def import_words_from_file(self, import_dict): sql_import_word = '''INSERT INTO VOCABULARY ({},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''.format( *self.word_attribute_headings[1:]) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) c = conn.cursor() word_values = [] for imp_word in import_dict: temp_list = [] for heading in self.word_attribute_headings: if heading != "word_id": try: temp_list.append(imp_word[heading]) except: temp_list.append("-") word_values.append(tuple(temp_list)) try: c.executemany(sql_import_word, word_values) conn.commit() log.debug("MODEL: Imported Word from File") except: log.error("MODEL: Importing Word from File failed") self.load_db()
def populate_database_from_web(self, words_dict, import_method, import_translation): temp_words = [] for word in words_dict: if import_method == "translation": temp_words.append( ("-", "-", "-", word["translation"], "-", "-", "-", "-")) elif import_method == "transliteration" and not import_translation: temp_words.append( (word["translation"], "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-")) elif import_method == "transliteration" and import_translation: temp_words.append((word["translation"], "-", "-", word["english"], "-", "-", "-", "-")) sql_populate_db = '''INSERT INTO VOCABULARY ({},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''.format( *self.word_attribute_headings[1:]) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) c = conn.cursor() try: c.executemany(sql_populate_db, temp_words) conn.commit() log.debug("MODEL: Successfully populated Database from Web.") except: log.error("MODEL: Failed populating Database from Web.") self.load_db()
def get_words_from_web(self, url, start_count=0, end_count=999): headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers.update({ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0' }) try: req = requests.get(url, headers) except: log.error("DATA: Requesting {} failed.".format(url)) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html.parser') output = soup.find_all("tr") if "1000mostcommonwords" in url: words_list = [] for row in output: words_dict = {} cell = row.find_all("td") words_dict["translation"] = cell[1].text words_dict["english"] = cell[2].text words_list.append(words_dict) log.debug("DATA: Importing {} words.".format( len(words_list[int(start_count):int(end_count)]))) return (words_list[int(start_count):int(end_count)])
def get_language_from_web(self, url=""): headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers.update({ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0' }) try: req = requests.get(url, headers) except: log.error("DATA: Requesting {} failed.".format(url)) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html.parser') links = {} log.debug("DATA: Scraping data from {}".format(url)) if url == "": output = soup.find_all("a", attrs={"style": "color: #0000ff;"}) for link in output: links[link.find(text=True)] = link.get("href") return (links)
def update_vocabulary_metadata(self, form_contents): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) try: log.debug("MODEL: Updated Vocabulary Metadata.") for key, value in form_contents.items(): sql_update_word = '''UPDATE METADATA SET {} = ?'''.format(key) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(sql_update_word, (value, )) conn.commit() except: log.error("MODEL: Updating Vocabulary Metadata failed") self.load_db()
def update_word(self, form_contents, word_id): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) try: log.debug("MODEL: Updated Word ID {}".format(word_id)) for key, value in form_contents.items(): sql_update_word = '''UPDATE VOCABULARY SET {} = ? WHERE word_id == ?'''.format( key) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(sql_update_word, (value, word_id)) conn.commit() except: log.error("MODEL: Updating Word ID {} failed".format(word_id)) self.load_db()
def delete_word(self, word_ids): # print(word_id) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) c = conn.cursor() sql_del_word = '''DELETE FROM VOCABULARY WHERE [word_id] = ?''' try: c.executemany(sql_del_word, word_ids) conn.commit() log.debug("MODEL: Deleted Word ID {word_id} from DB.") except: log.error("MODEL: Deleting Word ID {word_id} failed") self.load_db()
def convertToBinaryData(image_name): #Convert digital data to binary format if image_name == "" or image_name == "-": img ='RGB', (200, 200), random_rgb()) with io.BytesIO() as output:, format="JPEG") blobData = output.getvalue() return blobData else: try: with open(image_name, 'rb') as file: blobData = log.debug("UTILS: Successfully reading Image") return blobData except: log.error("UTILS: Reading Image failed") return ""
def populate_database_from_text(self, population_words): temp_words = [] for word in population_words: temp_words.append(("-", "-", "-", word, "-", "-", "-", "-")) sql_populate_db = '''INSERT INTO VOCABULARY ({},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''.format( *self.word_attribute_headings[1:]) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) c = conn.cursor() try: c.executemany(sql_populate_db, temp_words) conn.commit() log.debug("MODEL: Successfully populated Database from text.") except: log.error("MODEL: Failed populating Database from text.") self.load_db()
def _get_config_entry(self, yaml_key, optional = True): if optional: try: if self.conf[yaml_key] == '': value = '' log.error("config.yaml entry {} is empty.".format(yaml_key)) else: value = self.conf[yaml_key]"config.yaml entry {} is set.".format(yaml_key)) except KeyError: value = ''"config.yaml entry {} is missing.".format(yaml_key)) return value else: try: # essential settings entries should error and exit value = self.conf[yaml_key] except KeyError as ke: log.error("Missing essential entry in config.yaml: {}".format(ke)) raise SystemExit(3) return value
def save_word(self, form_contents): sql_insert_word_values = [] for heading in self.word_attribute_headings[1:]: try: sql_insert_word_values.append(form_contents[heading]) except: sql_insert_word_values.append("-") sql_insert_new_word = '''INSERT INTO VOCABULARY ({},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''.format( *self.word_attribute_headings[1:]) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute(sql_insert_new_word, tuple(sql_insert_word_values)) conn.commit() log.debug("MODEL: Inserted New Word in DB.") except: log.error("MODEL: Inserting Word failed") self.load_db()
def export_batch(self, generated_word_list, filename): log.debug("DATA: Exporting {}".format(filename)) if filename[-3:] == "csv": try: with open(filename, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=";") for word_ in generated_word_list: csv_writer.writerow([word_]) except: log.error("DATA: Exporting {} failed.".format(filename)) elif filename[-4:] == "xlsx": wb = oxl.Workbook() sheet = for word_ in generated_word_list: sheet.append([word_]) try: except: log.error("DATA: Exporting {} failed.".format(filename)) elif filename[-4:] == "docx": document = docx.Document() document.add_heading('Vocabulary', 0) for word_ in generated_word_list: document.add_paragraph(word_) try: except: log.error("DATA: Exporting {} failed.".format(filename)) elif filename[-3:] == "txt": try: txt_file = open(filename, "w") for word_ in generated_word_list: txt_file.write(word_ + "\n") txt_file.close() except: log.error("DATA: Exporting {} failed.".format(filename))
def read_yaml(yamlfile): """expects path/file""" try: with open(str(yamlfile), "r", encoding = "utf-8") as fyamlfile: return yaml.safe_load(fyamlfile) except IOError as errio: log.error("Can't find %s.", yamlfile) #raise errio raise SystemExit(3) except yaml.parser.ParserError as errparse: log.error("ParserError in %s.", yamlfile) #raise errparse raise SystemExit(3) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as errscan: log.error("ScannerError in %s.", yamlfile) #raise errscan raise SystemExit(3) except Exception as err: log.error(" trying to load %s.", yamlfile) raise err raise SystemExit(3)
def load_excel(self, excel_file="", csv_file=""): import_dict = [] headings = [] if excel_file != "": _file = excel_file wb = oxl.load_workbook(_file) ws = log.debug("Importing {}".format(_file)) for i, row in enumerate(ws.rows): if i == 0: for heading in row: if heading.value != None: headings.append(heading.value) else: temp_word = {} for j, heading in enumerate(headings): if row[j].value != None or heading == "related_image": if heading != "related_image": temp_word[heading] = row[j].value else: image_dir = os.path.dirname( _file) + "/related_images/" image_path = image_dir + str(i) + ".jpg" if os.path.isfile(image_path): temp_word[ heading] = utils.convertToBinaryData( image_path) else: temp_word[heading] = "-" log.debug("Importing headings: {}".format(headings)) import_dict.append(temp_word) elif csv_file != "": _file = csv_file log.debug("Importing {}".format(_file)) with open(csv_file, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as csvfile: rows = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';') for i, row in enumerate(rows): if i == 0: for heading in row: if heading != "": headings.append(heading) else: temp_word = {} for j, heading in enumerate(headings): if row[j] != "" or heading == "related_image": if heading != "related_image": temp_word[heading] = row[j] else: image_dir = os.path.dirname( csv_file) + "/related_images/" image_path = image_dir + str(i) + ".jpg" if os.path.isfile(image_path): temp_word[ heading] = utils.convertToBinaryData( image_path) else: temp_word[heading] = "-" import_dict.append(temp_word) match_count = [] for word in import_dict: for heading, value in word.items(): if heading == "transliteration" or heading == "translation": duplicate_check = self.check_for_duplicates( value, heading_list=["transliteration", "translation"]) if duplicate_check != True: match_count.append(word) else: pass if match_count != []: log.error("XLS/CSV Import: Found {} duplicates.".format( len(match_count))) message_ = '''Found {} words, which are already in vocabulary. Import anyway? Press YES to import all. Press NO to import all without duplicates. Press CANCEL to abort. '''.format(str(len(match_count))) MsgBox = tk.messagebox.askyesnocancel("Found Duplicates", message_) if MsgBox == True: log.debug("Importing {} Words.".format(str(len(import_dict)))) self.vocab.import_words_from_file(import_dict) return elif MsgBox == False: for match in match_count: import_dict.remove(match) log.debug("Importing {} Words.".format(str(len(import_dict)))) self.vocab.import_words_from_file(import_dict) return else: log.debug("Aborted Importing") return else: log.debug("No Duplicates Found") self.vocab.import_words_from_file(import_dict)