def build_graph(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Adds a process and its in-edges to the graph. :param data: A dictionary containing all the data from a CBR :type data: dict[str, Any] """ self.clear() self.g.graph["name"] = data["info"]["name"] for k, v in data["ingredients"].items(): self.add_ingredient(k, v) for k, v in data["appliances"].items(): self.add_appliance(k, v) for k, v in data["preparation"].items(): self.add_process(k, v) self.resolve_pending_processes_edges() for in_foodstuff, out_process in self._pending_processes_edges: self.g.add_node(in_foodstuff, type="unref_foodstuff") self.g.add_edge(in_foodstuff, out_process) logger.error("Neither ingredient nor process found with reference " f"'{in_foodstuff}'")
def ingredients_used_exactly_once(graph: CBRGraph) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks that every :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>` in a given :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>` is directly used by a :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` exactly once. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: A given :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>` is used more than once in the :code:`preparation` section of the analyzed :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. - *Warning*: A given :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>` is not used in the :code:`preparation` section of the analyzed :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. :param graph: The :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>` generated from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated :type graph: cookbase.graph.cbrgraph.CBRGraph :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult() for i in graph.get_ingredients(): r = graph.g.out_degree(i) if r == 0: w = f"Ingredient '{i}' is not used during preparation" result.warnings.append(w) logger.warning(w) elif r > 1: e = f"Ingredient '{i}' is used more than once during preparation" result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) return result
def ingredients_are_valid(ingredients: Dict[str, Any]) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks whether the :ref:`CBR Ingredients <cbr-ingredients>` present in a :ref:`CBR <cbr>` are correct and their respective :ref:`CBIs <cbi>` exist in the database. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: A given :ref:`CBI <cbi>` is not found in the database by its identifier. - *Warning*: A given :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>`'s name does not match any name available from the its referred :ref:`CBI <cbi>` definition. :param ingredients: The dictionary containing the :code:`ingredients` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Ingredients <cbr-ingredients>` :type ingredients: dict[str, Any] :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult() db_handler = handler.get_handler() for i in ingredients.values(): cbi = db_handler.get_cbi(i["cbiId"]) if cbi is None: e = f'CBI with id {i["cbiId"]} does not exist in database' result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) else: cbi_names = cbi["name"][i["name"]["language"]] if ( isinstance(cbi_names, list) and i["name"]["text"] not in cbi_names ) or (isinstance(cbi_names, str) and i["name"]["text"] != cbi_names): w = ( f'Ingredient name {i["name"]["text"]} does not match any ' f'available name for CBI {i["cbiId"]}' ) result.warnings.append(w) logger.warning(w) return result
def processes_are_valid(processes: Dict[str, Any]) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks whether the :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` present in a :ref:`CBR <cbr>` are correct and their respective :ref:`CBPs <cbp>` exist in the database. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: A given :ref:`CBP <cbp>` is not found in the database by its identifier. - Messages from the :meth:`process_is_valid` calls. .. note:: Do not call if :meth:`processes_and_appliances_are_valid_and_processes_requirements_met` is executed, as this test will be redundant. :param processes: The dictionary containing the :code:`preparation` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` :type processes: dict[str, Any] :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult db_handler = handler.get_handler() for i in processes.values(): cbp = db_handler.get_cbp(i["cbpId"]) if cbp is None: e = f'CBP with id {i["cbpId"]} does not exist in database' result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) else: partial_result = Semantics.process_is_valid(i, cbp) result.include_result(partial_result) return result
def single_final_process(graph: CBRGraph) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks if there is only one :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in a given :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>` acting as the end process. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: There are more than one ending :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in the analyzed :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. :param graph: The :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>` generated from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated :type graph: cookbase.graph.cbrgraph.CBRGraph :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult() if len(graph.get_leaf_processes()) > 1: e = f"There are more than one ending processes in the recipe" result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) return result
def validate(self, cbr: Dict[str, Any], store: bool = False, strict: bool = True) -> ValidationResult: """Main function of the class, it performs the validation of a :ref:`CBR <cbr>` and builds the :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>`. The validation process is implemented in two stages: firstly, a JSON Schema validation is performed, and, secondly, validating rules are sequentially applied to ensure that the recipe document satisfies the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` definition. :param cbr: The :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated :type cbr: dict[str, Any] :param store: A flag indicating whether the validated CBR and :doc:`CBRGraph <cbrg>` should be stored in database, defaults to :const:`False` :type store: bool, optional :param strict: A flag indicating the validation policy, defaults to :const:`True` :type strict: bool, optional :return: The results from applying the set of validation rules :rtype: ValidationResult """ try: jsonschema.validate(cbr, self.schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError as e: logger.error("Invalid CBR Schema: " + e.message) return ValidationResult(schema_validated=False) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e: logger.error("CBR does not satisfy CBR Schema: " + e.message) return ValidationResult(schema_validated=False) result = self.apply_validation_rules(cbr) if not result.is_valid(strict): logger.error("CBR does not satisfy CBR validation rules") elif store: try: result.storing_result = self._store(cbr, result.cbrgraph) except (CBRInsertionError, CBRGraphInsertionError) as e: logger.error(e) result.storing_result = e.partial_result return result
def processes_and_appliances_are_valid_and_processes_requirements_met( appliances: Dict[str, Any], processes: Dict[str, Any] ) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks correctness and consistency on the :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` and :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` present in a :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. The function checks if: 1. All :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` and :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` are correct and their respective :ref:`CBAs <cba>` and :ref:`CBPs <cbp>` exist in the database. 2. All :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` find there appliance requirements met. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: A given :ref:`CBA <cba>` is not found in the database by its identifier. - *Error*: A given :ref:`CBP <cbp>` is not found in the database by its identifier. - *Error*: The appliance requirements of a given :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` are not met. - Messages from the :meth:`appliance_is_valid` and :meth:`process_is_valid` calls. :param appliances: The dictionary containing the :code:`appliances` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` :type appliances: dict[str, Any] :param processes: The dictionary containing the :code:`preparation` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` :type processes: dict[str, Any] :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult() db_handler = handler.get_handler() for process_reference, p in processes.items(): # Checking CBP validity cbp = db_handler.get_cbp(p["cbpId"]) if cbp is None: e = f'CBP with id {p["cbpId"]} does not exist in database' result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) else: partial_result = Semantics.process_is_valid(p, cbp) result.include_result(partial_result) # Checking CBAs validity cbas = [] for a in p["appliances"]: if "cbaId" in appliances[a["appliance"]]: cba = db_handler.get_cba(appliances[a["appliance"]]["cbaId"]) if cba is None: e = ( f'CBA with id {appliances[a["appliance"]]["cbaId"]} does ' f"not exist in database" ) result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) continue else: partial_result = Semantics.appliance_is_valid( appliances[a["appliance"]], cba ) result.include_result(partial_result) else: cba = { "id": None, "info": { "familyLevel": 0, "functions": appliances[a["appliance"]]["functions"], }, } cbas.append(cba) # Checking whether process requirements are met partial_result = Semantics.cbas_satisfy_cbp(cbas, cbp) result.include_result(partial_result) return result
def cbas_satisfy_cbp( cbas: List[Dict[str, Any]], cbp: Dict[str, Any] ) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks if a set of :ref:`CBAs <cba>` satisfy at least one of the condition clauses provided by the :code:`data.validation.conditions.requiredAppliances` property of a given :ref:`CBP <cbp>`. The provided :ref:`CBAs <cba>` are assumed to exist in the database. :param cbas: A list containing the :ref:`CBAs <cba>` to be verified :type cbas: list[dict[str, Any]] :param cbp: The dictionary containing the :ref:`CBP <cbp>` whose conditions clauses are to be checked for satisfaction :type cbp: dict[str, Any] :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ from import unroll unrolled_cbas = [unroll(cba) for cba in cbas] for clause in cbp["info"]["validation"]["conditions"]["requiredAppliances"]: unsatisfied_clause = False satisfied_literals = [False] * len(clause) satisfying_cbas = [False] * len(unrolled_cbas) # First iteration searching for exact cbaIds # in order to minimize the search space for i in range(len(clause)): literal = clause[i] if "cbaId" in literal: for j in range(len(unrolled_cbas)): if satisfying_cbas[j]: continue if ( isinstance(unrolled_cbas[j]["id"], int) and unrolled_cbas[j]["id"] == literal["cbaId"] ) or ( isinstance(unrolled_cbas[j]["id"], list) and literal["cbaId"] in unrolled_cbas[j]["id"] ): satisfied_literals[i] = True satisfying_cbas[j] = True break if not satisfied_literals[i]: unsatisfied_clause = True break if unsatisfied_clause: continue # Second iteration searching for functions # TODO: search combinatorial space exhaustively ############################################### # This implementation may throw false negatives # as it associates a CBA to a CBP literal function # sequentially, not considering any rearrangement # that may lead us to a solution. ############################ for i in range(len(clause)): if satisfied_literals[i]: continue literal = clause[i] if "function" in literal: for j in range(len(unrolled_cbas)): if satisfying_cbas[j]: continue if literal["function"] in unrolled_cbas[j]["info"]["functions"]: satisfied_literals[i] = True satisfying_cbas[j] = True break if not satisfied_literals[i]: unsatisfied_clause = True break if not unsatisfied_clause: return AppliedRuleResult() e = f'Appliance requirements of CBP {cbp["id"]} are not satisfied' logger.error(e) return AppliedRuleResult(errors=[e])
def foodstuff_and_appliance_references_are_consistent( ingredients: Dict[str, Any], appliances: Dict[str, Any], processes: Dict[str, Any], ) -> AppliedRuleResult: """Checks for the consistency of a :ref:`CBR <cbr>` on the scope of its :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>`, :ref:`CBR Appliance <cbr-appliances>` and :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` references. The function checks if: 1. All foodstuff and appliance references appearing in the :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` exist in the context of the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>` (which may either be references to :ref:`CBR Ingredients <cbr-ingredients>`, :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` or :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>`, as explained in the :doc:`Cookbase Data Model (CBDM) documentation <cbdm>` on the :code:`preparation` section of a :ref:`CBR <cbr>`). 2. There are no unreferenced :ref:`CBR Ingredients <cbr-ingredients>` or :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` in the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. The following messages will be logged if the corresponding problems are found: - *Error*: There is no :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>` nor :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` matching a foodstuff reference from a :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. - *Error*: There is no :ref:`CBR Appliance <cbr-appliances>` matching an appliance reference from a :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. - *Warning*: A :ref:`CBR Ingredient <cbr-ingredients>` is not referenced by any :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. - *Warning*: A :ref:`CBR Appliance <cbr-appliances>` is not referenced by any :ref:`CBR Process <cbr-preparation>` in the given :ref:`CBR <cbr>`. :param ingredients: The dictionary containing the :code:`ingredients` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Ingredients <cbr-ingredients>` :type ingredients: dict[str, Any] :param appliances: The dictionary containing the :code:`appliances` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Appliances <cbr-appliances>` :type ingredients: dict[str, Any] :param processes: The dictionary containing the :code:`preparation` property from the :ref:`CBR <cbr>` to be validated, which holds a set of :ref:`CBR Processes <cbr-preparation>` :type processes: dict[str, Any] :return: An :class:`AppliedRuleResult` object containing the errors and warnings registered during rule application :rtype: AppliedRuleResult """ result = AppliedRuleResult() used_ingredients = set() used_appliances = set() for i in processes.values(): # Checking foodstuffs references for j in [v for v in Definitions.foodstuff_keywords if v in i.keys()]: r = i[j] if isinstance(r, str): if r not in ingredients.keys(): if r not in processes.keys(): e = ( f"Foodstuff reference '{r}' appears neither in " f"'ingredients' nor in 'preparation' section" ) result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) else: used_ingredients.add(r) else: for q in r: if q not in ingredients.keys(): if q not in processes.keys(): e = ( f"Foodstuff reference '{q}' appears neither in " f"'ingredients' nor in 'preparation' section" ) else: used_ingredients.add(q) # Checking appliances references for a in i["appliances"]: if a["appliance"] not in appliances.keys(): e = ( f'Appliance reference \'{a["appliance"]}\' does not appear in ' f"'appliances' section" ) result.errors.append(e) logger.error(e) else: used_appliances.add(a["appliance"]) # Checking unused ingredients diff = ingredients.keys() - used_ingredients for d in diff: w = f"Ingredient '{d}' is not used in 'preparation' section" result.warnings.append(w) logger.warning(w) # Checking unused appliances diff = appliances.keys() - used_appliances for d in diff: w = f"Appliance '{d}' is not used in 'preparation' section" result.warnings.append(w) logger.warning(w) return result