コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(Twitter, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        consumer_key = kwargs.get('consumer_key', None)
        consumer_secret = kwargs.get('consumer_secret', None)
        access_token_key = kwargs.get('access_token_key', None)
        access_token_secret = kwargs.get('access_token_secret', None)
        tweet = kwargs.get('tweet', None)

        if consumer_key is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Twitter needs a consumer_key")
        if consumer_secret is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Twitter needs a consumer_secret")
        if access_token_key is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Twitter needs an access_token_key")
        if access_token_secret is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Twitter needs and access_token_secret")
        if tweet is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "You need to provide something to tweet !")

        api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=consumer_key,

        status = api.PostUpdate(tweet)
        message = {"tweet": status.text}

コード例 #2
ファイル: uri.py プロジェクト: rgouicem/kalliope
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all provided parameters in the neurons are valid
        :return: True if all check passed
        # URL is mandatory
        if self.url is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Uri needs an url")

        # headers can be null, but if provided it must be a list
        if self.headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.headers, dict):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "headers must be a list of key: value")

        # timeout in second must be an integer
        if self.timeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.timeout, int):
                raise InvalidParameterException("timeout must be an integer")

        # data must be loadable with json
        if self.data is not None:
            except ValueError, e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)
コード例 #3
ファイル: neurotransmitter.py プロジェクト: rgouicem/kalliope
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received links are ok to perform operations
        :return: true if the neuron is well configured, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException
        # with the neuron the user has the choice of a direct link that call another synapse,
        #  or a link with an answer caught from the STT engine

        # we cannot use at the same time a direct redirection and a link with question
        if self.direct_link is not None and self.from_answer_link is not None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "neurotransmitter cannot be used with both direct_link and from_answer_link"

        if self.direct_link is None and self.from_answer_link is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "neurotransmitter must be used with direct_link or from_answer_link"

        if self.from_answer_link is not None:
            if self.default is None:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "default parameter is required and must contain a valid synapse name"
            for el in self.from_answer_link:
                if "synapse" not in el:
                    raise InvalidParameterException(
                        "Links must contain a synapse name: %s" % el)
                if "answers" not in el:
                    raise InvalidParameterException(
                        "Links must contain answers: %s" % el)

        return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: Wake_on_lan.py プロジェクト: alexena/kalliope
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Wake_on_lan, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        mac_address = kwargs.get('mac_address', None)
        broadcast_address = kwargs.get('broadcast_address', '')
        port = kwargs.get('port', 9)

        # check we provide a mac address
        if mac_address is None:
            raise MissingParameterException("mac_address parameter required")

        # convert to unicode for testing
        broadcast_address_unicode = broadcast_address.decode('utf-8')
        # check the ip address is a valid one

        # check the port
        if type(port) is not int:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "port argument must be an integer. Remove quotes in your configuration."

            "Call Wake_on_lan_neuron with parameters: mac_address: %s, broadcast_address: %s, port: %s"
            % (mac_address, broadcast_address, port))
コード例 #5
ファイル: script.py プロジェクト: vkolev/kalliope
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException
        if self.path is None:
            raise MissingParameterException("You must provide a script path.")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.path):
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Script not found or is not a file.")
        if not os.access(self.path, os.X_OK):
            raise InvalidParameterException("Script not Executable.")

        return True
コード例 #6
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.query is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a query")
        if self.language is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a language")

        valid_language = wikipedia.languages().keys()
        if self.language not in valid_language:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Wikipedia needs a valid language: %s" % valid_language)

        return True
コード例 #7
ファイル: twitter.py プロジェクト: vkolev/kalliope
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException
        if self.consumer_key is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Twitter needs a consumer_key")
        if self.consumer_secret is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Twitter needs a consumer_secret")
        if self.access_token_key is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Twitter needs an access_token_key")
        if self.access_token_secret is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Twitter needs and access_token_secret")
        if self.tweet is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "You need to provide something to tweet !")

        return True
コード例 #8
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
        :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

        .. raises:: InvalidParameterException

        if self.query is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a query")
        if self.language is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Wikipedia needs a language")

        valid_language = wikipedia.languages().keys()
        if self.language not in valid_language:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "Wikipedia needs a valid language: %s" % valid_language)

        if self.sentences is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.sentences, int):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "Number of sentences must be an integer")

        return True
コード例 #9
ファイル: wake_on_lan.py プロジェクト: vkolev/kalliope
    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
            Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron
            :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise

            .. raises:: InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException
        # check we provide a mac address
        if self.mac_address is None:
            raise MissingParameterException("mac_address parameter required")
            # check the port
        if type(self.port) is not int:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "port argument must be an integer. Remove quotes in your configuration."

        return True
コード例 #10
ファイル: uri.py プロジェクト: rgouicem/kalliope
class Uri(NeuronModule):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Uri, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # input variables
        self.url = kwargs.get('url', None)
        self.headers = kwargs.get('headers', None)
        self.data = kwargs.get('data', None)
        self.data_from_file = kwargs.get('data_from_file', None)
        self.method = kwargs.get('method', "GET")
        self.user = kwargs.get('user', None)
        self.password = kwargs.get('password', None)
        self.timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None)

        # processing parameters
        self.parameters = None

        # output variable
        self.status_code = None
        self.content = None
        self.text = None
        self.response_header = None

        # this is a switch case option
        switch_case = {
            "GET": self.do_get,
            "POST": self.do_post,
            "DELETE": self.do_delete,
            "PUT": self.do_put,
            "HEAD": self.do_head,
            "PATCH": self.do_patch,
            "OPTIONS": self.do_options

        # check parameters
        if self._is_parameters_ok():
            # we get parameters that will be passed to the requests lib
            self.parameters = self.get_parameters()
            # we call the right method depending of the method selected

            message = {
                "status_code": self.status_code,
                "content": self.content,
                "response_header": self.response_header


    def do_get(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_get method called")
        r = requests.get(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_post(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_post method called")
        r = requests.post(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_delete(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_delete method called")
        r = requests.delete(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_put(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_put method called")
        r = requests.put(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_head(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_head method called")
        r = requests.head(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_patch(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_patch method called")
        r = requests.patch(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def do_options(self):
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " do_options method called")
        r = requests.options(url=self.url, **self.parameters)

    def get_parameters(self):

        :return: Dict of parameters usable by the "requests" lib
        returned_parameters = dict()

        if self.headers is not None:
            returned_parameters["headers"] = self.headers

        if self.timeout is not None:
            returned_parameters["timeout"] = self.timeout

        if self.data is not None:
            returned_parameters["data"] = self.data

        if self.data_from_file is not None:
            returned_parameters["data"] = self.data_from_file

        if self.user is not None:
            # this implicitly means that the password is set too, the check has been done in _is_parameters_ok
            returned_parameters["auth"] = self.user, self.password

        logger.debug(self.neuron_name +
                     " parameters: %s" % returned_parameters)

        return returned_parameters

    def post_processing_request(self, r):
        self.status_code = r.status_code
        self.content = r.content
        # we try to load into a json object the content. So Kalliope can use it to talk
            self.content = json.loads(self.content)
        except ValueError:
            logger.debug(self.neuron_name +
                         "cannot get a valid json from returned content")
        self.text = r.text
        self.response_header = r.headers

        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " status_code: %s" % self.status_code)
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name + " content: %s" % self.content)
        logger.debug(self.neuron_name +
                     " response_header: %s" % self.response_header)

    def _is_parameters_ok(self):
        Check that all provided parameters in the neurons are valid
        :return: True if all check passed
        # URL is mandatory
        if self.url is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException("Uri needs an url")

        # headers can be null, but if provided it must be a list
        if self.headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.headers, dict):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "headers must be a list of key: value")

        # timeout in second must be an integer
        if self.timeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.timeout, int):
                raise InvalidParameterException("timeout must be an integer")

        # data must be loadable with json
        if self.data is not None:
            except ValueError, e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)

        # data_from_file path must exist and data inside must be loadable by json
        if self.data_from_file is not None:
            # check that the file exist
            if not os.path.exists(self.data_from_file):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data_file\". File does not exist: %s" %
            # then try to load the json from the file
                self.data_from_file = self.readfile(self.data_from_file)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)
コード例 #11
ファイル: uri.py プロジェクト: rgouicem/kalliope
            # check that the file exist
            if not os.path.exists(self.data_from_file):
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data_file\". File does not exist: %s" %
            # then try to load the json from the file
                self.data_from_file = self.readfile(self.data_from_file)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise InvalidParameterException(
                    "error in \"data\" parameter: %s" % e)

        # we cannot provide both data and data from file
        if self.data is not None and self.data_from_file is not None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                "URI can be used with data or data_from_file, not both in same time"

        # the provided method must exist
        allowed_method = [
            "GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT", "HEAD", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"
        if self.method not in allowed_method:
            raise InvalidParameterException("method %s not in: %s" %
                                            (self.method, allowed_method))

        return True

    def readfile(file_path):