def parse(): scriptpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) projectpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(scriptpath)) projectpath = os.path.join(projectpath, "tools") declarations_file = os.path.join(projectpath, "unary_definitions.txt") used_functions = coverage.parse() unary_functions = used_functions[0] binary_functions = used_functions[1] nular_functions = used_functions[2] converted = [] functions_converted = [] helper_methods = {} with open(declarations_file) as f: for line in f: m_unary ='(?<=static nular_function )\w+', line) if (m_unary): # We have a unary function on this line skip_generation = in nular_functions # check if we can skip auto generation for this - it's already done somewhere in our source files function_name ='(?<=nular__)[a-zA-Z0-9]+', function_name = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", function_name).lower() function_output = function_name ret_type = 'void' part = line if (part.find("ret__scalar") != -1): function_output = "float " + function_output ret_type = "float" if (part.find("ret__script") != -1): function_output = "script " + function_output ret_type = "script" if (part.find("ret__bool") != -1): function_output = "bool " + function_output ret_type = "bool" if (part.find("ret__object") != -1): function_output = "object " + function_output ret_type = "object" if (part.find("ret__side") != -1): function_output = "side " + function_output ret_type = "side" if (part.find("ret__string") != -1): function_output = "std::string " + function_output ret_type = "std::string" if (part.find("ret__display") != -1): function_output = "display " + function_output ret_type = "display" if (part.find("ret__control") != -1): function_output = "control " + function_output ret_type = "control" if (part.find("ret__nothing") != -1): function_output = "void " + function_output ret_type = "void" if (part.find("ret__text") != -1): function_output = "text " + function_output ret_type = "text" if (part.find("ret__group") != -1): function_output = "group " + function_output ret_type = "group" if (part.find("ret__namespace") != -1): function_output = "rv_namespace " + function_output ret_type = "rv_namespace" if (part.find("ret__any") != -1): function_output = "rv_any " + function_output ret_type = "rv_any" if (part.find("ret__task") != -1): function_output = "task " + function_output ret_type = "task" if (part.find("ret__team_member") != -1): function_output = "team_member " + function_output ret_type = "team_member" if (part.find("ret__array") != -1): function_output = "std::vector<?> " + function_output ret_type = "array" function_output += "()" if (not function_output.startswith(function_name)): # we got a function we can generate with our rules function_implementation = function_output + " {\n " function_declaration = function_output + ";" helper_method = "" # __empty_unary_number(unary_function fnc_, float val_); if (ret_type == 'float'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'bool'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'std::string'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'object'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'control'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'text'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'script'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'task'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'rv_namespace'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'display'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'void'): helper_method += "" elif (ret_type == 'side'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'group'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'team_member'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'array'): helper_method += "game_value input__ = " elif (ret_type == 'rv_any'): helper_method += "game_value input__ = " helper_method += "host::functions.invoke_raw_nular" function_implementation += helper_method + "(client::__sqf::"+ + ");\n" # handle return value return_conversion = "" if (ret_type == 'float'): return_conversion += " float rv = ((game_data_number *)>number;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'bool'): return_conversion += " bool rv = ((game_data_bool *)>value;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'std::string'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'object'): return_conversion += " return object(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'control'): return_conversion += " return control(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'script'): return_conversion += " return script(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'task'): return_conversion += " return task(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'rv_namespace'): return_conversion += " return rv_namespace(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'text'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'display'): return_conversion += " return display(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'side'): return_conversion += " return side(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'group'): return_conversion += " return group(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'team_member'): return_conversion += " return team_member(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'rv_any'): return_conversion += " return rv_any(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'array'): return_conversion += " game_data_array* array_value = ((game_data_array *);\n" return_conversion += " std::vector<?> output;\n" return_conversion += " for (int i = 0; i < array_value->length; ++i) {\n" return_conversion += " output.push_back(?(array_value->data[i])); // TODO Conversion\n" return_conversion += " }\n host::functions.free_value(&input__);\n return output;\n" function_implementation += return_conversion + "}\n" # close function definition if not skip_generation: converted.append(function_declaration) functions_converted.append(function_implementation) if helper_method in helper_methods.keys(): helper_methods[helper_method] +=1 else: helper_methods[helper_method] = 1 #orig_stdout = sys.stdout #f = file('out.txt', 'w') #sys.stdout = f for output in converted: print(output) for output in functions_converted: print(output)
def parse(): scriptpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) projectpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(scriptpath)) projectpath = os.path.join(projectpath, "tools") declarations_file = os.path.join(projectpath, "unary_definitions.txt") used_functions = coverage.parse() unary_functions = used_functions[0] binary_functions = used_functions[1] nular_functions = used_functions[2] converted = [] functions_converted = [] helper_methods = {} with open(declarations_file) as f: for line in f: m_unary ='(?<=static binary_function )\w+', line) if (m_unary): # We have a unary function on this line skip_generation = in binary_functions # check if we can skip auto generation for this - it's already done somewhere in our source files function_name ='(?<=binary__)[a-zA-Z0-9]+', function_name = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", function_name).lower() function_output = function_name ret_type = 'void' part = line if (part.find("ret__scalar") != -1): function_output = "float " + function_output ret_type = "float" if (part.find("ret__bool") != -1): function_output = "bool " + function_output ret_type = "bool" if (part.find("ret__object") != -1): function_output = "object " + function_output ret_type = "object" if (part.find("ret__side") != -1): function_output = "side " + function_output ret_type = "side" if (part.find("ret__string") != -1): function_output = "std::string " + function_output ret_type = "std::string" if (part.find("ret__display") != -1): function_output = "display " + function_output ret_type = "display" if (part.find("ret__control") != -1): function_output = "control " + function_output ret_type = "control" if (part.find("ret__nothing") != -1): function_output = "void " + function_output ret_type = "void" if (part.find("ret__text") != -1): function_output = "text " + function_output ret_type = "text" if (part.find("ret__any") != -1): function_output = "rv_any " + function_output ret_type = "rv_any" if (part.find("ret__group") != -1): function_output = "group " + function_output ret_type = "group" if (part.find("ret__team_member") != -1): function_output = "team_member " + function_output ret_type = "team_member" function_output += "(" input_type = [] to_match = [["__scalar__", "float"], ["__scalar_nan__", "float"], ["__bool__", "bool"], ["__object__", "object"], ["__side__", "side"], ["__string__", "string"], ["__display__", "display"], ["__control__", "control"], ["__text__", "string"], ["__group__", "group"], ["__array__", "array"], ["__team_member__", "team_member"], ["__any__", "rv_any"]] value_type_n = 0 for match_check in to_match: if (part.find(match_check[0]) != -1): if (len(input_type) > 0): function_output += ", " type_name = match_check[1] if type_name == "string": type_name = "std::string" function_output += type_name + " value{}_".format(value_type_n) input_type.append(match_check[1]) value_type_n+=1 function_output += ")" if (not function_output.startswith(function_name) and not function_output.endswith("()")): # we got a function we can generate with our rules function_implementation = function_output + " {\n " function_declaration = function_output + ";" helper_method = "" # __empty_unary_number(unary_function fnc_, float val_); if (ret_type == 'float'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'bool'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'std::string'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'object'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'control'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'text'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'display'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'void'): helper_method += "" elif (ret_type == 'side'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'group'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " elif (ret_type == 'team_member'): helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " helper_method += "host::functions.invoke_raw_binary" function_implementation += helper_method + "(client::__sqf::"+ value_type_n = 0 for type_name in input_type: function_implementation += ", " if (type_name == 'float'): function_implementation += "game_value_number(value{}_)".format(value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'bool'): function_implementation += "game_value_bool(value{}_)".format(value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'string'): function_implementation += "game_value_string(value{}_)".format(value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'text'): function_implementation += "game_value_string(value{}_)".format(value_type_n) else: function_implementation += "value{}_".format(value_type_n) value_type_n+=1 function_implementation += ");\n" # close method invokation # handle return value return_conversion = "" if (ret_type == 'float'): return_conversion += " float rv = ((game_data_number *)>number;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'bool'): return_conversion += " bool rv = ((game_data_bool *)>value;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'std::string'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'object'): return_conversion += " return object(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'control'): return_conversion += " return control(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'text'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'display'): return_conversion += " return display(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'side'): return_conversion += " return side(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'group'): return_conversion += " return group(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'team_member'): return_conversion += " return team_member(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'rv_any'): return_conversion += " return rv_any(ret_value);\n" function_implementation += return_conversion + "}\n" # close function definition if 'array' not in input_type and len(input_type) > 1: if not skip_generation: converted.append(function_declaration) functions_converted.append(function_implementation) if helper_method in helper_methods.keys(): helper_methods[helper_method] +=1 else: helper_methods[helper_method] = 1 #orig_stdout = sys.stdout #f = file('out.txt', 'w') #sys.stdout = f for output in converted: print(output) for output in functions_converted: print(output)
def parse(): scriptpath = os.path.realpath(__file__) projectpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(scriptpath)) projectpath = os.path.join(projectpath, "tools") declarations_file = os.path.join(projectpath, "unary_definitions.txt") used_functions = coverage.parse() unary_functions = used_functions[0] binary_functions = used_functions[1] nular_functions = used_functions[2] converted = [] functions_converted = [] helper_methods = {} with open(declarations_file) as f: for line in f: m_unary ='(?<=static unary_function )\w+', line) if (m_unary): # We have a unary function on this line skip_generation = ) in unary_functions # check if we can skip auto generation for this - it's already done somewhere in our source files function_name ='(?<=unary__)[a-zA-Z0-9]+', function_name = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", function_name).lower() function_output = function_name ret_type = 'void' part = line if (part.find("ret__scalar") != -1): function_output = "float " + function_output ret_type = "float" if (part.find("ret__bool") != -1): function_output = "bool " + function_output ret_type = "bool" if (part.find("ret__object") != -1): function_output = "object " + function_output ret_type = "object" if (part.find("ret__side") != -1): function_output = "side " + function_output ret_type = "side" if (part.find("ret__string") != -1): function_output = "std::string " + function_output ret_type = "std::string" if (part.find("ret__display") != -1): function_output = "display " + function_output ret_type = "display" if (part.find("ret__control") != -1): function_output = "control " + function_output ret_type = "control" if (part.find("ret__nothing") != -1): function_output = "void " + function_output ret_type = "void" if (part.find("ret__text") != -1): function_output = "text " + function_output ret_type = "text" if (part.find("ret__group") != -1): function_output = "group " + function_output ret_type = "group" if (part.find("ret__team_member") != -1): function_output = "team_member " + function_output ret_type = "team_member" if (part.find("ret__task") != -1): function_output = "task " + function_output ret_type = "task" if (part.find("ret__script") != -1): function_output = "script " + function_output ret_type = "script" if (part.find("ret__namespace") != -1): function_output = "rv_namespace " + function_output ret_type = "namespace" if (part.find("ret__any") != -1): function_output = "rv_any " + function_output ret_type = "rv_any" function_output += "(" input_type = [] to_match = [["__scalar__", "float"], ["__scalar_nan__", "float"], ["__bool__", "bool"], ["__object__", "object"], ["__side__", "side"], ["__string__", "string"], ["__display__", "display"], ["__control__", "control"], ["__text__", "string"], ["__group__", "group"], ["__array__", "array"], ["__team_member__", "team_member"], ["__task__", "task"], ["__script__", "script"], ["__namespace__", "namespace"], ["__any__", "rv_any"]] value_type_n = 0 for match_check in to_match: if (part.find(match_check[0]) != -1): if (len(input_type) > 0): function_output += ", " type_name = match_check[1] if type_name == "string": type_name = "const std::string&" function_output += type_name + " value_".format( value_type_n) input_type.append(match_check[1]) value_type_n += 1 function_output += ")" if (not function_output.startswith(function_name) and not function_output.endswith("()") ): # we got a function we can generate with our rules function_implementation = function_output + " {\n " function_declaration = function_output + ";" helper_method = "" # __empty_unary_number(unary_function fnc_, float val_); if (ret_type == 'void'): helper_method += "" else: helper_method += "game_value ret_value = " helper_method += "host::functions.invoke_raw_unary" function_implementation += helper_method + "(client::__sqf::" + 0).lower() value_type_n = 0 if len(input_type) == 1: value_type_n = "" for type_name in input_type: function_implementation += ", " if (type_name == 'float'): function_implementation += "game_value_number(value{}_)".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'bool'): function_implementation += "game_value_bool(value{}_)".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'string'): function_implementation += "game_value_string(value{}_)".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'object'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'control'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'text'): function_implementation += "game_value_string(value{}_)".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'display'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'side'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'group'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) elif (type_name == 'team_member'): function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) else: function_implementation += "value{}_".format( value_type_n) if len(input_type) > 1: value_type_n += 1 function_implementation += ");\n" # close method invokation # handle return value return_conversion = "" if (ret_type == 'float'): return_conversion += " float rv = ((game_data_number *)>number;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'bool'): return_conversion += " bool rv = ((game_data_bool *)>value;\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'std::string'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'object'): return_conversion += " return object(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'control'): return_conversion += " return control(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'text'): return_conversion += " std::string rv = ((game_data_string *)>get_string();\n host::functions.free_value(&ret_value);\n return rv;\n" elif (ret_type == 'display'): return_conversion += " return display(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'side'): return_conversion += " return side(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'group'): return_conversion += " return group(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'team_member'): return_conversion += " return team_member(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'script'): return_conversion += " return script(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'task'): return_conversion += " return task(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'rv_namespace'): return_conversion += " return rv_namespace(ret_value);\n" elif (ret_type == 'rv_any'): return_conversion += " return rv_any(ret_value);\n" function_implementation += return_conversion + "}\n" # close function definition if 'array' not in input_type: if not skip_generation: converted.append(function_declaration) functions_converted.append(function_implementation) if helper_method in helper_methods.keys(): helper_methods[helper_method] += 1 else: helper_methods[helper_method] = 1 #orig_stdout = sys.stdout #f = file('out.txt', 'w') #sys.stdout = f for output in converted: print(output) for output in functions_converted: print(output)