] ] ]

            den = [ [ [1,0], [1] ],
                [ [1],   [1,0] ] ]
            g = control.tf(num, den)
            s = control.ss(g)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(g.pole(), s.pole())
        except ImportError:
            print("Slycot not present, skipping")
コード例 #30
    def instantiate (self, specs = None):

        if specs is not None:
            self.specs = specs;

        self.Kc = insert (1,      self.specs, 'Kc');
        self.Ti = insert (np.inf, self.specs, 'Ti'); 
        self.Td = insert (0,      self.specs, 'Td');

        self.b  = insert (1.0, self.specs, 'b');
        self.c  = insert (1.0, self.specs, 'c');
        self.N  = insert (np.inf, self.specs, 'N');

        num_p = self.Kc * self.b;
        den_p = 1;
        Cpff = ctrl.tf (num_p, den_p);
        Cpc  = ctrl.tf (self.Kc, 1);

        if (self.Ti != np.inf):	
            num_i = self.Kc;
            den_i = [self.Ti, 0];
            Ci = ctrl.tf (num_i, den_i);
            Ci = 0;

        if (self.Td != 0):
            num_d = [self.Kc * self.Td * self.c, 0];
            den_d = [(self.Td / self.N), 1];
            Cdff = ctrl.tf (num_d, 1);
            Cdc  = ctrl.tf ([self.Kc * self.Td], 1);
            Cdff = 0;
            Cdc = 0;

        self.Gff = Cpff + Ci + Cdff;
        self.Gc  = Cpc + Ci + Cdc;
コード例 #31
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
def add_control_lpf(C, p):
    LPF = tf(p, [1, p])
    return C * LPF
コード例 #32
    def test_similarity(self):
        """Test similarty transform"""

        # Single input, single output systems
        siso_ini = tf2ss(tf([1, 1], [1, 1, 1]))
        for form in 'reachable', 'observable':
            # Convert the system to one of the canonical forms
            siso_can, T_can = canonical_form(siso_ini, form)

            # Use a similarity transformation to transform it back
            siso_sim = similarity_transform(siso_can, np.linalg.inv(T_can))

            # Make sure everything goes back to the original form
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(siso_sim.A, siso_ini.A)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(siso_sim.B, siso_ini.B)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(siso_sim.C, siso_ini.C)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(siso_sim.D, siso_ini.D)

        # Multi-input, multi-output systems
        mimo_ini = ss(
            [[-1, 1, 0, 0], [0, -2, 1, 0], [0, 0, -3, 1], [0, 0, 0, -4]],
            [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]],
            np.zeros((3, 2)))

        # Simple transformation: row/col flips + scaling
        mimo_txf = np.array(
            [[0, 1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        # Transform the system and transform it back
        mimo_sim = similarity_transform(mimo_ini, mimo_txf)
        mimo_new = similarity_transform(mimo_sim, np.linalg.inv(mimo_txf))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.A, mimo_ini.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.B, mimo_ini.B)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.C, mimo_ini.C)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.D, mimo_ini.D)

        # Make sure rescaling by identify does nothing
        mimo_new = similarity_transform(mimo_ini, np.eye(4))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.A, mimo_ini.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.B, mimo_ini.B)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.C, mimo_ini.C)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.D, mimo_ini.D)

        # Time rescaling
        mimo_tim = similarity_transform(mimo_ini, np.eye(4), timescale=0.3)
        mimo_new = similarity_transform(mimo_tim, np.eye(4), timescale=1/0.3)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.A, mimo_ini.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.B, mimo_ini.B)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.C, mimo_ini.C)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.D, mimo_ini.D)

        # Time + transformation, in one step
        mimo_sim = similarity_transform(mimo_ini, mimo_txf, timescale=0.3)
        mimo_new = similarity_transform(mimo_sim, np.linalg.inv(mimo_txf),
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.A, mimo_ini.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.B, mimo_ini.B)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.C, mimo_ini.C)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.D, mimo_ini.D)

        # Time + transformation, in two steps
        mimo_sim = similarity_transform(mimo_ini, mimo_txf, timescale=0.3)
        mimo_tim = similarity_transform(mimo_sim, np.eye(4), timescale=1/0.3)
        mimo_new = similarity_transform(mimo_tim, np.linalg.inv(mimo_txf))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.A, mimo_ini.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.B, mimo_ini.B)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.C, mimo_ini.C)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(mimo_new.D, mimo_ini.D)
コード例 #33
# Inverted Pendulum Parameter File
import sys
sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import VTOLParam as P
sys.path.append('../hw7')  # add parent directory
import VTOLParamHW7 as P7
import numpy as np
# from scipy import signal
from control import TransferFunction as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control as cnt

# Compute plant transfer functions
th_e = 0
Plant_long = tf([1.0/(P.mc + 2*P.mr)],
           [1, 0.0, 0.0])
Plant_lat_inner = tf([(-P.g)],[1, (P.mu/(P.mc+2*P.mr)), 0])
Plant_lat_outer = tf([(1/(P.Jc + 2*P.mr*P.d**2))], [1, 0, 0])

# Compute transfer function of controller
C_pid_long = tf([(P7.kd_h+P7.kp_h*P.sigma), (P7.kp_h+P7.ki_h*P.sigma), P7.ki_h],
           [P.sigma, 1, 0])
C_pid_lat_inner = tf([(P7.kd_th+P7.kp_th*P.sigma), P7.kp_th, 0],
           [P.sigma, 1, 0])
C_pid_lat_outer = tf([(P7.kd_z+P7.kp_z*P.sigma), (P7.kp_z+P7.ki_z*P.sigma), P7.ki_z],
           [P.sigma, 1, 0])

# display bode plots of transfer functions
cnt.bode(Plant_long, dB=False, margins=False)
cnt.bode(Plant_long*C_pid_long, dB=False, margins=False)
コード例 #34
import control as cn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import control_add_on as cadd
import siso_controllability as scont

Scaling: x* refers to the unscaled perturbation variable
q = q*/1
T_0 = T_0*/10
T = T*/10

G = cn.tf([0.8],[60, 1])*cn.tf([1],[12, 1]) #this is the only tf which changes due to scaling => equates to *0.1
Gd = cn.tf([20*0.6, 0.6],[60, 1])*cn.tf([1],[12,1])
# remember the dead time in measurement which is 3 seconds
freqs = np.arange(0.001, 1, 0.001)
scont.rule_three_four(G, Gd, R = 2, perfect = True, freq = freqs)

The plant will perform well to input (R) and disturbance tracking as it
is self regulating i.e. |Gd| < 1 for all frequencies.

It is self regulating so... this is awkward...
コード例 #35
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
def add_control_proportional(C, kp):
    proportional = tf([kp], [1])
    return C * proportional
コード例 #36
# import matplotlib
import control
import tensorflow as tf
from RM import ReplayMemory
# matplotlib.use("TkAgg")

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

steps = 1000
episodes = 500
y_set = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
eps = 0.01  # Tolerance του reward function
c = 100  # reward value

# Το περιβάλλον του προβλήματος
g = control.tf([0.05, 0], [-0.6, 1])
sys = control.tf2ss(g)
number_of_states = 2
number_of_actions = 1

def reward(state):
    if abs(state - y_set) < eps:
        return c
        return -np.power(abs(state - y_set), 2)

def output(system, T, U, init_cond):
    return control.forced_response(system, T, U, init_cond)[1][49]
コード例 #37
ファイル: bodeordencero.py プロジェクト: jirayasama89/DCA
#!/usr/bin/env python

from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, legend, savefig, gcf
from numpy import logspace, sqrt, log
from control import bode, tf

k = 3

G = tf([k], [1])
om = logspace(-2, 1, 500)

bode(G, dB=True, omega=om)

f = gcf()
r, mag, fas = f.get_children()
mag.set_yticks([20, 8.75 * log(k), 0, -20])

fas.set_yticks([90, 0, -90])

mag.set_yticklabels(['20.00', r'$k_{dB}$', '0.00', '-20.00'])

# Se guarda la figura en la misma carpeta
コード例 #38
ファイル: plant.py プロジェクト: odjadane/control-theory-plot
 def set_plant(self, **kwargs):
     self.num = kwargs['num']
     self.den = kwargs['den']
     self.tf_plant = control.tf(self.num, self.den)
コード例 #39
@author: St Elmo Wilken

import control as cn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import siso_controllability as scont

# Scaling: x* refers to the unscaled perturbation variable
# q = q*/1
# T_0 = T_0*/10
# T = T*/10

# this is the only tf which changes due to scaling => equates to *0.1
G = cn.tf([0.8], [60, 1]) * cn.tf([1], [12, 1])
Gd = cn.tf([20 * 0.6, 0.6], [60, 1]) * cn.tf([1], [12, 1])
# remember the dead time in measurement which is 3 seconds
freqs = np.arange(0.001, 1, 0.001)
scont.rule_three_four(G, Gd, R=2, perfect=True, freq=freqs)


# Performance:
# The plant will perform well to input (R) and disturbance tracking as it
# is self regulating i.e. |Gd| < 1 for all frequencies.
# Controllability:
# It is self regulating so... this is awkward...
コード例 #40
    plantWn11 = 3 * hz2rps
    plantD11 = 0.2
    plantK12 = 0.5
    plantWn12 = 5 * hz2rps
    plantD12 = 0.3
    plantK21 = 0.25
    plantWn21 = 4 * hz2rps
    plantD21 = 0.1
    plantK22 = 1.0
    plantWn22 = 6 * hz2rps
    plantD22 = 0.4

    sysPlant = control.tf(
        [[[0, 0, plantK11 * plantWn11**2], [0, 0, plantK21 * plantWn21**2]],
         [[0, 0, plantK12 * plantWn12**2], [0, 0, plantK22 * plantWn22**2]]],
        [[[1, 2.0 * plantD11 * plantWn11, plantWn11**2],
          [1, 2.0 * plantD21 * plantWn21, plantWn21**2]],
         [[1, 2.0 * plantD12 * plantWn12, plantWn12**2],
          [1, 2.0 * plantD22 * plantWn22, plantWn22**2]]])

    sysK = control.ss([], [], [], [[0.75, 0.25], [0.25, 0.5]])

elif False:  # SP Example #3.8
    freqLin_hz = np.linspace(1e-2 * rps2hz, 1e2 * rps2hz, 200)
    freqRate_hz = 50

    plantK11 = 1.0
    plantWn11 = np.sqrt(5)
    plantD11 = 6 / (2 * plantWn11)
    plantK12 = 1.0
    plantWn12 = 1.0 * plantWn11
コード例 #41
import control
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

#coefficents of open loop transfer function
den = [4, 5, 1, 0]
num1 = [1.25]
num2 = [2]
num3 = [1]

#Creating a transfer function G = num/den
G1 = control.tf(num1, den)
G2 = control.tf(num2, den)
G3 = control.tf(num3, den)

#plotting the nyquist plot for three different transfer functions for a variable K

control.nyquist(G1, label='K=1.25')
control.nyquist(G2, label='K=2')
control.nyquist(G3, label='K=1')
plt.xlim(-4, 0)
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
plt.annotate("-1+0j", (-1, 0))
#if using termux
コード例 #42
    for filename in filenames:
        df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0)
        df = np.array(df)
        df = np.concatenate(df)
    return dfs

dfs = read_profiles()

tinitial = 0
tfinal = 59
N = len(dfs[0])
times = np.linspace(tinitial, tfinal, N)
s = tf([1, 0], [0, 1])
Gp = 1 / (s**2 + s + 1)
Gd = (s + 1) / (s**2 + s + 1)

def calc_average_perf(s, Gp, Gd, Kc, tauI, tauD, tauC, times):
    Perf = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    Gc = Kc * (1 + 1 / (tauI * s) + tauD * s / (tauC * s + 1))
    sys_D = Gd / (1 + Gp * Gc)
    average_Perf = []
    for j in range(0, 100):
        Ti = dfs[j]
        _, Y, _ = control.forced_response(sys_D, times, Ti)
        sys_U = Gc
        _, U, _ = control.forced_response(sys_U, times, -Y)
        Perf[j] = sum(abs(Y)) + 0.2 * sum(abs(U))
コード例 #43
ファイル: scratch.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
# Single link arm Parameter File
import sys
sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import massParam as P
import numpy as np
import control as cnt
from control import TransferFunction as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from mpldatacursor import datacursor

# Compute plant transfer functions
th_e = 0
Plant = tf([1.0 / P.m], [1, P.b / P.m, P.k / P.m])

# Bode plot of the plant
plt.figure(3), cnt.bode_plot(Plant, dB=False, margins=False)

# if you want specific values at specific frequencies, you can do the following:
mag, phase, omega = cnt.bode(Plant,
                             omega=[0.3, 10.0, 100.0])

# Closes plot windows when the user presses a button.
plt.pause(0.0001)  # not sure why this is needed for both figures to display
print('Close window to end program')
コード例 #44
 def test_modal_form_MIMO(self):
     """Test error because modal form only supports SISO"""
     sys = tf([[[1], [1]]], [[[1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1]]])
     with pytest.raises(ControlNotImplemented):
コード例 #45
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
def add_control_lag(C, z, M):
    Lag = tf([1, z], [1, z/M])
    return C * Lag
コード例 #46
import control as co
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

s = co.tf('s')
g = (s**2 + 5 * s + 4) / (s**2 - 5 * s - 24)
"""a) οχι ευσταθές"""
co.root_locus(g, ylim=(-0.25, 0.25))
"""b) απο root_locus μια καλή 
τιμή για ευστάθεια είναι k=8"""
g_gained = co.feedback(8 * g, sign=-1)
#co.root_locus(g_gained, ylim=(-0.025, 0.025))
"""c)  """
コード例 #47
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
def add_control_integral(C, ki):
    integrator = tf([1, ki], [1, 0])
    return C * integrator
コード例 #48
    def test_modal_form(self):
        """Test the modal canonical form"""

        # Create a system in the modal canonical form
        A_true = np.diag([4.0, 3.0, 2.0,
                          1.0])  # order from the largest to the smallest
        B_true = np.matrix("1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4").T
        C_true = np.matrix("1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6")
        D_true = 42.0

        # Perform a coordinate transform with a random invertible matrix
        T_true = np.matrix(
            [[-0.27144004, -0.39933167, 0.75634684, 0.44135471],
             [-0.74855725, -0.39136285, -0.18142339, -0.50356997],
             [-0.40688007, 0.81416369, 0.38002113, -0.16483334],
             [-0.44769516, 0.15654653, -0.50060858, 0.72419146]])
        A = np.linalg.solve(T_true, A_true) * T_true
        B = np.linalg.solve(T_true, B_true)
        C = C_true * T_true
        D = D_true

        # Create a state space system and convert it to the modal canonical form
        sys_check, T_check = canonical_form(ss(A, B, C, D), "modal")

        # Check against the true values
        # TODO: Test in respect to ambiguous transformation (system characteristics?)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.A, A_true)
        #np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.B, B_true)
        #np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.C, C_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.D, D_true)
        #np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(T_check, T_true)

        # Check conversion when there are complex eigenvalues
        A_true = np.array([[-1, 1, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -2, 0],
                           [0, 0, 0, -3]])
        B_true = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1]])
        C_true = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])
        D_true = np.array([[0]])

        A = np.linalg.solve(T_true, A_true) * T_true
        B = np.linalg.solve(T_true, B_true)
        C = C_true * T_true
        D = D_true

        # Create state space system and convert to modal canonical form
        sys_check, T_check = canonical_form(ss(A, B, C, D), 'modal')

        # Check A and D matrix, which are uniquely defined
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.A, A_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.D, D_true)

        # B matrix should be all ones (or zero if not controllable)
        # TODO: need to update modal_form() to implement this
        if np.allclose(T_check, T_true):
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.B, B_true)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.C, C_true)

        # Make sure Hankel coefficients are OK
        from numpy.linalg import matrix_power
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
                np.dot(np.dot(C_true, matrix_power(A_true, i)), B_true),
                np.dot(np.dot(C, matrix_power(A, i)), B))

        # Reorder rows to get complete coverage (real eigenvalue cxrtvfirst)
        A_true = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -2, 1, 0], [0, -1, -2, 0],
                           [0, 0, 0, -3]])
        B_true = np.array([[0], [0], [1], [1]])
        C_true = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 1]])
        D_true = np.array([[0]])

        A = np.linalg.solve(T_true, A_true) * T_true
        B = np.linalg.solve(T_true, B_true)
        C = C_true * T_true
        D = D_true

        # Create state space system and convert to modal canonical form
        sys_check, T_check = canonical_form(ss(A, B, C, D), 'modal')

        # Check A and D matrix, which are uniquely defined
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.A, A_true)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.D, D_true)

        # B matrix should be all ones (or zero if not controllable)
        # TODO: need to update modal_form() to implement this
        if np.allclose(T_check, T_true):
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.B, B_true)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys_check.C, C_true)

        # Make sure Hankel coefficients are OK
        from numpy.linalg import matrix_power
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
                np.dot(np.dot(C_true, matrix_power(A_true, i)), B_true),
                np.dot(np.dot(C, matrix_power(A, i)), B))

        # Modal form only supports SISO
        sys = tf([[[1], [1]]], [[[1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1]]])
        np.testing.assert_raises(ControlNotImplemented, modal_form, sys)
コード例 #49
import control as co
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sp

num = [-25.95]
den = [1, 7.25, 9.77]
sys = co.tf(num, den)
sys = co.tf(num, den)
コード例 #50
        ISE = tdiv + max(yc)
        # Realizando a Integral do erro quadrado
        t1 = feedback(F, 1)
        _, y1 = step_response(t1, time)
        SE = np.square(np.subtract(1, y1))
        ISE = np.sum(SE)

    return (ISE)

#Paramentros da Planta
K = 2
T = 4
#Função Transferência da Planta
G = tf(K, [T, 1])
#Criando vetor de tempo para ser o mesmo em todas as análises
tdiv = 201
time = np.linspace(0, 6, tdiv)

#Fator indesejado, Sinal de controle >max
maxcontrolador = 3
Kpi = 0
Kii = 0
Kdi = 0
faixa = 5 * 100

# Faixa de valores para as variáveis do GA
varbound = np.array([[-Kpi, faixa - Kpi], [-Kii, faixa - Kii],
                     [-Kdi, faixa - Kdi]])
コード例 #51
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
# p: lpf cutoff frequency
def add_control_lpf(C, p):
    LPF = tf(p, [1, p])
    return C * LPF

# phase lead: increase PM (stability)
# w_L: location of maximum frequency bump
# M: separation between zero and pole
def add_control_lead(C, w_L, M):
    gain = (1.0+np.sqrt(M))/(1.0+1.0/np.sqrt(M))
    Lead = tf([gain * 1.0, gain * w_L / np.sqrt(M)],
              [1.0, w_L * np.sqrt(M)])
    return C * Lead

# Compute plant transfer functions
Plant = cnt.tf([1.0 / (P.m * P.ell**2)], [1, P.b/(P.m*P.ell**2), P.k1/(P.m*P.ell**2)])
C_pid = cnt.tf([(P.kd+P.kp*P.sigma), (P.kp+P.ki*P.sigma), P.ki], [P.sigma, 1, 0])

PLOT = True
# PLOT = False

# calculate bode plot and gain and phase margin
mag, phase, omega = cnt.bode(Plant, dB=True, omega=np.logspace(-3, 5), Plot=False)
gm, pm, Wcg, Wcp = cnt.margin(Plant*C_pid)
print(" pm: ", pm, " Wcp: ", Wcp, "gm: ", gm, " Wcg: ", Wcg)

if PLOT:
    plt.figure(3), plt.clf()
    plt.subplot(211), plt.grid(True)
    plantMagPlot, = plt.semilogx(omega, 20*np.log10(mag), label='Plant')
    plt.subplot(212), plt.grid(True)
コード例 #52
def simulate_pendulum_MPC(sim_options):

    seed_val = get_parameter(sim_options, 'seed_val')
    if seed_val is not None:

    Ac = get_parameter(sim_options, 'Ac')
    Bc = get_parameter(sim_options, 'Bc')

    Cc = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.]])

    Dc = np.zeros((2, 1))

    [nx, nu] = Bc.shape  # number of states and number or inputs
    ny = np.shape(Cc)[0]

    Ts_slower_loop = get_parameter(sim_options, 'Ts_slower_loop')
    ratio_Ts = int(Ts_slower_loop // Ts_PID)

    # Brutal forward euler discretization
    Ad = np.eye(nx) + Ac * Ts_slower_loop
    Bd = Bc * Ts_slower_loop
    Cd = Cc
    Dd = Dc

    # Standard deviation of the measurement noise on position and angle

    std_npos = get_parameter(sim_options, 'std_npos')
    std_nphi = get_parameter(sim_options, 'std_nphi')

    # Force disturbance
    std_dF = get_parameter(sim_options, 'std_dF')

    # Disturbance power spectrum
    w_F = get_parameter(sim_options,
                        'w_F')  # bandwidth of the force disturbance
    tau_F = 1 / w_F
    Hu = control.TransferFunction([1], [1 / w_F, 1])
    Hu = Hu * Hu
    Hud = control.matlab.c2d(Hu, Ts_PID)
    N_sim_imp = tau_F / Ts_PID * 20
    t_imp = np.arange(N_sim_imp) * Ts_PID
    t, y = control.impulse_response(Hud, t_imp)
    y = y[0]
    std_tmp = np.sqrt(np.sum(y**2))  # np.sqrt(trapz(y**2,t))
    Hu = Hu / (std_tmp) * std_dF

    N_skip = int(20 * tau_F //
                 Ts_PID)  # skip initial samples to get a regime sample of d
    t_sim_d = get_parameter(sim_options, 'len_sim')  # simulation length (s)
    N_sim_d = int(t_sim_d // Ts_PID)
    N_sim_d = N_sim_d + N_skip + 1
    e = np.random.randn(N_sim_d)
    te = np.arange(N_sim_d) * Ts_PID
    _, d, _ = control.forced_response(Hu, te, e)
    d = d.ravel()
    angle_ref = d[N_skip:]

    # Initialize simulation system
    t0 = 0
    phi0 = 0.0 * 2 * np.pi / 360
    x0 = np.array([0, 0, phi0, 0])  # initial state
    system_dyn = ode(f_ODE_wrapped).set_integrator('vode',
                                                   method='bdf')  #    dopri5
    #    system_dyn = ode(f_ODE_wrapped).set_integrator('dopri5')
    system_dyn.set_initial_value(x0, t0)

    # Default controller parameters -
    P = -100.0
    I = -1
    D = -10
    N = 100.0

    kP = control.tf(P, 1, Ts_PID)
    kI = I * Ts_PID * control.tf([0, 1], [1, -1], Ts_PID)
    kD = D * control.tf([N, -N], [1.0, Ts_PID * N - 1], Ts_PID)
    PID_tf = kP + kD + kI
    PID_ss = control.ss(PID_tf)
    k_PID = LinearStateSpaceSystem(A=PID_ss.A,

    # Simulate in closed loop
    len_sim = get_parameter(sim_options, 'len_sim')  # simulation length (s)
    nsim = int(
        len_sim // Ts_slower_loop
    )  #int(np.ceil(len_sim / Ts_slower_loop))  # simulation length(timesteps) # watch out! +1 added, is it correct?
    t_vec = np.zeros((nsim, 1))
    t_calc_vec = np.zeros(
        (nsim, 1))  # computational time to get MPC solution (+ estimator)
    status_vec = np.zeros((nsim, 1))
    x_vec = np.zeros((nsim, nx))
    x_ref_vec = np.zeros((nsim, nx))
    y_vec = np.zeros((nsim, ny))
    y_meas_vec = np.zeros((nsim, ny))
    u_vec = np.zeros((nsim, nu))

    nsim_fast = int(len_sim // Ts_PID)
    t_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, 1))
    x_vec_fast = np.zeros(
        (nsim_fast, nx))  # finer integration grid for performance evaluation
    ref_angle_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, 1))
    y_meas_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, ny))
    x_ref_vec_fast = np.zeros(
        (nsim_fast, nx))  # finer integration grid for performance evaluatio
    u_vec_fast = np.zeros(
        (nsim_fast, nu))  # finer integration grid for performance evaluatio
    Fd_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, nu))  #
    t_int_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, 1))
    emergency_vec_fast = np.zeros((nsim_fast, 1))  #

    t_step = t0
    x_step = x0
    u_PID = None
    for idx_fast in range(nsim_fast):

        ## Determine step type: fast simulation only or MPC step
        idx_inner_controller = idx_fast // ratio_Ts
        run_inner_controller = (idx_fast % ratio_Ts) == 0

        y_step = Cd.dot(x_step)  # y[i] from the system
        ymeas_step = np.copy(y_step)
        ymeas_step[0] += std_npos * np.random.randn()
        ymeas_step[1] += std_nphi * np.random.randn()
        y_meas_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = ymeas_step
        # Output for step i
        # Ts_slower_loop outputs

        if run_inner_controller:  # it is also a step of the simulation at rate Ts_slower_loop
            if idx_inner_controller < nsim:
                t_vec[idx_inner_controller, :] = t_step
                y_vec[idx_inner_controller, :] = y_step
                y_meas_vec[idx_inner_controller, :] = ymeas_step
                u_vec[idx_inner_controller, :] = u_PID

        # PID angle CONTROLLER
        ref_angle = angle_ref[idx_fast]
        error_angle = ref_angle - ymeas_step[1]
        u_PID = k_PID.output(error_angle)
        u_PID[u_PID > 10.0] = 10.0
        u_PID[u_PID < -10.0] = -10.0
        u_TOT = u_PID

        # Ts_fast outputs
        t_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = t_step
        x_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = x_step  #system_dyn.y
        u_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = u_TOT
        Fd_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = 0.0
        ref_angle_vec_fast[idx_fast, :] = ref_angle

        ## Update to step i+1

        # Controller simulation step at rate Ts_slower_loop
        if run_inner_controller:

        # System simulation step at rate Ts_fast
        time_integrate_start = time.perf_counter()
        system_dyn.integrate(t_step + Ts_PID)
        x_step = system_dyn.y
        #x_step = x_step + f_ODE_jit(t_step, x_step, u_TOT)*Ts_fast
        #x_step = x_step + f_ODE(0.0, x_step, u_TOT) * Ts_fast
            idx_fast, :] = time.perf_counter() - time_integrate_start

        # Time update
        t_step += Ts_PID

    simout = {
        't': t_vec,
        'x': x_vec,
        'u': u_vec,
        'y': y_vec,
        'y_meas': y_meas_vec,
        'x_ref': x_ref_vec,
        'status': status_vec,
        'Fd_fast': Fd_vec_fast,
        't_fast': t_vec_fast,
        'x_fast': x_vec_fast,
        'x_ref_fast': x_ref_vec_fast,
        'u_fast': u_vec_fast,
        'y_meas_fast': y_meas_vec_fast,
        'emergency_fast': emergency_vec_fast,
        'K': k_PID,
        'nsim': nsim,
        'Ts_slower_loop': Ts_slower_loop,
        't_calc': t_calc_vec,
        'ref_angle_fast': ref_angle_vec_fast,
        't_int_fast': t_int_vec_fast

    return simout
コード例 #53
Created on Mon Feb 22 21:22:49 2016

@author: Charles

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from control import tf, ss
from matplotlib import pyplot as plot
import scipy
# Exact Process Model
K = 2
tau = 5
numer = [K]
denom = [tau,1]
sys1 = tf(numer,denom)

#Transformation to State-Space

sys = ss(sys1)
A, B, C, D = np.asarray(sys.A), np.asarray(sys.B), np.asarray(sys.C), \

Nstates = A.shape[0]
z = np.zeros((Nstates, 1))

t_start = 0
t_end = 100
dt = 0.01
tspan = np.arange(t_start, t_end, dt)
npoints = len(tspan)
コード例 #54
ファイル: loopshape_rodMass.py プロジェクト: mebach/me431
def add_control_lead(C, w_L, M):
    gain = (1.0+np.sqrt(M))/(1.0+1.0/np.sqrt(M))
    Lead = tf([gain * 1.0, gain * w_L / np.sqrt(M)],
              [1.0, w_L * np.sqrt(M)])
    return C * Lead
コード例 #55
 def test_dcgain(self):
     sys = tf(84, [1, 2])
     np.testing.assert_allclose(sys.dcgain(), 42)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(dcgain(sys), 42)
コード例 #56
 def test_observable_form_MIMO(self):
     """Test error as Observable form only supports SISO"""
     sys = tf([[[1], [1] ]], [[[1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1]]])
     with pytest.raises(ControlNotImplemented):
コード例 #57
ファイル: uebungsblatt-11.py プロジェクト: Menaures/SuR
def system(K_P):
    num = [10]
    den = [10, 25, 11, 2]
    G = ctl.tf(num, den)
    G_0 = K_P * G
    return ctl.feedback(G_0)
コード例 #58
if e_mode == "two_added_sines":
    e = 1 * np.sin(t + np.pi / 4) + 2 * np.sin(0.25 * t + 0)

# ################# initialize controllers

T_s = 0.5  # T_sample
K_p = 2
K_I = 0.5
K_D = 2
K_N = 0.5

# P-controller
# apparently the control toolbox cant simulate this simple system due to some strange bug

# PI-controller
pi_controller = ctrl.tf([K_p + K_I * T_s / 2, K_I * T_s / 2 - K_p], [1, -1],

# PID-controller
a1 = K_p + K_I * T_s / 2
a0 = K_I * T_s / 2 - K_p
num = [
    a1 + K_D * K_N, -a1 + K_N * T_s * a1 + a0 - 2 * K_D * K_N,
    -a0 + K_N * T_s * a0 + K_D * K_N
den = [1, K_N * T_s - 2, -K_N * T_s + 1]
pid_controller = ctrl.tf(num, den, T_s)

print("PI-controller: " + str(pi_controller))
print("PID-controller: " + str(pid_controller))

# ################# simulate systems
コード例 #59
Spyder Editor

This is a temporary script file.

import control
import carla
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from collections import deque

num = [1.0]
den = [1., 1., 0.5]
sys1 = control.tf(num, den, 0.002)

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 500, endpoint=False)
#sig = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)
pwm = signal.square(2 * np.pi * 5 * t)

num_low_pass = [1.0]
den_low_pass = [1.0, 10.0]
low_pass_c = control.tf(num_low_pass, den_low_pass)
low_pass_d = control.sample_system(low_pass_c, 0.002)

sys = low_pass_d

sys = control.tf2ss(sys)

T, yout, xout = control.forced_response(sys, U=pwm, X0=0)
コード例 #60
ファイル: es17btech11019_2.py プロジェクト: gadepall/control
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control
from scipy import signal

#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

k = 96
num = [k]
den = [1, 12, 44, 48, 0]
sys = control.tf(num, den)
gm, pm, wg, wp = control.margin(sys)
s = signal.lti(num, den)

w, mag, phase = signal.bode(s)
gain_y = np.full((len(w)), -4.81)
phase_y = np.full((len(w)), -180)

idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(mag - gain_y))).flatten()
print("The Freqency of intersection:", w[idx])
plt.semilogx(w, mag)
plt.plot(w, gain_y)
plt.plot(2.06, -4.81, 'ro')