コード例 #1
class TestClayton(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.copula = Bivariate(CopulaTypes.CLAYTON)
        self.X = np.array([[2641.16233666, 180.2425623],
                           [921.14476418, 192.35609972],
                           [-651.32239137, 150.24830291],
                           [1223.63536668, 156.62123653],
                           [3233.37342355, 173.80311908],
                           [1373.22400821, 191.0922843],
                           [1959.28188858, 163.22252158],
                           [1076.99295365, 190.73280428],
                           [2029.25100261, 158.52982435],
                           [1835.52188141, 163.0101334],
                           [1170.03850556, 205.24904026],
                           [739.42628394, 175.42916046],
                           [1866.65810627, 208.31821984],
                           [3703.49786503, 178.98351969],
                           [1719.45232017, 160.50981075],
                           [258.90206528, 163.19294974],
                           [219.42363944, 173.30395132],
                           [609.90212377, 215.18996298],
                           [1618.44207239, 164.71141696],
                           [2323.2775272, 178.84973821],
                           [3251.78732274, 182.99902513],
                           [1430.63989981, 217.5796917],
                           [-180.57028875, 201.56983421],
                           [-592.84497457, 174.92272693]])

    def test_fit(self):
        """On fit, theta and tau attributes are set."""
        # Setup
        expected_theta = 0.0294117
        expected_tau = 0.01449275

        # Run
        actual_theta = self.copula.theta
        actual_tau = self.copula.tau

        # Check
        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_theta, expected_theta, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_tau, expected_tau)

    def test_probability_density(self):
        """Probability_density returns the probability density for the given values."""
        # Setup
        expected_result = np.array([0.98854645, 0.98607539])

        # Run
        result = self.copula.probability_density(
            np.array([[0.1, 0.5], [0.2, 0.8]]))

        # Check
        assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
        assert np.isclose(result, expected_result).all()

    def test_cumulative_distribution(self):
        """Cumulative_density returns the probability distribution value for a point."""
        # Setup
        expected_result = np.array([1.06658093e+06, 0.16165401])

        # Run
        result = self.copula.cumulative_distribution(
            np.array([[1500, 180], [0.2, 0.8]]))

        # Check
        assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
        assert np.isclose(result, expected_result).all()

    def test_inverse_cumulative_percentile_point(self):
        """The percentile point and cumulative_distribution should be inverse one of the other."""
        # Setup

        # Run
        # percentile = self.copula.percent_point(0.1, 0.5)
        # derivative = self.copula.partial_derivative([0.1], [0.5])
        # result = self.copula.cumulative_distribution(derivative, percentile)

        # Check
        # assert point == result

    def test_sample(self, uniform_mock):
        """Sample use the inverse-transform method to generate new samples."""
        # Setup
        instance = Bivariate(CopulaTypes.CLAYTON)
        instance.tau = 0.5
        instance.theta = instance.compute_theta()

        uniform_mock.return_value = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])

        expected_result = np.array([[0.05233100, 0.1], [0.14271095, 0.2],
                                    [0.39959746, 0.4], [0.68567125, 0.6],
                                    [0.89420523, 0.8]])

        expected_uniform_call_args_list = [((0, 1, 5), {}), ((0, 1, 5), {})]

        # Run
        result = instance.sample(5)

        # Check
        assert isinstance(result, np.ndarray)
        assert result.shape == (5, 2)
        compare_nested_iterables(result, expected_result)
        assert uniform_mock.call_args_list == expected_uniform_call_args_list

    def test_cdf_zero_if_single_arg_is_zero(self):
        """Test of the analytical properties of copulas on a range of values of theta."""
        # Setup
        instance = Bivariate(CopulaTypes.CLAYTON)
        tau_values = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 20)[1:-1]

        # Run/Check
        for tau in tau_values:
            instance.tau = tau
            instance.theta = instance.compute_theta()

    def test_cdf_value_if_all_other_arg_are_one(self):
        """Test of the analytical properties of copulas on a range of values of theta."""
        # Setup
        instance = Bivariate(CopulaTypes.CLAYTON)
        tau_values = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 20)[1:-1]

        # Run/Check
        for tau in tau_values:
            instance.tau = tau
            instance.theta = instance.compute_theta()

    def test_sample_random_state(self):
        """If random_state is set, the samples are the same."""
        # Setup
        instance = Bivariate(CopulaTypes.CLAYTON, random_seed=0)
        instance.tau = 0.5
        instance.theta = instance.compute_theta()

        expected_result = np.array([[0.68627770, 0.54881350],
                                    [0.64059280, 0.71518937],
                                    [0.90594782, 0.60276338],
                                    [0.96040856, 0.54488318],
                                    [0.40876969, 0.42365480]])

        # Run
        result = instance.sample(5)

        # Check
        compare_nested_iterables(result, expected_result)