コード例 #1
def ses(x, h=10, level=(80, 95), alpha=NULL, lam=NULL):
  Generate a simple exponential smoothing forecast for the time series x.
  This function does not optimize the initial value. To get an optimal 
  initial value, use ets() with model_spec='ANN'.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon, default 10
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    alpha: exponential smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  if alpha is not NULL:
    if alpha < 0.0001 or alpha > 0.9999:
      raise ValueError('alpha must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.ses(x, h, level=level, alpha=alpha, 
                     initial='simple', **{'lambda' : lam})
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #2
def snaive(x, h=None, level=(80, 95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a seasonal naive forecast on the provided data by calling 
  snaive() from R Forecast. This is also called the 'Last Observed 
  Seasonal Value' forecast. The point forecast is the value of the 
  series one full period in the past.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
      For this forecast method, x should be seasonal.
    h: Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.snaive(x, h, level=level, **{'lambda': lam})
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #3
def snaive(x, h=None, level=(80, 95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a seasonal naive forecast on the provided data by calling 
  snaive() from R Forecast. This is also called the 'Last Observed 
  Seasonal Value' forecast. The point forecast is the value of the 
  series one full period in the past.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
      For this forecast method, x should be seasonal.
    h: Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.snaive(x, h, level=level, **{'lambda' : lam})
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #4
def forecast(x, h=None, **kwargs):
  Generate a forecast for the time series x, using ets if x is non-seasonal 
  or has frequency less than 13, and stlf if x is periodic with frequency 
  above 13.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    robust: Default False. If True, missing values are filled before 
      forecasting and outliers are identified and replaced with tsclean().
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    find_frequency: Default False. If True, function will try to determine 
      the series frequency from the data.
    allow_multiplicative_trend: Default is False. If True, consider models 
      with a multiplicative trend component. That type of model may grow 
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  kwargs = converters.translate_kwargs(**kwargs)
  out = fc.forecast(x, h=h, **kwargs)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #5
def forecast(x, h=None, **kwargs):
  Generate a forecast for the time series x, using ets if x is non-seasonal 
  or has frequency less than 13, and stlf if x is periodic with frequency 
  above 13.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    robust: Default False. If True, missing values are filled before 
      forecasting and outliers are identified and replaced with tsclean().
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    find_frequency: Default False. If True, function will try to determine 
      the series frequency from the data.
    allow_multiplicative_trend: Default is False. If True, consider models 
      with a multiplicative trend component. That type of model may grow 
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    kwargs = converters.translate_kwargs(**kwargs)
    out = fc.forecast(x, h=h, **kwargs)
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #6
def rwf(x, h=10, drift=False, level=(80, 95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a random walk forecast on the provided data by calling 
  rwf() from R Forecast. The forecast can have drift, which allows 
  a trend in the mean prediction, but by default, it does not.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    drift: default False. If True, a random walk with drift model is fitted.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.rwf(x, h, drift, level=level, **{'lambda' : lam})
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #7
def rwf(x, h=10, drift=False, level=(80, 95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a random walk forecast on the provided data by calling 
  rwf() from R Forecast. The forecast can have drift, which allows 
  a trend in the mean prediction, but by default, it does not.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    drift: default False. If True, a random walk with drift model is fitted.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.rwf(x, h, drift, level=level, **{'lambda': lam})
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #8
def hw(x, h=None, level=(80, 95), alpha=NULL, beta=NULL, gamma=NULL, lam=NULL):
  Generates a forecast using Holt-Winter's exponential smoothing.
  Initial values are fitted from the first values in x. For optimized values, 
  use ets() with model_spec='AAA'.

    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    alpha: level smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    beta: trend smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    gamma: seasonal smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    if alpha is not NULL:
        if alpha < 0.0001 or alpha > 0.9999:
            raise ValueError(
                'alpha must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
    if beta is not NULL:
        if beta < 0.0001 or beta > 0.9999:
            raise ValueError(
                'beta must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
    if gamma is not NULL:
        if gamma < 0.0001 or gamma > 0.9999:
            raise ValueError(
                'gamma must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.hw(x,
                **{'lambda': lam})
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #9
def arima(x,
          level=(80, 95),
          order=(0, 0, 0),
          seasonal=(0, 0, 0),
  Generates a forecast from an arima model with a fixed specification.
  For an arima model with an optimized specification, use auto.arima.
  Keyword arguments are allowed. Some common ones are noted below.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon, default 10 if fitting a non-seasonal model,
      2 * the frequency of the series for seasonal models.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    order: the non-seasonal part of the arima model
    seasonal: the seasonal part of the arima model
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
  Keyword Args:
    include_drift: Default False. If True, the model includes a linear 
      drift term
    include_mean: Should the model allow a non-zero mean term?
      Default is True if series is undifferenced, False otherwise
    include_constant: If True, include mean if series is not differenced,
      or include drift if it is differenced once.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    if h is None:
        if seasonal == (0, 0, 0):
            h = 10
            h = 2 * frequency(x)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    order = converters.map_arg(order)
    seasonal = converters.map_arg(seasonal)
    kwargs['lambda'] = lam
    model = fc.Arima(x, order=order, seasonal=seasonal, **kwargs)
    out = fc.forecast(model, h=h, level=level)
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #10
def stlf(x, h=None, s_window=7, robust=False, lam=NULL, method='ets', 
         etsmodel='ZZZ', xreg=NULL, newxreg=NULL, level=(80, 95)):
  Constructs a forecast of a seasonal time series by seasonally decomposing 
  it using an STL decomposition, then making a non-seasonal forecast on the 
  seasonally adjusted data, and finally adding the naively extended seasonal 
  component on to the forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
      For this forecast method, x should be seasonal.
    h : Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series
    s.window : either 'periodic' or the span (in lags) of the 
      loess window for seasonal extraction, which should be odd.
    robust : If True, use robust fitting in the loess procedure.
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    method : One of 'ets' or 'arima'; default is 'ets'. Specifies the type 
      of model to use for forecasting the non-seasonal part.
    etsmodel : Default is 'ZZZ'. This is only used if 'method' is 'ets'.
      A 3-letter string denoting the ets model type.
      Letters denote error, trend, and seasonal parts: A=additive, 
      N=none, M=multiplicative, Z=automatically selected. Legal 
      values for first part are (A, M, Z), all values are legal 
      for other parts.
    xreg : Only available if 'method' is arima. An optional vector or matrix 
      of regressors, which must have one row/element for each point in x. 
      Default is NULL, for no regressors.
    newxreg : Only available if 'method' is arima. If regressors are used in 
      fitting, then they must be supplied for the forecast period as newxreg.
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  kwargs = {'s.window' : s_window,
            'lambda' : lam}
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.stlf(x, h, level=level, robust=robust, method=method, 
                       etsmodel=etsmodel, xreg=xreg, newxreg=newxreg, **kwargs)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #11
def arima(x, h=None, level=(80,95), order=(0,0,0), seasonal=(0,0,0), 
         lam=NULL, **kwargs):
  Generates a forecast from an arima model with a fixed specification.
  For an arima model with an optimized specification, use auto.arima.
  Keyword arguments are allowed. Some common ones are noted below.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon, default 10 if fitting a non-seasonal model,
      2 * the frequency of the series for seasonal models.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    order: the non-seasonal part of the arima model
    seasonal: the seasonal part of the arima model
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
  Keyword Args:
    include_drift: Default False. If True, the model includes a linear 
      drift term
    include_mean: Should the model allow a non-zero mean term?
      Default is True if series is undifferenced, False otherwise
    include_constant: If True, include mean if series is not differenced,
      or include drift if it is differenced once.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  if h is None:
    if seasonal == (0,0,0):
      h = 10
      h = 2 * frequency(x)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  order = converters.map_arg(order)
  seasonal = converters.map_arg(seasonal)
  kwargs['lambda'] = lam
  model = fc.Arima(x, order=order, seasonal=seasonal, **kwargs)
  out = fc.forecast(model, h=h, level=level)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #12
def hw(x, h=None, level=(80, 95), alpha=NULL, beta=NULL, gamma=NULL, lam=NULL):
  Generates a forecast using Holt-Winter's exponential smoothing.
  Initial values are fitted from the first values in x. For optimized values, 
  use ets() with model_spec='AAA'.

    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    alpha: level smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    beta: trend smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    gamma: seasonal smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  if alpha is not NULL:
    if alpha < 0.0001 or alpha > 0.9999:
      raise ValueError('alpha must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
  if beta is not NULL:
    if beta < 0.0001 or beta > 0.9999:
      raise ValueError('beta must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
  if gamma is not NULL:
    if gamma < 0.0001 or gamma > 0.9999:
      raise ValueError('gamma must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.hw(x, h, level=level, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, 
              initial='simple', **{'lambda' : lam})
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #13
def thetaf(x, h=10, level=(80, 95)):
  Perform a theta forecast on the provided data by calling thetaf() 
  from R Forecast. The theta forecast is equivalent to a random walk 
  forecast (rwf in R Forecast) with drift, with the drift equal to half 
  the slope of a linear regression model fitted to with a trend. The 
  theta forecast did well in the M3 competition.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.thetaf(x, h, level=level)
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #14
def meanf(x, h=10, level=(80, 95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a mean forecast on the provided data by calling meanf() 
  from R Forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.meanf(x, h, level=level, **{'lambda': lam})
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #15
def meanf(x, h=10, level=(80,95), lam=NULL):
  Perform a mean forecast on the provided data by calling meanf() 
  from R Forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.

    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.meanf(x, h, level=level, **{'lambda' : lam})
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #16
def thetaf(x, h=10, level=(80, 95)):
  Perform a theta forecast on the provided data by calling thetaf() 
  from R Forecast. The theta forecast is equivalent to a random walk 
  forecast (rwf in R Forecast) with drift, with the drift equal to half 
  the slope of a linear regression model fitted to with a trend. The 
  theta forecast did well in the M3 competition.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: default 10; the forecast horizon.
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  out = fc.thetaf(x, h, level=level)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #17
def ses(x, h=10, level=(80, 95), alpha=NULL, lam=NULL):
  Generate a simple exponential smoothing forecast for the time series x.
  This function does not optimize the initial value. To get an optimal 
  initial value, use ets() with model_spec='ANN'.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h: the forecast horizon, default 10
    level: A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    alpha: exponential smoothing parameter. Must be a float value between 
      0.0001 and 0.9999 or R's NULL value (the default), in which
      case this parameter is optimized.
    lam: BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    if alpha is not NULL:
        if alpha < 0.0001 or alpha > 0.9999:
            raise ValueError(
                'alpha must be between 0.0001 and 0.9999, if given')
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.ses(x,
                 **{'lambda': lam})
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #18
def stlf(x,
         level=(80, 95)):
  Constructs a forecast of a seasonal time series by seasonally decomposing 
  it using an STL decomposition, then making a non-seasonal forecast on the 
  seasonally adjusted data, and finally adding the naively extended seasonal 
  component on to the forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
      For this forecast method, x should be seasonal.
    h : Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series
    s.window : either 'periodic' or the span (in lags) of the 
      loess window for seasonal extraction, which should be odd.
    robust : If True, use robust fitting in the loess procedure.
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
      If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
      transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    method : One of 'ets' or 'arima'; default is 'ets'. Specifies the type 
      of model to use for forecasting the non-seasonal part.
    etsmodel : Default is 'ZZZ'. This is only used if 'method' is 'ets'.
      A 3-letter string denoting the ets model type.
      Letters denote error, trend, and seasonal parts: A=additive, 
      N=none, M=multiplicative, Z=automatically selected. Legal 
      values for first part are (A, M, Z), all values are legal 
      for other parts.
    xreg : Only available if 'method' is arima. An optional vector or matrix 
      of regressors, which must have one row/element for each point in x. 
      Default is NULL, for no regressors.
    newxreg : Only available if 'method' is arima. If regressors are used in 
      fitting, then they must be supplied for the forecast period as newxreg.
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    kwargs = {'s.window': s_window, 'lambda': lam}
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    out = fc.stlf(x,
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #19
def auto_arima(x,
               level=(80, 95)):
  Use the auto.arima function from the R Forecast package to automatically 
  select an arima model order, fit the model to the provided data, and 
  generate a forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h : Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series,
        or 10 steps for non-seasonal series.
    d : order of first differencing. Default is NA, which selects this 
        value based on the value of 'test' (KPSS test by default).
    D : order of seasonal differencing. Default is NA, which selects this 
        value based on 'seasonal_test' (OCSB test by default).
    max_p : maximum value for non-seasonal AR order
    max_q : maximum value for non-seasonal MA order
    max_P : maximum value for seasonal AR order
    max_Q : maximum value for seasonal MA order
    max_order : maximum value of p + q + P + Q
    start_p : starting value for non-seasonal AR order
    start_q : starting value for non-seasonal MA order
    start_P : starting value for seasonal AR order
    start_Q : starting value for seasonal MA order
    stationary : Default is False. If True, only consider stationary models.
    seasonal : Default is True. If False, only consider non-seasonal models.
    ic : information crierion. Default is 'aicc' for bias-corrected AIC.
        Other values are 'aic' for regular AIC, or 'bic' for BIC.
    xreg : An optional vector or matrix of regressors, which must have one 
        row/element for each point in x. Default is NULL, for no regressors.
    newxreg : If regressors were used to fit the model, then they must be 
        supplied for the forecast period as newxreg. If newxreg is present,
        h is ignored.
    test : Test to use to determine number of first differences. Default 
        is 'kpss', for the KPSS test. Other values are 'adf' for augmented 
        Dickey-Fuller, or 'pp' for Phillips-Perron.
    seasonal_test : Test to use to determine number of seasonal differences.
        Default is 'ocsb' for the Osborn-Chui-Smith-Birchenhall  test. 
        The alternative is 'ch' for the Canova-Hansen test. 
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
        If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
        transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    kwargs = {
        'max.p': max_p,
        'max.q': max_q,
        'max.P': max_P,
        'max.Q': max_Q,
        'max.order': max_order,
        'max.d': max_d,
        'max.D': max_D,
        'start.p': start_p,
        'start.q': start_q,
        'start.P': start_P,
        'start.Q': start_Q,
        'seasonal.test': seasonal_test,
        'lambda': lam
    if (xreg is NULL) != (newxreg is NULL):
        raise ValueError('Specifiy both xreg and newxreg or neither.')
    if xreg is not NULL:
        xreg = converters.as_matrix(xreg)
        newxreg = converters.as_matrix(newxreg)
    arima_model = fc.auto_arima(x,
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    # NB: default lambda is correct - it will be taken from model
    out = fc.forecast_Arima(arima_model, h, level=level, xreg=newxreg)
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #20
def ets(x, h=None, model_spec='ZZZ', damped=NULL, alpha=NULL, 
        beta=NULL, gamma=NULL, phi=NULL, additive_only=False, lam=NULL,
        opt_crit='lik', nmse=3, ic='aicc', allow_multiplicative_trend=False,
        level=(80, 95)):
  Automatically select and fit an exponential smoothing model on the 
  provided data using the ets() function from the R Forecast package, 
  and use it to produce a forecast over the given horizon.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h:  Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series,
        or 10 steps for non-seasonal series.
    model_spec : Default is 'ZZZ'. A 3-letter string denoting the model type.
        Letters denote error, trend, and seasonal parts: A=additive, 
        N=none, M=multiplicative, Z=automatically selected. Legal 
        values for first part are (A, M, Z), all values are legal 
        for other parts.
    damped : If True, use a damped trend model. 
        Default is NULL, which tries damped/undamped models and 
        selects best model according to the selected ic.
    alpha : Smoothing parameter for error term. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    beta : Smoothing paramter for trend component. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    gamma : Smoothing parameter for seasonal component. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    phi : Damping parameter. Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    additive_only : Default False. If True, only try additive models.
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
        If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
        transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    opt_crit : Optimization criterion. Default is 'lik' for log-likelihood. 
        Other values are 'mse' (mean squared error), 'amse' (MSE averaged 
        over first nmse forecast horizons), 'sigma' (standard deviation of 
        residuals), and 'mae' (mean absolute error).
    nmse : number of steps in average MSE, if 'amse' is opt_crit.
        Restricted to 1 <= nmse <= 10.
    ic : information crierion. Default is 'aicc' for bias-corrected AIC.
        Other values are 'aic' for regular AIC, or 'bic' for BIC.
    allow_multiplicative_trend : Default is False. If True, consider models 
        with a multiplicative trend component. That type of model may grow 
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  kwargs = {'allow.multiplicative.trend' : allow_multiplicative_trend, 
            'additive.only' : additive_only, 
            'opt.crit' : opt_crit,
            'lambda' : lam}
  ets_model = fc.ets(x, model=model_spec, damped=damped, alpha=alpha, 
                       beta=beta, gamma=gamma, phi=phi, ic=ic, **kwargs)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  # NB: default lambda is correct - it will be taken from model
  out = fc.forecast_ets(ets_model, h, level=level)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #21
def ets(x,
        level=(80, 95)):
  Automatically select and fit an exponential smoothing model on the 
  provided data using the ets() function from the R Forecast package, 
  and use it to produce a forecast over the given horizon.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h:  Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series,
        or 10 steps for non-seasonal series.
    model_spec : Default is 'ZZZ'. A 3-letter string denoting the model type.
        Letters denote error, trend, and seasonal parts: A=additive, 
        N=none, M=multiplicative, Z=automatically selected. Legal 
        values for first part are (A, M, Z), all values are legal 
        for other parts.
    damped : If True, use a damped trend model. 
        Default is NULL, which tries damped/undamped models and 
        selects best model according to the selected ic.
    alpha : Smoothing parameter for error term. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    beta : Smoothing paramter for trend component. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    gamma : Smoothing parameter for seasonal component. 
        Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    phi : Damping parameter. Default is NULL, which fits this value.
    additive_only : Default False. If True, only try additive models.
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
        If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
        transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    opt_crit : Optimization criterion. Default is 'lik' for log-likelihood. 
        Other values are 'mse' (mean squared error), 'amse' (MSE averaged 
        over first nmse forecast horizons), 'sigma' (standard deviation of 
        residuals), and 'mae' (mean absolute error).
    nmse : number of steps in average MSE, if 'amse' is opt_crit.
        Restricted to 1 <= nmse <= 10.
    ic : information crierion. Default is 'aicc' for bias-corrected AIC.
        Other values are 'aic' for regular AIC, or 'bic' for BIC.
    allow_multiplicative_trend : Default is False. If True, consider models 
        with a multiplicative trend component. That type of model may grow 
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
    x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
    kwargs = {
        'allow.multiplicative.trend': allow_multiplicative_trend,
        'additive.only': additive_only,
        'opt.crit': opt_crit,
        'lambda': lam
    ets_model = fc.ets(x,
    h = _get_horizon(x, h)
    level = converters.map_arg(level)
    # NB: default lambda is correct - it will be taken from model
    out = fc.forecast_ets(ets_model, h, level=level)
    return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)
コード例 #22
def auto_arima(x, h=None, d=NA, D=NA, max_p=5, max_q=5, max_P=2, max_Q=2,
               max_order=5, max_d=2, max_D=1, start_p=2, start_q=2, 
               start_P=1, start_Q=1, stationary=False, seasonal=True, 
               ic='aicc', xreg=NULL, newxreg=NULL, test='kpss', 
               seasonal_test='ocsb', lam=NULL, level=(80, 95)):
  Use the auto.arima function from the R Forecast package to automatically 
  select an arima model order, fit the model to the provided data, and 
  generate a forecast.
    x: an R time series, obtained from converters.ts(), or a Pandas Series
      with the correct index (e.g. from converters.sequence_as_series().
    h : Forecast horizon; default is 2 full periods of a periodic series,
        or 10 steps for non-seasonal series.
    d : order of first differencing. Default is NA, which selects this 
        value based on the value of 'test' (KPSS test by default).
    D : order of seasonal differencing. Default is NA, which selects this 
        value based on 'seasonal_test' (OCSB test by default).
    max_p : maximum value for non-seasonal AR order
    max_q : maximum value for non-seasonal MA order
    max_P : maximum value for seasonal AR order
    max_Q : maximum value for seasonal MA order
    max_order : maximum value of p + q + P + Q
    start_p : starting value for non-seasonal AR order
    start_q : starting value for non-seasonal MA order
    start_P : starting value for seasonal AR order
    start_Q : starting value for seasonal MA order
    stationary : Default is False. If True, only consider stationary models.
    seasonal : Default is True. If False, only consider non-seasonal models.
    ic : information crierion. Default is 'aicc' for bias-corrected AIC.
        Other values are 'aic' for regular AIC, or 'bic' for BIC.
    xreg : An optional vector or matrix of regressors, which must have one 
        row/element for each point in x. Default is NULL, for no regressors.
    newxreg : If regressors were used to fit the model, then they must be 
        supplied for the forecast period as newxreg. If newxreg is present,
        h is ignored.
    test : Test to use to determine number of first differences. Default 
        is 'kpss', for the KPSS test. Other values are 'adf' for augmented 
        Dickey-Fuller, or 'pp' for Phillips-Perron.
    seasonal_test : Test to use to determine number of seasonal differences.
        Default is 'ocsb' for the Osborn-Chui-Smith-Birchenhall  test. 
        The alternative is 'ch' for the Canova-Hansen test. 
    lam : BoxCox transformation parameter. The default is R's NULL value.
        If NULL, no transformation is applied. Otherwise, a Box-Cox 
        transformation is applied before forecasting and inverted after.
    level : A number or list/tuple of prediction interval confidence values.
      Default is 80% and 95% intervals.
    If x is an R ts object, an R forecast is returned. If x is a Pandas 
    Series, a Pandas Data Frame is returned.
  x, is_pandas = converters.to_ts(x)
  kwargs = {'max.p' : max_p, 'max.q' : max_q, 'max.P' : max_P, 
            'max.Q' : max_Q, 'max.order' : max_order, 'max.d' : max_d, 
            'max.D' : max_D, 'start.p' : start_p, 'start.q' : start_q, 
            'start.P' : start_P, 'start.Q' : start_Q, 
            'seasonal.test' : seasonal_test, 'lambda' : lam}
  if (xreg is NULL) != (newxreg is NULL):
    raise ValueError(
        'Specifiy both xreg and newxreg or neither.')
  if xreg is not NULL:
    xreg = converters.as_matrix(xreg)
    newxreg = converters.as_matrix(newxreg)
  arima_model = fc.auto_arima(x, d=d, D=D, stationary=stationary, 
                                    seasonal=seasonal, ic=ic, xreg=xreg, 
                                    test=test, **kwargs)
  h = _get_horizon(x, h)
  level = converters.map_arg(level)
  # NB: default lambda is correct - it will be taken from model
  out = fc.forecast_Arima(arima_model, h, level=level, xreg=newxreg)
  return converters.forecast_out(out, is_pandas)