コード例 #1
    def __get_data(key, cls, method):
        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        data = getattr(cls, method)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, data)

        return data
コード例 #2
    def tags_skip_list(self):
        key = 'tags_skip_list'

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        tags_list = Tags().skip_tags()

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, tags_list)

        return tags_list
コード例 #3
    def tags_list(self):
        key = 'tags_list'

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        if Options().include_drafts:
            posts = self.posts_files
            posts = self.posts_published

        tags_list = Tags().list(posts)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, tags_list)

        return tags_list
コード例 #4
    def tags_posts_count(self, tag):
        key = 'tags_posts_count/{0}'.format(tag)

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        if Options().include_drafts:
            posts = self.posts_files
            posts = self.posts_published

        data = Tags().count_posts(posts, tag)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, data)

        return data
コード例 #5
    def posts_data(self, post):
        key = '/posts/{0}'.format(post)

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        common = self.common_data
        meta, content, data = Posts().data(post, self.tags_skip_list)

        combined = self.__combine(common, data)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, combined)
            DataCacher().cache('{0}/meta'.format(key), meta)
            DataCacher().cache('{0}/content'.format(key), content)

        return combined
コード例 #6
    def pages_data(self, page):
        key = '/pages/{0}'.format(page)

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        common = self.common_data
        meta, content, data = Pages().data(
            page, self.tags_skip_list)  # No catching the meta and raw data yet
        combined = self.__combine(common, data)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, combined)
            DataCacher().cache('{0}/meta'.format(key), meta)
            DataCacher().cache('{0}/content'.format(key), content)

        return combined
コード例 #7
    def tags_data(self, tag, page_index):
        key = 'tags_data/{0}/{1}'.format(tag, page_index)

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        if Options().include_drafts:
            posts = self.posts_files
            posts = self.posts_published

        common = self.common_data
        data = Tags().data(posts, tag, page_index, self.index_max_posts,
        combined = self.__combine(common, data)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, combined)

        return combined
コード例 #8
    def index_data(self, page_index):
        key = '/index/{0}'.format(page_index)

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        common = self.common_data
        if Options().include_drafts:
            posts = self.posts_files
            posts = self.posts_published

        data, _ = Index().data(page_index, posts)
        #  We don't care yet about the introduction content

        combined = self.__combine(common, data)

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, combined)

        return combined
コード例 #9
    def common_data(self):
        key = 'common_data'

        if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key):
            return DataCacher().get_cached(key)

        data = {
            'i8n': self.i8n,
            'settings': self.global_settings,
            'tags_list': self.tags_list,
            'tags_list_count': self.tags_list_count,
            'tags_skip_list': self.tags_skip_list,
            'main_menu': self.index_main_menu,
            'footer_menu': self.index_footer_menu,
            'important_news': self.important_news_data,
            'code_version': self.code_version_data

        if Options().caching:
            DataCacher().cache(key, data)

        return data
コード例 #10
    def data(self, query, page_index, search_base, max_entries):
        self.__logger.debug('data - query: {0}'.format(query))
        self.__logger.debug('data - page_index: {0}'.format(page_index))
        self.__logger.debug('data - search_base: {0}'.format(search_base))

        settings = Content().load_data_settings_yaml(self.__base_dir)
        excluded = settings['excluded']

        self.__logger.debug('data - excluded: {0}'.format(excluded))

        data = {'found': []}

        page_index = int(page_index)
        count_entries = 0
        skip_entries = (page_index - 1) * max_entries
        first_entry = skip_entries + 1

        for item in search_base:
            self.__logger.debug('data - search_base item: {0}'.format(item))

            directory = item['directory']
            file = item['file']
            stem = Path(file).stem

            unmapped = '/{0}/{1}'.format(directory, stem)
            remapped = Remapper().remap_document(unmapped)

            if unmapped != remapped:
                stem = remapped.split('/')[2]

            # adding the stem to the object for the final url
            item['stem'] = stem

            if remapped in excluded:
                self.__logger.debug('data - excluded item: {0}'.format(item))

            cached_already = DataCacher().cached_already(unmapped)

            if cached_already:
                self.__logger.debug('data - cached: {0}'.format(unmapped))

                meta = DataCacher().get_cached('{0}/meta'.format(unmapped))
                content = DataCacher().get_cached('{0}/content'.format(unmapped))
                self.__logger.debug('data - not cached: {0}'.format(unmapped))

                meta, content, _ = Content().read_content(directory, file)

            lowered_query = query.lower()
            lowered_raw = content.lower()

            self.__logger.debug('data - lowered_query: {0}'.format(lowered_query))
            self.__logger.debug('data - lowered_raw: {0}'.format(lowered_raw))

            if lowered_query in lowered_raw:
                count_entries += 1
                len_query = len(lowered_query)

                if skip_entries >= count_entries:
                    self.__logger.debug('data - item skipped}')
                    self.__logger.debug('data - item added')

                index = lowered_raw.find(lowered_query, 0)

                extra = 70
                prefix = ''
                postfix = ''

                start = 0

                if index > extra:
                    self.__logger.debug('data - cutting text at the beginning')

                    prefix = '... '
                    start = index - extra

                if index + extra < len(content):
                    self.__logger.debug('data - cutting text at the end')

                    postfix = " ..."

                stop = start + (extra * 2) + len(query)

                self.__logger.debug('data - index: {0}'.format(index))
                self.__logger.debug('data - start: {0}'.format(start))
                self.__logger.debug('data - stop: {0}'.format(stop))

                # removing stuff until first blank
                for c in range(start, index):
                    if content[c:c + 1] == ' ':
                        self.__logger.debug('data - blank found: {0}'.format(c))
                        start = c

                # removing stuff until first blank, backwards
                for c in range(stop, index + len(query), -1):
                    if content[c:c + 1] == ' ':
                        self.__logger.debug('data - blank found: {0}'.format(c))
                        stop = c

                self.__logger.debug('data - spaced start: {0}'.format(start))
                self.__logger.debug('data - spaced stop: {0}'.format(stop))

                # vindevoy - 2020-05-06 - issue-187
                # Do not use replace on sample here because replace is case-sensitive
                sample = prefix + content[start:index] + '<b>' + content[index:index + len_query] + '</b>'
                sample += content[index + len_query:stop] + postfix

                self.__logger.debug('data - sample: {0}'.format(sample))

                occurrences = lowered_raw.count(lowered_query)
                self.__logger.debug('data - occurrences: {0}'.format(occurrences))

                if not cached_already:
                    meta['date'] = DateTimeSupport().rewrite_date(meta['date'])
                    # cached data has the correct format already

                entry = {
                    'item': item,
                    'meta': meta,
                    'occurrences': occurrences,
                    'sample': sample


                if count_entries == (max_entries + skip_entries):
                    self.__logger.debug('data - enough posts')

        data['search'] = {'query': query}

        last_entry = count_entries

        data['pagination'] = {
            'current_page': page_index,
            'found_entries': count_entries - skip_entries,
            'max_entries': max_entries,
            'first_entry': first_entry,
            'last_entry': last_entry

        return data