def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = ['ID', 'Title', 'Price', 'Month', 'Day', 'Year'] choice = None filename = 'model/sales/sales.csv' columns_headers = ['Title', 'Price', 'Month', 'Day', 'Year'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice([ 'Add', 'Remove', 'Update', 'Check lowest price item', 'Check items sold between dates' ]) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) sales_id = sales.get_lowest_price_item_id(table) terminal_view.print_result("The lowest price item id is", sales_id) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) date_list = terminal_view.get_inputs([ 'month_from', 'day_from', 'year_from', 'month_to', 'day_to', 'year_to' ], "Please provide dates information: ") sold_list = sales.get_items_sold_between(table, int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]), int(date_list[2]), int(date_list[3]), int(date_list[4]), int(date_list[5])) terminal_view.print_result( "The items sold between given dates are:", sold_list) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")
def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = [ 'ID', 'Name', 'Manufacturer', 'Purchase Year', 'Durability' ] choice = None filename = 'model/inventory/inventory.csv' columns_headers = ['Name', 'Manufacturer', 'Purchase Year', 'Durability'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice([ 'Add', 'Remove', 'Update', "Items that have not exceeded their durability yet", "Average durability by manufactirers" ]) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) availible_items = inventory.get_available_items(table) terminal_view.print_result( "Items that have not exceeded their durability yet", availible_items) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) average_durability = inventory.get_average_durability_by_manufacturers( table) terminal_view.print_result("Average durability by manufactirers:", average_durability) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")
def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = ['ID', 'Name', 'Birth Year'] choice = None filename = 'model/hr/persons.csv' columns_headers = ['Name', 'Birth Year'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice([ 'Add', 'Remove', 'Update', 'Get oldest person', 'People closest to average age' ]) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) hr_result = hr.get_oldest_person(table) terminal_view.print_result("\nThe oldest people are/ person is", hr_result) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) closest_to_average_people = hr.get_persons_closest_to_average( table) terminal_view.print_result("People closest to average age: ", closest_to_average_people) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")
def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = ['ID', 'Title', 'Manufacturer', 'Price', 'In Stock'] choice = None filename = 'model/store/games.csv' columns_headers = ['Title', 'Manufacturer', 'Price', 'In Stock'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice(['Add', 'Remove', 'Update',\ 'How many different kinds of game are available of each manufacturer?',\ 'What is the average amount of games in stock of a given manufacturer?']) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) games_count = store.get_counts_by_manufacturers(table) terminal_view.print_result('Manufacturer', games_count) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) manufacturer = terminal_view.get_inputs(['Manufacturer'], 'Which manufacturer?') games_average = store.get_average_by_manufacturer( table, manufacturer[0]) terminal_view.print_result('Avarage amount in stock: ', games_average) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")
def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = ['ID', 'Month', 'Day', 'Year', 'Type', 'Amount'] choice = None filename = 'model/accounting/items.csv' columns_headers = ['Month', 'Day', 'Year', 'Type', 'Amount'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice(['Add', 'Remove', 'Update', 'Which year has the highest profit?',\ 'What is the average (per item) profit in a given year?']) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) accounting_result = accounting.which_year_max(table) terminal_view.print_result("The year with the highest profit is: ", accounting_result) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) year = terminal_view.get_inputs(['Year'], 'Which year?') result = accounting.avg_amount(table, int(year[0])) terminal_view.print_result( 'The average profit (per item) in a given year is/are: ', result) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")
def run(): """ Starts this module and displays its menu. * User can access default special features from here. * User can go back to main menu from here. Returns: None """ table_headers = ['ID','Name', 'Email', 'Subscribed'] choice = None filename = 'model/crm/customers.csv' columns_headers = ['Name', 'Email', 'Subscribed'] ask_information = "Please provide your personal information" common.print_art(0) while choice != "0": choice = terminal_view.get_submenu_choice(['Add', 'Remove', 'Update',\ 'Longest customer name - id',\ 'Newsletter subscribers']) table = common.get_table_from_file(filename) if choice[0] == "1": common.clear_terminal() common.adding(table, table_headers, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice[0] == "2": common.clear_terminal() common.removing(table, table_headers, id, filename) elif choice == "3": common.clear_terminal() common.updating(table, table_headers, id, filename, columns_headers, ask_information) elif choice == "4": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) longest_name = crm.get_longest_name_id(table) terminal_view.print_result('Id of customer with the longest name: ', longest_name) elif choice == "5": common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_table(table, table_headers) subscribers = crm.get_subscribed_emails(table) terminal_view.print_result('Subscribers: ', subscribers) elif int(choice) >= 6: common.clear_terminal() terminal_view.print_error_message("There is no such choice.")