def main(): args = parse_args() metrics.reset() start_time = time.time() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Create a SimPy environment env = simpy.Environment() # Seed the random generator random.seed(args.seed) numpy.random.seed(args.seed) # Parse network and get NetworkX object and ingress network list network, ing_nodes = reader.read_network(, node_cap=10, link_cap=10) # Getting current SFC list, and the SF list of each SFC, and config # use dummy placement and schedule for running simulator without algorithm # TODO: make configurable via CLI sf_placement = dummy_data.triangle_placement schedule = dummy_data.triangle_schedule # Getting current SFC list, and the SF list of each SFC, and config sfc_list = reader.get_sfc(args.sf) sf_list = reader.get_sf(args.sf, config = reader.get_config(args.config) # Create the simulator parameters object with the provided args params = SimulatorParams(network, ing_nodes, sfc_list, sf_list, config, args.seed, sf_placement=sf_placement, schedule=schedule) if args.trace: trace = reader.get_trace(args.trace) TraceProcessor(params, env, trace) # Create a FlowSimulator object, pass the SimPy environment and params objects simulator = FlowSimulator(env, params) # Start the simulation simulator.start() # Run the simpy environment for the specified duration # Record endtime and running_time metrics end_time = time.time() metrics.running_time(start_time, end_time) # dump all metrics
class TestFlowSimulator(TestCase): flow_simulator = None simulator_params = None def setUp(self): """ Setup test environment """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) self.env = simpy.Environment() # Configure simulator parameters network, ing_nodes, eg_nodes = reader.read_network(NETWORK_FILE, node_cap=10, link_cap=10) sfc_list = reader.get_sfc(SERVICE_FUNCTIONS_FILE) sf_list = reader.get_sf(SERVICE_FUNCTIONS_FILE, RESOURCE_FUNCTION_PATH) config = reader.get_config(CONFIG_FILE) self.metrics = Metrics(network, sf_list) sf_placement = dummy_data.triangle_placement schedule = dummy_data.triangle_schedule # Initialize Simulator and SimulatoParams objects self.simulator_params = SimulatorParams(log, network, ing_nodes, eg_nodes, sfc_list, sf_list, config, self.metrics, sf_placement=sf_placement, schedule=schedule) self.flow_simulator = FlowSimulator(self.env, self.simulator_params) self.flow_simulator.start() def test_simulator(self): """ Test the simulator """ # Collect metrics self.metric_collection = self.metrics.get_metrics() # Check if Simulator is initiated correctly self.assertIsInstance(self.flow_simulator, FlowSimulator) # Check if Params are set correctly self.assertIsInstance(self.simulator_params, SimulatorParams) # Check if generated flows are equal to processed flow + dropped + active flows gen_flow_check = self.metric_collection['generated_flows'] == ( self.metric_collection['processed_flows'] + self.metric_collection['dropped_flows'] + self.metric_collection['total_active_flows']) self.assertIs(gen_flow_check, True)
class Simulator(SimulatorInterface): def __init__(self, test_mode=False, test_dir=None): # Number of time the simulator has run. Necessary to correctly calculate env run time of apply function self.run_times = int(1) self.test_mode = test_mode self.test_dir = test_dir # Create CSV writer self.writer = ResultWriter(self.test_mode, self.test_dir) def init(self, network_file, service_functions_file, config_file, seed, trace=None, resource_functions_path=""): # Initialize metrics, record start time metrics.reset() self.run_times = int(1) self.start_time = time.time() # Parse network and SFC + SF file, self.ing_nodes = reader.read_network(network_file, node_cap=10, link_cap=10) self.sfc_list = reader.get_sfc(service_functions_file) self.sf_list = reader.get_sf(service_functions_file, resource_functions_path) self.config = reader.get_config(config_file) # Generate SimPy simulation environment self.env = simpy.Environment() # Instantiate the parameter object for the simulator. self.params = SimulatorParams(, self.ing_nodes, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.config, seed) # Trace handling if trace: trace = reader.get_trace(trace) TraceProcessor(self.params, self.env, trace) self.duration = self.params.run_duration # Get and plant random seed self.seed = seed random.seed(self.seed) numpy.random.seed(self.seed) # Instantiate a simulator object, pass the environment and params self.simulator = FlowSimulator(self.env, self.params) # Start the simulator self.simulator.start() # Run the environment for one step to get initial stats. self.env.step() # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # for changing node remaining capacities. # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. self.parse_network() self.network_metrics() # Record end time and running time metrics self.end_time = time.time() metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) # self.writer.write_state_results(self.env, simulator_state) return simulator_state def apply(self, actions: SimulatorAction): self.writer.write_action_result(self.env, actions) # increase performance when debug logging is disabled if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug(f"SimulatorAction: %s", repr(actions)) # Get the new placement from the action passed by the RL agent # Modify and set the placement parameter of the instantiated simulator object. self.simulator.params.sf_placement = actions.placement # Update which sf is available at which node for node_id, placed_sf_list in actions.placement.items(): available = {} # Keep only SFs which still process for sf, sf_data in[node_id][ 'available_sf'].items(): if sf_data['load'] != 0: available[sf] = sf_data # Add all SFs which are in the placement for sf in placed_sf_list: available[sf] = available.get(sf, {'load': 0.0})[node_id][ 'available_sf'] = available # Get the new schedule from the SimulatorAction # Set it in the params of the instantiated simulator object. self.simulator.params.schedule = actions.scheduling # reset metrics for steps metrics.reset_run() # Run the simulation again with the new params for the set duration. # Due to SimPy restraints, we multiply the duration by the run times because SimPy does not reset when run() # stops and we must increase the value of "until=" to accomodate for this. e.g.: 1st run call runs for 100 time # uniits (1 run time), 2nd run call will also run for 100 more time units but value of "until=" is now 200. runtime_steps = self.duration * self.run_times logger.debug("Running simulator until time step %s", runtime_steps) # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # for changing node remaining capacities. # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. self.parse_network() self.network_metrics() # Increment the run times variable self.run_times += 1 # Record end time of the apply round, doesn't change start time to show the running time of the entire # simulation at the end of the simulation. self.end_time = time.time() metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) # Create a new SimulatorState object to pass to the RL Agent simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) self.writer.write_state_results(self.env, simulator_state) return simulator_state def parse_network(self) -> dict: """ Converts the NetworkX network in the simulator to a dict in a format specified in the SimulatorState class. """ self.network_dict = {'nodes': [], 'edges': []} for node in node_cap = node[1]['cap'] used_node_cap = node[1]['cap'] - node[1]['remaining_cap'] self.network_dict['nodes'].append({ 'id': node[0], 'resource': node_cap, 'used_resources': used_node_cap }) for edge in edge_src = edge[0] edge_dest = edge[1] edge_delay = edge[2]['delay'] edge_dr = edge[2]['cap'] # We use a fixed user data rate for the edges here as the functionality is not yet incorporated in the # simulator. # TODO: Implement used edge data rates in the simulator. edge_used_dr = 0 self.network_dict['edges'].append({ 'src': edge_src, 'dst': edge_dest, 'delay': edge_delay, 'data_rate': edge_dr, 'used_data_rate': edge_used_dr }) def network_metrics(self): """ Processes the metrics and parses them in a format specified in the SimulatorState class. """ stats = metrics.get_metrics() self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] self.network_stats = { 'total_flows': stats['generated_flows'], 'successful_flows': stats['processed_flows'], 'dropped_flows': stats['dropped_flows'], 'in_network_flows': stats['total_active_flows'], 'avg_end2end_delay': stats['avg_end2end_delay'], 'run_avg_end2end_delay': stats['run_avg_end2end_delay'], 'run_max_end2end_delay': stats['run_max_end2end_delay'], 'run_total_processed_traffic': stats['run_total_processed_traffic'] }
class Simulator(SimulatorInterface): def __init__(self, network_file, service_functions_file, config_file, resource_functions_path="", test_mode=False, test_dir=None): super().__init__(test_mode) # Number of time the simulator has run. Necessary to correctly calculate env run time of apply function self.network_file = network_file self.test_dir = test_dir # init network, sfc, sf, and config files, self.ing_nodes, self.eg_nodes = reader.read_network(self.network_file) self.sfc_list = reader.get_sfc(service_functions_file) self.sf_list = reader.get_sf(service_functions_file, resource_functions_path) self.config = reader.get_config(config_file) self.metrics = Metrics(, self.sf_list) # Assume result path is the path where network file is in. self.result_base_path = os.path.dirname(self.network_file) if 'trace_path' in self.config: # Quick solution to copy trace file to same path for network file as provided by calling algo. trace_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['trace_path']) copyfile(trace_path, os.path.join(self.result_base_path, os.path.basename(trace_path))) self.prediction = False # Check if future ingress traffic setting is enabled if 'future_traffic' in self.config and self.config['future_traffic']: self.prediction = True self.params = SimulatorParams(logger,, self.ing_nodes, self.eg_nodes, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.config, self.metrics, prediction=self.prediction) write_schedule = False if 'write_schedule' in self.config and self.config['write_schedule']: write_schedule = True write_flow_actions = False if 'write_flow_actions' in self.config and self.config['write_flow_actions']: write_flow_actions = True # Create CSV writer self.writer = ResultWriter(self.test_mode, self.test_dir, write_schedule, write_flow_actions) self.params.writer = self.writer self.episode = 0 self.params.episode = 0 self.last_apply_time = None # Load trace file if 'trace_path' in self.config: trace_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['trace_path']) self.trace = reader.get_trace(trace_path) self.lstm_predictor = None if 'lstm_prediction' in self.config and self.config['lstm_prediction']: self.lstm_predictor = LSTM_Predictor(self.trace, params=self.params, weights_dir=self.config['lstm_weights']) def __del__(self): # write dropped flow locs to yaml self.writer.write_dropped_flow_locs(self.metrics.metrics['dropped_flows_locs']) def init(self, seed): # Reset predictor class at beginning of every init if self.prediction: self.predictor = TrafficPredictor(self.params, self.lstm_predictor) # increment episode count self.episode += 1 self.params.episode += 1 # reset network caps and available SFs: reader.reset_cap( # Initialize metrics, record start time self.params.run_times = int(1) self.start_time = time.time() # Generate SimPy simulation environment self.env = simpy.Environment() self.env.process(self.writer.begin_writing(self.env, self.params)) self.params.metrics.reset_metrics() # Instantiate the parameter object for the simulator. if self.params.use_states and 'trace_path' in self.config: logger.warning('Two state model and traces are both activated, thi will cause unexpected behaviour!') if self.params.use_states: if self.params.in_init_state: self.params.in_init_state = False # else: self.env.process(self.params.start_mmpp(self.env)) self.duration = self.params.run_duration # Get and plant random seed self.seed = seed random.seed(self.seed) numpy.random.seed(self.seed) self.params.reset_flow_lists() # generate flow lists 1x here since we are in `init()` self.params.generate_flow_lists() # Instantiate a simulator object, pass the environment and params self.simulator = FlowSimulator(self.env, self.params) # Trace handling if 'trace_path' in self.config: TraceProcessor(self.params, self.env, self.trace, self.simulator) # Start the simulator self.simulator.start() # TODO: Create runner here controller_cls = eval(self.params.controller_class) self.controller = controller_cls(self.env, self.params, self.simulator) # # Run the environment for one step to get initial stats. # self.env.step() # # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # # for changing node remaining capacities. # # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. # self.parse_network() # self.network_metrics() # Record end time and running time metrics self.end_time = time.time() self.params.metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) simulator_state = self.controller.get_init_state() # Check to see if traffic prediction is enabled to provide future traffic not current traffic # if self.prediction: # requested_traffic = self.get_current_ingress_traffic() # self.predictor.predict_traffic(, current_traffic=requested_traffic) # stats = self.params.metrics.get_metrics() # self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] # simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, # self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) # logger.debug(f"t={}: {simulator_state}") # set time stamp to calculate runtime of next apply call self.last_apply_time = time.time() # Check to see if init called in warmup, if so, set warmup to false # This is to allow for better prediction and better overall control # in the future return simulator_state def apply(self, actions): logger.debug(f"t={}: {actions}") # calc runtime since last apply (or init): that's the algorithm's runtime without simulation alg_runtime = time.time() - self.last_apply_time self.writer.write_runtime(alg_runtime) simulator_state = self.controller.get_next_state(actions) # # Get the new placement from the action passed by the RL agent # # Modify and set the placement parameter of the instantiated simulator object. # self.simulator.params.sf_placement = actions.placement # Update which sf is available at which node # for node_id, placed_sf_list in actions.placement.items(): # available = {} # # Keep only SFs which still process # for sf, sf_data in[node_id]['available_sf'].items(): # if sf_data['load'] != 0: # available[sf] = sf_data # # Add all SFs which are in the placement # for sf in placed_sf_list: # if sf not in available.keys(): # available[sf] = available.get(sf, { # 'load': 0.0, # 'last_active':, # 'startup_time': # }) #[node_id]['available_sf'] = available # Get the new schedule from the SimulatorAction # Set it in the params of the instantiated simulator object. # self.simulator.params.schedule = actions.scheduling # reset metrics for steps self.params.metrics.reset_run_metrics() # Run the simulation again with the new params for the set duration. # Due to SimPy restraints, we multiply the duration by the run times because SimPy does not reset when run() # stops and we must increase the value of "until=" to accomodate for this. e.g.: 1st run call runs for 100 time # uniits (1 run time), 2nd run call will also run for 100 more time units but value of "until=" is now 200. # runtime_steps = self.duration * self.params.run_times # logger.debug("Running simulator until time step %s", runtime_steps) # # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # for changing node remaining capacities. # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. # self.parse_network() # self.network_metrics() # Increment the run times variable self.params.run_times += 1 # Record end time of the apply round, doesn't change start time to show the running time of the entire # simulation at the end of the simulation. self.end_time = time.time() self.params.metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) # if self.params.use_states: # self.params.update_state() # generate flow data for next run (used for prediction) self.params.generate_flow_lists( # Check to see if traffic prediction is enabled to provide future traffic not current traffic # if self.prediction: # requested_traffic = self.get_current_ingress_traffic() # self.predictor.predict_traffic(, current_traffic=requested_traffic) # stats = self.params.metrics.get_metrics() # self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] # # Create a new SimulatorState object to pass to the RL Agent # simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, # self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) # self.writer.write_state_results(self.episode,, simulator_state, # self.params.metrics.get_metrics()) logger.debug(f"t={}: {simulator_state}") # set time stamp to calculate runtime of next apply call self.last_apply_time = time.time() return simulator_state def get_current_ingress_traffic(self) -> float: """ Get current ingress traffic for the LSTM module Current limitation: works for 1 SFC and 1 ingress node """ # Get name of ingress SF from first SFC first_sfc = list(self.sfc_list.keys())[0] ingress_sf = self.params.sfc_list[first_sfc][0] ingress_node = self.params.ing_nodes[0][0] ingress_traffic = self.metrics.metrics['run_total_requested_traffic'][ingress_node][first_sfc][ingress_sf] return ingress_traffic def get_active_ingress_nodes(self): """Return names of all ingress nodes that are currently active, ie, produce flows.""" return [ing[0] for ing in self.ing_nodes if self.params.inter_arr_mean[ing[0]] is not None]
class Simulator(SimulatorInterface): def __init__(self, network_file, service_functions_file, config_file, resource_functions_path="", test_mode=False, test_dir=None): super().__init__(test_mode) # Number of time the simulator has run. Necessary to correctly calculate env run time of apply function self.run_times = int(1) self.network_file = network_file self.test_dir = test_dir # Create CSV writer self.writer = ResultWriter(self.test_mode, self.test_dir) # init network, sfc, sf, and config files, self.ing_nodes, self.eg_nodes = reader.read_network( self.network_file) self.sfc_list = reader.get_sfc(service_functions_file) self.sf_list = reader.get_sf(service_functions_file, resource_functions_path) self.config = reader.get_config(config_file) self.metrics = Metrics(, self.sf_list) # Assume result path is the path where network file is in. self.result_base_path = os.path.dirname(self.network_file) if 'trace_path' in self.config: # Quick solution to copy trace file to same path for network file as provided by calling algo. trace_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['trace_path']) copyfile( trace_path, os.path.join(self.result_base_path, os.path.basename(trace_path))) self.prediction = False # Check if future ingress traffic setting is enabled if 'future_traffic' in self.config and self.config['future_traffic']: self.prediction = True self.params = SimulatorParams(, self.ing_nodes, self.eg_nodes, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.config, self.metrics, prediction=self.prediction) self.episode = 0 def __del__(self): # write dropped flow locs to yaml self.writer.write_dropped_flow_locs( self.metrics.metrics['dropped_flows_locs']) def init(self, seed): # Reset predictor class at beginning of every init if self.prediction: self.predictor = TrafficPredictor(self.params) # increment episode count self.episode += 1 # reset network caps and available SFs: reader.reset_cap( # Initialize metrics, record start time self.run_times = int(1) self.start_time = time.time() # Generate SimPy simulation environment self.env = simpy.Environment() self.params.metrics.reset_metrics() # Instantiate the parameter object for the simulator. if self.params.use_states and 'trace_path' in self.config: logger.warning( 'Two state model and traces are both activated, thi will cause unexpected behaviour!' ) if self.params.use_states: if self.params.in_init_state: self.params.in_init_state = False else: self.params.update_state() self.duration = self.params.run_duration # Get and plant random seed self.seed = seed random.seed(self.seed) numpy.random.seed(self.seed) self.params.reset_flow_lists() # generate flow lists 1x here since we are in `init()` self.params.generate_flow_lists() # Instantiate a simulator object, pass the environment and params self.simulator = FlowSimulator(self.env, self.params) # Trace handling if 'trace_path' in self.config: trace_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['trace_path']) trace = reader.get_trace(trace_path) TraceProcessor(self.params, self.env, trace, self.simulator) # Start the simulator self.simulator.start() # Run the environment for one step to get initial stats. self.env.step() # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # for changing node remaining capacities. # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. self.parse_network() self.network_metrics() # Record end time and running time metrics self.end_time = time.time() self.params.metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) # Check to see if traffic prediction is enabled to provide future traffic not current traffic if self.prediction: self.predictor.predict_traffic( stats = self.params.metrics.get_metrics() self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) logger.debug(f"t={}: {simulator_state}") # Check to see if init called in warmup, if so, set warmup to false # This is to allow for better prediction and better overall control # in the future return simulator_state def apply(self, actions: SimulatorAction): self.writer.write_action_result(self.episode,, actions) logger.debug(f"t={}: {actions}") # Get the new placement from the action passed by the RL agent # Modify and set the placement parameter of the instantiated simulator object. self.simulator.params.sf_placement = actions.placement # Update which sf is available at which node for node_id, placed_sf_list in actions.placement.items(): available = {} # Keep only SFs which still process for sf, sf_data in[node_id][ 'available_sf'].items(): if sf_data['load'] != 0: available[sf] = sf_data # Add all SFs which are in the placement for sf in placed_sf_list: available[sf] = available.get(sf, {'load': 0.0})[node_id][ 'available_sf'] = available # Get the new schedule from the SimulatorAction # Set it in the params of the instantiated simulator object. self.simulator.params.schedule = actions.scheduling # reset metrics for steps self.params.metrics.reset_run_metrics() # Run the simulation again with the new params for the set duration. # Due to SimPy restraints, we multiply the duration by the run times because SimPy does not reset when run() # stops and we must increase the value of "until=" to accomodate for this. e.g.: 1st run call runs for 100 time # uniits (1 run time), 2nd run call will also run for 100 more time units but value of "until=" is now 200. runtime_steps = self.duration * self.run_times logger.debug("Running simulator until time step %s", runtime_steps) # Parse the NetworkX object into a dict format specified in SimulatorState. This is done to account # for changing node remaining capacities. # Also, parse the network stats and prepare it in SimulatorState format. self.parse_network() self.network_metrics() # Increment the run times variable self.run_times += 1 # Record end time of the apply round, doesn't change start time to show the running time of the entire # simulation at the end of the simulation. self.end_time = time.time() self.params.metrics.running_time(self.start_time, self.end_time) if self.params.use_states: self.params.update_state() # generate flow data for next run (used for prediction) self.params.generate_flow_lists( # Check to see if traffic prediction is enabled to provide future traffic not current traffic if self.prediction: self.predictor.predict_traffic( stats = self.params.metrics.get_metrics() self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] # Create a new SimulatorState object to pass to the RL Agent simulator_state = SimulatorState(self.network_dict, self.simulator.params.sf_placement, self.sfc_list, self.sf_list, self.traffic, self.network_stats) self.writer.write_state_results(self.episode,, simulator_state) logger.debug(f"t={}: {simulator_state}") return simulator_state def parse_network(self) -> dict: """ Converts the NetworkX network in the simulator to a dict in a format specified in the SimulatorState class. """ max_node_usage = self.params.metrics.get_metrics( )['run_max_node_usage'] self.network_dict = {'nodes': [], 'edges': []} for node in node_cap = node[1]['cap'] run_max_node_usage = max_node_usage[node[0]] # 'used_resources' here is the max usage for the run. self.network_dict['nodes'].append({ 'id': node[0], 'resource': node_cap, 'used_resources': run_max_node_usage }) for edge in edge_src = edge[0] edge_dest = edge[1] edge_delay = edge[2]['delay'] edge_dr = edge[2]['cap'] # We use a fixed user data rate for the edges here as the functionality is not yet incorporated in the # simulator. # TODO: Implement used edge data rates in the simulator. edge_used_dr = 0 self.network_dict['edges'].append({ 'src': edge_src, 'dst': edge_dest, 'delay': edge_delay, 'data_rate': edge_dr, 'used_data_rate': edge_used_dr }) def network_metrics(self): """ Processes the metrics and parses them in a format specified in the SimulatorState class. """ stats = self.params.metrics.get_metrics() self.traffic = stats['run_total_requested_traffic'] self.network_stats = { 'processed_traffic': stats['run_total_processed_traffic'], 'total_flows': stats['generated_flows'], 'successful_flows': stats['processed_flows'], 'dropped_flows': stats['dropped_flows'], 'in_network_flows': stats['total_active_flows'], 'avg_end2end_delay': stats['avg_end2end_delay'], 'run_avg_end2end_delay': stats['run_avg_end2end_delay'], 'run_max_end2end_delay': stats['run_max_end2end_delay'], 'run_avg_path_delay': stats['run_avg_path_delay'], 'run_total_processed_traffic': stats['run_total_processed_traffic'], 'run_dropped_flows_per_node': stats['run_dropped_flows_per_node'] } def get_active_ingress_nodes(self): """Return names of all ingress nodes that are currently active, ie, produce flows.""" return [ ing[0] for ing in self.ing_nodes if self.params.inter_arr_mean[ing[0]] is not None ]