def cc_ctrl(self): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Running CC control") if (self.state.vx > 0.0): # get lhpt lhdist = 7 # todo determine from velocity s_lh = self.state.s + lhdist d_lh = self.cc_dref Xlh, Ylh = ptsFrenetToCartesian(np.array([s_lh]), \ np.array([d_lh]), \ np.array(self.pathlocal.X), \ np.array(self.pathlocal.Y), \ np.array(self.pathlocal.psi_c), \ np.array(self.pathlocal.s)) rho_pp = self.pp_curvature(self.state.X, self.state.Y, self.state.psi, Xlh[0], Ylh[0]) delta_out = rho_pp * (self.lf + # kinematic feed fwd else: Xlh = 0.0 Ylh = 0.0 delta_out = 0.0 self.vx_error = self.cc_vxref - self.state.vx if (self.robot_name == "gotthard"): k = 500 elif (self.robot_name == "rhino"): k = 1500 else: k = 0 print "ERROR: incorrect /robot_name" dc_out = k * self.vx_error return delta_out, dc_out, Xlh, Ylh
def pathLocalToPolArr(self): pa = PolygonArray() pa.header.stamp = pa.header.frame_id = "map" for i in range(self.N-1): spoly = np.array([self.pathlocal.s[i], self.pathlocal.s[i+1],self.pathlocal.s[i+1],self.pathlocal.s[i]]) dpoly = np.array([self.pathlocal.dub[i], self.pathlocal.dub[i+1],self.pathlocal.dlb[i+1],self.pathlocal.dlb[i]]) Xpoly, Ypoly = ptsFrenetToCartesian(spoly,dpoly,self.pathlocal.X,self.pathlocal.Y,self.pathlocal.psi_c,self.pathlocal.s) p = PolygonStamped() p.header.stamp = p.header.frame_id = "map" p.polygon.points = [Point32(x=Xpoly[0], y=Ypoly[0], z=0.0), Point32(x=Xpoly[1], y=Ypoly[1], z=0.0), Point32(x=Xpoly[2], y=Ypoly[2], z=0.0), Point32(x=Xpoly[3], y=Ypoly[3], z=0.0)] pa.polygons.append(p) #pa.Color.r = 1.0 #p.color.g = 0.0 #p.color.b = 0.0 # color for mu pa.likelihood =[0:-1]*(0.2/np.max( # discarding final value #pa.color.r = 1.0 #pa.color.g = 0.0 #pa.color.b = 0.0 return pa
# compute psic dX = np.diff(X_cl) dY = np.diff(Y_cl) psic = np.arctan2(dY, dX) psic_final = np.arctan2(Y_cl[0] - Y_cl[-1], X_cl[0] - X_cl[-1]) # assuming closed track psic = np.append(psic, psic_final) ## get left and right boundaries #dlb = (-lanewidth/2.0)*np.ones(s.size) #dub = (3.0*lanewidth/2.0)*np.ones(s.size) dlb = -lanewidth * np.ones(s.size) dub = lanewidth * np.ones(s.size) X_ll, Y_ll = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s, dub, X_cl, Y_cl, psic, s) X_rl, Y_rl = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s, dlb, X_cl, Y_cl, psic, s) # downsample to get cone positions threshold_dist_cones = 4 cones_left_X = [X_ll[0]] cones_left_Y = [Y_ll[0]] for i in range(X_ll.size - 1): dist = np.sqrt((X_ll[i] - cones_left_X[-1])**2 + (Y_ll[i] - cones_left_Y[-1])**2) if (dist > threshold_dist_cones): cones_left_X.append(X_ll[i]) cones_left_Y.append(Y_ll[i]) cones_left_X = np.array(cones_left_X) cones_left_Y = np.array(cones_left_Y)
def __init__(self): # timing params self.dt_sim = 0.01 # timestep of the simulation self.t_activate = rospy.get_param('/t_activate') self.t_final = rospy.get_param('/t_final') # pop-up scenario params self.s_ego_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/s_ego_at_popup') self.s_obs_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/s_obs_at_popup') self.d_obs_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/d_obs_at_popup') # track params self.track_name = rospy.get_param('/track_name') self.s_begin_mu_segments = rospy.get_param('/s_begin_mu_segments') self.mu_segment_values = rospy.get_param('/mu_segment_values') self.N_mu_segments = len(self.s_begin_mu_segments) self.mu_segment_idx = 0 # vehicle params self.vehicle_width = rospy.get_param('/car/kinematics/l_width') # algo params (from acado) N = 40 dt_algo = 0.1 # init node subs pubs rospy.init_node('experiment_manager', anonymous=True) #self.clockpub = rospy.Publisher('/clock', Clock, queue_size=10) self.pathglobalsub = rospy.Subscriber("pathglobal", Path, self.pathglobal_callback) self.statesub = rospy.Subscriber("state", State, self.state_callback) self.carinfosub = rospy.Subscriber("/fssim/car_info", CarInfo, self.fssim_carinfo_callback) self.trajstarsub = rospy.Subscriber("trajstar", Trajectory, self.trajstar_callback) self.obspub = rospy.Publisher('/obs', Obstacles, queue_size=1) self.obsvispub = rospy.Publisher('/obs_vis', Marker, queue_size=1) self.tireparampub = rospy.Publisher('/tire_params', TireParams, queue_size=1) self.ctrl_mode_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ctrl_mode', Int16, queue_size=1) self.statetextmarkerpub = rospy.Publisher('/state_text_marker', Marker, queue_size=1) # init logging vars self.explog_activated = False self.explog_iterationcounter = 0 self.stored_pathglobal = False self.stored_trajstar = False self.stored_trajcl = False self.explog_saved = False # init misc internal variables self.pathglobal = Path() self.received_pathglobal = False self.state = State() self.received_state = False self.trajstar = Trajectory() self.received_trajstar = False self.fssim_carinfo = CarInfo() while (not self.received_pathglobal): print("waiting for pathglobal") time.sleep(self.dt_sim * 100) # init experiment variables self.scenario_id = rospy.get_param('/scenario_id') self.tireparams = TireParams() self.obs = Obstacles() self.obs.s = [self.s_obs_at_popup] self.obs.d = [self.d_obs_at_popup] self.obs.R = [0.5] wiggleroom = 0.5 self.obs.Rmgn = [ 0.5 * self.obs.R[0] + 0.5 * self.vehicle_width + wiggleroom ] Xobs, Yobs = ptsFrenetToCartesian(np.array(self.obs.s), \ np.array(self.obs.d), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.X), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.Y), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.psi_c), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.s)) self.ctrl_mode = 0 # # 0: stop, 1: cruise_ctrl, 2: tamp # Main loop #print 'running experiment: ' #print 'track: ', self.track_name self.exptime = 0 while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and self.exptime < self.t_final: if (self.exptime >= self.t_activate): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Running experiment") # HANDLE TRACTION IN SIMULATION s_ego = self.state.s % self.s_lap for i in range(self.N_mu_segments - 1): if (self.s_begin_mu_segments[i] <= s_ego <= self.s_begin_mu_segments[i + 1]): self.mu_segment_idx = i break if (s_ego >= self.s_begin_mu_segments[-1]): self.mu_segment_idx = self.N_mu_segments - 1 mu = self.mu_segment_values[self.mu_segment_idx] #print "s_ego = ", s_ego #print "state.s = ", self.state.s #print "self.N_mu_segments = ", self.N_mu_segments #print "mu_segment_idx = ", self.mu_segment_idx #print "mu in this section = ", self.mu_segment_values[self.mu_segment_idx] # set tire params of sim vehicle if (0.0 <= mu < 0.3): # ice B = 4.0 C = 2.0 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.3 <= mu < 0.5): # snow B = 5.0 C = 2.0 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.5 <= mu < 0.9): # wet B = 12.0 C = 2.3 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.9 <= mu < 1.5): # dry B = 10.0 C = 1.9 D = mu E = 0.97 elif (1.5 <= mu < 2.5): # dry + racing tires (gotthard default) B = 12.56 C = 1.38 D = mu E = 1.0 else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Faulty mu value in exp manager") self.tireparams.tire_coefficient = 1.0 #self.tireparams.B = 10 #self.tireparams.C = 1.9 #self.tireparams.D = -mu #self.tireparams.E = 1.0 self.tireparams.B = B self.tireparams.C = C self.tireparams.D = -D self.tireparams.E = E self.tireparams.header.stamp = self.tireparampub.publish(self.tireparams) # POPUP SCENARIO if (self.scenario_id == 1): self.ctrl_mode = 1 # cruise control m_obs = self.getobstaclemarker(Xobs, Yobs, self.obs.R[0]) m_obs.color.a = 0.3 # transparent before detect if (self.state.s >= self.s_ego_at_popup): self.obspub.publish(self.obs) m_obs.color.a = 1.0 # non-transparent after detect self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp self.obsvispub.publish(m_obs) # REDUCED MU TURN elif (self.scenario_id == 2): self.ctrl_mode = 1 # pp cruise control from standstill if (self.state.vx > 5): # todo self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp cruise control when we get up to speed # RACING else: self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp # SEND STOP IF EXIT TRACK dlb = np.interp(self.state.s, self.pathglobal.s, self.pathglobal.dlb) dub = np.interp(self.state.s, self.pathglobal.s, self.pathglobal.dub) if (self.state.d < dlb or self.state.d > dub): self.ctrl_mode = 0 # stop self.ctrl_mode_pub.publish(self.ctrl_mode) # publish text marker (state info) state_text = "vx: " + "%.3f" % self.state.vx + "\n" \ "mu: " + "%.3f" % mu self.statetextmarkerpub.publish(self.gettextmarker(state_text)) # save data for plot filename = "/home/larsvens/ros/tamp__ws/src/saarti/common/logs/explog_latest.npy" # todo get from param self.s_begin_log = 195 # 190 todo get from param if (self.state.s >= self.s_begin_log and not self.explog_activated): print "STARTED EXPLOG" t_start_explog = copy.deepcopy(self.exptime) self.explog_activated = True # store planned traj self.trajstar_dict = { "X": np.array(self.trajstar.X), "Y": np.array(self.trajstar.Y), "psi": np.array(self.trajstar.psi), "s": np.array(self.trajstar.s), "d": np.array(self.trajstar.d), "deltapsi": np.array(self.trajstar.deltapsi), "psidot": np.array(self.trajstar.psidot), "vx": np.array(self.trajstar.vx), "vy": np.array(self.trajstar.vy), "ax": np.array(, "ay": np.array(self.trajstar.ay), "Fyf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fyf), "Fxf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fxf), "Fyr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fyr), "Fxr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fxr), "Fzf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fzf), "Fzr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fzr), "kappac": np.array(self.trajstar.kappac), "Cr": np.array(self.trajstar.Cr), "t": np.arange(0, (N + 1) * dt_algo, dt_algo), } self.stored_trajstar = True # initialize vars for storing CL traj self.X_cl = [] self.Y_cl = [] self.psi_cl = [] self.s_cl = [] self.d_cl = [] self.deltapsi_cl = [] self.psidot_cl = [] self.vx_cl = [] self.vy_cl = [] self.ax_cl = [] self.ay_cl = [] self.t_cl = [] self.Fyf_cl = [] self.Fyr_cl = [] self.Fx_cl = [] if (self.state.s >= self.s_begin_log and self.explog_activated and self.exptime >= t_start_explog + self.explog_iterationcounter * dt_algo): # build CL traj self.X_cl.append(self.state.X) self.Y_cl.append(self.state.Y) self.psi_cl.append(self.state.psi) self.s_cl.append(self.state.s) self.d_cl.append(self.state.d) self.deltapsi_cl.append(self.state.deltapsi) self.psidot_cl.append(self.state.psidot) self.vx_cl.append(self.state.vx) self.vy_cl.append(self.state.vy) self.ax_cl.append( self.ay_cl.append(self.state.ay) self.t_cl.append(self.exptime) self.Fyf_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_f_l + self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_f_r) self.Fyr_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_r) self.Fx_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fx) # store CL traj as dict if (self.explog_iterationcounter == N ): # store N+1 values, same as trajstar self.trajcl_dict = { "X": np.array(self.X_cl), "Y": np.array(self.Y_cl), "psi": np.array(self.psi_cl), "s": np.array(self.s_cl), "d": np.array(self.d_cl), "deltapsi": np.array(self.deltapsi_cl), "psidot": np.array(self.psidot_cl), "vx": np.array(self.vx_cl), "vy": np.array(self.vy_cl), "ax": np.array(self.ax_cl), "ay": np.array(self.ay_cl), "t": np.array(self.t_cl), "Fyf": np.array(self.Fyf_cl), "Fyr": np.array(self.Fyr_cl), "Fx": np.array(self.Fx_cl), } self.stored_trajcl = True self.explog_iterationcounter += 1 # save explog # debug #print "stored_pathglobal: ", self.stored_pathglobal #print "stored_trajstar: ", self.stored_trajstar #print "stored_trajcl: ", self.stored_trajcl if (self.stored_pathglobal and self.stored_trajstar and self.stored_trajcl and not self.explog_saved): explog = { "pathglobal": self.pathglobal_dict, "trajstar": self.trajstar_dict, "trajcl": self.trajcl_dict, }, explog) self.explog_saved = True print "SAVED EXPLOG" else: # not reached activation time rospy.loginfo_throttle( 1, "Experiment starting in %i seconds" % (self.t_activate - self.exptime)) # handle exptime self.exptime += self.dt_sim msg = Clock() t_rostime = rospy.Time(self.exptime) msg.clock = t_rostime #self.clockpub.publish(msg) time.sleep(self.dt_sim) print 'simulation finished' # send shutdown signal message = 'run finished, shutting down' print message rospy.signal_shutdown(message)
pathglobal = pathglobal_npy.item() start = 500 stop = 1500 Xpath = pathglobal['X'][start:stop] Ypath = pathglobal['Y'][start:stop] psipath = pathglobal['psi_c'][start:stop] spath = pathglobal['s'][start:stop] # define pts in s and d s_in = 270 d_in = -15 # transform frenet --> cart X, Y = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s_in, d_in, Xpath, Ypath, psipath, spath) # transform cart --> frenet s, d = ptsCartesianToFrenet(X, Y, Xpath, Ypath, psipath, spath) # check results print print 's in ', s_in print 's out ', s print 's error ', s_in - s print print 'd in ', d_in print 'd out ', d print 'd error ', d_in - d
def liveplot(self): tm = time.time() # clear figure self.a0.cla() self.a1.cla() N = len(self.trajstar.s) # plot lane lines nplot = int(1.0 * len(self.pathlocal.s)) Xc = np.array(self.pathlocal.X[0:nplot]) Yc = np.array(self.pathlocal.Y[0:nplot]) dllub = np.array(self.pathlocal.dub[0:nplot]) drlub = np.array(self.pathlocal.dlb[0:nplot]) psic = np.array(self.pathlocal.psi_c[0:nplot]) llX = Xc - dllub * np.sin(psic) llY = Yc + dllub * np.cos(psic) rlX = Xc - drlub * np.sin(psic) rlY = Yc + drlub * np.cos(psic) self.a0.plot(llX, llY, 'k') self.a0.plot(rlX, rlY, 'k') # plot obstacles Nobs = len(self.obstacles.s) for i in range(Nobs): # transform to cartesian #spt = self.obstacles.s[i] #dpt = self.obstacles.d[i] Xobs,Yobs = ptsFrenetToCartesian(self.obstacles.s[i], \ self.obstacles.d[i], \ self.pathlocal.X, \ self.pathlocal.Y, \ self.pathlocal.psi_c, \ self.pathlocal.s) #Xcpt = np.interp(spt,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.X) #Ycpt = np.interp(spt,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.Y) #psicpt = np.interp(spt,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.psi_c) #Xobs,Yobs = ptsFrenetToCartesian(Xcpt,Ycpt,psicpt,dpt) # define obstacle circle Robs = self.obstacles.R[i] Rmgnobs = self.obstacles.Rmgn[i] Xpts, Ypts = getCirclePts(Xobs, Yobs, Rmgnobs, 20) self.a0.plot(Xpts, Ypts, 'r') Xpts, Ypts = getCirclePts(Xobs, Yobs, Robs, 20) self.a0.plot(Xpts, Ypts, 'r') # plot trajhat self.a0.plot(self.trajhat.X, self.trajhat.Y, '.b') # plot state constraint for k in range(N): slb = self.trajhat.slb[k] sub = self.trajhat.sub[k] dlb = self.trajhat.dlb[k] dub = self.trajhat.dub[k] n_intp = 3 args = (np.linspace(sub, sub, n_intp), np.linspace(sub, slb, n_intp), np.linspace(slb, slb, n_intp), np.linspace(slb, sub, n_intp)) spts = np.concatenate(args) args = (np.linspace(dub, dlb, n_intp), np.linspace(dlb, dlb, n_intp), np.linspace(dlb, dub, n_intp), np.linspace(dub, dub, n_intp)) dpts = np.concatenate(args) Xpts,Ypts = ptsFrenetToCartesian(spts, \ dpts, \ self.pathlocal.X, \ self.pathlocal.Y, \ self.pathlocal.psi_c, \ self.pathlocal.s) #Xcpts = np.interp(spts,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.X) #Ycpts = np.interp(spts,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.Y) #psicpts = np.interp(spts,self.pathlocal.s,self.pathlocal.psi_c) #Xpts, Ypts = ptsFrenetToCartesian(Xcpts, Ycpts, psicpts,dpts) self.a0.plot(Xpts, Ypts, 'm') # plot trajstar self.a0.plot(self.trajstar.X, self.trajstar.Y, '*m') # plot ego vehicle pose length_front = self.sp.lf + 0.75 length_rear = + 0.75 width = self.sp.w R = np.matrix([[np.cos(self.state.psi), np.sin(self.state.psi)], \ [-np.sin(self.state.psi), np.cos(self.state.psi)]]) corners = np.matrix([[length_front, width/2], \ [-length_rear, width/2], \ [-length_rear, -width/2], \ [length_front, -width/2], \ [length_front, width/2]]) corners = corners * R corners[:, 0] = corners[:, 0] + self.state.X corners[:, 1] = corners[:, 1] + self.state.Y self.a0.plot(corners[:, 0], corners[:, 1], 'k') # plot real friction circle # plot algo friction circle Fxfpts, Fyfpts = getCirclePts(0, 0, self.dp.mu_alg * self.dp.Fzf, 100) self.a1.plot(Fxfpts, Fyfpts, 'k') # plot trajhat forces #print len(self.trajhat.Fxf) #print len(self.trajhat.Fyf) #self.a1.plot(self.trajhat.Fxf, self.trajhat.Fyf, 'xr') # plot trajstar forces [x / myInt for x in myList] self.a1.plot([x / 2.0 for x in self.trajstar.Fx], self.trajstar.Fyf, 'xb') self.a1.set_xlabel('Fxf') self.a1.set_ylabel('Fyf') # redraw plot plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) # print plot time elapsed = time.time() - tm
f0_ax7.set_title("Fx") f0_ax8 = f0.add_subplot(gs[2, 2]) f0_ax8.set_title("Fxr (u3)") f0_ax9 = f0.add_subplot(gs[3, 2]) f0_ax9.set_title("Ff") f0_ax10 = f0.add_subplot(gs[4, 2]) f0_ax10.set_title("Fr") # # OVERHEAD VIEW # # global path Xll,Yll = ptsFrenetToCartesian(np.array(pathglobal['s']), \ np.array(pathglobal['dub']), \ np.array(pathglobal['X']), \ np.array(pathglobal['Y']), \ np.array(pathglobal['psi_c']), \ np.array(pathglobal['s'])) Xrl,Yrl = ptsFrenetToCartesian(np.array(pathglobal['s']), \ np.array(pathglobal['dlb']), \ np.array(pathglobal['X']), \ np.array(pathglobal['Y']), \ np.array(pathglobal['psi_c']), \ np.array(pathglobal['s'])) f0_ax0.plot(Xll, Yll, 'k') f0_ax0.plot(Xrl, Yrl, 'k') # planned traj #f0_ax0.plot(trajstar["X"],trajstar["Y"],'b',linewidth=3.0) line_trajstar = f0_ax0.add_collection(
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('track_interface', anonymous=True) self.pathglobalpub = rospy.Publisher('pathglobal', Path, queue_size=10) self.pathglobalvispub = rospy.Publisher('pathglobal_vis', navPath, queue_size=10) self.dubvispub = rospy.Publisher('dubglobal_vis', navPath, queue_size=10) self.dlbvispub = rospy.Publisher('dlbglobal_vis', navPath, queue_size=10) self.track_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/fssim/track", Track, self.track_callback) self.track = Track() self.pathglobal = Path() self.received_track = False self.rate = rospy.Rate(1) # set params ds = 1.0 # step size in s # 0.5 nominal plot_track = False plot_orientation = False plot_dlbdub = False plot_mu = False self.s_begin_mu_segments = rospy.get_param('/s_begin_mu_segments') self.mu_segment_values = rospy.get_param('/mu_segment_values') self.N_mu_segments = len(self.s_begin_mu_segments) # wait for track while(not self.received_track): print "waiting for track" self.rate.sleep() # get cone positions left and right as numpy arrays cl_X = [] cl_Y = [] for i in range(len(self.track.cones_left)): cl_X.append(self.track.cones_left[i].x) cl_Y.append(self.track.cones_left[i].y) cl_X = np.array(cl_X) cl_Y = np.array(cl_Y) print "nr of cones left: ", cl_X.size cr_X = [] cr_Y = [] for i in range(len(self.track.cones_right)): cr_X.append(self.track.cones_right[i].x) cr_Y.append(self.track.cones_right[i].y) cr_X = np.array(cr_X) cr_Y = np.array(cr_Y) print "nr of cones right: ", cr_X.size # compute rough centerline ccl_X = [] ccl_Y = [] for i in range(cl_X.size): pt_left = {"X": cl_X[i], "Y": cl_Y[i]} # find closest right cone dist = np.sqrt((cr_X-pt_left["X"])**2 + (cr_Y-pt_left["Y"])**2) idx = np.argmin(dist) pt_right = {"X": cr_X[idx], "Y": cr_Y[idx]} pt_mid = {"X": 0.5*(pt_left["X"]+pt_right["X"]), "Y": 0.5*(pt_left["Y"]+pt_right["Y"])} ccl_X.append(pt_mid["X"]) ccl_Y.append(pt_mid["Y"]) ccl_X = np.array(ccl_X) ccl_Y = np.array(ccl_Y) # get approximate length of track stot = 0 for i in range(ccl_X.size-1): stot += np.sqrt((ccl_X[i+1]-ccl_X[i])**2 + (ccl_Y[i+1]-ccl_Y[i])**2) stot = (stot//ds)*ds print "length of track: stot = ", str(stot) # set s s = np.arange(0, stot, ds) # parametric spline interpolation print "spline interpolation of centerline" N = int(stot/ds) unew = np.arange(0, 1.0, 1.0/N) # N equidistant pts # center tck, u = interpolate.splprep([ccl_X, ccl_Y], s=0) out = interpolate.splev(unew, tck) fcl_X = out[0] fcl_Y = out[1] # left tck, u = interpolate.splprep([cl_X, cl_Y], s=0) out = interpolate.splev(unew, tck) fll_X = out[0] fll_Y = out[1] # right tck, u = interpolate.splprep([cr_X, cr_Y], s=0) out = interpolate.splev(unew, tck) frl_X = out[0] frl_Y = out[1] # set psic print "computing psic" dX = np.diff(fcl_X) dY = np.diff(fcl_Y) psic = np.arctan2(dY,dX) psic_final = np.arctan2(fcl_Y[0]-fcl_Y[-1],fcl_X[0]-fcl_X[-1]) psic = np.append(psic,psic_final) # assuming closed track # separate in pieces (for 2pi flips) idx_low = 0 idx_high = 0 psic_piecewise = [] s_piecewise = [] for i in range(psic.size-1): if(np.abs(psic[i+1] - psic[i]) > np.pi ): # if single pt, remove if(np.abs(psic[i+2] - psic[i]) < np.pi ): print("removing single flip") psic[i+1] = psic[i] # otherwise make a piece else: print("making pieces (psic flips)") idx_high = i+1 psic_piece = psic[idx_low:idx_high] psic_piecewise.append(psic_piece) s_piece = s[idx_low:idx_high] s_piecewise.append(s_piece) idx_low = i+1 # add final piece psic_piece = psic[idx_low:psic.size] psic_piecewise.append(psic_piece) s_piece = s[idx_low:psic.size] s_piecewise.append(s_piece) # shift pieces to make continous psi_c for j in range(len(psic_piecewise)-1): while(psic_piecewise[j][-1] - psic_piecewise[j+1][0] > np.pi): psic_piecewise[j+1] = psic_piecewise[j+1] + 2*np.pi while(psic_piecewise[j][-1] - psic_piecewise[j+1][0] <= -np.pi): psic_piecewise[j+1] = psic_piecewise[j+1] - 2*np.pi # concatenate pieces psic_cont = psic_piecewise[0] for j in range(len(psic_piecewise)-1): psic_cont = np.concatenate((psic_cont,psic_piecewise[j+1])) # downsample for smoother curve step = 5 #11 print "interpolating downsampled psic with step size ", str(step) s_ds = s[0::step] s_ds = np.append(s_ds,s[-1]) # append final value for closed circuit psic_ds = psic_cont[0::step] psic_ds = np.append(psic_ds,psic_cont[-1]) # append final value for closed circuit # interpolate t, c, k = interpolate.splrep(s_ds, psic_ds, s=0, k=4) psic_spl = interpolate.BSpline(t, c, k, extrapolate=False) # compute derrivatives (compare with naive numerical) print "computing derivatives of psic" kappac_spl = psic_spl.derivative(nu=1) kappacprime_spl = psic_spl.derivative(nu=2) # put psi_c back on interval [-pi,pi] psic_out = psic_spl(s) #plt.plot(psic_out) psic_out = angleToInterval(psic_out) # tmp test helpers #plt.plot(psic_out,'*') #psic_out = angleToContinous(psic_out) #plt.plot(psic_out,'.') # set kappac kappac_out = kappac_spl(s) kappacprime_out = kappacprime_spl(s) # set dlb and dub print "setting dlb and dub" dub = [] dlb = [] for i in range(N): X = fcl_X[i] Y = fcl_Y[i] # left dub_ele = np.amin(np.sqrt((fll_X-X)**2 + (fll_Y-Y)**2)) # right dlb_ele = -np.amin(np.sqrt((frl_X-X)**2 + (frl_Y-Y)**2)) # correction if dlb or dub w.r.t zero division in dynamics th = 0.3 while(abs(1.0-dub_ele*kappac_out[i]) < th): dub_ele=dub_ele-0.01 print "adjusting dub" while(abs(1.0-dlb_ele*kappac_out[i]) < th): dlb_ele=dlb_ele+0.01 print "adjusting dub" dub.append(dub_ele) dlb.append(dlb_ele) dub = np.array(dub) dlb = np.array(dlb) # set mu mu = [] for i in range(N): mu_ele = self.mu_segment_values[-1] for j in range(self.N_mu_segments-1): if(self.s_begin_mu_segments[j]-0.01 <= s[i] <= self.s_begin_mu_segments[j+1]): mu_ele = self.mu_segment_values[j] break mu.append(mu_ele) mu = np.array(mu) # plot to see what we're doing if plot_orientation: fig, axs = plt.subplots(3,1) axs[0].plot(s,psic,'k*') axs[0].set_title('psic') #for j in range(len(psic_piecewise)): # ax.plot(s_piecewise[j],psic_piecewise[j],'.') #ax.plot(s,psic_cont,'r') axs[0].plot(s,psic_out,'m.') axs[1].plot(s,kappac_out,'.m') axs[1].set_title('kappac') if plot_track: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.axis("equal") ax.plot(fcl_X,fcl_Y, '.b') # fine centerline ax.plot(fll_X,fll_Y, '.b') # fine left line ax.plot(frl_X,frl_Y, '.b') # fine right line ax.plot(cl_X,cl_Y, '*k') # cones left ax.plot(cr_X,cr_Y, '*k') # cones right ax.plot(ccl_X,ccl_Y, '*r') # coarse centerline if plot_dlbdub: fig, axs = plt.subplots(3,1) axs[0].plot(s,dlb,'.b') axs[1].plot(s,dub,'.b') axs[2].plot(s,1.0/kappac_out,'r.') #axs[2]([np.min(dlb),np.max(dub)]) if plot_mu: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(s,mu,'.b') # put all in message and publish self.pathglobal.X = fcl_X self.pathglobal.Y = fcl_Y self.pathglobal.s = s self.pathglobal.psi_c = psic_out self.pathglobal.kappa_c = kappac_out self.pathglobal.kappaprime_c = kappacprime_out self.pathglobal.theta_c = np.zeros(N) # grade/bank implement later = mu self.pathglobal.dub = dub self.pathglobal.dlb = dlb print "publishing pathglobal" self.pathglobalpub.publish(self.pathglobal) # publish paths for rviz pathglobalvis = navPath() for i in range(N): pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = "map" pose.pose.position.x = fcl_X[i] pose.pose.position.y = fcl_Y[i] quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, psic[i]) pose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] pose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] pose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] pose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] pathglobalvis.poses.append(pose) pathglobalvis.header.stamp = pathglobalvis.header.frame_id = "map" print "publishing pathglobal visualization" self.pathglobalvispub.publish(pathglobalvis) # test correctness of dub and dlb in rviz Xleft,Yleft = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s,dub,fcl_X,fcl_Y,psic,s) pathleft = navPath() pathleft.header.stamp = pathleft.header.frame_id = "map" for i in range(N): pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = "map" pose.pose.position.x = Xleft[i] pose.pose.position.y = Yleft[i] pathleft.poses.append(pose) self.dubvispub.publish(pathleft) Xright,Yright = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s,dlb,fcl_X,fcl_Y,psic,s) pathright = navPath() pathright.header.stamp = pathright.header.frame_id = "map" for i in range(N): pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = "map" pose.pose.position.x = Xright[i] pose.pose.position.y = Yright[i] pathright.poses.append(pose) self.dlbvispub.publish(pathright)