コード例 #1
ファイル: p2.py プロジェクト: abhi1kush/secondStageReport
def while_denning(iteration, called_by_fun, fun_global, while_str, PC):
    # debug print "printing while_str",while_str[6:10]
    compare = "()"
    if while_str[6:10] == "Name":
        tmp = parse_parenthesis(10, while_str)
        compare = tmp[0]
        i = tmp[1]
    elif while_str[6:10] == "Comp":
        tmp = parse_parenthesis(13, while_str)
        compare = tmp[0]
        i = tmp[1]
    pc_update(PC, parse_variables(compare))
    # body processing
    body_onward_str = while_str[
        i:]  ### Asumption : Compare string always followed by body=[...] imediatly
    # setting i to location of [ in body_str: ,body=[..
    i = body_onward_str.find("[")
    body_str = parse_square_br(i, body_onward_str)[0]
    memo = {}
    memo2 = {}
    PC1 = copy._deepcopy_list(PC, memo)
    PC2 = copy._deepcopy_list(PC, memo2)

    PCB = list(
        continuous_parse([], called_by_fun, fun_global, body_str, PC2[:]))
    return PC1 + PCB
コード例 #2
ファイル: p3.py プロジェクト: abhi1kush/secondStageReport
def if_denning(G, called_by_fun, fun_global, if_str, rest, PC):
    # type: (list, list, string, dict, string) -> print rules
    #print "begin IF",PC
    if "orelse=" not in if_str:
        # print "termination",if_str
        if if_str[0:2] == "[]":  # absence of else part
            return []
        else:  # handling else part
            else_str = if_str
            continuous_parse(G, [], ccalled_by_fun, fun_global, else_str,
            return []

    tmp = split_through_orelse(if_str)
    if_half = tmp[0]
    ladder = tmp[1]

    if if_str[1:5] != "test":
        print "Error test not found in if"
    """extract test=...() from if_half"""
    i = if_half.find("(")
    tmp = parse_parenthesis(i, if_half)
    test_str = tmp[0]
    #parent_list += parse_variables(test_str)
    i = tmp[1]
    pc_update(PC, parse_variables(test_str))
    """then extract body part and process like normal AST text """
    # body processing
    body_onward_str = if_half[
        i:]  ### Asumption : Compare string always followed by body=[...] imediatly
    # setting i to location of [ in body_str: ,body=[..
    i = body_onward_str.find("[")
    body_str = parse_square_br(i, body_onward_str)[0]
    memo = {}
    memo2 = {}
    PC1 = copy._deepcopy_list(PC, memo)
    PC2 = copy._deepcopy_list(PC, memo2)
    PCA = list(
        continuous_parse(G, [], called_by_fun, fun_global, body_str, PC1[:]))
    PCB = list(
        continuous_parse(G, [], called_by_fun, fun_global, ladder, PC2[:]))
    #print "end IF",PCB + PCA
    return PCB + PCA
コード例 #3
 def save_state(self, state):
     self.last_playing_order = list(
         map(lambda x: x.index,
     #self.last_score = copy.copy(state.scores[self.index])
     self.last_board = copy.copy(state.board)
     self.last_hand = copy._deepcopy_list(self.hand, memo={})
     self.num_players = len(state.players)
     self.last_legal_actions = self.getLegalActions(state)
     self.last_lead_card = state.get_lead_card()
コード例 #4
ファイル: nodes.py プロジェクト: xxoolm/Ryven
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, copy._deepcopy_list(self.input(0), self.input(1), self.input(2)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: p2.py プロジェクト: abhi1kush/secondStageReport
def continuous_parse(funPC, called_by_fun, fun_global, data, PC):
    # type: (object, object) -> object
    global recCount
    length = len(data)
    i = 0
    recCount += 1
    debugPrint("Continuous_parse before loop:")
    while i < length - 1:
        #checking for keyword
        if parse_keyword(
                i, data) == "FunctionDef":  #skipping all function definition
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i + 11, data)
            i = tmp[1]
        if parse_keyword(
                i, data
        ) == "thread_fun_call":  #parsing function call used in threads
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i + 4, data)
            i = tmp[1]
            if 'start_new_thread' in tmp[0]:
                #print "got thread call"
                fi = tmp[0].find("args=[")
                funName = extract_variavle_name(
                    fi + 15, tmp[0])  #len(args=[Name(id=') = 15
                if funName in fun_hash:
                    findex = fun_hash[funName]
                    print "Function not found but prgram called function"
                findex += 11
                tmp = parse_parenthesis(findex, data)
                fun_str = tmp[0]
                tmp = fun_denning(fun_str, [[]])
                memo = {}
                ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
                PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)

        if parse_keyword(i, data) == "fun_call":  #parsing functioncalls
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i + 4, data)
            #print "got fun call"
            funName = extract_variavle_name(
                i + len("Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='"), data)
            i = tmp[1]
            if funName in fun_hash:
                findex = fun_hash[funName]
                print "Function not found but prgram called function"
            findex += 11
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(findex, data)
            fun_str = tmp[0]
            tmp = fun_denning(fun_str, PC)
            memo = {}
            ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
            PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)

        if parse_keyword(i, data) == "Return":
            debugPrint("Return stmt:")
            funPC += PC
        if parse_keyword(i, data) == "set_clear_wait":
            i += 4
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i, data)
            expr_str = tmp[0]
            if expr_str.find("'set'") != -1 or expr_str.find(
                    "'clear'") != -1 or expr_str.find("'wait'") != -1:
                i = tmp[1]
                set_clear_denning(called_by_fun, fun_global, expr_str, PC)
        if parse_keyword(i, data) == "AugAssign":
            i += 9
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i, data)
            augAssign_str = tmp[0]
            i = tmp[1]
            tmp = augAssign_denning(parent_list[:], global_while_list,
                                    called_by_fun, fun_global, augAssign_str,
            memo = {}
            ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
            PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)

        if parse_keyword(i, data) == "Assign":
            global ww
            ww += 1
            i += 6
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i, data)
            assign_str = tmp[0]
            i = tmp[1]
            if "value=Name(id='threading'" in assign_str:
            tmp = assign_denning(assign_str, PC[:])
            memo = {}
            ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
            PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)
        elif parse_keyword(i, data) == "If":
            debugPrint("If stmt:")
            global ww1
            ww1 += 1
            i += 2
            tmp = parse_if(i, data)
            if_str = tmp[0]
            i = tmp[1]
            rest = tmp[2]
            tmp = if_denning(called_by_fun, fun_global, if_str, rest, PC[:])
            ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
            memo = {}
            PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)
        elif parse_keyword(i, data) == "While":
            debugPrint("while stmt:")
            global ww2
            ww2 += 1
            i += 5
            tmp = parse_parenthesis(i, data)
            while_str = tmp[0]
            i = tmp[1]
            it = 1
            while (it <= iteration):
                memo = {}
                lastPC = copy._deepcopy_list(PC, memo)
                tmp = duplicateRemoval(PC)
                memo = {}
                PC = copy._deepcopy_list(tmp, memo)
                #print "### While Iteration:",it
                tmp = while_denning(it, called_by_fun, fun_global, while_str,
                ls = duplicateRemoval(tmp)
                memo = {}
                PC = copy._deepcopy_list(ls, memo)
                #print lastPC,"|--|", PC
                #print "-> PC:",PC
                if lastPC == PC:
                    #print "Saturation point of loop!"
                it += 1
        i += 1
    recCount -= 1
    debugPrint("END continuous parse:")
    return PC[:]