def get_debug_page(self, status_code, response_headers, original_response, stages_total): import start_time = time.time() self.debug_log_handler.flush() debug_log_data = copy.deepcopy(self.debug_log_handler.log_data) debug_log_data.set('code', str(status_code)) debug_log_data.set('mode', ','.join(self.debug_mode.mode_values)) debug_log_data.set('started', _format_number(self.handler.request._start_time)) debug_log_data.set('request-id', str(self.handler.request_id)) debug_log_data.set('stages-total', _format_number(stages_total)) if hasattr(self.handler.config, 'debug_labels') and isinstance(self.handler.config.debug_labels, dict): debug_log_data.append(frontik.xml_util.dict_to_xml(self.handler.config.debug_labels, 'labels')) try: debug_log_data.append(E.versions( etree.tostring(, encoding=unicode) )) except: debug_log.exception('cannot add version information') debug_log_data.append(E.versions('failed to get version information')) debug_log_data.append(E.request( E.method(self.handler.request.method), _params_to_xml(self.handler.request.uri, self.handler.log), _headers_to_xml(self.handler.request.headers), _cookies_to_xml(self.handler.request.headers) )) debug_log_data.append(E.response(_headers_to_xml(response_headers))) if getattr(self.handler, "_response_size", None) is not None: debug_log_data.set("response-size", str(self.handler._response_size)) if original_response is not None: debug_log_data.append(frontik.xml_util.dict_to_xml(original_response, 'original-response')) debug_log_data.set('generate-time', _format_number((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)) # return raw xml if this is specified explicitly (noxsl=true) or when in inherited mode if frontik.util.get_cookie_or_url_param_value(self.handler, 'noxsl') is None and not self.debug_mode.inherited: try: transform = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(self.DEBUG_XSL)) log_document = str(transform(debug_log_data)) self.handler.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8') except Exception: self.handler.log.exception('XSLT debug file error') try: self.handler.log.error('XSL error log entries:\n%s' % "\n".join(map( 'File "{0.filename}", line {0.line}, column {0.column}\n\t{0.message}' .format, transform.error_log))) except Exception: pass self.handler.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8') log_document = etree.tostring(debug_log_data, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) else: self.handler.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8') log_document = etree.tostring(debug_log_data, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) return log_document
def fit_curve(self, lane_pts): self.not_left = False self.not_right = False x_left, y_left, x_right, y_right = self.preprocess_pts(lane_pts) # y포인트들(여기서 y값은 가로범위)이 갯수가 0 일경우 초기화 if len(y_left) <= 10 or len(y_right) <= 10: if len(y_left) == 0: # print('y_left point does not exist') self.not_left = True else: # print("y_right point does not exist") self.not_right = True self._init_model() x_left, y_left, x_right, y_right = self.preprocess_pts(lane_pts) # 차선 폭이 너무 졻게 계산되면 자동으로 초기화 if self.lane_width < 0.01: # print("Too Short lane width") self._init_model() x_left, y_left, x_right, y_right = self.preprocess_pts(lane_pts) X_left = np.stack([x_left**i for i in reversed(range(1, self.order+1))]).T X_right = np.stack([x_right**i for i in reversed(range(1, self.order+1))]).T if y_left.shape[0]>=self.ransac_left.min_samples:, y_left) if y_right.shape[0]>=self.ransac_right.min_samples:, y_right) x_pred = np.arange(0, self.x_range, self.dx).astype(np.float32) X_pred = np.stack([x_pred**i for i in reversed(range(1, self.order+1))]).T y_pred_l = self.ransac_left.predict(X_pred) y_pred_r = self.ransac_right.predict(X_pred) if y_left.shape[0]>=self.ransac_left.min_samples and y_right.shape[0]>=self.ransac_right.min_samples: # if self.lane_width < self.init_width - self.init_width/2: # # print("Too Short lane width") # self.lane_width = self.init_width # else: # self.lane_width = np.mean(y_pred_l - y_pred_r) self.lane_width = np.mean(y_pred_l - y_pred_r) if y_left.shape[0]<self.ransac_left.min_samples: y_pred_l = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_r + self.lane_width) if y_right.shape[0]<self.ransac_right.min_samples: y_pred_r = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_l - self.lane_width) # # 예측한 각 y값들의 거리 평균이 0.1보다 작을경우 차선을 강제로 분리 # if1 , if2 = False, False # if np.mean(np.abs(y_pred_l - y_pred_r)) <= 0.1: # if1 = True if y_pred_l.all() < 0 and y_pred_r.all() < 0 else False # if2 = True if y_pred_l.all() > 0 and y_pred_r.all() > 0 else False # # 둘다 0보다 큰 값이면 차선이 왼쪽에 있다는 것 # if if1: # y_pred_l = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_l + self.init_width) # # 둘다 0보다 작은 값이면 차선이 오른쪽에 있다는 것 # if if2: # y_pred_r = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_r - self.init_width) if np.mean(np.abs(y_pred_l - y_pred_r)) <= 0.1: # 둘다 0보다 큰 값이면 차선이 왼쪽에 있다는 것 if y_pred_l[5] < 0 and y_pred_r[5] < 0: y_pred_l = y_pred_l + self.init_width # 둘다 0보다 작은 값이면 차선이 오른쪽에 있다는 것 if y_pred_l[5] > 0 and y_pred_r[5] > 0: y_pred_r = y_pred_r - self.init_width # if self.not_left: # y_pred_l = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_r) # y_pred_r = y_pred_r - self.init_width # elif self.not_right: # y_pred_r = cp.deepcopy(y_pred_l) # y_pred_l = y_pred_l + self.init_width # print("lane: {:.2f} | notleft: {:s} | notright: {:s}".format(self.lane_width, str(self.not_left), str(self.not_right))) print("lane: {:.2f}".format(self.lane_width)) # print("Over 0: {:s} | Under 0: {:s}".format(str(if1), str(if2))) return x_pred, y_pred_l, y_pred_r
def determine_source_from_data(self, scdata): # Search for unfitted outputfiles self.fitted = True self.inputs.options.fitted = False unfit_outid, unfit_outputfiles, unfit_npackets, _ = if unfit_npackets == 0: raise RuntimeError('No packets found for these Inputs.') else: self.unfit_outid, self.unfit_outputfiles = unfit_outid, unfit_outputfiles self.inputs.options.fitted = True self.inputs.spatialdist = SpatialDist({'type': 'fitted output'}) self.inputs.spatialdist.query = scdata.query self.inputs.speeddist= SpeedDist({'type': 'fitted output'}) self.inputs.speeddist.query = scdata.query data = iteration_results = [] dist_from_plan = self._data_setup(data) # Determine which points should be used for the fit _, _, mask = mathMB.fit_model(data.radiance, None, data.sigma, masking=self.masking, mask_only=True, altitude=data.alttan) for ufit_id, ufit_out in zip(self.unfit_outid, self.unfit_outputfiles): # Search for fitted outputfiles self.inputs.spatialdist.unfit_outid = ufit_id self.inputs.speeddist.unfit_outid = ufit_id self.outid, self.outputfiles, _, _ = assert len(self.outid) <= 1 # Search for completed fitted models search_results = if len(self.outid) == 1: search_result = search_results.get(self.outputfiles[0], None) else: search_result = None if search_result is None: output = Output.restore(ufit_out) packets = copy.deepcopy(output.X) packets['radvel_sun'] = (packets['vy'] + / u.s).value) self.oedge = output.inputs.options.outeredge * 2 # Will base shadow on line of sight, not the packets out_of_shadow = np.ones(packets.shape[0]) self.packet_weighting(packets, out_of_shadow, output.aplanet) # This sets limits on regions where packets might be tree = self._tree(packets[xcols].values) # rad = modeled radiance # weighting = list of the weights that should be applied # - Final weighting for each packet is mean of weights rad = pd.Series(np.zeros(data.shape[0]), index=data.index) ind0 = packets.Index.unique() weight_info = { 'saved_packets': pd.Series((np.ndarray((0,), dtype=int) for _ in range(data.shape[0])), index=data.index), 'weighting': pd.Series((np.ndarray((0,)) for _ in range(ind0.shape[0])), index=ind0), 'included': pd.Series((np.ndarray((0,), for _ in range(ind0.shape[0])), index=ind0)} print(f'{data.shape[0]} spectra taken.') for i, spectrum in data.iterrows(): rad_, _ = self._spectrum_process(spectrum, packets, tree, dist_from_plan[i], find_weighting=mask[i], i=i, weight_info=weight_info) rad.loc[i] = rad_ if len(data) > 10: ind = data.index.get_loc(i) if (ind % (len(data) // 10)) == 0: print(f'Completed {ind + 1} spectra') assert np.all(weight_info['weighting'].apply(len) == weight_info['included'].apply(len)) # Determine the proper weightings new_weight = weight_info['weighting'].apply( lambda x:x.mean() if x.shape[0] > 0 else 0.) new_weight /= new_weight[new_weight > 0].mean() assert np.all(np.isfinite(new_weight)) if np.any(new_weight > 0): multiplier = new_weight.loc[output.X['Index']].values output.X.loc[:, 'frac'] = output.X.loc[:, 'frac'] * multiplier output.X0.loc[:, 'frac'] = output.X0.loc[:, 'frac'] * new_weight output.X = output.X[output.X.frac > 0] output.X0 = output.X0[output.X0.frac > 0] output.totalsource = output.X0['frac'].sum() * output.nsteps # Save the fitted output output.inputs = self.inputs # Find the radiance again with the new output packets = copy.deepcopy(output.X) packets['radvel_sun'] = (packets['vy'] + / u.s).value) out_of_shadow = np.ones(packets.shape[0]) self.packet_weighting(packets, out_of_shadow, output.aplanet) tree = self._tree(packets[xcols].values) rad = pd.Series(np.zeros(data.shape[0]), index=data.index) for i, spectrum in data.iterrows(): rad_, _ = self._spectrum_process(spectrum, packets, tree, dist_from_plan[i], find_weighting=False, i=i) rad.loc[i] = rad_ if len(data) > 10: ind = data.index.get_loc(i) if (ind % (len(data) // 10)) == 0: print(f'Completed {ind + 1} spectra') # Save the starting state for making a source map # longitude = np.append(longitude, output.X0.longitude) # latitude = np.append(latitude, output.X0.latitude) # vel_ = np.sqrt(output.X0.vx**2 + output.X0.vy**2 + # output.X0.vz**2) * self.inputs.geometry.planet.radius # velocity = np.append(velocity, vel_) # weight = np.append(weight, output.X0.frac) iteration = {'radiance': rad, 'npackets': output.X0.frac.sum(), 'totalsource': output.totalsource, 'outputfile': output.filename, 'out_idnum': output.idnum, 'unfit_outputfile': ufit_out, 'unfit_outid': ufit_id} iteration_result = FittedIterationResult(iteration) iteration_result.saved_packets = weight_info['saved_packets'] iteration_result.weighting = weight_info['weighting'] iteration_result.included = weight_info['included'] else: iteration = {'radiance': rad, 'npackets': 0., 'totalsource': 0., 'outputfile': output.filename, 'out_idnum': output.idnum, 'unfit_outputfile': ufit_out, 'unfit_outid': ufit_id} iteration_result = FittedIterationResult(iteration) iteration_result.saved_packets = weight_info['saved_packets'] iteration_result.weighting = weight_info['weighting'] iteration_result.included = weight_info['included'] modelfile = iteration_result.modelfile = modelfile iteration_results.append(iteration_result) del output else: # Restore saved result print(f'Using saved file {search_result[2]}') iteration_result = self.restore(search_result) assert len(iteration_result.radiance) == len(data) iteration_result.model_idnum = search_result[0] iteration_result.modelfile = search_result[2] iteration_results.append(iteration_result) # Combine iteration_results into single new result self.modelfiles = {} for iteration_result in iteration_results: self.radiance += iteration_result.radiance self.totalsource += iteration_result.totalsource self.modelfiles[iteration_result.outputfile] = iteration_result.modelfile self.outputfiles = self.modelfiles.keys() model_rate = self.totalsource/self.inputs.options.endtime.value self.atoms_per_packet = 1e23 / model_rate self.radiance *= self.atoms_per_packet/1e3*u.kR self.determine_source_rate(scdata) self.atoms_per_packet *= self.sourcerate.unit self.outputfiles = list(self.modelfiles.keys()) print(self.totalsource, self.atoms_per_packet)
def main(_): pp.pprint(flags.FLAGS.__flags) FLAGS_check(FLAGS) config = Config(FLAGS.config, verbose=False) vocabloader = VocabLoader(config) if FLAGS.mode == 'inference': FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob = 1.0 FLAGS.wordDropoutKeep = 1.0 FLAGS.cohDropoutKeep = 1.0 reader = InferenceReader(config=config, vocabloader=vocabloader, test_mens_file=config.test_file, num_cands=FLAGS.num_cand_entities, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, strict_context=FLAGS.strict_context, pretrain_wordembed=FLAGS.pretrain_wordembed, coherence=FLAGS.coherence) docta = reader.ccgdoc model_mode = 'inference' elif FLAGS.mode == 'test': FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob = 1.0 FLAGS.wordDropoutKeep = 1.0 FLAGS.cohDropoutKeep = 1.0 reader = TestDataReader(config=config, vocabloader=vocabloader, test_mens_file=config.test_file, num_cands=30, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, strict_context=FLAGS.strict_context, pretrain_wordembed=FLAGS.pretrain_wordembed, coherence=FLAGS.coherence) model_mode = 'test' else: print("MODE in FLAGS is incorrect : {}".format(FLAGS.mode)) sys.exit() config_proto = tf.ConfigProto() config_proto.allow_soft_placement = True config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto) with sess.as_default(): model = ELModel( sess=sess, reader=reader, dataset=FLAGS.dataset, max_steps=FLAGS.max_steps, pretrain_max_steps=FLAGS.pretraining_steps, word_embed_dim=FLAGS.word_embed_dim, context_encoded_dim=FLAGS.context_encoded_dim, context_encoder_num_layers=FLAGS.context_encoder_num_layers, context_encoder_lstmsize=FLAGS.context_encoder_lstmsize, coherence_numlayers=FLAGS.coherence_numlayers, jointff_numlayers=FLAGS.jointff_numlayers, learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate, dropout_keep_prob=FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob, reg_constant=FLAGS.reg_constant, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, optimizer=FLAGS.optimizer, mode=model_mode, strict=FLAGS.strict_context, pretrain_word_embed=FLAGS.pretrain_wordembed, typing=FLAGS.typing, el=FLAGS.el, coherence=FLAGS.coherence, textcontext=FLAGS.textcontext, useCNN=FLAGS.useCNN, WDLength=FLAGS.WDLength, Fsize=FLAGS.Fsize, entyping=FLAGS.entyping) if FLAGS.mode == 'inference': print("Doing inference") (predTypScNPmat_list, widIdxs_list, priorProbs_list, textProbs_list, jointProbs_list, evWTs_list, pred_TypeSetsList) = model.inference(ckptpath=FLAGS.model_path) numMentionsInference = len(widIdxs_list) numMentionsReader = 0 for sent_idx in reader.sentidx2ners: numMentionsReader += len(reader.sentidx2ners[sent_idx]) assert numMentionsInference == numMentionsReader mentionnum = 0 entityTitleList = [] for sent_idx in reader.sentidx2ners: nerDicts = reader.sentidx2ners[sent_idx] sentence = ' '.join(reader.sentences_tokenized[sent_idx]) for s, ner in nerDicts: [evWTs, evWIDS, evProbs] = evWTs_list[mentionnum] predTypes = pred_TypeSetsList[mentionnum] print(reader.bracketMentionInSentence(sentence, ner)) print("Prior: {} {}, Context: {} {}, Joint: {} {}".format( evWTs[0], evProbs[0], evWTs[1], evProbs[1], evWTs[2], evProbs[2])) entityTitleList.append(evWTs[2]) print("Predicted Entity Types : {}".format(predTypes)) print("\n") mentionnum += 1 elview = copy.deepcopy(docta.view_dictionary['NER_CONLL']) elview.view_name = 'ENG_NEURAL_EL' for i, cons in enumerate(elview.cons_list): cons['label'] = entityTitleList[i] docta.view_dictionary['ENG_NEURAL_EL'] = elview print("elview.cons_list") print(elview.cons_list) print("\n") for v in docta.as_json['views']: print(v) print("\n") elif FLAGS.mode == 'test': print("Testing on Data ") (widIdxs_list, condProbs_list, contextProbs_list, condContextJointProbs_list, evWTs, sortedContextWTs) = model.dataset_test(ckptpath=FLAGS.model_path) print(len(widIdxs_list)) print(len(condProbs_list)) print(len(contextProbs_list)) print(len(condContextJointProbs_list)) print(len(reader.mentions)) print("Writing Test Predictions: {}".format(FLAGS.test_out_fp)) with open(FLAGS.test_out_fp, 'w') as f: for (wididxs, pps, mps, jps) in zip(widIdxs_list, condProbs_list, contextProbs_list, condContextJointProbs_list): mentionPred = "" for (wididx, prp, mp, jp) in zip(wididxs, pps, mps, jps): wit = reader.widIdx2WikiTitle(wididx) mentionPred += wit + " " + str(prp) + " " + \ str(mp) + " " + str(jp) mentionPred += "\t" mentionPred = mentionPred.strip() + "\n" f.write(mentionPred) print("Done writing. Can Exit.") else: print("WRONG MODE!") sys.exit(0) sys.exit()
print(match) #question_3 x=[] y=int(input()) for i in range(y): z=int(input()) x.append(z) print(x) #question_4 a1=[1,2,3,2,1] b1=a1[::-1] if(a1==b1): print('palindrome') else: print('not palindrome') #question_5 import copy as c list1=[1,2,3,4] list2=c.deepcopy(list1) print(list1) list1[3]=75 print(list1) print(list2) #list 2 wont change because its a deep copy of list1 #A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) inserts references into it to the objects found in the original. #A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the objects found in the original.
def _download_args(self): args = copy.deepcopy(self.args) args["headers"]["content-type"] = 'application/zip' args["timeout"] = 60 args["stream"] = True return args
def deep_copy_item(item): return copy.deepcopy(item)
def _set(self, k, v): if isinstance(v, dict): self.__dict__[k] = ParamsDict(v) else: self.__dict__[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
def train(self, max_epochs, max_gradient_norm): """Train model""" model = self.model epochs_done = self.train_info['epoch'] optimizer = self.optimizer scheduler = self.optim_scheduler for epoch in range(epochs_done, max_epochs): print("\n\nStart Epoch %d" % (epoch + 1)) start_time = time.time() # with autograd.detect_anomaly(): model.train() np.random.shuffle(self.train_examples) for idx, cur_example in enumerate(self.train_examples): def handle_example(train_example): self.train_info['global_steps'] += 1 loss = model(train_example) total_loss = loss['mention'] if torch.isnan(total_loss): print("Loss is NaN") sys.exit() # Backprop optimizer.zero_grad() total_loss.backward() # Perform gradient clipping and update parameters torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( model.parameters(), max_gradient_norm) optimizer.step() from copy import deepcopy handle_example(deepcopy(cur_example)) if (idx + 1) % 50 == 0: print("Steps %d, Max memory %.3f" % (idx + 1, (torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / (1024 ** 3)))) torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats() # print("Current memory %.3f" % (torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / (1024 ** 3))) # print(torch.cuda.memory_summary()) # Update epochs done self.train_info['epoch'] = epoch + 1 # Validation performance fscore, threshold = self.eval_model() scheduler.step(fscore) # Update model if validation performance improves if fscore > self.train_info['val_perf']: self.train_info['val_perf'] = fscore self.train_info['threshold'] = threshold'Saving best model') self.save_model(self.best_model_path) # Save model self.save_model(self.model_path) # Get elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time"Epoch: %d, Time: %.2f, F-score: %.3f" % (epoch + 1, elapsed_time, fscore)) sys.stdout.flush()
from copy import deepcopy from unittest.mock import ANY, call, patch import pytest from djstripe.models import Account, FileUpload from . import FAKE_ACCOUNT, FAKE_FILEUPLOAD_ICON, FAKE_FILEUPLOAD_LOGO @pytest.mark.django_db @patch( target="stripe.FileUpload.retrieve", autospec=True, return_value=deepcopy(FAKE_FILEUPLOAD_ICON), ) def test_file_upload_api_retrieve(mock_file_upload_retrieve): """Expect file_upload to use the ID of the account referring to it to retrieve itself. """ # Create files icon_file = FileUpload._get_or_create_from_stripe_object(data=FAKE_FILEUPLOAD_ICON)[ 0 ] logo_file = FileUpload._get_or_create_from_stripe_object(data=FAKE_FILEUPLOAD_LOGO)[ 0 ] # Create account to associate the files to it account = Account._get_or_create_from_stripe_object(data=FAKE_ACCOUNT)[0] # Call the API retrieve methods.
field[3][7] = "X" field[4][3] = "X" field[4][4] = "X" field[4][5] = "X" field[4][7] = "X" field[5][3] = "X" field[5][6] = "X" field[5][7] = "X" field[6][3] = "X" field[6][7] = "X" field[6][8] = "X" field[6][9] = "X" field[7][8] = "X" field[7][9] = "X" newfield = deepcopy(field) print(field) print(" ") def neighbor(r,c,field): n = 0 try : if (field[r-1][c-1] == "X"): n+=1 if (field[r-1][c] == "X"): n+=1 if (field[r-1][c+1] == "X"): n+=1 if (field[r][c-1] == "X"): n+=1
def checkupdates_app(app): # If a change is made, commitmsg should be set to a description of it. # Only if this is set will changes be written back to the metadata. commitmsg = None tag = None msg = None vercode = None noverok = False mode = app.UpdateCheckMode if mode.startswith('Tags'): pattern = mode[5:] if len(mode) > 4 else None (version, vercode, tag) = check_tags(app, pattern) if version == 'Unknown': version = tag msg = vercode elif mode == 'RepoManifest': (version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app) msg = vercode elif mode.startswith('RepoManifest/'): tag = mode[13:] (version, vercode) = check_repomanifest(app, tag) msg = vercode elif mode == 'RepoTrunk': (version, vercode) = check_repotrunk(app) msg = vercode elif mode == 'HTTP': (version, vercode) = check_http(app) msg = vercode elif mode in ('None', 'Static'): version = None msg = 'Checking disabled' noverok = True else: version = None msg = 'Invalid update check method' if version and vercode and app.VercodeOperation: if not common.VERCODE_OPERATION_RE.match(app.VercodeOperation): raise MetaDataException(_('Invalid VercodeOperation: {field}') .format(field=app.VercodeOperation)) oldvercode = str(int(vercode)) op = app.VercodeOperation.replace("%c", oldvercode) vercode = str(common.calculate_math_string(op)) logging.debug("Applied vercode operation: %s -> %s" % (oldvercode, vercode)) if version and any(version.startswith(s) for s in [ '${', # Gradle variable names '@string/', # Strings we could not resolve ]): version = "Unknown" updating = False if version is None: logmsg = "...{0} : {1}".format(, msg) if noverok: else: logging.warning(logmsg) elif vercode == app.CurrentVersionCode:"...up to date") else: logging.debug("...updating - old vercode={0}, new vercode={1}".format( app.CurrentVersionCode, vercode)) app.CurrentVersion = version app.CurrentVersionCode = str(int(vercode)) updating = True commitmsg = fetch_autoname(app, tag) if updating: name = common.getappname(app) ver = common.getcvname(app)'...updating to version %s' % ver) commitmsg = 'Update CV of %s to %s' % (name, ver) if mode = app.AutoUpdateMode if not app.CurrentVersionCode: logging.warning("Can't auto-update app with no current version code: " + elif mode in ('None', 'Static'): pass elif mode.startswith('Version '): pattern = mode[8:] if pattern.startswith('+'): try: suffix, pattern = pattern.split(' ', 1) except ValueError: raise MetaDataException("Invalid AUM: " + mode) else: suffix = '' gotcur = False latest = None for build in app.builds: if int(build.versionCode) >= int(app.CurrentVersionCode): gotcur = True if not latest or int(build.versionCode) > int(latest.versionCode): latest = build if int(latest.versionCode) > int(app.CurrentVersionCode):"Refusing to auto update, since the latest build is newer") if not gotcur: newbuild = copy.deepcopy(latest) newbuild.disable = False newbuild.versionCode = app.CurrentVersionCode newbuild.versionName = app.CurrentVersion + suffix" build for " + newbuild.versionName) commit = pattern.replace('%v', newbuild.versionName) commit = commit.replace('%c', newbuild.versionCode) newbuild.commit = commit app.builds.append(newbuild) name = common.getappname(app) ver = common.getcvname(app) commitmsg = "Update %s to %s" % (name, ver) else: logging.warning('Invalid auto update mode "' + mode + '" on ' + if commitmsg: metadata.write_metadata(app.metadatapath, app) if options.commit:"Commiting update for " + app.metadatapath) gitcmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", commitmsg] if 'auto_author' in config: gitcmd.extend(['--author', config['auto_author']]) gitcmd.extend(["--", app.metadatapath]) if != 0: raise FDroidException("Git commit failed")
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return ndict(copy.deepcopy(self.__internal))
def _run_smoketest(): print_step('Starting Raiden') config = deepcopy(App.DEFAULT_CONFIG) if args.get('extra_config', dict()): merge_dict(config, args['extra_config']) del args['extra_config'] args['config'] = config raiden_stdout = StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(raiden_stdout): app = run_app(**args) try: raiden_api = RaidenAPI(app.raiden) rest_api = RestAPI(raiden_api) (api_host, api_port) = split_endpoint(args['api_address']) api_server = APIServer(rest_api, config={'host': api_host, 'port': api_port}) api_server.start() raiden_api.channel_open( registry_address=contract_addresses[CONTRACT_TOKEN_NETWORK_REGISTRY], token_address=to_canonical_address(token.contract.address), partner_address=to_canonical_address(TEST_PARTNER_ADDRESS), ) raiden_api.set_total_channel_deposit( contract_addresses[CONTRACT_TOKEN_NETWORK_REGISTRY], to_canonical_address(token.contract.address), to_canonical_address(TEST_PARTNER_ADDRESS), TEST_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT, ) token_addresses = [to_checksum_address(token.contract.address)] success = False print_step('Running smoketest') error = run_smoketests( app.raiden, args['transport'], token_addresses, contract_addresses[CONTRACT_ENDPOINT_REGISTRY], debug=debug, ) if error is not None: append_report('Smoketest assertion error', error) else: success = True finally: app.stop() app.raiden.get() node = ethereum[0] node.send_signal(2) err, out = node.communicate() append_report('Ethereum stdout', out) append_report('Ethereum stderr', err) append_report('Raiden Node stdout', raiden_stdout.getvalue()) if success: print_step(f'Smoketest successful') else: print_step(f'Smoketest had errors', error=True) return success
def get_progress(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._progress)
def dc(o): """ Some of the testing methods modify the datastructure you pass into them. We want to deepcopy each structure so one test doesn't break another. """ return copy.deepcopy(o)
def anunt(link, printare = False): ''' --------------CONEXIUNEA------------ aici realizam conexiunea la site ''' try: html = urlopen(link) except HTTPError as e: #in caz ca nu poate deschide anuntul print(link) return None except requests.ConnectionError as e: #am primit eroare de conectare asa ca am pus sa incerce inca o data dupa 120 de secunde time.sleep(120) print(link) print('probleme la conexiune') anunt(link) anunt= bs(, 'html.parser') #deschidem cu beautiful soup link-ul ''' --------------TITLUL SI PRETUL------------ extragem titlul si pretul in caz ca nu le putem extrage, functia va returna None si vom printa link-ul pentru ca nu aflam niste informatii esentiale ''' try: titlu_anunt = anunt.find('div', {'id':'content'}).h1.text except AttributeError: print(link) print('nu am putut extrage titlul') return None try: pret = anunt.find('div', {'class':'price'}).text #titlul era cu h1 pret = re.sub(r'\D', '', pret) #titlu_anunt = titlu_anunt except AttributeError: #in caz ca nu gaseste dupa codul html sa nu mai incerce print('nu am putut extrage pretul') print(link) return None ''' --------------DESCRIEREA SAU DATELE DESPRE APARTAMENT------------ descrierea este textul care descrie apartamentul intr-un text, ca o poveste ''' try: descriere_text = anunt.find('p', {'class':'description'}).get_text() #pretul era intr-un div cu id-ul respectiv descriere_text = descriere_text.replace('\n', '') descriere_text = descriere_text.replace('\r', '') descriere_text = descriere_text.replace('\t', '') except AttributeError: print(link) print('probleme cu descrierea') return None #print(descriere_text) ''' --------------DATE APARTAMENT------------ datele tabelare despre apartament sunt in 2 coloane, una cu descrierea informatiei si una cu informatia extragem informatiile din fiecare coloana in cate o lista si dupa unim cele 2 coloane caracteristicile unui apartament sunt in 2 coloane o coloana contine caracterstica (numarul de camere) cealalta coloana contine valoarea (4 <camere>) ''' try: coloana = anunt.find_all('div', {'class':"property_label"}) descriere = anunt.find_all('div', {'class':'property_prop'}) lista_coloana=[] lista_descriere=[] except AttributeError: print(link) print('probleme cu caracteristicile coloana-descriere') return None ''' --------------UNIM CELE 2 COLOANE------------ ''' for i in coloana: cuvant = i.text cuvant = cuvant.replace(':', '') #excludem din string : cuvant = cuvant.replace('\xa0', 'Descriere suplimentara cladire') #aveam un loc gol in colaone care in textul html era marcat cu "\xa0" #si continea o descriere suplimentare a cladirii cum ar fi izolat termic lista_coloana.append(cuvant) for i in descriere: cuvant = i.text cuvant = cuvant.replace(' m2', '') #suprafata va contine si " m2" #am ales sa exclud "m2" pentru a avea doar date numerice lista_descriere.append(cuvant) dictionar = dict(zip(lista_coloana, lista_descriere)) #vom face din cele 2 liste un dictionar #in cheie vom avea coloana unde se afla descrierea informatiei (Suprafata) #in valoare vom avea informatia (50 <mp>) dictionar['titlu']=titlu_anunt dictionar['descriere']=descriere_text dictionar['pret']=pret dictionar['link']=link ''' --------------UTILITATI------------ vom extrage ce se afla la utilitati la inceput fiecare apartament va avea un dictionar cu utilitati dupa vom uni dictionarul cu utilitati cu cel final ''' dict_utilitati = {} try: cheie_utilitati = anunt.find('fieldset', {'id':'utilitati'}).b.text cheie_utilitati = cheie_utilitati.replace(' ', '') cheie_utilitati = cheie_utilitati.replace(':', '') #cheia, coloana, cu bold detalii_utilitati = anunt.find('fieldset', {'id':'utilitati'}).find_all('img') lista_utilitati = [] for i in detalii_utilitati: j = i['alt'] #valorea se afla in atributul "alt" al tag-ului img lista_utilitati.append(j) dict_utilitati[cheie_utilitati]=','.join(lista_utilitati) except AttributeError: dict_utilitati['Utilitati']=None print('probleme cu utilitatile') ''' --------------FINISAJE------------ Vom extrage finisajelele si le vom pune in dictionar ''' #vom extrage textul din codul html unde se afla utilitatile try: finisaje = anunt.find('fieldset', {'id':'finisari'}).get_text() except AttributeError: print(link) print('probleme cu finisajele') return None ''' Prin functia de mai jos vom separa cu o virgula atunci cand urmatorul caracter este uppercase. vom dori sa returnam un string, vom pune dupa PVC o virgula si un spatiu si dupa vom face un split la fiecare virgula pentru ca fiecare element sa fie intr-o lista "finis" ''' def split_uppercase(s): r = [] l = False for c in s: # l being: last character was not uppercase if l and c.isupper(): r.append(',') l = not c.isupper() r.append(c) return ''.join(r) finisaje_mod = split_uppercase(finisaje) finisaje_mod = finisaje_mod.replace('PVC', 'PVC, ') #print(finisaje_mod) finis = finisaje_mod.split(',') #print('\n\n\n\n\n\n') #print(finis) #print('\n\n\n\n\n\n') ''' --------DIN LISTA DE FINISAJE AM SEPARAT FIECARE CUVANT SI L-AM PUS INTR-O LISTA-------- ''' lista_key=[] # dict_finisaje = {} ''' pentru ca am avut probleme cu spatiile de dupa numele variabilei, (unele aveau spatiu dupa cuvant, altele nu) am dorit sa punem un key nou ''' lista_key_noi = ['finisaje', 'pardosea', 'pereti', 'geamuri_usi', 'bucatarie', 'baie', 'dotari'] lista_expresii = [r'.*Finisaje.*' , r'.*Pardoseala.*', r'.*Pereti.*', r'.*Geamuri si usi.*', r'.*Finisaj bucatarie.*', r'.*Finisaj baie.*', r'.*Dotari.*'] for idx, i in enumerate(finis): if i == '\n': del finis[idx] for nou, expresie in zip(lista_key_noi, lista_expresii): for idx, i in enumerate(finis): match_regex = re.match( expresie, i) if match_regex: i = i.replace(i, nou) #print('da') #print(i) finis[idx]=i #for index, value in finis: dict_special={} ''' lista descrieri va contine cheia pentru fiecare nou dictionar din finisaje adica va contine pereti, dotari, bucatarie etc descrierile vor fi cu litera mica, asa ca vom cauta in lista finis toate cuvintele care incepe cu litera mica ''' lista_descrieri = [] for i in finis: merge = re.match(r'[a-z].*', i) if merge: lista_descrieri.append(i) ''' in lista "finis" se afla toate cuvintele din Finisaje cheile, coloanele sunt in lista_descrieri fiecare cheie are valori pana la urmatoarea cheie ''' for index, value in enumerate(lista_descrieri): value1 = value index2 = lista_descrieri.index(value) + 1 lista_finisaje = [] try: value2 = lista_descrieri[index2] value1_index = finis.index(value1) value2_index = finis.index(value2) for i in finis[value1_index+1:value2_index]: lista_finisaje.append(i) value_finisaje = ','.join(lista_finisaje) dict_special[value1]=value_finisaje except IndexError: value1_index = finis.index(value1) for i in finis[value1_index+1:]: lista_finisaje.append(i) value_finisaje = ','.join(lista_finisaje) dict_special[value1]=value_finisaje dictionar_final={} def merge_two_dicts(x, y): z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z #unim dictionarul initial cu cel cu utilitati si cu cel cu finisaje dictionar_final = merge_two_dicts(dictionar, dict_utilitati) dictionar_final = merge_two_dicts(dictionar_final, dict_special) #redenumim cheile pentru a putea controla mai bine dictionarul lista_veche = ['pret', 'Nr. bai', 'finisaje', 'Nr. terase', 'geamuri_usi', 'Descriere suplimentara cladire', 'Tip proprietate', 'Suprafata utila', 'pardosea', 'Tip Constructie', 'descriere', 'Nr. balcoane', 'titlu', 'ID', 'pereti', 'Confort', 'Compartimentare', 'Zona', 'dotari', 'link', 'Tranzactie', 'Nr. garaje', 'Suprafata construita', 'Nr. parcari', 'Nr. bucatarii', 'Nr. camere', 'baie', 'Etaj', 'Cartier', 'An Constructie', 'bucatarie', 'Utilitati'] lista_noua = ['pret', 'numar_bai', 'finisaje', 'numar_terase', 'geamuri_usi', 'descriere_suplimentara', 'tip_proprietate', 'suprafata_utila', 'pardosea', 'tip_constructie', 'descriere', 'numar_balcoane', 'titlu', 'ID', 'pereti', 'confort', 'compartimentare', 'zona', 'dotari', 'link', 'tranzactie', 'numar_garaje', 'suprafata_construita', 'numar_parcari', 'numar_bucatarii', 'numar_camere', 'baie', 'etaj', 'cartier', 'an_constructie', 'bucatarie', 'utilitati'] dictionar_scris= {} for v, n in zip(lista_veche, lista_noua): try: dictionar_scris[n] = copy.deepcopy(dictionar_final[v]) except copy.error: dictionar_scris[n] = None except KeyError: dictionar_scris[n]= None ''' pentru a extrage geolocatia avem nevoie de zona completa aceasta va fi un string si va contine orasul, cartierul si daca avem si zona ''' if dictionar_scris['zona']!=None: dictionar_scris['zona_completa'] = "Cluj-Napoca, " + dictionar_scris['cartier'] + ", " + dictionar_scris['zona'] else: dictionar_scris['zona_completa'] = "Cluj-Napoca, " + dictionar_scris['cartier'] #return zona_completa #dict_final = zonacompleta(dictionar_scris) if printare == True: print(dictionar_scris) return dictionar_scris
def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): ''' List the packages currently installed in a dict:: {'<package_name>': '<version>'} CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs ''' versions_as_list = # not yet implemented or not applicable if any([ for x in ('removed', 'purge_desired') ]): return {} if 'pkg.list_pkgs' in __context__: if versions_as_list: return __context__['pkg.list_pkgs'] else: ret = copy.deepcopy(__context__['pkg.list_pkgs']) __salt__['pkg_resource.stringify'](ret) return ret ret = {} cmd = 'brew info --json=v1 --installed' package_info = salt.utils.json.loads(_call_brew(cmd)['stdout']) for package in package_info: # Brew allows multiple versions of the same package to be installed. # Salt allows for this, so it must be accounted for. versions = [v['version'] for v in package['installed']] # Brew allows for aliasing of packages, all of which will be # installable from a Salt call, so all names must be accounted for. names = package['aliases'] + [package['name'], package['full_name']] # Create a list of tuples containing all possible combinations of # names and versions, because all are valid. combinations = [(n, v) for n in names for v in versions] for name, version in combinations: __salt__['pkg_resource.add_pkg'](ret, name, version) # Grab packages from brew cask, if available. # Brew Cask doesn't provide a JSON interface, must be parsed the old way. try: cask_cmd = 'brew cask list --versions' out = _call_brew(cask_cmd)['stdout'] for line in out.splitlines(): try: name_and_versions = line.split(' ') name = '/'.join(('caskroom/cask', name_and_versions[0])) installed_versions = name_and_versions[1:] key_func = functools.cmp_to_key( salt.utils.versions.version_cmp) newest_version = sorted(installed_versions, key=key_func).pop() except ValueError: continue __salt__['pkg_resource.add_pkg'](ret, name, newest_version) except CommandExecutionError: pass __salt__['pkg_resource.sort_pkglist'](ret) __context__['pkg.list_pkgs'] = copy.deepcopy(ret) if not versions_as_list: __salt__['pkg_resource.stringify'](ret) return ret
def _upload_args(self, filename): args = copy.deepcopy(self.args) args["headers"]["content-type"] = 'application/zip' args["headers"]["Filename"] = filename args["timeout"] = 60 return args
def get_password_masked_url(cls, url): url_copy = deepcopy(url) if url_copy.password is not None and url_copy.password != PASSWORD_MASK: url_copy.password = PASSWORD_MASK return url_copy
def tdidt_random_forest(current_instances, att_indexes, att_domains, F): # print(att_indexes) att_indexes2 = copy.deepcopy(att_indexes) if (len(att_indexes) > F): compute_random_subset(att_indexes, F) split_attribute = select_attribute(current_instances, att_indexes2, att_domains) # print("TEST", split_attribute, "T", att_indexes) class_label = "att" + str(split_attribute) att_indexes2 = copy.deepcopy(att_indexes) att_indexes2.remove(split_attribute) partitions = {} attributes = att_domains[class_label] for a in attributes: partitions[a] = [] for instance in current_instances: partitions[instance[split_attribute]].append(instance) tree = ["Attribute", "att" + str(split_attribute)] for attribute_value, partition in partitions.items(): values_subtree = ["Value", attribute_value] if len(partition) > 0 and all_same_class(partition): leaf = [ "Leaf", partition[0][-1], len(partition), len(current_instances) ] values_subtree.append(leaf) tree.append(values_subtree) # CASE 2: no more attributes to select (clash) => handle clash w/majority vote leaf node elif len(partition) > 0 and len(att_indexes2) == 0: partition_stats = compute_partition_stats(partition, -1) partition_stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) leaf = [ "Leaf", partition_stats[-1][0], len(partition), len(current_instances) ] values_subtree.append(leaf) tree.append(values_subtree) # CASE 3: no more instances to partition (empty partition) => backtrack and replace attribute node with majority vote leaf node elif len(partition) == 0: partition_stats = compute_partition_stats(current_instances, -1) partition_stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) leaf = [ "Leaf", partition_stats[-1][0], len(partition), len(current_instances) ] return leaf else: # all base cases are false, recurse!! subtree = tdidt_random_forest(partition, att_indexes2, att_domains, F) values_subtree.append(subtree) tree.append(values_subtree) return tree
def __init__(self, game, evaluator, root_node = None): self.root_node = root_node if self.root_node is None: self.root_node = Node() = copy.deepcopy(game) self.evaluator = evaluator
def main(self, argv): def _get_subparser(api_version): try: return self.get_subcommand_parser(api_version, argv) except ImportError as e: if not str(e): # Add a generic import error message if the raised # ImportError has none. raise ImportError('Unable to import module. Re-run ' 'with --debug for more info.') raise # Parse args once to find version # NOTE(flepied) Under Python3, parsed arguments are removed # from the list so make a copy for the first parsing base_argv = copy.deepcopy(argv) parser = self.get_base_parser(argv) (options, args) = parser.parse_known_args(base_argv) try: # NOTE(flaper87): Try to get the version from the # image-url first. If no version was specified, fallback # to the api-image-version arg. If both of these fail then # fallback to the minimum supported one and let keystone # do the magic. endpoint = self._get_image_url(options) endpoint, url_version = utils.strip_version(endpoint) except ValueError: # NOTE(flaper87): ValueError is raised if no endpoint is provided url_version = None # build available subcommands based on version try: api_version = int(options.os_image_api_version or url_version or 2) if api_version not in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: raise ValueError except ValueError: msg = ("Invalid API version parameter. " "Supported values are %s" % SUPPORTED_VERSIONS) utils.exit(msg=msg) # Handle top-level --help/-h before attempting to parse # a command off the command line if or not argv: parser = _get_subparser(api_version) self.do_help(options, parser=parser) return 0 # NOTE(sigmavirus24): Above, args is defined as the left over # arguments from parser.parse_known_args(). This allows us to # skip any parameters to command-line flags that may have been passed # to glanceclient, e.g., --os-auth-token. self._fixup_subcommand(args, argv) # short-circuit and deal with help command right away. sub_parser = _get_subparser(api_version) args = sub_parser.parse_args(argv) if args.func == self.do_help: self.do_help(args, parser=sub_parser) return 0 elif args.func == self.do_bash_completion: self.do_bash_completion(args) return 0 if not options.os_image_api_version and api_version == 2: switch_version = True client = self._get_versioned_client('2', args) resp, body = client.http_client.get('/versions') for version in body['versions']: if version['id'].startswith('v2'): # NOTE(flaper87): We know v2 is enabled in the server, # which means we should be able to get the schemas and # move on. switch_version = self._cache_schemas(options, client) break if switch_version: print('WARNING: The client is falling back to v1 because' ' the accessing to v2 failed. This behavior will' ' be removed in future versions', file=sys.stderr) api_version = 1 sub_parser = _get_subparser(api_version) # Parse args again and call whatever callback was selected args = sub_parser.parse_args(argv) # NOTE(flaper87): Make sure we re-use the password input if we # have one. This may happen if the schemas were downloaded in # this same command. Password will be asked to download the # schemas and then for the operations below. if not args.os_password and options.os_password: args.os_password = options.os_password if args.debug: # Set up the root logger to debug so that the submodules can # print debug messages logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # for iso8601 < 0.1.11 logging.getLogger('iso8601').setLevel(logging.WARNING) LOG = logging.getLogger('glanceclient') LOG.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) profile = osprofiler_profiler and options.profile if profile: osprofiler_profiler.init(options.profile) client = self._get_versioned_client(api_version, args) try: args.func(client, args) except exc.Unauthorized: raise exc.CommandError("Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials.") finally: if profile: trace_id = osprofiler_profiler.get().get_base_id() print("Profiling trace ID: %s" % trace_id) print("To display trace use next command:\n" "osprofiler trace show --html %s " % trace_id)
def reinit(self, game, node): self.root_node = node = copy.deepcopy(game)
def convert_model(from_popn, from_model, from_vars, to_popn, to_model, to_vars): """ Convert from one model to another model of a different type Generally this will involve projecting impulse responses, etc. It's hairy business. """ # Idea: Get the state of the GLMs, e.g. the impulse responses, etc. # Project those states onto the parameters of the to-model N = from_popn.N from_state = from_popn.eval_state(from_vars) to_state = to_popn.eval_state(to_vars) conv_vars = None if from_model['impulse']['type'].lower() == 'basis': if to_model['impulse']['type'].lower() == 'normalized' or \ to_model['impulse']['type'].lower() == 'dirichlet': import copy conv_vars = copy.deepcopy(to_vars) # To convert from basis -> normalized, project the impulse # responses onto the normalized basis, divide by the area # under the curve to get the weight. W = np.zeros((N,N)) for n2 in np.arange(N): B = to_state['glms'][n2]['imp']['basis'].shape[1] w_ir_n2 = np.zeros((N,B)) for n1 in np.arange(N): # Solve a nonnegative least squares problem (w_ir_n1n2p, residp) = nnls(to_state['glms'][n2]['imp']['basis'], from_state['glms'][n2]['imp']['impulse'][n1,:]) (w_ir_n1n2n, residn) = nnls(to_state['glms'][n2]['imp']['basis'], -1.0*from_state['glms'][n2]['imp']['impulse'][n1,:]) # Take the better of the two solutions if residp < residn: Wsgn = 1.0 w_ir_n1n2 = w_ir_n1n2p else: Wsgn = -1.0 w_ir_n1n2 = w_ir_n1n2n # Normalized weights must be > 0, sum to 1 w_ir_n1n2 = w_ir_n1n2 w_ir_n1n2 = np.clip(w_ir_n1n2,0.001,np.Inf) # Normalize the impulse response to get a weight W[n1,n2] = Wsgn*np.sum(w_ir_n1n2) # Set impulse response to normalized impulse response w_ir_n2[n1,:] = w_ir_n1n2 / np.sum(w_ir_n1n2) # Update to_vars if to_model['impulse']['type'].lower() == 'normalized': conv_vars['glms'][n2]['imp']['w_lng'] = np.log(w_ir_n2.flatten()) if to_model['impulse']['type'].lower() == 'dirichlet': for n1 in range(N): # Scale up the weights such that the average is preserved alpha = to_popn.glm.imp_model.alpha B = to_popn.glm.imp_model.B conv_vars['glms'][n2]['imp']['g_%d' % n1] = alpha * B * w_ir_n2[n1,:] # Update to_vars conv_vars['net']['weights']['W'] = W.flatten() # Threshold the adjacency matrix to start with the right level of sparsity if 'rho' in to_model['network']['graph'].keys(): W_sorted = np.sort(np.abs(W.ravel())) thresh = W_sorted[np.floor((1.0-2.0*to_model['network']['graph']['rho'])*(N**2-N)-N)] conv_vars['net']['graph']['A'] = (np.abs(W) >= thresh).astype(np.int8) else: conv_vars['net']['graph']['A'] = np.ones((N,N), dtype=np.int8) # Copy over the bias for n in np.arange(N): conv_vars['glms'][n]['bias']['bias'] = from_vars['glms'][n]['bias']['bias'] # Copy over the background params if 'sharedtuningcurves' in to_model['latent'] and \ from_model['bkgd']['type'] == 'spatiotemporal': convert_stimulus_filters_to_sharedtc(from_popn, from_model, from_vars, to_popn, to_model, conv_vars) return conv_vars
#print 'in loop 2' t[str(reversed_graph[i][1])][3].append(str(reversed_graph[j][1])) for i in graph: #print 'loop3' if i not in t: t[i]=[0,0,0,[]] return t s='0' ft = 0 g1 = {} ft = 0 ift = 0 g1 = copy.deepcopy(graph) print 'Start' reversed_graph = rev(graph) print reversed_graph g1 = copy.deepcopy(reversed_graph) graph = copy.deepcopy(reversed_graph) l = range(1,15) #print l for i in l: l[i-1] = str(i) #print l print l for j in l:
'samples': mc } aliases['btagSF'] = { 'expr': '(bVeto || (topcr && zeroJet))*bVetoSF + (topcr && !zeroJet)*bReqSF', 'samples': mc } for shift in [ 'jes', 'lf', 'hf', 'lfstats1', 'lfstats2', 'hfstats1', 'hfstats2', 'cferr1', 'cferr2' ]: for targ in ['bVeto', 'bReq']: alias = aliases['%sSF%sup' % (targ, shift)] = copy.deepcopy( aliases['%sSF' % targ]) alias['expr'] = alias['expr'].replace('btagSF_shape', 'btagSF_shape_up_%s' % shift) alias = aliases['%sSF%sdown' % (targ, shift)] = copy.deepcopy( aliases['%sSF' % targ]) alias['expr'] = alias['expr'].replace('btagSF_shape', 'btagSF_shape_down_%s' % shift) aliases['btagSF%sup' % shift] = { 'expr': aliases['btagSF']['expr'].replace('SF', 'SF' + shift + 'up'), 'samples': mc } aliases['btagSF%sdown' % shift] = { 'expr': aliases['btagSF']['expr'].replace('SF', 'SF' + shift + 'down'),
def get_slots(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._slots)
def simulate_data_from_inputs(self, scdata): """Given a set of inputs, determine what the spacecraft should see. Models should have already been run. **Outputs** """ # If using a planet-fixed source map, need to set subsolarlon if ((self.inputs.spatialdist.type == 'surface map') and (self.inputs.spatialdist.coordinate_system == 'planet-fixed')): self.inputs.spatialdist.subsolarlon = scdata.subslong.median() * u.rad else: pass # This is will work with fitted or non-fitted outputfiles self.outid, self.outputfiles, self.npackets, self.totalsource = if self.npackets == 0: raise RuntimeError('No packets found for these Inputs.') data = search_results = iteration_results = [] # Do this step if will need to compute any iteration results dist_from_plan = (self._data_setup(data) if None in search_results.values() else None) for outputfile, search_result in search_results.items(): if search_result is None: # simulate the data output = Output.restore(outputfile) packets = copy.deepcopy(output.X) packets['radvel_sun'] = (packets['vy'] + / u.s).value) self.oedge = output.inputs.options.outeredge * 2 # Will base shadow on line of sight, not the packets out_of_shadow = np.ones(len(packets)) self.packet_weighting(packets, out_of_shadow, output.aplanet) # This sets limits on regions where packets might be tree = self._tree(packets[xcols].values) rad = pd.Series(np.zeros(data.shape[0]), index=data.index) npack = pd.Series(np.zeros(data.shape[0]), index=data.index, dtype=int) print(f'{data.shape[0]} spectra taken.') for i, spectrum in data.iterrows(): rad_, pack_ = self._spectrum_process(spectrum, packets, tree, dist_from_plan[i]) rad.loc[i] = rad_ npack.loc[i] = pack_ if len(data) > 10: ind = data.index.get_loc(i) if (ind % (len(data) // 10)) == 0: print(f'Completed {ind + 1} spectra') iteration_ = {'radiance': rad, 'npackets': npack, 'totalsource': output.totalsource, 'outputfile': outputfile, 'out_idnum': output.idnum, 'query': scdata.query} iteration_result = IterationResult(iteration_) modelfile = iteration_result.modelfile = modelfile iteration_results.append(iteration_result) else: print(f'Using saved result {search_result[2]}') iteration_result = self.restore(search_result) iteration_result.model_idnum = search_result[0] iteration_result.modelfile = search_result[2] assert len(iteration_result.radiance) == len(data) iteration_results.append(iteration_result) # combine iteration_results self.modelfiles = {} for iteration_result in iteration_results: self.radiance += iteration_result.radiance self.modelfiles[iteration_result.outputfile] = iteration_result.modelfile # need model rate for this output model_rate = self.totalsource / self.inputs.options.endtime.value self.atoms_per_packet = 1e23 / model_rate self.radiance *= self.atoms_per_packet/1e3 # kR self.determine_source_rate(scdata) self.atoms_per_packet *= self.sourcerate.unit self.outputfiles = self.modelfiles.keys() print(self.totalsource, self.atoms_per_packet)
''' if TestActive: for i in range(12): x,y,t=getViconPos(inds[i]) posx[inds2[i]]=x posy[inds2[i]]=y ''' rospy.init_node('zumo_go', anonymous=True)#zumo_go is a node global tfl tfl = tf.TransformListener() pub = rospy.Publisher('/ZumoRefs', String, queue_size=1000)#ZumoRefs is a topic name #one zipper merge starting positions t1 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index1, name1, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(39)))) t1.start() t2 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index2, name2, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(39)))) t2.start() t3 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index3, name3, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(39)))) t3.start() t4 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index4, name4, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(39)))) t4.start() #t5 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index5, name5, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(45)))) #t5.start() t5 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index6, name6, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(48)))) t5.start() t6 = Thread(target = zumoThread, args = (index7, name7, 0.05, copy.deepcopy(Path.GetDefaultPath(48)))) t6.start()