class BaseController(): """ The base controller class. """ def __init__(self, robot, lossOfThrust = 0): """ Base controller __init__ method. Initialize drone parameters here. Args: robot (webots controller object): Controller for the drone. lossOfThrust (float): percent lost of thrust. """ # Initialize variables self.robot = robot self.timestep = 0 # intializa percent loss of thrust self.lossOfThrust = lossOfThrust # Define robot parameter self.m = 0.4 self.d1x = 0.1122 self.d1y = 0.1515 self.d2x = 0.11709 self.d2y = 0.128 self.Ix = 0.000913855 self.Iy = 0.00236242 self.Iz = 0.00279965 # define constants self.g = 9.81 self.ct = 0.00026 self.ctau = 5.2e-06 self.U1_max = 10 self.pi = 3.1415926535 # define H matrix for conversion from control input U to motor speeds self.H_inv = self.ct*np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [self.d1y, -self.d1y, self.d2y, -self.d2y], [-self.d1x, -self.d1x, self.d2x, self.d2x], [-self.ctau/self.ct, self.ctau/self.ct, self.ctau/self.ct, -self.ctau/self.ct] ]) self.H = np.linalg.inv(self.H_inv) # define variables for speed calculations self.xGPS_old = 0 self.yGPS_old = 0 self.zGPS_old = 0.099019 def startSensors(self, timestep): """ Start sensors. Instantiate objects and start up GPS, Gyro, IMU sensors. For more details, refer to the Webots documentation. Args: timestep (int): time step of the current world. """ self.gps = GPS("gps") self.gps.enable(timestep) self.gyro = Gyro("gyro") self.gyro.enable(timestep) self.imu = InertialUnit("inertial unit") self.imu.enable(timestep) self.timestep = timestep def getStates(self): """ Get drone state. The state of drone is 16 dimensional: xGPS, yGPS, zGPS, roll, pitch, yaw, x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate Returns: np.array: x_t. information of 12 states. """ # Timestep returned by Webots is in ms, so we convert delT = 1e-3*self.timestep # Extract (X, Y, Z) coordinate from GPS xGPS = self.gps.getValues()[0] yGPS = -self.gps.getValues()[2] zGPS = self.gps.getValues()[1] # Find the rate of change in each axis, and store the current value of (X, Y, Z) # as previous (X, Y, Z) which will be used in the next call x_vel = (xGPS - self.xGPS_old)/delT y_vel = (yGPS - self.yGPS_old)/delT z_vel = (zGPS - self.zGPS_old)/delT self.xGPS_old = xGPS self.yGPS_old = yGPS self.zGPS_old = zGPS # Extract (roll, pitch, yaw) angle from imu roll = self.imu.getRollPitchYaw()[0] pitch = -self.imu.getRollPitchYaw()[1] yaw = self.imu.getRollPitchYaw()[2] # Extract (roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate) angular velocity from imu roll_rate = self.gyro.getValues()[0] pitch_rate = -self.gyro.getValues()[2] yaw_rate = self.gyro.getValues()[1] x_t = np.array([xGPS, yGPS, zGPS, roll, pitch, yaw, x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate]).reshape(-1,1) return x_t def getMotorAll(self): """ Get each motors' controller. Returns: list: Each motor's controller. """ frontLeftMotor = self.robot.getMotor('front left propeller') frontRightMotor = self.robot.getMotor('front right propeller') backLeftMotor = self.robot.getMotor('rear left propeller') backRightMotor = self.robot.getMotor('rear right propeller') return [frontLeftMotor, frontRightMotor, backLeftMotor, backRightMotor] def initializeMotors(self): """ Initialisze all motors speed to 0. """ [frontLeftMotor, frontRightMotor, backLeftMotor, backRightMotor] = self.getMotorAll() frontLeftMotor.setPosition(float('inf')) frontRightMotor.setPosition(float('inf')) backLeftMotor.setPosition(float('inf')) backRightMotor.setPosition(float('inf')) self.motorsSpeed(0, 0, 0, 0) def motorsSpeed(self, v1, v2, v3, v4): """ Set each motors' speed. Args: v1, v2, v3, v4 (int): desired speed for each motor. """ [frontLeftMotor, frontRightMotor, backLeftMotor, backRightMotor] = self.getMotorAll() frontLeftMotor.setVelocity(v1) frontRightMotor.setVelocity(v2) backLeftMotor.setVelocity(v3) backRightMotor.setVelocity(v4) def convertUtoMotorSpeed(self, U): """ Convert control input to motor speed. Args: U (np.array): desired control input. Returns: np.array: rotorspeed. Desired rotor speed. """ w_squre = np.clip(np.matmul(self.H, U), 0, 576**2) rotorspeed = np.sqrt(w_squre.flatten()) return rotorspeed def setMotorsSpeed(self, motorspeed, motor_failure=0): """ Set motor speed. Args: motorspeed (np.array): desired motor speed. motor_failure (bool): True for motor failure, False otherwise. """ if motor_failure : # print("--- Motor Failure ---") factor = np.sqrt(1 - self.lossOfThrust) self.motorsSpeed(float(motorspeed[0]) * factor, float(-motorspeed[1]), float(-motorspeed[2]), float(motorspeed[3])) else: self.motorsSpeed(float(motorspeed[0]), float(-motorspeed[1]), float(-motorspeed[2]), float(motorspeed[3]))
while robot.step(timestep) != -1: if(robot.getTime()>1.0): break # Main loop: # - perform simulation steps until Webots is stopping the controller while robot.step(timestep) != 1: roll=imu.getRollPitchYaw()[0]+M_PI/2.0 pitch=imu.getRollPitchYaw()[1] rakim=gps.getValues()[1] roll_hiz=gyro.getValues()[0] pitch_hiz=gyro.getValues()[1] print("x ekseni : {0} - y ekseni : {1} ".format(roll,pitch)) camera_roll_motor.setPosition(0.1*roll_hiz) camera_pitch_motor.setPosition(0.1*pitch_hiz) roll_dagitim=0.0 pitch_dagitim=0.0 yaw_dagitim=0.0 target_rakim=1.0 roll_giris=k_roll_p*CLAMP(roll,-1.0,1.0)+roll_hiz+roll_dagitim pitch_giris=k_pitch_p*CLAMP(pitch,-1.0,1.0)-pitch_hiz+pitch_dagitim yaw_giris=yaw_dagitim
keyboard = Keyboard() keyboard.enable(60) while robot.step(timestep) != -1: #motor_lst[0].setPosition(10.0) #motor_lst[0].setVelocity(1.0) key=keyboard.getKey() if (key==ord('D')): print('D is pressed') rotate(math.pi * -2 / 8) elif (key==ord('F')): print('F is pressed') rotate(math.pi * 2 / 8) elif (key==ord(' ')): print('Space is pressed') default_high_pos() elif (key==ord('V')): print('V is pressed') default_low_pos() print("gyro", gyro.getValues()) print("inertial_unit", inertial_unit.getRollPitchYaw()) #rotate() #move_forward() # Enter here exit cleanup code.
class BaseController(): def __init__(self, trajectory): # Initialize variables self.trajectory = trajectory self.previousX = 0 self.previousY = 0 self.previousZ = 0 self.previousPsi = 0 self.previousXdotError = 0 self.integralXdotError = 0 def startSensors(self, timestep): # Instantiate objects and start up GPS, Gyro, and Compass sensors # For more details, refer to the Webots documentation self.gps = GPS("gps") self.gps.enable(timestep) self.gyro = Gyro("gyro") self.gyro.enable(timestep) self.compass = Compass("compass") self.compass.enable(timestep) def getStates(self, timestep): # Timestep returned by Webots is in ms, so we convert delT = 0.001 * timestep # Extract (X, Y) coordinate from GPS position = self.gps.getValues() X = position[0] Y = position[1] # Find the rate of change in each axis, and store the current value of (X, Y) # as previous (X, Y) which will be used in the next call Xdot = (X - self.previousX) / (delT + 1e-9) self.previousX = X Ydot = (Y - self.previousY) / (delT + 1e-9) self.previousY = Y XYdot = np.array([[Xdot], [Ydot]]) # Get heading angle and angular velocity psi = wrapToPi(self.getBearingInRad()) angularVelocity = self.gyro.getValues() psidot = angularVelocity[2] # Get the rotation matrix (2x2) to convert velocities to the vehicle frame rotation_mat = np.array([[np.cos(psi), -np.sin(psi)], [np.sin(psi), np.cos(psi)]]) xdot = (np.linalg.inv(rotation_mat) @ XYdot)[0, 0] ydot = (np.linalg.inv(rotation_mat) @ XYdot)[1, 0] # Clamp xdot above 0 so we don't have singular matrices xdot = clamp(xdot, 1e-5, np.inf) return delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot def getBearingInRad(self): # Get compass relative north vector north = self.compass.getValues() # Calculate vehicle's heading angle from north rad = np.arctan2(north[1], north[0]) # Convert to vehicle's heading angle from x-axis bearing = np.pi / 2.0 - rad return bearing