コード例 #1
def pem2der_string(pem_string):
    Converts private key or certificate from ascii-armored
    PEM format to binary DER format.
    Based on openssl as described in OpenWrt Wiki:
    # FIXME: temporal files can be avoid using load_cert_string?
    # write PEM content to a temporal file
    pem_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

    # use another temporal file to write binary DER
    der_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

    if 'CERTIFICATE' in pem_string:
        run('openssl x509 -in %s -outform DER -out %s' %
            (pem_file.name, der_file.name))
    elif 'RSA PRIVATE KEY' in pem_string:
        run('openssl rsa -in %s -outform DER -out %s' %
            (pem_file.name, der_file.name))
        raise ValueError('Invalid literal for pem2der_string provided.')
    return der_file.read()
コード例 #2
ファイル: password.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
 def pre_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Configuring image password """
     password = kwargs.get('password')
     # days since Jan 1, 1970 from now
     epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
     today = datetime.today()
     d = today - epoch
     context = {
         'image': image.mnt
     # remove old uci-defaults script that generates
     run('rm -f %(image)s/etc/uci-defaults/confine-passwd.sh' % context)
     # generate root line for shadow file
     if password:
         line_context = {
             'pwd': password,
             'user': '******',
             'last_changed': d.days,
             'min_days': 0,
             'max_days': 99999,
             'warn_days': 7
         line = '%(user)s:%(pwd)s:%(last_changed)i:%(min_days)i:'\
                '%(max_days)i:%(warn_days)i:::' % line_context
             'line': line.replace('/', '\/'),
             'shadow': os.path.join(image.mnt, 'etc/shadow'),
         run("sed -i 's/^root:.*/%(line)s/' %(shadow)s" % context)
コード例 #3
    def pre_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Configuring image password """
        password = kwargs.get('password')

        # days since Jan 1, 1970 from now
        epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
        today = datetime.today()
        d = today - epoch

        context = {'image': image.mnt}
        # remove old uci-defaults script that generates
        run('rm -f %(image)s/etc/uci-defaults/confine-passwd.sh' % context)

        # generate root line for shadow file
        if password:
            line_context = {
                'pwd': password,
                'user': '******',
                'last_changed': d.days,
                'min_days': 0,
                'max_days': 99999,
                'warn_days': 7
            line = '%(user)s:%(pwd)s:%(last_changed)i:%(min_days)i:'\
                   '%(max_days)i:%(warn_days)i:::' % line_context
                'line': line.replace('/', '\/'),
                'shadow': os.path.join(image.mnt, 'etc/shadow'),
            run("sed -i 's/^root:.*/%(line)s/' %(shadow)s" % context)
コード例 #4
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     context = {
         'key': ''.join([choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50)]),
         'settings': os.path.join(get_project_root(), 'settings.py')}
     if run("grep 'SECRET_KEY' %(settings)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 0:
         run("sed -i \"s/SECRET_KEY = '\w*'/SECRET_KEY = '%(key)s'/\" %(settings)s" % context)
         run("echo \"SECRET_KEY = '%(key)s'\" >> %(settings)s" % context)
コード例 #5
 def execute(self):
     ps = run('ps -A -o pid,cmd')
     value = {}
     for name, regex, __, __ in self.processes:
         processes = re.findall('\n\s*([0-9]+) '+regex, ps.stdout)
         value[name] = 0
         for pid in processes:
             pid = int(pid)
             mem = run(self.cmd.format(pid)).stdout
             value[name] += int(mem) if mem else 0
     return value, []
コード例 #6
 def execute(self):
     ps = run('ps -A -o pid,cmd')
     value = {}
     for name, regex, __, __ in self.processes:
         processes = re.findall('\n\s*([0-9]+) ' + regex, ps.stdout)
         value[name] = 0
         for pid in processes:
             pid = int(pid)
             mem = run(self.cmd.format(pid)).stdout
             value[name] += int(mem) if mem else 0
     return value, []
コード例 #7
def deprecate_periodic_tasks(names):
    from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask
    for name in names:
    run('rabbitmqctl stop_app')
    run('rabbitmqctl reset')
    run('rabbitmqctl start_app')
    run('service celeryd restart')
コード例 #8
def deprecate_periodic_tasks(names):
    from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask
    for name in names:
    run('rabbitmqctl stop_app')
    run('rabbitmqctl reset')
    run('rabbitmqctl start_app')
    run('service celeryd restart')
コード例 #9
 def execute(self):
     ps = run('ps -A -o pid,ppid,cmd')
     ticks = {}
     for name, regex, __, __ in self.processes:
         processes = re.findall('\n\s*([0-9]+)\s*([0-9]+) '+regex, ps.stdout)
         pstree = PsTree()
         for pid, ppid in processes:
             pid = int(pid)
             ppid = int(ppid)
             stat = run(self.cmd.format(pid)).stdout.split(' ')
             correct = (len(stat) == 2)
             worked = int(stat[0]) if correct else 0
             waited = int(stat[1]) if correct else 0
             pstree.insert(pid, ppid, worked, waited)
         ticks[name] = pstree.total_ticks()
     return ticks, []
コード例 #10
 def pre_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Creating ssh authorized keys file """
     admins_keys = kwargs.get('admins_keys', '')
     additional_keys = kwargs.get('additional_keys', '')
     auth_keys = ("# Group and node admins' keys:\n%s\n"
                  "# Additional keys:\n%s\n"
                  "# Other keys:\n" % (admins_keys, additional_keys))
     context = {
         'auth_keys': auth_keys,
         'auth_keys_path': os.path.join(image.mnt, 'etc/dropbear/authorized_keys')
     run('echo "%(auth_keys)s" > %(auth_keys_path)s' % context)
     os.chown(context['auth_keys_path'], 0, 0)
     key_stat = os.stat(context['auth_keys_path'])
     assert 0 == key_stat.st_uid == key_stat.st_gid, "Failing when changing ownership!"
     run('chmod 0600 %(auth_keys_path)s' % context)
    def forwards(self, orm):
        """Create default NodeApi and ServerApi for existing objects."""
        # Note: Don't use "from appname.models import ModelName".
        # Use orm.ModelName to refer to models in this application,
        # and orm['appname.ModelName'] for models in other applications.

        # Create default NodeApi
        for node in orm.Node.objects.all():
            mgmt_addr = node_mgmt_address(node)
            url = NODES_NODE_API_BASE_URI_DEFAULT % {'mgmt_addr': mgmt_addr}
            orm.NodeApi.objects.create(node=node, base_uri=url, cert=node.cert)

        # Create two ServerApi for server (one for REGISTRY and another for CONTROLLER)
        if not orm.Server.objects.exists():
            # Create the main server
            description = run('hostname', display=False).stdout
            server = orm.Server.objects.create(description=description)

        for server in orm.Server.objects.all():
            mgmt_addr = server_mgmt_address(server)
            url = NODES_SERVER_API_BASE_URI_DEFAULT % {'mgmt_addr': mgmt_addr}
コード例 #12
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     context = {
             'username': options.get('username'),
             'manage_file': os.path.join(get_site_root(), 'manage.py'),
     exists = "crontab -u %(username)s -l | grep ' monitorlocalsystem' &> /dev/null"
     exists = run(exists % context, display=False, err_codes=[0,1]).return_code
     if exists != 0:
         cmd = (
             '{ crontab -l -u %(username)s;'
             '  echo "*/5 * * * *   python %(manage_file)s monitorlocalsystem --email --quiet"; '
             '} | crontab -u %(username)s -') % context
         cmd = run(cmd)
         print cmd.return_code
         self.stdout.write('Done nothing, crontab was already installed')
コード例 #13
 def post_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Creating confine-install USB image """
     if kwargs.get('usb_image', False):
         install = Image(usb_image)
             path = os.path.join(install.mnt, 'confine/*img.gz')
             dst = run('ls %s' % path).stdout
             run('mv %s %s' % (image.file, dst))
         image.file = install.file
         image.tmp = install.tmp
コード例 #14
ファイル: options.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
def get_existing_pip_installation():
    """ returns current pip installation path """
    if run("pip freeze|grep confine-controller", err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 0:
        for lib_path in get_python_lib(), get_python_lib(prefix="/usr/local"):
            existing_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(lib_path, "controller"))
            if os.path.exists(existing_path):
                return existing_path
    return None
コード例 #15
 def post_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Creating confine-install USB image """
     if kwargs.get('usb_image', False):
         install = Image(usb_image)
             path = os.path.join(install.mnt, 'confine/*img.gz')
             dst = run('ls %s' % path).stdout
             run('mv %s %s' % (image.file, dst))
         image.file = install.file
         image.tmp = install.tmp
コード例 #16
 def execute(self):
     ps = run('ps -A -o pid,ppid,cmd')
     ticks = {}
     for name, regex, __, __ in self.processes:
         processes = re.findall('\n\s*([0-9]+)\s*([0-9]+) ' + regex,
         pstree = PsTree()
         for pid, ppid in processes:
             pid = int(pid)
             ppid = int(ppid)
             stat = run(self.cmd.format(pid)).stdout.split(' ')
             correct = (len(stat) == 2)
             worked = int(stat[0]) if correct else 0
             waited = int(stat[1]) if correct else 0
             pstree.insert(pid, ppid, worked, waited)
         ticks[name] = pstree.total_ticks()
     return ticks, []
コード例 #17
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     context = {
         'username': options.get('username'),
         'manage_file': os.path.join(get_site_root(), 'manage.py'),
     exists = "crontab -u %(username)s -l | grep ' monitorlocalsystem' &> /dev/null"
     exists = run(exists % context, display=False,
                  err_codes=[0, 1]).return_code
     if exists != 0:
         cmd = (
             '{ crontab -l -u %(username)s;'
             '  echo "*/5 * * * *   python %(manage_file)s monitorlocalsystem --email --quiet"; '
             '} | crontab -u %(username)s -') % context
         cmd = run(cmd)
         print cmd.return_code
         self.stdout.write('Done nothing, crontab was already installed')
コード例 #18
def get_existing_pip_installation():
    """ returns current pip installation path """
    if run("pip freeze|grep confine-controller", err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 0:
        for lib_path in get_python_lib(), get_python_lib(prefix="/usr/local"):
            existing_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(lib_path, "controller"))
            if os.path.exists(existing_path):
                return existing_path
    return None
コード例 #19
 def pre_umount(self, image, build, *args, **kwargs):
     """ Creating ssh authorized keys file """
     admins_keys = kwargs.get('admins_keys', '')
     additional_keys = kwargs.get('additional_keys', '')
     auth_keys = ("# Group and node admins' keys:\n%s\n"
                  "# Additional keys:\n%s\n"
                  "# Other keys:\n" % (admins_keys, additional_keys))
     context = {
         os.path.join(image.mnt, 'etc/dropbear/authorized_keys')
     run('echo "%(auth_keys)s" > %(auth_keys_path)s' % context)
     os.chown(context['auth_keys_path'], 0, 0)
     key_stat = os.stat(context['auth_keys_path'])
     assert 0 == key_stat.st_uid == key_stat.st_gid, "Failing when changing ownership!"
     run('chmod 0600 %(auth_keys_path)s' % context)
コード例 #20
 def execute(self):
     problems = []
     value = json.loads(run(self.cmd).stdout)
     if value['free'] < limit:
         msg = 'Low disk space left (%i), potential Rabbitiqm alarm that '\
             'will block the producer! (more info on issue report #326)'
         problems.append(msg % value['free'])
     return value, problems
コード例 #21
 def execute(self):
     problems = []
     value = json.loads(run(self.cmd).stdout)
     if value['free'] < limit:
         msg = 'Low disk space left (%i), potential Rabbitiqm alarm that '\
             'will block the producer! (more info on issue report #326)'
         problems.append(msg % value['free'])
     return value, problems
コード例 #22
def run_tuple(services, action, options, optional=False):
    if isinstance(services, str):
        services = [services]
    for service in services:
        if options.get(service):
            err_codes = [0, 1] if optional else [0]
            e = run('service %s %s' % (service, action), err_codes=err_codes)
            if e.return_code == 1:
                return False
    return True
コード例 #23
def run_tuple(services, action, options, optional=False):
    if isinstance(services, str):
        services = [services]
    for service in services:
        if options.get(service):
            err_codes = [0,1] if optional else [0]
            e = run('service %s %s' % (service, action), err_codes=err_codes)
            if e.return_code == 1:
                return False
    return True
コード例 #24
def update_settings(monkey_patch=None, **options):
    """ Warning this only works with a very simple setting format: NAME = value """
    from django.conf import settings
    for name, value in options.iteritems():
        if getattr(settings, name, None) != value:
            settings_file = os.path.join(get_project_root(), 'settings.py')
            context = {
                'name': name,
                'value': value if not isinstance(value, basestring) else "'%s'" % value,
                'settings': settings_file,
            if run("grep '^%(name)s *=' %(settings)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1]):
                # Update existing settings_file
                run("sed -i \"s#%(name)s *=.*#%(name)s = %(value)s#\" %(settings)s" % context)
                run("echo \"%(name)s = %(value)s\" >> %(settings)s" % context)
            # Monkeypatch controller settings to make available the change globally
            if monkey_patch is not None:
                module = import_module(monkey_patch)
                setattr(module, name, value)
コード例 #25
ファイル: options.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
def update_settings(monkey_patch=None, **options):
    """ Warning this only works with a very simple setting format: NAME = value """
    from django.conf import settings
    for name, value in options.iteritems():
        if getattr(settings, name, None) != value:
            settings_file = os.path.join(get_project_root(), 'settings.py')
            context = {
                'name': name,
                'value': value if not isinstance(value, basestring) else "'%s'" % value,
                'settings': settings_file,
            if run("grep '^%(name)s *=' %(settings)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1]):
                # Update existing settings_file
                run("sed -i \"s#%(name)s *=.*#%(name)s = %(value)s#\" %(settings)s" % context)
                run("echo \"%(name)s = %(value)s\" >> %(settings)s" % context)
            # Monkeypatch controller settings to make available the change globally
            if monkey_patch is not None:
                module = import_module(monkey_patch)
                setattr(module, name, value)
コード例 #26
 def execute(self):
     env = "export LINES=1000; export COLUMNS=1000; "
     result = {}
     problems = []
         result = json.loads(run(env + self.cmd).stdout)
     except ValueError as error:
         msg = "Error on monitor '%s': %s ('%s')" % (self.type, error, self.cmd)
         # TODO(santiago) configure logging and log this error
         #import logging
         #logger = logging.getLogger('ERROR')
     return result, problems
コード例 #27
 def execute(self):
     problems = []
     value = {}
     for name,regex,min_procs,max_procs in self.processes:
         ps = run('ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep -E "%s" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l' % regex )
         num = int(ps.stdout)
         if min_procs and num < min_procs:
             msg = 'Process %s has less than %i running instances (%i)'
             problems.append(msg % (name, min_procs, num))
         elif max_procs and num > max_procs:
             msg = 'Process %s has more than %i running instances (%i)'
             problems.append(msg % (name, max_procs, num))
         value[name] = num
     return value, problems
コード例 #28
 def execute(self):
     env = "export LINES=1000; export COLUMNS=1000; "
     result = {}
     problems = []
         result = json.loads(run(env + self.cmd).stdout)
     except ValueError as error:
         msg = "Error on monitor '%s': %s ('%s')" % (self.type, error,
         # TODO(santiago) configure logging and log this error
         #import logging
         #logger = logging.getLogger('ERROR')
     return result, problems
コード例 #29
def pem2der_string(pem_string):
    Converts private key or certificate from ascii-armored
    PEM format to binary DER format.
    Based on openssl as described in OpenWrt Wiki:
    # FIXME: temporal files can be avoid using load_cert_string?
    # write PEM content to a temporal file
    pem_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

    # use another temporal file to write binary DER
    der_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

    if "CERTIFICATE" in pem_string:
        run("openssl x509 -in %s -outform DER -out %s" % (pem_file.name, der_file.name))
    elif "RSA PRIVATE KEY" in pem_string:
        run("openssl rsa -in %s -outform DER -out %s" % (pem_file.name, der_file.name))
        raise ValueError("Invalid literal for pem2der_string provided.")
    return der_file.read()
コード例 #30
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     # Configure firmware generation
     username = options.get('username')
     if username is None:
         raise CommandError('Can not find default celeryd username')
     if run('grep "^fuse:" /etc/group', err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 1:
         run('addgroup fuse')
     if run('groups %s|grep fuse' % username, err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 1: 
         run('adduser %s fuse' % username)
コード例 #31
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: confine-project/confine-dist
def get_vct_config(var):
    """ Get options from vct config file """
    vct_root = get_vct_root()
    context = {
        'var': var,
        'source': """
            if [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.overrides ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.overrides
            elif [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf
            elif [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default
            fi """ % { 'vct_root': vct_root} }
    out = run("bash -c '%(source)s; echo $%(var)s'" % context, display=False, silent=False)
    return out.stdout
コード例 #32
 def execute(self):
     problems = []
     value = {}
     for name, regex, min_procs, max_procs in self.processes:
         ps = run(
             'ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep -E "%s" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l' %
         num = int(ps.stdout)
         if min_procs and num < min_procs:
             msg = 'Process %s has less than %i running instances (%i)'
             problems.append(msg % (name, min_procs, num))
         elif max_procs and num > max_procs:
             msg = 'Process %s has more than %i running instances (%i)'
             problems.append(msg % (name, max_procs, num))
         value[name] = num
     return value, problems
コード例 #33
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Configure firmware generation
        username = options.get('username')
        if username is None:
            raise CommandError('Can not find default celeryd username')

        if run('grep "^fuse:" /etc/group', err_codes=[0, 1]).return_code == 1:
            run('addgroup fuse')
        if run('groups %s|grep fuse' % username,
               err_codes=[0, 1]).return_code == 1:
            run('adduser %s fuse' % username)
コード例 #34
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: awmn/confine-dist
def get_vct_config(var):
    """ Get options from vct config file """
    vct_root = get_vct_root()
    context = {
        'var': var,
        'source': """
            if [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.overrides ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.overrides
            elif [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf
            elif [ -f %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default ]; then
               . %(vct_root)s/vct.conf.default
            fi """ % {
            'vct_root': vct_root
    out = run("bash -c '%(source)s; echo $%(var)s'" % context,
    return out.stdout
コード例 #35
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: glic3rinu/confine-controller
def update_tincd():
    Generates all local tinc/hosts/* and reloads tincd
    from .models import TincHost
    hosts_path = '%s/hosts/' % os.path.join(TINC_TINCD_ROOT, TINC_NET_NAME)
    # Dirty mechanism to know if there has been any change while running
    dirtyfile = os.path.join(hosts_path, '.dirty')
    now = time.time()
    touch(dirtyfile, times=(now, now))
    # File-based lock mechanism to prevent concurrency problems
    with LockFile(hosts_path+'.lock', expire=60):
        hosts = TincHost.objects.hosts()  # clients + gateways
        # Batch processing of tinc clients for efficiency/max_arg_length tradeoff
        scripts = []
        total = len(hosts)
        for start in range(0, total, 100):
            end = min(start + 100, total)
            script = ''
            for host in hosts[start:end]:
                host_file = os.path.join(hosts_path, host.name)
                script += 'echo -e "%s" > %s;\n' % (host.get_host(), host_file)
        # delete all tinc hosts
        run('rm -f -- %s{host_,node_}*' % hosts_path)
        # create all tinc hosts
        for script in scripts:
    # retry if there is any pending modification
    if os.path.getmtime(dirtyfile) > now:
        raise update_tincd.retry(countdown=1)
    # In some systems it is mandatory to send a HUP signal in order to reload new subnets
        context = {
            'tincd_bin': TINC_TINCD_BIN,
            'net_name': TINC_NET_NAME
        tinc_hup = "sudo %(tincd_bin)s -kHUP -n %(net_name)s" % context
    def forwards(self, orm):
        """Create default NodeApi and ServerApi for existing objects."""
        # Note: Don't use "from appname.models import ModelName".
        # Use orm.ModelName to refer to models in this application,
        # and orm['appname.ModelName'] for models in other applications.

        # Create default NodeApi
        for node in orm.Node.objects.all():
            mgmt_addr = node_mgmt_address(node)
            url = NODES_NODE_API_BASE_URI_DEFAULT % {'mgmt_addr': mgmt_addr}
            orm.NodeApi.objects.create(node=node, base_uri=url, cert=node.cert)

        # Create two ServerApi for server (one for REGISTRY and another for CONTROLLER)
        if not orm.Server.objects.exists():
            # Create the main server
            description = run('hostname', display=False).stdout
            server = orm.Server.objects.create(description=description)
        for server in orm.Server.objects.all():
            mgmt_addr = server_mgmt_address(server)
            url = NODES_SERVER_API_BASE_URI_DEFAULT % {'mgmt_addr': mgmt_addr}
            orm.ServerApi.objects.create(server=server, base_uri=url, type=ServerApi.REGISTRY)
            orm.ServerApi.objects.create(server=server, base_uri=url, type=ServerApi.CONTROLLER)
コード例 #37
def update_tincd():
    Generates all local tinc/hosts/* and reloads tincd
    from .models import TincHost

    hosts_path = '%s/hosts/' % os.path.join(TINC_TINCD_ROOT, TINC_NET_NAME)

    # Dirty mechanism to know if there has been any change while running
    dirtyfile = os.path.join(hosts_path, '.dirty')
    now = time.time()
    touch(dirtyfile, times=(now, now))

    # File-based lock mechanism to prevent concurrency problems
    with LockFile(hosts_path + '.lock', expire=60):
        hosts = TincHost.objects.hosts()  # clients + gateways
        # Batch processing of tinc clients for efficiency/max_arg_length tradeoff
        scripts = []
        total = len(hosts)
        for start in range(0, total, 100):
            end = min(start + 100, total)
            script = ''
            for host in hosts[start:end]:
                host_file = os.path.join(hosts_path, host.name)
                script += 'echo -e "%s" > %s;\n' % (host.get_host(), host_file)

        # delete all tinc hosts
        run('rm -f -- %s{host_,node_}*' % hosts_path)

        # create all tinc hosts
        for script in scripts:

    # retry if there is any pending modification
    if os.path.getmtime(dirtyfile) > now:
        raise update_tincd.retry(countdown=1)

    # In some systems it is mandatory to send a HUP signal in order to reload new subnets
        context = {'tincd_bin': TINC_TINCD_BIN, 'net_name': TINC_NET_NAME}
        tinc_hup = "sudo %(tincd_bin)s -kHUP -n %(net_name)s" % context
コード例 #38
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: awmn/confine-dist
def vct_node(action, node, silent=True):
    node_id = hex(node.id).split('0x')[1]
    node_id = '0' * (4 - len(node_id)) + node_id
    wrapper = path.join(get_vct_root(), '%s')
    cmd = 'vct_node_%s %s' % (action, node_id)
    return run(wrapper % cmd, display=False, silent=silent)
コード例 #39
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Configure firmware generation
        context = {
            'db_name': options.get('db_name'),
            'db_user': options.get('db_user'),
            'db_password': options.get('db_password'),
            'db_host': options.get('db_host'),
            'db_port': options.get('db_port')

        run('su postgres -c "psql -c \\"CREATE USER %(db_user)s PASSWORD \'%(db_password)s\';\\""'
            % context,
            err_codes=[0, 1])
        run('su postgres -c "psql -c \\"CREATE DATABASE %(db_name)s OWNER %(db_user)s;\\""'
            % context,
            err_codes=[0, 1])

            {'settings': os.path.join(get_project_root(), 'settings.py')})

        if run("grep 'DATABASES' %(settings)s" % context,
               err_codes=[0, 1]).return_code == 0:
            # Update existing settings_file
            run("sed -i \"s/'ENGINE': '\w*',/'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'NAME': '.*',/'NAME': '%(db_name)s',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'USER': '******',/'USER': '******',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'PASSWORD': '******',/'PASSWORD': '******',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'HOST': '.*',/'HOST': '%(db_host)s',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'PORT': '.*',/'PORT': '%(db_port)s',/\" %(settings)s"
                % context)
            db_config = (
                "DATABASES = {\n"
                "    'default': {\n"
                "        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',\n"
                "        'NAME': '%(db_name)s',\n"
                "        'USER': '******',\n"
                "        'PASSWORD': '******',\n"
                "        'HOST': '%(db_host)s',\n"
                "        'PORT': '%(db_port)s',\n"
                "        'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,\n"
                "    }\n"
                "}\n" % context)
            context.update({'db_config': db_config})
            run('echo "%(db_config)s" >> %(settings)s' % context)
コード例 #40
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     interactive = options.get('interactive')
     # Avoid import errors
     from nodes.models import Server
     server = Server.objects.first()
     context = {
         'project_name': get_project_name(),
         'project_root': get_project_root(),
         'site_root': get_site_root(),
         'media_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
         'static_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT,
         'cert_path': ca.cert_path,
         'cert_key_path': ca.priv_key_path,
         'mgmt_addr': str(server.mgmt_net.addr),
         'user': options.get('user'),
         'group': options.get('group') or options.get('user'),
         'processes': int(options.get('processes')),
         'threads': int(options.get('threads'))
     apache_conf = (
         'WSGIDaemonProcess %(project_name)s user=%(user)s group=%(group)s processes=%(processes)d \\\n'
         '                  threads=%(threads)d python-path=%(site_root)s \\\n'
         '                  display-name=%%{GROUP}\n'
         'WSGIProcessGroup %(project_name)s\n'
         'WSGIScriptAlias / %(project_root)s/wsgi.py\n'
         'WSGIPassAuthorization On\n\n'
         '<Directory %(project_root)s>\n'
         '    <Files wsgi.py>\n'
         '        Order deny,allow\n'
         '        Allow from all\n'
         '    </Files>\n'
         'Alias /media/ %(media_root)s/\n'
         'Alias /static/ %(static_root)s/\n'
         '<Directory %(static_root)s>\n'
         '    ExpiresActive On\n'
         '    ExpiresByType image/gif A1209600\n'
         '    ExpiresByType image/jpeg A1209600\n'
         '    ExpiresByType image/png A1209600\n'
         '    ExpiresByType text/css A1209600\n'
         '    ExpiresByType text/javascript A1209600\n'
         '    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A1209600\n'
         '    <FilesMatch "\.(css|js|gz|png|gif|jpe?g|flv|swf|ico|pdf|txt|html|htm)$">\n'
         '        ContentDigest On\n'
         '        FileETag MTime Size\n'
         '    </FilesMatch>\n'
         'RedirectMatch ^/$ /admin\n\n'
         '<VirtualHost [%(mgmt_addr)s]:443>\n'
         '    ServerName localhost\n'
         '    SSLEngine on\n'
         '    SSLCertificateFile %(cert_path)s\n'
         '    SSLCertificateKeyFile %(cert_key_path)s\n'
         '    SSLCACertificateFile %(cert_path)s\n'
         '    SSLVerifyClient None\n'
         '</VirtualHost>' % context
         'apache_conf': apache_conf,
         'apache_conf_file': '/etc/apache2/conf.d/%(project_name)s.conf' % context
     # Apache 2.4 compatibility - feature #684
     run('mkdir -p /etc/apache2/conf.d')
     run('mkdir -p /etc/apache2/conf-available')
     compat_conf = (
         '# This enables configuration files in the legacy Apache directory.\n'
         'IncludeOptional conf.d/*.conf\n'
         '# These correct access control to Controller files for Apache 2.4.\n'
         '<Directory %(project_root)s>\n'
         '    <Files wsgi.py>\n'
         '        Require all granted\n'
         '    </Files>\n'
         '<Location /media>\n'
         '    Require all granted\n'
         '<Location /static>\n'
         '    Require all granted\n'
         '</Location>' % context
         'compat_conf': compat_conf,
         'compat_conf_file': '/etc/apache2/conf-available/local-%(project_name)s-compat.conf' % context
     run("echo '%(compat_conf)s' > %(compat_conf_file)s" % context)
     # Store apache2 configuration keeping existing one (if any).
     diff = run("echo '%(apache_conf)s'|diff - %(apache_conf_file)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1,2])
     if diff.return_code == 2:
         # File does not exist
         run("echo '%(apache_conf)s' > %(apache_conf_file)s" % context)
     elif diff.return_code == 1:
         # File is different, save the old one
         if interactive:
             msg = ("\n\nFile %(apache_conf_file)s should be updated, do "
                    "you like to override it? (yes/no): " % context)
             confirm = input(msg)
             while 1:
                 if confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
                     confirm = input('Please enter either "yes" or "no": ')
                 if confirm == 'no':
         run("cp %(apache_conf_file)s %(apache_conf_file)s.\$save" % context)
         run("echo '%(apache_conf)s' > %(apache_conf_file)s" % context)
         self.stdout.write("\033[1;31mA new version of %(apache_conf_file)s "
             "has been installed.\n The old version has been placed at "
             "%(apache_conf_file)s.$save\033[m" % context)
     run('a2enmod wsgi')
     run('a2enmod expires')
     run('a2enmod deflate')
     run('a2enmod ssl')
     # catch 127 error 'command not found' for apache 2.2 installations
     run('a2enconf local-%(project_name)s-compat' % context, err_codes=[0, 127])
     # Give read permissions to cert key file
     run('chmod g+r %(cert_key_path)s' % context)
コード例 #41
class Command(BaseCommand):
    Creates the tincd config files and Server.tinc object.
    This method must be called by a superuser
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Options are defined in an __init__ method to support swapping out
        # custom user models in tests.
        super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        default_username = get_default_celeryd_username()
        self.option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
                        help='Specifies the login for the superuser.'),
                help='Mgmt prefix, the settings file will be updated.'),
                help='Tinc port default, the settings file will be updated.'),
                        help='Tinc BindToAddress'),
                        help='Tinc net name'),
                'Whether we want to send a HUP signal to tinc after an update'
                ' or not. It requires sudo'),
                'Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind. '
                'You must use --username with --noinput, and must contain the '
                'cleeryd process owner, which is the user how will perform '
                'tincd updates',

    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list
    help = 'Creates the tincd config files and Server.tinc object'

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from tinc.models import TincHost, TincAddress
        interactive = options.get('interactive')
        username = options.get('username')

        if not interactive:
            # validate username
            if not username:
                raise CommandError("You must use --username with --noinput.")
                username = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_name
            except KeyError:
                raise CommandError("Username doesn't exists.")
            # Prompt for username
            # Enclose this whole thing in a try/except to trap for a
            # keyboard interrupt and exit gracefully.
            prompt_username = None
            while prompt_username is None:
                if not prompt_username:
                    input_msg = "Celeryd username"
                    if username:
                        input_msg += " (leave blank to use '%s')" % username
                    value = input(input_msg + ': ')
                if username and value == '':
                    value = username
                # validate username
                    prompt_username = pwd.getpwnam(value).pw_name
                except KeyError, e:
                    self.stderr.write("Error: %s" % e)
                    prompt_username = None

        server = Server.objects.first()
        server_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Server)
        tinc_server, __ = TincHost.objects.get_or_create(
            object_id=server.pk, content_type=server_ct)

        tinc_port = options.get('default_port')
        tinc_address = options.get('address')
        tinc_net_name = options.get('net_name')
        mgmt_prefix = options.get('mgmt_prefix')

        if mgmt_prefix != settings.MGMT_IPV6_PREFIX:
        if tinc_port != TINC_PORT_DFLT:
        if tinc_net_name != TINC_NET_NAME:

        context = {
            os.path.join(TINC_TINCD_ROOT, tinc_net_name),
            'tinc_conf': ("BindToAddress = %s\n"
                          "Port = %s\n"
                          "Name = server\n"
                          "StrictSubnets = yes" % (tinc_address, tinc_port)),

        r = functools.partial(run, silent=False)
        boots = run("grep %(net_name)s %(tincd_root)s/nets.boot" % context,
                    err_codes=[0, 1])
        if boots.return_code == 1:
            r("echo %(net_name)s >> %(tincd_root)s/nets.boot" % context)
        r("mkdir -p %(net_root)s/hosts" % context)
        r("echo '%(tinc_conf)s' > %(net_root)s/tinc.conf" % context)
        r('echo "Subnet = %(mgmt_prefix)s:0:0:0:0:2/128" > %(net_root)s/hosts/server'
          % context)
        r("echo '%(tinc_up)s' > %(net_root)s/tinc-up" % context)
        r("echo '%(tinc_down)s' > %(net_root)s/tinc-down" % context)
        r("chown %(user)s %(net_root)s/hosts" % context)
        r("chmod +x %(net_root)s/tinc-up" % context)
        r("chmod +x %(net_root)s/tinc-down" % context)


        priv_key = os.path.join(TINC_TINCD_ROOT, tinc_net_name, 'rsa_key.priv')
            priv_key = RSA.load_key(priv_key)
            # generate a new key
            r('tincd -c %(net_root)s -K' % context)
            priv_key = RSA.load_key(priv_key)

        bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
        pub_key = bio.getvalue()

        tinc_server.pubkey = pub_key

        if options.get('nohup'):
            sudoers_hup = (
                "%(user)s\s\s*ALL=NOPASSWD:\s\s*%(tincd_bin)s\s\s*-kHUP\s\s*-n %(net_name)s"
            ) % context
            sudoers_exists = run('grep "%s" /etc/sudoers' % sudoers_hup,
                                 err_codes=[0, 1, 2])
            if sudoers_exists.return_code == 1:
                cmd = "%(user)s ALL=NOPASSWD: %(tincd_bin)s -kHUP -n %(net_name)s" % context
                r("echo '%s' >> /etc/sudoers" % cmd)
            elif sudoers_exists.return_code == 2:
                raise CommandError(
                    'Sudo is not installed on your system. \n'
                    'You may want to use --nohup option, so sudo will not be a requirement'
        self.stdout.write('Tincd server successfully created and configured.')
            'NOTE: restarting the following services is required '
            'to apply updated configuration:\n'
            'tincd, uwsgi, celeryd.\n'
            'Please run: "sudo python manage.py restartservices" or '
            'restart them manually.')
コード例 #42
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     # Warn about deprecated options
     if options.get('local'):
         self.stderr.write("Warning: 'local' option is deprecated and will be ignored.\n")
     version = options.get('version')
     upgrade_notes = []
     if version:
             major, major2, minor = decode_version(version)
         except ValueError as e:
             raise CommandError(e)
         # Represent version as two digits per number: 1.2.2 -> 10202
         version = int(str(major) + "%02d" % int(major2) + "%02d" % int(minor))
         # Pre-upgrade operations (version specific)
         if version < 835:
             # prevent schema migrations from failing
             if is_installed('firmware'):
                 from firmware.models import Build
         if version <= 902:
             if is_installed('maintenance'):
                 # Apply losed migrations
                 from south.models import MigrationHistory
                 migrated = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(app_name='maintenance').exists()
                 if not migrated:
                     run('python manage.py migrate maintenance 0001 --fake')
         if version < 1002:
             # Update monitor settings (fix typo and add DiskFreeMonitor)
             context = {
                 'settings': run("find . -type f -name 'settings.py'|grep -v 'vct/'")
             # Try automaticate update (making a backup)
             if context['settings']:
                 run("cp %(settings)s %(settings)s.upgrade.bak" % context)
                 # fix NumProcessesMonitor typo
                 run("sed -i 's/NumPocessesMonitor/NumProcessesMonitor/g' "
                     "%(settings)s" % context)
                 # append disk monitor (if needed)
                 # this is a rude check (but runned in a conservative way)
                 if 'DiskFreeMonitor' not in open(context['settings']).read():
                     run("sed -i '/MONITOR_MONITORS = ($/ a\ "
                         "   (\"monitor.monitors.DiskFreeMonitor\",),' "
                         "%(settings)s" % context)
             # warn the user about settings changes
             autoupdate_status = 'OK' if context['settings'] else 'FAIL'
             upgrade_notes.append('The monitor application has changed and .'
                 'some settings updates are required:\n'
                 ' - Fix typo on NumProcessesMonitor (missing "r")\n'
                 ' - Enable disk monitor\n'
                 ' Please read the monitor app doc (MONITOR_MONITORS setting)\n'
                 'AUTOUPDATE: %s' % autoupdate_status)
         if version <= 1102:
             # Handle InconsistentMigrationHistory on tinc app
             # * v0.11.2 tinc includes 0022, 0028..0030
             # * v0.11.3 tinc adds 0023..0027
             # We can force south to merge migrations because
             # are implemented to be runned without dependencies
             run('python manage.py migrate tinc 0030 --merge --noinput')
     if not options.get('specifics_only'):
         # Common stuff
         development = options.get('development')
         controller_admin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../bin/')
         controller_admin = os.path.join(controller_admin, 'controller-admin.sh')
         run('chmod +x %s' % controller_admin)
         extra = '--development' if development else ''
         if options.get('proxy'):
             extra += ' --proxy %s' % options.get('proxy')
         run("%s install_requirements " % controller_admin + extra)
         run("python manage.py collectstatic --noinput")
         run("python manage.py syncdb --noinput")
         run("python manage.py migrate --noinput")
         if is_installed('firmware'):
             run("python manage.py syncfirmwareplugins")
         if is_installed('notifications'):
             run("python manage.py syncnotifications")
         if is_installed('resources'):
             run("python manage.py syncresources")
         if options.get('restart'):
             run("python manage.py restartservices")
     if not version:
         self.stderr.write('\nNext time you migth want to provide a --from argument '
                           'in order to run version specific upgrade operations\n')
     # Post-upgrade operations (version specific)
     if version <= 629:
         # Clean existing sessions because of change on auth backend
         run('echo "delete from django_session;" | python manage.py dbshell')
     if version < 801:
     if version < 809:
         # Add PKI directories
         from pki import ca
         from controller.utils.paths import get_site_root
         site_root = get_site_root()
         username = run("stat -c %%U %s" % site_root)
         get_dir = lambda f: os.path.dirname(getattr(ca, f+'_path'))
         for d in set( get_dir(f) for f in ['priv_key', 'pub_key', 'cert'] ):
             run('mkdir -p %s' % d)
             run('chown %s %s' % (username, d))
         upgrade_notes.append('HTTPS certificate support for the management '
             'network has been introduced in version 0.8.9.\n'
             'In order to use it you sould run:\n'
             '  > python manage.py setuppki\n'
             '  > sudo python manage.py setupapache\n')
     if version < 838:
         # Purge communitynetworks.periodic_cache_node_db
         from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask
         run('rabbitmqctl stop_app')
         run('rabbitmqctl reset')
         run('rabbitmqctl start_app')
         run('service celeryd restart')
         upgrade_notes.append('New Celeryd init.d configuration has been '
             'introduced in 0.8.38.\nIt is strongly recommended to upgrade by\n'
             '  > sudo python manage.py setupceleryd\n')
         # Deprecate x86 and amd64 architectures
         from nodes.models import Node
         upgrade_notes.append('In order to support Base authentication while downloading '
             'firmwares you should add "WSGIPassAuthorization On" on your apache config.\n'
             'Alternatively you can perform this operation with the following command\n'
             '  > sudo python manage.py setupapache\n'
             '  > /etc/init.d/apache2 reload\n')
     if version < 900:
         upgrade_notes.append('Apache configuration is now placed under '
             '/etc/apache2/conf.d/<project_name>.conf. It is convenient for you '
             'to migrate your current configuration located on /etc/apache2/httpd.conf '
             'to this new location.\n')
         upgrade_notes.append('Celery workers configuration has been updated. '
             'Please update it by running:\n'
             '  > sudo python manage.py setupceleryd\n')
     if version < 905:
         # TODO find the root cause of this
         # maybe is shit imported on settings that import settings like add_app
         # Prevent crazy import erros to appear :S
         from django.utils import translation
         # Change template types for more generic ones
         from slices.models import Template
         from slices.settings import SLICES_TEMPLATE_TYPES
         template_types = [ t[0] for t in SLICES_TEMPLATE_TYPES ]
         if 'debian' in template_types:
         if 'openwrt' in template_types:
     if version < 906:
         deprecate_periodic_tasks(('state.nodestate', 'state.sliverstate'))
     if version <= 907:
         # Generate sha256
         from slices.models import Template
         for template in Template.objects.all():
         upgrade_notes.append("It is extremly recommended to update your database "
             "settings to enable atomic request behaviour:\n"
             "  https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/transactions/#tying-transactions-to-http-requests\n"
             "Just add:\n"
             "   'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,\n"
             "into DATABASES setting within <project_name>/<project_name>/settings.py")
     if version <= 1003:
         # Update firmware configuration after Island refactor (#264)
         from firmware.models import ConfigFile
             cfg_file = ConfigFile.objects.get(path__contains="node.tinc.connect_to")
         except (ConfigFile.DoesNotExist, ConfigFile.MultipleObjectsReturned):
             # Warn the user that needs to perform manual update
             msg = "Firmware configuration update has failed. "
             cfg_file.content = cfg_file.content.replace("node.tinc.island", "node.island")
             msg = "Firmware configuration updated successfully. Updated ConfigFile ID: %i." % cfg_file.pk
         upgrade_notes.append("%s\nPlease check version 0.10.4 release notes:\n"
             "https://wiki.confine-project.eu/soft:server-release-notes#section0104" % msg)
     if version < 1103:
         # Update mgmt network Server APIs certificate
         # perform raw SQL querie because models hasn't been
         # reloaded yet and cannot access e.g. server.api
         from django.db import connection
         from nodes.models import Server
         from pki import ca
         server_id = Server.objects.order_by('id').first().pk
             cert = ca.get_cert().as_pem()
         except IOError:
             msg = ("Failed to update Server APIs certificate. Missing "
                    "server certificate '%s'.\n"
                    "Run 'python manage.py setuppki --help'" % ca.cert_path)
             update_sql = ('UPDATE "nodes_serverapi" SET cert = %s '
                           'WHERE "nodes_serverapi"."server_id" = %s')
             cursor = connection.cursor()
             cursor.execute(update_sql, [cert, server_id])
             del cursor
             upgrade_notes.append("Updated Server APIs certificate.")
     if upgrade_notes and options.get('print_upgrade_notes'):
             '    ===================\n'
             '    ** UPGRADE NOTES **\n'
             '    ===================\n\n' +
             '\n'.join(upgrade_notes) + '\033[m\n')
コード例 #43
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: confine-project/confine-dist
def vct_node(action, node, silent=True):
    node_id = hex(node.id).split('0x')[1]
    node_id = '0'*(4-len(node_id)) + node_id
    wrapper = path.join(get_vct_root(), '%s')
    cmd = 'vct_node_%s %s' % (action, node_id)
    return run(wrapper % cmd, display=False, silent=silent)
コード例 #44
ファイル: setuppostgres.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Configure firmware generation
        context = {
            'db_name': options.get('db_name'),
            'db_user': options.get('db_user'),
            'db_password': options.get('db_password'),
            'db_host': options.get('db_host'),
            'db_port': options.get('db_port') }
	#Below 2 lines will be running where postgres container is running
        if os.path.exists('/home/vct/vct_true') is True:
            run('su postgres -c "psql -c \\"CREATE USER %(db_user)s PASSWORD \'%(db_password)s\';\\""' % context, err_codes=[0,1])
            run('su postgres -c "psql -c \\"CREATE DATABASE %(db_name)s OWNER %(db_user)s;\\""' % context, err_codes=[0,1])
        context.update({'settings': os.path.join(get_project_root(), 'settings.py')})
        if run("grep 'DATABASES' %(settings)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1]).return_code == 0:
            # Update existing settings_file
            run("sed -i \"s/'ENGINE': '\w*',/'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'NAME': '.*',/'NAME': '%(db_name)s',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'USER': '******',/'USER': '******',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'PASSWORD': '******',/'PASSWORD': '******',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'HOST': '.*',/'HOST': '%(db_host)s',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            run("sed -i \"s/'PORT': '.*',/'PORT': '%(db_port)s',/\" %(settings)s" % context)
            db_config = (
                "DATABASES = {\n"
                "    'default': {\n"
                "        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',\n"
                "        'NAME': '%(db_name)s',\n"
                "        'USER': '******',\n"
                "        'PASSWORD': '******',\n"
                "        'HOST': '%(db_host)s',\n"
                "        'PORT': '%(db_port)s',\n"
                "        'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,\n"
                "    }\n"
                "}\n" % context)
            context.update({'db_config': db_config})
            run('echo "%(db_config)s" >> %(settings)s' % context)
コード例 #45
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        current_version = get_version()
        current_path = get_existing_pip_installation()
        proxy = '--proxy %s' % options.get('proxy') if options.get(
            'proxy') else ''

        if current_path is not None:
            desired_version = options.get('version')
            if current_version == desired_version:
                msg = "Not upgrading, you already have version %s installed"
                raise CommandError(msg % desired_version)

            # Create a backup of current installation
            base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, '..'))
            char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
            rand_name = ''.join(random.sample(char_set, 6))
            backup = os.path.join(base_path, 'controller.' + rand_name)
            run("mv %s %s" % (current_path, backup))

            # collect existing eggs previous to the installation
            eggs_regex = os.path.join(base_path,
            eggs = run('ls -d %s' % eggs_regex)
            eggs = eggs.stdout.splitlines()
                if desired_version:
                    if desired_version == 'dev':
                        r('pip install -e git+http://git.confine-project.eu/confine/controller.git@master#egg=confine-controller'
                    elif desired_version == 'beta':
                        r('pip install -e git+http://git.confine-project.eu/confine/controller.git@beta#egg=confine-controller'
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller==%s' %
                          (proxy, desired_version))
                    # Did I mentioned how I hate PIP?
                    if run('pip --version|cut -d" " -f2').stdout == '1.0':
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade' %
                        # (F*****g pip)^2, it returns exit code 0 even when fails
                        # because requirement already up-to-date
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade --force'
                          % proxy)
            except CommandError:
                # Restore backup
                run('rm -rf %s' % current_path)
                run('mv %s %s' % (backup, current_path))
                raise CommandError("Problem runing pip upgrade, aborting...")
                # Some old versions of pip do not performe this cleaning ...
                # Remove all backups
                run('rm -fr %s' % os.path.join(base_path, 'controller\.*'))
                # Clean old egg files, yeah, cleaning PIP shit :P
                c_version = 'from controller import get_version; print get_version()'
                version = run('python -c "%s;"' % c_version).stdout
                for egg in eggs:
                    # Do not remove the actual egg file when upgrading twice the same version
                    if egg.split('/')[
                            -1] != "confine_controller-%s.egg-info" % version:
                        run('rm -fr %s' % egg)
            raise CommandError(
                "You don't seem to have any previous PIP installation")

        # version specific upgrade operations
        if not options.get('pip_only'):
コード例 #46
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if options.get('username'):
            warnings.warn('"username" has been deprecated in favor of "user"',
        if options.get('user') and options.get('username'):
            raise CommandError(
                "Only one of this options should be provided: --user OR --username"

        user = options.get('user') or options.get('username') or 'confine'
        context = {
            'site_root': get_site_root(),
            'user': user,
            'group': options.get('group') or user,
            'bin_path': path.join(get_controller_root(), 'bin'),
            'processes': options.get('processes'),
            'greenlets': options.get('greenlets')

        celery_config = (
            '# Name of nodes to start, here we have a single node\n'
            'CELERYD_NODES="w1 w2"\n'
            '# Where to chdir at start.\n'
            '# How to call "manage.py celeryd_multi"\n'
            'CELERYD_MULTI="$CELERYD_CHDIR/manage.py celeryd_multi"\n'
            '# Extra arguments to celeryd\n'
            'CELERYD_OPTS="-P:w1 processes -c:w1 %(processes)s -Q:w1 celery \\\n'
            '              -P:w2 gevent -c:w2 %(greenlets)s -Q:w2 gevent --time-limit=300"\n'
            '# Name of the celery config module.\n'
            '# %%n will be replaced with the nodename.\n'
            '# Full path to the celeryd logfile.\n'
            '# Workers should run as an unprivileged user.\n'
            '# Persistent revokes\n'
            '# Celeryev\n'
            '# Celerybeat\n'
            'CELERYBEAT="${CELERYD_CHDIR}/manage.py celerybeat"\n'
            'CELERYBEAT_OPTS="--schedule=/var/run/celerybeat-schedule"\n' %

        run("echo '%s' > /etc/default/celeryd" % celery_config)

        # https://raw.github.com/celery/celery/master/extra/generic-init.d/
        for script in ['celeryevcam', 'celeryd', 'celerybeat']:
            context['script'] = script
            run('cp %(bin_path)s/%(script)s /etc/init.d/%(script)s' % context)
            run('chmod +x /etc/init.d/%(script)s' % context)
            run('update-rc.d %(script)s defaults' % context)

        rotate = ('/var/log/celery/*.log {\n'
                  '    weekly\n'
                  '    missingok\n'
                  '    rotate 10\n'
                  '    compress\n'
                  '    delaycompress\n'
                  '    notifempty\n'
                  '    copytruncate\n'
        run("echo '%s' > /etc/logrotate.d/celeryd" % rotate)
コード例 #47
ファイル: upgradecontroller.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        current_version = get_version()
        current_path = get_existing_pip_installation()
        proxy = '--proxy %s' % options.get('proxy') if options.get('proxy') else ''
#        # Getting version that will be installed, yeah pip doesn't support it :)
#        pypi_url = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/confine-controller'
#        grep = 'href="/pypi?:action=doap&amp;name=confine-controller&amp;version='
#        extract = '| head -n1 | cut -d"=" -f5 | cut -d\'"\' -f1'
#        pypi_version = "wget -q '%s' -O - | grep '%s' %s" % (pypi_url, grep, extract)
#        pypi_version = run(pypi_version).stdout
#        if current_version == pypi_version:
#            msg = "Not upgrading, you already have version %s installed"
#            raise CommandError(msg % current_version)
        if current_path is not None:
            desired_version = options.get('version')
            if current_version == desired_version:
                msg = "Not upgrading, you already have version %s installed"
                raise CommandError(msg % desired_version)
            # Create a backup of current installation
            base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, '..'))
            char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
            rand_name = ''.join(random.sample(char_set, 6))
            backup = os.path.join(base_path, 'controller.' + rand_name)
            run("mv %s %s" % (current_path, backup))
            # collect existing eggs previous to the installation
            eggs_regex = os.path.join(base_path, 'confine_controller-*.egg-info')
            eggs = run('ls -d %s' % eggs_regex)
            eggs = eggs.stdout.splitlines()
                if desired_version:
                    # if desired_version == 'dev':
                    #     r('pip install -e git+http://git.confine-project.eu/confine/controller.git@master#egg=confine-controller')
                    # else:
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller==%s' % (proxy, desired_version))
                    # Did I mentioned how I hate PIP?
                    if run('pip --version|cut -d" " -f2').stdout == '1.0':
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade' % proxy)
                        # (F*****g pip)^2, it returns exit code 0 even when fails
                        # because requirement already up-to-date
                        r('pip %s install confine-controller --upgrade --force' % proxy)
            except CommandError:
                # Restore backup
                run('rm -rf %s' % current_path)
                run('mv %s %s' % (backup, current_path))
                raise CommandError("Problem runing pip upgrade, aborting...")
                # Some old versions of pip do not performe this cleaning ...
                # Remove all backups
                run('rm -fr %s' % os.path.join(base_path, 'controller\.*'))
                # Clean old egg files, yeah, cleaning PIP shit :P
                c_version = 'from controller import get_version; print get_version()'
                version = run('python -c "%s;"' % c_version).stdout
                for egg in eggs:
                    # Do not remove the actual egg file when upgrading twice the same version
                    if egg.split('/')[-1] != "confine_controller-%s.egg-info" % version:
                        run('rm -fr %s' % egg)
            raise CommandError("You don't seem to have any previous PIP installation")
        # version specific upgrade operations
        if not options.get('pip_only'):
            call_command("postupgradecontroller", version=current_version,
コード例 #48
ファイル: setupnginx.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     interactive = options.get('interactive')
     # Avoid import errors
     from nodes.models import Server
     server = Server.objects.first()
     context = {
         'project_name': get_project_name(),
         'project_root': get_project_root(),
         'site_root': get_site_root(),
         'media_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
         'static_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT,
         'cert_path': ca.cert_path,
         'cert_key_path': ca.priv_key_path,
         'mgmt_addr': str(server.mgmt_net.addr),
         'user': options.get('user'),
         'group': options.get('group') or options.get('user'),
         'home': expanduser("~%s" % options.get('user')),
         'processes': int(options.get('processes')),}
     nginx_conf = (
         'server {\n'
         '    listen 80;\n'
         '    listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on;\n'
         '    rewrite ^/$ /admin;\n'
         '    client_max_body_size 500m;\n'
         '    location / {\n'
         '        uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/uwsgi/app/%(project_name)s/socket;\n'
         '        include uwsgi_params;\n'
         '    }\n'
         '    location /media  {\n'
         '        alias %(media_root)s;\n'
         '        expires 30d;\n'
         '    }\n'
         '    location /static {\n'
         '        alias %(static_root)s;\n'
         '        expires 30d;\n'
         '    }\n'
         'server {\n'
         '    listen [%(mgmt_addr)s]:443 default_server ssl;\n'
         '    ssl_certificate %(cert_path)s;\n'
         '    ssl_certificate_key %(cert_key_path)s;\n'
         '    rewrite ^/$ /admin;\n'
         '    client_max_body_size 50m;\n'
         '    location / {\n'
         '        uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/uwsgi/app/%(project_name)s/socket;\n'
         '        include uwsgi_params;\n'
         '    }\n'
         '    location /media  {\n'
         '        alias %(media_root)s;\n'
         '        expires 30d;\n'
         '    }\n'
         '    location /static {\n'
         '        alias %(static_root)s;\n'
         '        expires 30d;\n'
         '    }\n'
         '}\n') % context
     uwsgi_conf = (
         'plugins      = python\n'
         'chdir        = %(site_root)s\n'
         'module       = %(project_name)s.wsgi\n'
         'master       = true\n'
         'processes    = %(processes)d\n'
         'chmod-socket = 664\n'
         'stats        = /run/uwsgi/%%(deb-confnamespace)/%%(deb-confname)/statsocket\n'
         'vacuum       = true\n'
         'uid          = %(user)s\n'
         'gid          = %(group)s\n'
         'env          = HOME=%(home)s\n') % context
     nginx = {
         'file': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/%(project_name)s.conf' % context,
         'conf': nginx_conf }
     uwsgi = {
         'file': '/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/%(project_name)s.ini' % context,
         'conf': uwsgi_conf }
     for extra_context in (nginx, uwsgi):
         diff = run("echo '%(conf)s'|diff - %(file)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1,2])
         if diff.return_code == 2:
             # File does not exist
             run("echo '%(conf)s' > %(file)s" % context)
         elif diff.return_code == 1:
             # File is different, save the old one
             if interactive:
                 msg = ("\n\nFile %(file)s be updated, do you like to override "
                        "it? (yes/no): " % context)
                 confirm = input(msg)
                 while 1:
                     if confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
                         confirm = input('Please enter either "yes" or "no": ')
                     if confirm == 'no':
             run("cp %(file)s %(file)s.save" % context)
             run("echo '%(conf)s' > %(file)s" % context)
             self.stdout.write("\033[1;31mA new version of %(file)s has been installed.\n "
                 "The old version has been placed at %(file)s.save\033[m" % context)
     run('ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/%(project_name)s.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/' % context, err_codes=[0,1])
     # Give read permissions to cert key file
     run('chmod g+r %(cert_key_path)s' % context)
     # nginx should start after tincd
     current = "\$local_fs \$remote_fs \$network \$syslog"
     run('sed -i "s/  %s$/  %s \$named/g" /etc/init.d/nginx' % (current, current))
     rotate = (
         '/var/log/nginx/*.log {\n'
         '    daily\n'
         '    missingok\n'
         '    rotate 30\n'
         '    compress\n'
         '    delaycompress\n'
         '    notifempty\n'
         '    create 640 root adm\n'
         '    sharedscripts\n'
         '    postrotate\n'
         '        [ ! -f /var/run/nginx.pid ] || kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid`\n'
         '    endscript\n'
     run("echo '%s' > /etc/logrotate.d/nginx" % rotate)
     # Allow nginx to write to uwsgi socket
     run('adduser www-data %(group)s' % context)
コード例 #49
ファイル: monitors.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
 def execute(self):
     env = "export LINES=1000; export COLUMNS=1000; "
     return json.loads(run(env + self.cmd).stdout), []
コード例 #50
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        interactive = options.get('interactive')

        # Avoid import errors
        from nodes.models import Server
        server = Server.objects.first()
        context = {
            'project_name': get_project_name(),
            'project_root': get_project_root(),
            'site_root': get_site_root(),
            'media_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
            'static_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT,
            'cert_path': ca.cert_path,
            'cert_key_path': ca.priv_key_path,
            'mgmt_addr': str(server.mgmt_net.addr),
            'user': options.get('user'),
            'group': options.get('group') or options.get('user'),
            'home': expanduser("~%s" % options.get('user')),
            'processes': int(options.get('processes')),

        nginx_conf = (
            'server {\n'
            '    listen 80;\n'
            '    listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on;\n'
            '    rewrite ^/$ /admin;\n'
            '    client_max_body_size 500m;\n'
            '    location / {\n'
            '        uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/uwsgi/app/%(project_name)s/socket;\n'
            '        include uwsgi_params;\n'
            '    }\n'
            '    location /media  {\n'
            '        alias %(media_root)s;\n'
            '        expires 30d;\n'
            '    }\n'
            '    location /static {\n'
            '        alias %(static_root)s;\n'
            '        expires 30d;\n'
            '    }\n'
            'server {\n'
            '    listen [%(mgmt_addr)s]:443 default_server ssl;\n'
            '    ssl_certificate %(cert_path)s;\n'
            '    ssl_certificate_key %(cert_key_path)s;\n'
            '    rewrite ^/$ /admin;\n'
            '    client_max_body_size 50m;\n'
            '    location / {\n'
            '        uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/uwsgi/app/%(project_name)s/socket;\n'
            '        include uwsgi_params;\n'
            '    }\n'
            '    location /media  {\n'
            '        alias %(media_root)s;\n'
            '        expires 30d;\n'
            '    }\n'
            '    location /static {\n'
            '        alias %(static_root)s;\n'
            '        expires 30d;\n'
            '    }\n'
            '}\n') % context

        uwsgi_conf = (
            'plugins      = python\n'
            'chdir        = %(site_root)s\n'
            'module       = %(project_name)s.wsgi\n'
            'master       = true\n'
            'processes    = %(processes)d\n'
            'chmod-socket = 664\n'
            'stats        = /run/uwsgi/%%(deb-confnamespace)/%%(deb-confname)/statsocket\n'
            'vacuum       = true\n'
            'uid          = %(user)s\n'
            'gid          = %(group)s\n'
            'env          = HOME=%(home)s\n') % context

        nginx = {
            'file': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/%(project_name)s.conf' % context,
            'conf': nginx_conf
        uwsgi = {
            'file': '/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/%(project_name)s.ini' % context,
            'conf': uwsgi_conf

        for extra_context in (nginx, uwsgi):
            diff = run("echo '%(conf)s'|diff - %(file)s" % context,
                       err_codes=[0, 1, 2])
            if diff.return_code == 2:
                # File does not exist
                run("echo '%(conf)s' > %(file)s" % context)
            elif diff.return_code == 1:
                # File is different, save the old one
                if interactive:
                    msg = (
                        "\n\nFile %(file)s be updated, do you like to override "
                        "it? (yes/no): " % context)
                    confirm = input(msg)
                    while 1:
                        if confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
                            confirm = input(
                                'Please enter either "yes" or "no": ')
                        if confirm == 'no':
                run("cp %(file)s %(file)s.save" % context)
                run("echo '%(conf)s' > %(file)s" % context)
                    "\033[1;31mA new version of %(file)s has been installed.\n "
                    "The old version has been placed at %(file)s.save\033[m" %

        run('ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/%(project_name)s.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/'
            % context,
            err_codes=[0, 1])

        # Disable default site
        run('rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default')

        # Give read permissions to cert key file
        run('chmod g+r %(cert_key_path)s' % context)

        # nginx should start after tincd
        current = "\$local_fs \$remote_fs \$network \$syslog"
        run('sed -i "s/  %s$/  %s \$named/g" /etc/init.d/nginx' %
            (current, current))

        rotate = (
            '/var/log/nginx/*.log {\n'
            '    daily\n'
            '    missingok\n'
            '    rotate 30\n'
            '    compress\n'
            '    delaycompress\n'
            '    notifempty\n'
            '    create 640 root adm\n'
            '    sharedscripts\n'
            '    postrotate\n'
            '        [ ! -f /var/run/nginx.pid ] || kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid`\n'
            '    endscript\n'
        run("echo '%s' > /etc/logrotate.d/nginx" % rotate)

        # Allow nginx to write to uwsgi socket
        run('adduser www-data %(group)s' % context)

        # Restart nginx to apply new configuration and also uwsgi
        # to force reloading permissions (user added to a group)
        run('service nginx restart')
        run('service uwsgi restart')
コード例 #51
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     if options.get('username'):
         warnings.warn('"username" has been deprecated in favor of "user"', DeprecationWarning)
     if options.get('user') and options.get('username'):
         raise CommandError("Only one of this options should be provided: --user OR --username")
     user = options.get('user') or options.get('username') or 'confine'
     context = {'site_root': get_site_root(),
                'user': user,
                'group': options.get('group') or user,
                'bin_path': path.join(get_controller_root(), 'bin'),
                'processes': options.get('processes'),
                'greenlets': options.get('greenlets') }
     celery_config = (
         '# Name of nodes to start, here we have a single node\n'
         'CELERYD_NODES="w1 w2"\n'
         '# Where to chdir at start.\n'
         '# How to call "manage.py celeryd_multi"\n'
         'CELERYD_MULTI="$CELERYD_CHDIR/manage.py celeryd_multi"\n'
         '# Extra arguments to celeryd\n'
         'CELERYD_OPTS="-P:w1 processes -c:w1 %(processes)s -Q:w1 celery \\\n'
         '              -P:w2 gevent -c:w2 %(greenlets)s -Q:w2 gevent --time-limit=300"\n'
         '# Name of the celery config module.\n'
         '# %%n will be replaced with the nodename.\n'
         '# Full path to the celeryd logfile.\n'
         '# Workers should run as an unprivileged user.\n'
         '# Persistent revokes\n'
         '# Celeryev\n'
         '# Celerybeat\n'
         'CELERYBEAT="${CELERYD_CHDIR}/manage.py celerybeat"\n'
         'CELERYBEAT_OPTS="--schedule=/var/run/celerybeat-schedule"\n' % context)
     run("echo '%s' > /etc/default/celeryd" % celery_config)
     # https://raw.github.com/celery/celery/master/extra/generic-init.d/
     for script in ['celeryevcam', 'celeryd', 'celerybeat']:
         context['script'] = script
         run('cp %(bin_path)s/%(script)s /etc/init.d/%(script)s' % context)
         run('chmod +x /etc/init.d/%(script)s' % context)
         run('update-rc.d %(script)s defaults' % context)
     rotate = ('/var/log/celery/*.log {\n'
               '    weekly\n'
               '    missingok\n'
               '    rotate 10\n'
               '    compress\n'
               '    delaycompress\n'
               '    notifempty\n'
               '    copytruncate\n'
     run("echo '%s' > /etc/logrotate.d/celeryd" % rotate)
コード例 #52
ファイル: setupapache.py プロジェクト: m00dy/controller
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        interactive = options.get('interactive')
        # Avoid import errors
        from nodes.models import Server
        server = Server.objects.first()
        context = {
            'project_name': get_project_name(),
            'project_root': get_project_root(),
            'site_root': get_site_root(),
            # TODO end with single /
            'media_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
            'static_root': settings.STATIC_ROOT,
            'cert_path': ca.cert_path,
            'cert_key_path': ca.priv_key_path,
            'mgmt_addr': str(server.mgmt_net.addr),
            'user': options.get('user'),
            'group': options.get('group') or options.get('user'),
            'processes': int(options.get('processes')),
            'threads': int(options.get('threads')) }
        apache_conf = (
            'WSGIDaemonProcess %(project_name)s user=%(user)s group=%(group)s processes=%(processes)d \\\n'
            '                  threads=%(threads)d python-path=%(site_root)s \\\n'
            '                  display-name=%%{GROUP}\n'
            'WSGIProcessGroup %(project_name)s\n'
            'WSGIScriptAlias / %(project_root)s/wsgi.py\n'
            'WSGIPassAuthorization On\n\n'
            '<Directory %(project_root)s>\n'
            '    Require all granted\n'
            '    <Files wsgi.py>\n'
            '        Order deny,allow\n'
            '        Allow from all\n'
            '    </Files>\n'
            'Alias /media/ %(media_root)s/\n'
            'Alias /static/ %(static_root)s/\n'
            '<Directory %(static_root)s>\n'
            '    Require all granted\n'
            '    ExpiresActive On\n'
            '    ExpiresByType image/gif A1209600\n'
            '    ExpiresByType image/jpeg A1209600\n'
            '    ExpiresByType image/png A1209600\n'
            '    ExpiresByType text/css A1209600\n'
            '    ExpiresByType text/javascript A1209600\n'
            '    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A1209600\n'
            '    <FilesMatch "\.(css|js|gz|png|gif|jpe?g|flv|swf|ico|pdf|txt|html|htm)$">\n'
            '        ContentDigest On\n'
            '        FileETag MTime Size\n'
            '    </FilesMatch>\n'
            'RedirectMatch ^/$ /admin\n\n'
            '<VirtualHost [%(mgmt_addr)s]:443>\n'
            '    ServerName localhost\n'
            '    SSLEngine on\n'
            '    SSLCertificateFile %(cert_path)s\n'
            '    SSLCertificateKeyFile %(cert_key_path)s\n'
            '    SSLCACertificateFile %(cert_path)s\n'
            '    SSLVerifyClient None\n'
            '</VirtualHost>' % context)
            'apache_conf': apache_conf,
            'apache_conf_file': '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/%(project_name)s.conf' % context})
        diff = run("echo '%(apache_conf)s'|diff - %(apache_conf_file)s" % context, err_codes=[0,1,2])
        if diff.return_code == 2:
            # File does not exist
            run("echo '%(apache_conf)s' > %(apache_conf_file)s" % context)
        elif diff.return_code == 1:
            # File is different, save the old one
            if interactive:
                msg = ("\n\nFile %(apache_conf_file)s should be updated, do "
                       "you like to override it? (yes/no): " % context)
                confirm = input(msg)
                while 1:
                    if confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
                        confirm = input('Please enter either "yes" or "no": ')
                    if confirm == 'no':
            run("cp %(apache_conf_file)s %(apache_conf_file)s.\$save" % context)
            run("echo '%(apache_conf)s' > %(apache_conf_file)s" % context)
            self.stdout.write("\033[1;31mA new version of %(apache_conf_file)s "
                "has been installed.\n The old version has been placed at "
                "%(apache_conf_file)s.$save\033[m" % context)
#        include_httpd = run("grep '^\s*Include\s\s*httpd.conf\s*' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf", err_codes=[0,1])
#        if include_httpd.return_code == 1:
#            run("echo 'Include httpd.conf' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf")
        # run('a2ensite %s' % project_name)
        run('a2enmod wsgi')
        run('a2enmod expires')
        run('a2enmod deflate')
        run('a2enmod ssl')
        # Give upload file permissions to apache
#        username = run("stat -c %%U %(project_root)s" % context)
#        run('adduser www-data %s' % username)
#        run('chmod g+w %(media_root)s' % context)
        # Give read permissions to cert key file
        run('chmod g+r %(cert_key_path)s' % context)
コード例 #53
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Warn about deprecated options
        if options.get('local'):
                "Warning: 'local' option is deprecated and will be ignored.\n")

        version = options.get('version')
        upgrade_notes = []
        if version:
                major, major2, minor = decode_version(version)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise CommandError(e)
            # Represent version as two digits per number: 1.2.2 -> 10202
            version = int(
                str(major) + "%02d" % int(major2) + "%02d" % int(minor))

            # Pre-upgrade operations (version specific)
            if version < 835:
                # prevent schema migrations from failing
                if is_installed('firmware'):
                    from firmware.models import Build
            if version <= 902:
                if is_installed('maintenance'):
                    # Apply losed migrations
                    from south.models import MigrationHistory
                    migrated = MigrationHistory.objects.filter(
                    if not migrated:
                        run('python manage.py migrate maintenance 0001 --fake')
            if version < 1002:
                # Update monitor settings (fix typo and add DiskFreeMonitor)
                context = {
                    run("find . -type f -name 'settings.py'|grep -v 'vct/'")
                # Try automaticate update (making a backup)
                if context['settings']:
                    run("cp %(settings)s %(settings)s.upgrade.bak" % context)
                    # fix NumProcessesMonitor typo
                    run("sed -i 's/NumPocessesMonitor/NumProcessesMonitor/g' "
                        "%(settings)s" % context)
                    # append disk monitor (if needed)
                    # this is a rude check (but runned in a conservative way)
                    if 'DiskFreeMonitor' not in open(
                        run("sed -i '/MONITOR_MONITORS = ($/ a\ "
                            "   (\"monitor.monitors.DiskFreeMonitor\",),' "
                            "%(settings)s" % context)
                # warn the user about settings changes
                autoupdate_status = 'OK' if context['settings'] else 'FAIL'
                    'The monitor application has changed and .'
                    'some settings updates are required:\n'
                    ' - Fix typo on NumProcessesMonitor (missing "r")\n'
                    ' - Enable disk monitor\n'
                    ' Please read the monitor app doc (MONITOR_MONITORS setting)\n'
                    'AUTOUPDATE: %s' % autoupdate_status)
            if version <= 1102:
                # Handle InconsistentMigrationHistory on tinc app
                # * v0.11.2 tinc includes 0022, 0028..0030
                # * v0.11.3 tinc adds 0023..0027
                # We can force south to merge migrations because
                # are implemented to be runned without dependencies
                run('python manage.py migrate tinc 0030 --merge --noinput')

        if not options.get('specifics_only'):
            # Common stuff
            development = options.get('development')
            controller_admin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
            controller_admin = os.path.join(controller_admin,
            run('chmod +x %s' % controller_admin)

            extra = '--development' if development else ''
            if options.get('proxy'):
                extra += ' --proxy %s' % options.get('proxy')
            run("%s install_requirements " % controller_admin + extra)
            run("python manage.py collectstatic --noinput")

            run("python manage.py syncdb --noinput")
            run("python manage.py migrate --noinput")
            if is_installed('firmware'):
                run("python manage.py syncfirmwareplugins")
            if is_installed('notifications'):
                run("python manage.py syncnotifications")
            if is_installed('resources'):
                run("python manage.py syncresources")
            if options.get('restart'):
                run("python manage.py restartservices")

        if not version:
                '\nNext time you migth want to provide a --from argument '
                'in order to run version specific upgrade operations\n')

        # Post-upgrade operations (version specific)
        if version <= 629:
            # Clean existing sessions because of change on auth backend
            run('echo "delete from django_session;" | python manage.py dbshell'
        if version < 801:
            deprecate_periodic_tasks(('state.ping', ))
        if version < 809:
            # Add PKI directories
            from pki import ca
            from controller.utils.paths import get_site_root
            site_root = get_site_root()
            username = run("stat -c %%U %s" % site_root)
            get_dir = lambda f: os.path.dirname(getattr(ca, f + '_path'))
            for d in set(get_dir(f) for f in ['priv_key', 'pub_key', 'cert']):
                run('mkdir -p %s' % d)
                run('chown %s %s' % (username, d))
                'HTTPS certificate support for the management '
                'network has been introduced in version 0.8.9.\n'
                'In order to use it you sould run:\n'
                '  > python manage.py setuppki\n'
                '  > sudo python manage.py setupapache\n')
        if version < 838:
            # Purge communitynetworks.periodic_cache_node_db
            from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask
            run('rabbitmqctl stop_app')
            run('rabbitmqctl reset')
            run('rabbitmqctl start_app')
            run('service celeryd restart')
                'New Celeryd init.d configuration has been '
                'introduced in 0.8.38.\nIt is strongly recommended to upgrade by\n'
                '  > sudo python manage.py setupceleryd\n')
            # Deprecate x86 and amd64 architectures
            from nodes.models import Node
                'In order to support Base authentication while downloading '
                'firmwares you should add "WSGIPassAuthorization On" on your apache config.\n'
                'Alternatively you can perform this operation with the following command\n'
                '  > sudo python manage.py setupapache\n'
                '  > /etc/init.d/apache2 reload\n')
        if version < 900:
                'Apache configuration is now placed under '
                '/etc/apache2/conf.d/<project_name>.conf. It is convenient for you '
                'to migrate your current configuration located on /etc/apache2/httpd.conf '
                'to this new location.\n')
                'Celery workers configuration has been updated. '
                'Please update it by running:\n'
                '  > sudo python manage.py setupceleryd\n')
        if version < 905:
            # TODO find the root cause of this
            # maybe is shit imported on settings that import settings like add_app
            # Prevent crazy import erros to appear :S
            from django.utils import translation
            # Change template types for more generic ones
            from slices.models import Template
            from slices.settings import SLICES_TEMPLATE_TYPES
            template_types = [t[0] for t in SLICES_TEMPLATE_TYPES]
            if 'debian' in template_types:
            if 'openwrt' in template_types:
        if version < 906:
            deprecate_periodic_tasks(('state.nodestate', 'state.sliverstate'))
        if version <= 907:
            # Generate sha256
            from slices.models import Template
            for template in Template.objects.all():
                "It is extremly recommended to update your database "
                "settings to enable atomic request behaviour:\n"
                "  https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/transactions/#tying-transactions-to-http-requests\n"
                "Just add:\n"
                "   'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,\n"
                "into DATABASES setting within <project_name>/<project_name>/settings.py"
        if version <= 1003:
            # Update firmware configuration after Island refactor (#264)
            from firmware.models import ConfigFile
                cfg_file = ConfigFile.objects.get(
            except (ConfigFile.DoesNotExist,
                # Warn the user that needs to perform manual update
                msg = "Firmware configuration update has failed. "
                cfg_file.content = cfg_file.content.replace(
                    "node.tinc.island", "node.island")
                msg = "Firmware configuration updated successfully. Updated ConfigFile ID: %i." % cfg_file.pk
                "%s\nPlease check version 0.10.4 release notes:\n"
                % msg)
        if version < 1103:
            # Update mgmt network Server APIs certificate
            # perform raw SQL querie because models hasn't been
            # reloaded yet and cannot access e.g. server.api
            from django.db import connection
            from nodes.models import Server
            from pki import ca

            server_id = Server.objects.order_by('id').first().pk
                cert = ca.get_cert().as_pem()
            except IOError:
                msg = ("Failed to update Server APIs certificate. Missing "
                       "server certificate '%s'.\n"
                       "Run 'python manage.py setuppki --help'" % ca.cert_path)
                update_sql = ('UPDATE "nodes_serverapi" SET cert = %s '
                              'WHERE "nodes_serverapi"."server_id" = %s')
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute(update_sql, [cert, server_id])
                del cursor
                upgrade_notes.append("Updated Server APIs certificate.")

        if upgrade_notes and options.get('print_upgrade_notes'):
                              '    ===================\n'
                              '    ** UPGRADE NOTES **\n'
                              '    ===================\n\n' +
                              '\n'.join(upgrade_notes) + '\033[m\n')