def __init__(self): """ 初始化 """ is_scanner = Communicator().get_module_name().startswith("Scanner") if is_scanner: self.logger = Logger().get_scan_plugin_logger(self.plugin_info["name"]) else: self.logger = Logger() self._enable = True # 插件是否启用 self._white_reg = None # 扫描url白名单 self._scan_queue = queue.Queue() # 任务队列 self._last_scan_id = 0 # 最近扫描完成的任务在数据库中的id self._scan_num = 0 # 当前已扫描url数量 self._request_timeout = Config().get_config("scanner.request_timeout") self._max_concurrent_task = Config().get_config("scanner.max_concurrent_request") # 共享的report_model 和 failed_task_set 需要在实例化ScanPluginBase类之前设置 try: self._report_model = Communicator().get_internal_shared("report_model") self._failed_set = Communicator().get_internal_shared("failed_task_set") except exceptions.InternalSharedKeyError as e: Logger().error("Try to init scan_plugin before set internal shared key in Communicator! Check 'error.log' for more information.") exit(1) self._request_session = audit_tools.Session() self._request_data = audit_tools.RequestData self.mutant_helper = audit_tools.MutantHelper() self.checker = audit_tools.Checker() if is_scanner:"Scanner plugin {} init success!".format(self.plugin_info["name"]))
def _init_plugin(self): """ 初始化扫描插件 """ self.plugin_loaded = {} plugin_import_path = "plugin.scanner" for plugin_name in self.scan_config["scan_plugin_status"].keys(): try: plugin_module = __import__(plugin_import_path, fromlist=[plugin_name]) except Exception as e: Logger().error("Error in load plugin: {}".format(plugin_name), exc_info=e) else: plugin_instance = getattr(plugin_module, plugin_name).ScanPlugin() if isinstance(plugin_instance, scan_plugin_base.ScanPluginBase): self.plugin_loaded[plugin_name] = plugin_instance Logger().debug( "scanner plugin: {} load success!".format(plugin_name)) else: Logger().warning( "scanner plugin {} not inherit class ScanPluginBase!". format(plugin_name)) if len(self.plugin_loaded) == 0: Logger().error("No scanner plugin detected, scanner exit!") raise exceptions.NoPluginError
def upload_report(self): all_report_model = [] base_report_model = report_model.ReportModel(table_prefix=None, create_table=False, multiplexing_conn=True) tables = base_report_model.get_tables() for table_name in tables: if table_name.lower().endswith("_report"): all_report_model.append(table_name) for table_name in all_report_model: table_prefix = table_name[:-7] try: model_ins = report_model.ReportModel(table_prefix=table_prefix, create_table=False, multiplexing_conn=True) while True: data_list = model_ins.get_upload_report(20) data_count = len(data_list) if data_count == 0: break Logger().info( "Try to upload {} report to cloud.".format(data_count)) if self._send_report_data(data_list): model_ins.mark_report(data_count) else: time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: Logger().warning("Get data from report model error.", exc_info=e)
def run(self): """ 启动http server """ server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(, max_buffer_size=Config().get_config( "preprocessor.max_buffer_size")) try: server.bind(Config().get_config("preprocessor.http_port")) except OSError as e: Logger().critical("Preprocessor bind port error!", exc_info=e) sys.exit(1) else: # 这里会创建多个子进程,需要重新初始化Communicator server.start(Config().get_config("preprocessor.process_num")) Communicator().init_new_module(type(self).__name__) # 记录pid while True: if Communicator().set_pre_http_pid(os.getpid()): break else: pids = ", ".join( str(x) for x in Communicator().get_pre_http_pid()) Logger().error( "Preprocessor HTTP Server set pid failed! Running pids: {}" .format(pids)) time.sleep(3) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
async def _fetch_new_scan(self): """ 获取非扫描请求(新扫描任务),并分发给插件 """ # 扫描插件任务队列最大值 scan_queue_max = 300 # 已扫描的任务数量 self.scan_num = 0 # 扫描队列数量 self.scan_queue_remaining = 0 # 下次获取任务数量 self.fetch_count = 20 # 待标记的已扫描的最大id self.mark_id = 0 while True: try: await self._fetch_task_from_db() except exceptions.DatabaseError as e: Logger().error("Database error occured when fetch scan task.", exc_info=e) except asyncio.CancelledError as e: raise e except Exception as e: Logger().error("Unexpected error occured when fetch scan task.", exc_info=e) if self.scan_queue_remaining == 0: continue await self._check_scan_progress() # 调整每次获取的扫描任务数 if self.scan_queue_remaining + self.fetch_count > scan_queue_max: self.fetch_count = scan_queue_max - self.scan_queue_remaining elif self.fetch_count < 5: self.fetch_count = 5
def launch(self): """ 启动器主函数 """ self._set_affinity() Communicator() Logger().init_module_logger() ForkProxy() Logger().info("Launcher init success!") preprocessor_proc = modules.Process(modules.Preprocessor) preprocessor_proc.start() self.preprocessor_pid = Logger().info("Preprocessor fork success!") monitor_proc = modules.Process(modules.Monitor) monitor_proc.start() self.monitor_pid = Logger().info("Monitor fork success!") signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._wait_child) try: ForkProxy().listen() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exit = True
def _wait_child(self, signum, frame): """ 处理进程terminate信号 """ try: try: while True: cpid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) if cpid == 0: break if cpid == self.monitor_pid: root_proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) procs = root_proc.children(recursive=True) for p in procs: p.send_signal(psutil.signal.SIGKILL) if self.exit: pass else: Logger().critical("Detect Monitor down, exit!") print( "[!] Detect Monitor down, OpenRASP-IAST exit!") sys.exit(1) exitcode = status >> 8 except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECHILD: Logger().error( "Unknow error occurred in method _wait_child!", exc_info=e) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
async def _fetch_task_from_db(self): """ 从数据库中获取当前扫描目标的非扫描请求(新扫描任务) """ await self.new_scan_model.mark_result(self.mark_id, list(self.failed_task_set)) self.failed_task_set.clear() sleep_interval = 1 continuously_sleep = 0 while True: data_list = await self.new_scan_model.get_new_scan(self.fetch_count ) data_count = len(data_list) Logger().debug("Fetch {} task from db.".format(data_count)) if data_count > 0 or self.scan_queue_remaining > 0: for item in data_list: for plugin_name in self.plugin_loaded: # item 格式: {"id": id, "data":rasp_result_json} self.plugin_loaded[plugin_name].add_task(item) Logger().debug("Send task with id: {} to plugins.".format( item["id"])) self.scan_queue_remaining += data_count return else: Logger().debug("No url need scan, fetch task sleep {}s".format( sleep_interval * continuously_sleep)) if continuously_sleep < 10: continuously_sleep += 1 await asyncio.sleep(sleep_interval * continuously_sleep)
def add_result(self, rasp_result): """ 添加一个RaspResult实例到缓存队列并触发对应的数据到达事件, 同时清空缓存中过期的实例 若RaspResult实例的id未通过register_result方法注册,则直接丢弃 Parameters: rasp_result - 待添加的RaspResult实例 """ scan_request_id = rasp_result.get_scan_request_id() try: self.rasp_result_collection[scan_request_id][2] = rasp_result self.rasp_result_collection[scan_request_id][0].set() except KeyError: Communicator().increase_value("dropped_rasp_result") Logger().warning("Drop no registered rasp result data: {}".format(str(rasp_result))) while True: try: key = next(iter(self.rasp_result_collection)) except StopIteration: break if self.rasp_result_collection[key][1] < time.time(): if type(self.rasp_result_collection[key][0]) is not dict: Logger().debug("Rasp result with id: {} timeout, dropped".format(key)) self.rasp_result_collection.popitem(False) else: break
def get_param(self, para_type, para_name): """ 获取HTTP请求的某个变量 Parameters: para_type - str, 参数类型,可选get, post, cookies, headers, json, files, body para_name - str, 参数名, 当para_type为json时, para_name应为一个list,包含json path每一级的key 当para_type为files时, para_name应为一个包含两个item的list, 第一个指定要获取的files dict的下标, 第二个指定在dict中获取的key, 同set_param Returns: 获取目标变量的值 Raises: exceptions.DataParamError - 参数错误引发此异常 """ if para_type == "cookies": return self.http_data["cookies"].get(para_name, None) elif para_type == "get": return self.http_data["params"].get(para_name, None) elif para_type == "post": return self.http_data["data"].get(para_name, None) elif para_type == "headers": return self.http_data["headers"].get(para_name, None) elif para_type == "json": json_target = self.http_data["json"] for name in para_name: json_target = json_target[name] return json_target elif para_type == "files": return self.http_data["files"][para_name[0]][para_name[1]] elif para_type == "body": return self.http_data["body"] else: Logger.error("Use an invalid para_type in get_param method!") raise exceptions.DataTypeNotExist
async def post(self): """ 处理POST请求 """ try: data = self.request.body headers = self.request.headers content_type = self.request.headers.get("Content-Type", "None") if not content_type.startswith("application/json"): raise exceptions.ContentTypeInvalid Logger().info("Received request data: " + data.decode('utf-8')) rasp_result_ins = rasp_result.RaspResult(data) if rasp_result_ins.is_scan_result(): self.send_data(rasp_result_ins) else: await self.dedup_data(rasp_result_ins) self.write('{"status": 0, "msg":"ok"}\n') except exceptions.OriExpectedException as e: self.write('{"status": 1, "msg":"data invalid"}\n') Communicator().increase_value("invalid_data") Logger().warning( "Invalid data: {} posted to http server, rejected!".format( data)) except Exception as e: Logger().error( "Unexpected error occured when process data:{}".format(data), exc_info=e) self.send_error(500) return
async def send_request(self, request_data_ins, proxy_url=None): """ 异步发送一个http请求, 返回结果 Parameters: request_data_ins - request_data.RequestData类的实例,包含请求的全部信息 proxy_url - 发送请求使用的代理url, 为None时不使用代理 Returns: dict, 结构: { "status": http响应码, "headers": http响应头的dict, "body": http响应body, bytes } Raises: exceptions.ScanRequestFailed - 请求发送失败时引发此异常 """ http_func = getattr(self.session, request_data_ins.get_method()) request_params_dict = request_data_ins.get_aiohttp_param() Logger().debug( "Send scan request data: {}".format(request_params_dict)) retry_times = Config().get_config("scanner.retry_times") while retry_times >= 0: try: async with context.Context(): async with http_func(**request_params_dict, proxy=proxy_url, allow_redirects=False, ssl=False) as response: response = { "status": response.status, "headers": response.headers, "body": await } break except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientError) as e: Logger().warning( "Send scan request timeout, request params:{}".format( request_params_dict)) await asyncio.sleep(1) retry_times -= 1 except asyncio.CancelledError as e: raise e except Exception as e: Logger().error("Send scan request failed!", exc_info=e) await asyncio.sleep(1) retry_times -= 1 if retry_times >= 0: return response else: Logger().warning( "Scan request timeout many times, skip! request params:{}". format(request_params_dict)) raise exceptions.ScanRequestFailed
def run(self): """ 模块主函数,启动协程 """ try: except RuntimeError: Logger().info("Scanner process has been killed!") except Exception as e: Logger().error("Scanner exit with unknow error!", exc_info=e)
def _run_module(self): """ module线程主函数 """ try: Logger().info("Module started!") module = self.module_cls(**self.module_params) except Exception as e: Logger().error("Module down with exception:", exc_info=e) else: Logger().info("Module stopped!")
def run(self): """ 模块主函数,启动协程 """ try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(self.async_run()) except RuntimeError: Logger().info("Scanner process has been killed!") except Exception as e: Logger().error("Scanner exit with unknow error!", exc_info=e)
def run(self): """ 初始化并启动module线程 """ Communicator().init_new_module(self.module_name) Communicator().set_value("pid", os.getpid()) Logger().init_module_logger() Logger().debug("Init proc_comm success, current module_name is: " + Communicator().get_module_name()) try: self._run_module() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
async def mark_result(self, last_id, failed_list): """ 将id 小于等于 last_id的result标记为已扫描,更新star_id, 将failed_list中的id标记为失败 Parameters: last_id - 已扫描的最大id failed_list - 扫描中出现连接失败的url Raises: exceptions.DatabaseError - 数据库错误引发此异常 """ if last_id > self.start_id: # 标记失败的扫描记录 query = self.ResultList.update({ self.ResultList.scan_status: 3 }).where(( <= last_id) & ( > self.start_id) & ( << failed_list)) try: await peewee_async.execute(query) except Exception as e: Logger().critical("Database error in mark_result method!", exc_info=e) raise exceptions.DatabaseError # 标记已扫描的记录 query = self.ResultList.update({ self.ResultList.scan_status: 1 }).where(( <= last_id) & ( > self.start_id) & (self.ResultList.scan_status == 2)) try: await peewee_async.execute(query) except Exception as e: Logger().critical("Database error in mark_result method!", exc_info=e) raise exceptions.DatabaseError # 更新start_id query = > self.start_id) & (self.ResultList.scan_status == 1)) try: result = await peewee_async.scalar(query) except Exception as e: Logger().critical("Database error in mark_result method!", exc_info=e) raise exceptions.DatabaseError if result is not None: self.start_id = result
def set_param(self, para_type, para_name, value): """ 设置HTTP请求的某个变量,覆盖原有值,不存在时创建 Parameters: para_type - str, 参数类型,可选get, post, cookies, headers, json, files, body para_name - str/list, 参数名或参数路径, 当para_type为json时, para_name应为一个list,包含json path每一级的key 当para_type为files时, para_name应为一个包含两个item的list, 第一个指定要设置的files dict的下标, 第二个指定dict key, 当设置content时,类型必须为bytes 例如: files: [ {"name":"file", "filename":"name.txt", "content":"xxx"} ...] 设置第一个item的filename -> [0, "filename"] value - str, 要设置的值 Raises: exceptions.DataParamError - 参数错误引发此异常 """ if para_type == "cookies": self.http_data["cookies"][para_name] = urllib.parse.quote(value) elif para_type == "get": self.http_data["params"][para_name] = value elif para_type == "post": self.http_data["data"][para_name] = value elif para_type == "headers": self.http_data["headers"][para_name] = urllib.parse.quote(value) elif para_type == "json": # 如果para_name为空,将root节点为设为value if len(para_name) == 0: self.http_data["json"] = value return json_target = self.http_data["json"] for i in range(len(para_name)): name = para_name[i] obj = json_target.get(name, None) if len(para_name) == i + 1: json_target[name] = value elif obj is None: if type(para_name[i]) is int: json_target[name] = [] else: json_target[name] = {} elif para_type == "files": if para_name[1] == "content" and type(value) is not bytes: Logger().error( "RequestData files content must set with bytes type!") raise exceptions.DataParamError else: self.http_data["files"][para_name[0]][para_name[1]] = value elif para_type == "body": self.http_data["body"] = value else: Logger().error("Use an invalid para_type in set_param method!") raise exceptions.DataParamError
def _upload_report(self): try: self.cloud_api = CloudApi() except Exception as e: Logger().critical("CloudApi init failed!", exc_info=e) Logger().info("Init cloud_api success.") while True: time.sleep(10) try: self.cloud_api.upload_report() except Exception as e: Logger().warning("Upload report error.", exc_info=e)
def __init__(self, table_prefix=None, use_async=True, create_table=True, multiplexing_conn=False): """ 初始化 Parameters: table_prefix - 表名前缀,由扫描目标的 host + "_" + str(port) 组成 use_async - 是否开启数据库连接的异步查询功能,默认为True create_table - 数据表不存在时是否创建,默认为True multiplexing_conn - 是否复用连接,为True时,相同的Model的实例会使用同一个连接,默认为False Raises: create_table为Fasle且目标数据表不存在时,引发exceptions.TableNotExist """ self.use_async = use_async try: if multiplexing_conn: database = BaseModel.mul_database else: if self.use_async: database = peewee_async.MySQLDatabase(**self.connect_para) else: database = peewee.MySQLDatabase(**self.connect_para) database.connect() # table_prefix 为None则不建立数据表实例,仅用于调用基类方法 if table_prefix is not None: self._model = self._create_model(database, table_prefix) if not self._model.table_exists(): if create_table: try: database.create_tables([self._model]) Logger().debug("Create table {}_{}".format( table_prefix, self.__class__.__name__)) if self.__class__.__name__ == "NewRequestModel": Communicator().update_target_list_status() except peewee.InternalError: pass else: raise exceptions.TableNotExist self.database = database except exceptions.TableNotExist as e: raise e except Exception as e: Logger().critical("Mysql Connection Fail!", exc_info=e) raise exceptions.DatabaseError
async def _check_scan_progress(self): """ 监测扫描进度,给出下次获取的任务量 """ sleep_interval = 1 sleep_count = 0 while True: await asyncio.sleep(sleep_interval) sleep_count += 1 scan_num_list = [] scan_id_list = [] for plugin_name in self.plugin_loaded: plugin_ins = self.plugin_loaded[plugin_name] plugin_scan_num, plugin_last_id = plugin_ins.get_scan_progress( ) scan_num_list.append(plugin_scan_num) scan_id_list.append(plugin_last_id) plugin_scan_min_num = min(scan_num_list) plugin_scan_min_id = min(scan_id_list) finish_count = plugin_scan_min_num - self.scan_num if sleep_count > 20: # 20个sleep内未扫描完成,每次最大获取任务量减半 self.scan_queue_remaining -= finish_count self.scan_num = plugin_scan_min_num sleep_count = 0 Logger().debug( "Finish scan num: {}, remain task: {}, max scanned id: {}, decrease task fetch_count." .format(finish_count, self.scan_queue_remaining, plugin_scan_min_id)) elif sleep_count > 10: # 10-20个sleep内完成一半以上,每次最大获取任务量不变 if self.scan_queue_remaining < finish_count * 2: self.fetch_count = finish_count break elif self.scan_queue_remaining == finish_count: # 10个sleep内完成,每次最大获取任务量加倍 self.fetch_count = self.scan_queue_remaining * 2 break self.scan_queue_remaining -= finish_count self.scan_num = plugin_scan_min_num self.mark_id = plugin_scan_min_id Logger().debug( "Finish scan num: {}, remain task: {}, max scanned id: {}".format( finish_count, self.scan_queue_remaining, plugin_scan_min_id))
def _set_affinity(self): if Config().get_config("affinity.enable") is True: try: core_num = Config().get_config("affinity.core_num") cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count() if core_num <= 0 or cpu_count < core_num: mask = range(1) Logger().warning( "Config item affinity.core_num invalid, use defaut (1)" ) else: mask = range(core_num) os.sched_setaffinity(os.getpid(), mask) except Exception as e: Logger().error("set affinity error!", exc_info=e)
def _check_alive(self): """ 判断其他模块是否正常运行 """ ppid = os.getppid() if ppid <= 1: Logger().warning("Detect main process stopped, Monitor exit!") self.crash_module = "main" return False # http server存活检测 # if not self.web_console_thread.isAlive(): # Logger().error("Detect monitor web console stopped, Monitor exit!") # self.crash_module = "Monitor_web_console" # return False if self.cloud_thread is not None and not self.cloud_thread.isAlive(): Logger().error( "Detect monitor cloud thread stopped, Monitor exit!") self.crash_module = "cloud_thread" return False if self.transaction_thread is not None and not self.transaction_thread.isAlive( ): Logger().error( "Detect monitor cloud transaction thread stopped, Monitor exit!" ) self.crash_module = "transaction_thread" return False if self.preprocessor_proc is None: pid = Communicator().get_value("pid", "Preprocessor") if pid != 0: try: self.preprocessor_proc = psutil.Process(pid) except Exception: Logger().error( "Init Preprocessor proc fail, Monitor exit!") self.crash_module = "preprocessor" return False return True elif not self.preprocessor_proc.is_running(): Logger().error("Detect preprocessor stopped, Monitor exit!") self.crash_module = "preprocessor" return False return True
def kill_scanner(self, scanner_id): """ 强制结束一个扫描进程进程 Parameters: scanner_id - int类型, 要结束的扫描进程的id Returns: 成功结束返回True,否则返回false """ pid = self._scanner_info.get_pid(scanner_id) if pid is None: raise exceptions.InvalidScannerId try: proc = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: Logger().warning("Try to kill not running scanner!") raise exceptions.InvalidScannerId proc.terminate() try: proc.wait(timeout=5) except psutil.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() proc.wait(timeout=5) if proc.is_running(): return False else: self._scanner_info.remove_scanner_info(scanner_id) module_name = "Scanner_" + str(scanner_id) Communicator().set_value("pid", 0, module_name) return True
async def get(self, page=1, perpage=10): """ 获取数据 Parameters: page - int, 获取的页码 perpage - int, 每页的数据条数 Returns: {"total":数据总条数, "data":[ RaspResult组成的list的json字符串, ...]} Raises: exceptions.DatabaseError - 数据库错误引发此异常 """ if page <= 0: page = 1 if perpage <= 0: perpage = 1 result = {} try: query =*perpage).limit(perpage) data = await peewee_async.execute(query) result["total"] = len(data) result["data"] = [] for line in data: result["data"].append(line.rasp_result_list) return result except asyncio.CancelledError as e: raise e except Exception as e: Logger().critical("DB method get_new_scan Fail!", exc_info=e) raise exceptions.DatabaseError
def monitor_fixture(): from core.components.runtime_info import RuntimeInfo RuntimeInfo._refresh_system_info = types.MethodType( _refresh_info_hook, RuntimeInfo) helper.reset_db() Communicator() Logger() ForkProxy() module_proc = modules.Process(modules.Monitor) module_proc.start() fork_proxy_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_fork_proxy) fork_proxy_proc.start() yield {"set_system_info": _set_system_info} root_proc = psutil.Process( fork_proc = psutil.Process( procs = root_proc.children(recursive=True) procs.append(fork_proc) procs.append(root_proc) try: for p in procs: p.terminate() p.wait(2) except Exception: raise Exception("Module process may not be killed success!") module_proc.join(3) fork_proxy_proc.join(3) helper.reset_db() Communicator.reset()
def _wait_child(signum, frame): """ 处理进程terminate信号 """ try: while True: cpid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) if cpid == 0: break exitcode = status >> 8 Logger().warning("Module process {} exit with exitcode {}".format(cpid, exitcode)) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECHILD: Logger().warning('Main process has no existing unwaited-for child processes.') else: Logger().error("Unknow error occurred in method _wait_child!", exc_info=e)
def get_plugin_info(self, plugin_path, class_prefix): """ 获取指定类型插件的plugin_info Parameters: plugin_path - str, 插件目录 Returns: list, 每个item为一个plugin_info dict """ result = [] plugin_names = [] plugin_import_path = plugin_path.replace(os.sep, ".") for file_name in os.listdir(plugin_path): if os.path.isfile(plugin_path + os.sep + file_name) and file_name.endswith(".py"): plugin_names.append(file_name[:-3]) for plugin_name in plugin_names: try: plugin_module = __import__(plugin_import_path, fromlist=[plugin_name]) except Exception as e: Logger().warning( "Error in import plugin: {}".format(plugin_name), exc_info=e) else: plugin_module = getattr(plugin_module, plugin_name) plugin_info = getattr(plugin_module, class_prefix + "Plugin").plugin_info result.append(plugin_info) return result
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ 初始化 """ # kwargs 参数初始化 self.target_host = kwargs["host"] self.target_port = kwargs["port"] self._init_scan_config() # 用于记录失败请求并标记 self.failed_task_set = set() Communicator().set_internal_shared("failed_task_set", self.failed_task_set) self.module_id = Communicator().get_module_name().split("_")[-1] Communicator().set_value("max_concurrent_request", 1) Communicator().set_value( "request_interval", Config().get_config("scanner.min_request_interval")) self._init_db() self._init_plugin() # 更新运行时配置 self._update_scan_config() Logger().info("Start scanning target host:{}:{}".format( self.target_host, self.target_port))
def _make_multipart(self): """ 构造multipart/form-data 类型的aiohttp请求参数 Returns: aiohttp.MultipartWriter实例 """ mpwriter = aiohttp.MultipartWriter('form-data') post_data = self.http_data["data"] for key in post_data: part = mpwriter.append(post_data[key]) part.set_content_disposition("form-data", name=key) part.headers.pop(aiohttp.hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH, None) part.headers.pop(aiohttp.hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, None) files = self.http_data["files"] for file_item in files: content_type = file_item.get("content_type", 'application/octet-stream') part = mpwriter.append(file_item["content"], {'CONTENT-TYPE': content_type}) part.set_content_disposition("form-data", filename=file_item["filename"], name=file_item["name"]) part.headers.pop(aiohttp.hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH, None) Logger().debug("Make multipart data from dict: {}".format(post_data)) return mpwriter