def logout(headers, body, data): cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('sessionid=', '') if not cookie_check(cookie): return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Zostales wylogowany!'), 200, {} disable_cookie(cookie) return render_template('html/redirect.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Trwa wylogowywanie...'), 200, {}
def addsnippet(headers, body, data): #login = str(data['login']) if 'login' in data else '' # password = str(data['password']) if 'password' in data else '' cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('sessionid=', '') if not cookie_check(cookie): return redirect(headers=headers, body=body, data=data, message="Nieautoryzowana proba dodania snippet'a!") snippet_content = str(data['snippet']) if 'snippet' in data else '' title = str(data['title']) if 'title' in data else '' if (title == '' or snippet_content == ''): return render_template('html/addsnippet.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, cookie=cookie), 200, {} elif len(title) > 60: return render_template( 'html/addsnippet.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, cookie=cookie, message="Maksymalna dlugosc nazwy snippet'a to 24 znaki!" ), 200, {} elif len(snippet_content) > 9999: return render_template( 'html/addsnippet.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, cookie=cookie, message="Dodany przez Ciebie plik jest zbyt dlugi!"), 200, {} add_snippet(title, snippet_content, cookie) return redirect(headers=headers, body=body, data=data, message='Snippet zostal dodany!')
def home(headers, body, data): login = str(data['login']) if 'login' in data else '' password = str(data['password']) if 'password' in data else '' cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('sessionid=', '') # if (login == '') and (password == ''): if cookie_check(cookie): dbfile = '/home/wolonkia/vial/genbase.db' conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT title, login, time FROM snippets ORDER BY time') snippets_result = cursor.fetchall() snippets_values = [] for row in snippets_result: snippets_values.append({'title': str(row[0]), 'login': str(row[1]), 'date': str(row[2])}) cursor.execute('SELECT login FROM users WHERE cookie = ?;', (cookie,)) login = str(cursor.fetchone()[0]) print login cursor.execute('SELECT ip FROM logs WHERE login = ? ORDER BY date_time DESC', (login,)) fetch = cursor.fetchall() if len(fetch) >= 2: if str(fetch[0][0]) != str(fetch[1][0]): return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, snippets_values=snippets_values, message='Wykryto nowe polaczenie do Twojego konta z ip: ' + str( fetch[1][0])), 200, {} return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, snippets_values=snippets_values, message="Witaj '" + login + "'"), 200, {} dbfile = '/home/wolonkia/vial/genbase.db' conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT title, login, time FROM snippets ORDER BY time') snippets_result = cursor.fetchall() snippets_values = [] for row in snippets_result: snippets_values.append({'title': str(row[0]), 'login': str(row[1]), 'date': str(row[2])}) return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, snippets_values=snippets_values, message='Witaj na stronie!'), 200, {'Set-Cookie': cookie}
def editpassword(headers, body, data): login = str(data['login']) if 'login' in data else '' oldpassword = str(data['oldpassword']) if 'oldpassword' in data else '' password = str(data['password']) if 'password' in data else '' repassword = str(data['repassword']) if 'repassword' in data else '' if (login == '') and (password == ''): cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('sessionid=', '') if not cookie_check(cookie): return render_template( 'html/signin.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Musisz sie zalogowac aby zmienic haslo!'), 200, {} dbfile = '/home/wolonkia/vial/genbase.db' conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT login FROM users WHERE cookie = ?;', (cookie, )) login = str(cursor.fetchone()[0]) cursor.execute('SELECT password FROM users WHERE login = ?;', (login, )) oldpassword = str(cursor.fetchone()[0]) if oldpassword == password: update_password(login, password) # expires = expires.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") # cookie = 'sessionid=' + cookie + '; expires=' + expires # + " ; secure" return render_template( 'html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Haslo zostalo zmienione pomyslnie!'), 200, {} if (oldpassword == '') or (repassword == ''): return render_template('html/editpassword.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers), 200, {} if password_length(password): return render_template( 'html/editpassword.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Wymagana dlugosc hasla od 4 do 24 znakow!'), 200, {} if not same_passwords(password, repassword): return render_template( 'html/editpassword.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Podane hasla nie sa identyczne!'), 200, {} if entropy(password) < 45.0: return render_template( 'html/editpassword.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Haslo jest zbyt slabe, jego entropia: ' + str(round(entropy(password), 2))), 200, {} return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers), 200, {} # return render_template('html/editpassword.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers), 200, {} return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Witaj na stronie!'), 200, {}
def signin(headers, body, data): login = str(data['login']) if 'login' in data else '' password = str(data['password']) if 'password' in data else '' cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('sessionid=', '') if (login == '') and (password == ''): if cookie_check(cookie): return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Jestes juz zalogowany!'), 200, {} return render_template('html/signin.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers), 200, {} # login = str(data['login']) if 'login' in data else '' # password = str(data['password']) if 'password' in data else '' # dbfile = '/home/wolonkia/vial/genbase.db' # conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) # cursor = conn.cursor() # dbpassword = cursor.execute('SELECT password FROM users WHERE login = ?', (login,)) # passwd = '' # for row in dbpassword: # passwd = str(row[0]) # salt = passwd[:20] # for i in range(3): # password = salt.join(password) # password = str((hashlib.sha1(password)).hexdigest()) # password = salt + password # if (login == '') or (password == ''): # cookie = str(headers['http-cookie']).replace('session_id=', '') # if cookie_check(cookie): # return redirect(headers=headers, body=body, data=data, message='Jestes juz zalogowany!') # return render_template('html/signin.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers), 200, {} elif allow_signin(login, headers): if authentication(login, password): cookie = str(uuid.UUID(bytes=random_bytes(16)).hex) expires = + dt.timedelta(minutes=20) cookie_update(cookie, expires, login) expires = ( dt.datetime.utcnow() + dt.timedelta(minutes=20)).strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") cookie = 'sessionid=' + cookie + '; expires=' + expires + ";" + "secure" add_log(headers, data, True) return render_template('html/home.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Zostales zalogowany!'), 200, { 'Set-Cookie': cookie } add_log(headers, data, False) return render_template( 'html/signin.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Nieprawidlowe dane logowania!'), 200, {} add_log(headers, data, False) return render_template( 'html/signin.html', body=body, data=data, headers=headers, message='Zbyt wiele blednych prob zalogowania!'), 200, {}