コード例 #1
def build(name, ask=True, **kwargs):
    Build the malicious mote to its target hardware.

    :param name: experiment name (or absolute path to experiment)
    :param ask: ask confirmation
    :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand'
    def is_device_present():
        with settings(hide(*HIDDEN_ALL), warn_only=True):
            return local(
                "if [ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 ]; then echo 'ok'; else echo 'nok'; fi",
                capture=True) == 'ok'

    console = kwargs.get('console')
    counter, interval = 0.0, 0.5
    while not is_device_present():
        counter += interval
        if counter % 5 == 0:
            logger.warning("Waiting for mote to be detected...")
        elif counter >= 120:
                "Something failed with the mote ; check that it mounts to /dev/ttyUSB0"
    remake(name, build=True, **
           kwargs) if console is None else console.do_remake(
               name, build=True, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
def get_constants_and_replacements(blocks):
    This function retrieves the constants and replacements corresponding to the building blocks provided in input.

    :param blocks: input building blocks
    :return: corresponding constants and replacements to be made in ContikiRPL files
    available_blocks = get_building_blocks()
    constants, replacements = {}, {}
    for block in blocks:
        for key, value in available_blocks[block].items():
            # e.g. {"RPL_CONF_MIN_HOPRANKINC": 128} will be collected in constants
            if key.upper() == key and not (key.endswith('.c')
                                           or key.endswith('.h')):
                if key in constants.keys():
                        " > Building-block '{}': '{}' is already set to {}".
                        format(block, key, value))
                    constants[key] = value
            # else, it is a replacement in a file, e.g. {"rpl-icmp6.c": ["dag->version", "dag->version++"]}
                if key in replacements.keys() and value[0] in [
                        srcl for srcl, dstl in replacements.values()
                        " > Building-block '{}': line '{}' is already replaced in {}"
                        .format(block, value[0], key))
                    replacements[key] = value
    return constants, replacements
コード例 #3
def get_parameter(dictionary, section, key, condition, reason=None, default=None):
    This function checks and returns a validated value for the given parameter.

    :param dictionary: dictionary of parameters
    :param section: section in the dictionary
    :param key: key of the related parameter
    :param condition: validation condition
    :param reason: message to be displayed in case of test failure
    :param default: default value to be used in last resort
    :return: validated parameter
    silent = dictionary.pop('silent', False)
    param = (dictionary.get(section) or {}).get(key) or DEFAULTS.get(key)
    if param is None and default is not None:
        param = default
    if isinstance(condition, list) and isinstance(param, list):
        buffer = []
        for p in param:
            if not condition[0](p):
                if not silent:
                    logger.warning("Parameter [{} -> {}] '{}' does not exist (removed)"
                                   .format(section, key, p))
        return buffer
        if not condition(param):
            if not silent:
                logger.warning("Parameter [{} -> {}] {} (set to default: {})"
                               .format(section, key, reason, DEFAULTS[key]))
            param = DEFAULTS[key]
        return param
コード例 #4
ファイル: rpla.py プロジェクト: dhondta/rpl-attacks
def get_constants_and_replacements(blocks):
    This function retrieves the constants and replacements corresponding to the building blocks provided in input.

    :param blocks: input building blocks
    :return: corresponding constants and replacements to be made in ContikiRPL files
    available_blocks = get_building_blocks()
    constants, replacements = {}, {}
    for block in blocks:
        for key, value in available_blocks[block].items():
            # e.g. {"RPL_CONF_MIN_HOPRANKINC": 128} will be collected in constants
            if key.upper() == key and not (key.endswith('.c') or key.endswith('.h')):
                if key in constants.keys():
                    logger.warning(" > Building-block '{}': '{}' is already set to {}".format(block, key, value))
                    constants[key] = value
            # else, it is a replacement in a file, e.g. {"rpl-icmp6.c": ["dag->version", "dag->version++"]}
                if key in replacements.keys() and value[0] in [srcl for srcl, dstl in replacements.values()]:
                    logger.warning(" > Building-block '{}': line '{}' is already replaced in {}"
                                   .format(block, value[0], key))
                    replacements[key] = value
    return constants, replacements
コード例 #5
ファイル: rpla.py プロジェクト: dhondta/rpl-attacks
def get_parameter(dictionary, section, key, condition, reason=None, default=None):
    This function checks and returns a validated value for the given parameter.

    :param dictionary: dictionary of parameters
    :param section: section in the dictionary
    :param key: key of the related parameter
    :param condition: validation condition
    :param reason: message to be displayed in case of test failure
    :param default: default value to be used in last resort
    :return: validated parameter
    silent = dictionary.pop('silent', False)
    param = (dictionary.get(section) or {}).get(key) or DEFAULTS.get(key)
    if param is None and default is not None:
        param = default
    if isinstance(condition, list) and isinstance(param, list):
        buffer = []
        for p in param:
            if not condition[0](p):
                if not silent:
                    logger.warning("Parameter [{} -> {}] '{}' does not exist (removed)"
                                   .format(section, key, p))
        return buffer
        if not condition(param):
            if not silent:
                logger.warning("Parameter [{} -> {}] {} (set to default: {})"
                               .format(section, key, reason, DEFAULTS[key]))
            param = DEFAULTS[key]
        return param
コード例 #6
ファイル: commands.py プロジェクト: bahmadh/rpl-attacks
def setup(silent=False, **kwargs):
    Setup the framework.
    recompile = False
    # install Cooja modifications
    if not check_cooja(COOJA_FOLDER):
        logger.debug(" > Installing Cooja add-ons...")
        # modify Cooja.java and adapt build.xml and ~/.cooja.user.properties
        recompile = True
    # install VisualizerScreenshot plugin in Cooja
    visualizer = join(COOJA_FOLDER, 'apps', 'visualizer_screenshot')
    if not exists(visualizer):
        logger.debug(" > Installing VisualizerScreenshot Cooja plugin...")
        copy_folder('src/visualizer_screenshot', visualizer)
        recompile = True
    # recompile Cooja for making the changes take effect
    if recompile:
        with lcd(COOJA_FOLDER):
            logger.debug(" > Recompiling Cooja...")
            with settings(warn_only=True):
                local("ant clean")
                local("ant jar")
        logger.debug(" > Cooja is up-to-date")
    # install imagemagick
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        imagemagick_apt_output = local('apt-cache policy imagemagick', capture=True)
        if 'Unable to locate package' in imagemagick_apt_output:
            logger.debug(" > Installing imagemagick package...")
            sudo("apt-get install imagemagick -y &")
            logger.debug(" > Imagemagick is installed")
    # install msp430 (GCC) upgrade
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        msp430_version_output = local('msp430-gcc --version', capture=True)
    if 'msp430-gcc (GCC) 4.7.0 20120322' not in msp430_version_output:
        txt = "In order to extend msp430x memory support, it is necessary to upgrade msp430-gcc.\n" \
              "Would you like to upgrade it now ? (yes|no) [default: no] "
        answer = std_input(txt, 'yellow')
        if answer == "yes":
            logger.debug(" > Upgrading msp430-gcc from version 4.6.3 to 4.7.0...")
            logger.warning("If you encounter problems with this upgrade, please refer to:\n"
            with lcd('src/'):
                logger.warning(" > Upgrade now starts, this may take up to 30 minutes...")
                sudo('rm -r tmp/')
                local('export PATH=/usr/local/msp430/bin:$PATH')
            logger.warning("Upgrade of library msp430-gcc aborted")
            logger.warning("You may experience problems of mote memory size at compilation")
        logger.debug(" > Library msp430-gcc is up-to-date (version 4.7.0)")
コード例 #7
 def graceful_exit(self):
     """ Exit handler for terminating the process pool gracefully. """
     if 'PENDING' in [x['status'] for x in self.tasklist.values()]:
         logger.info(" > Waiting for opened processes to finish...")
         logger.warning("Hit CTRL+C a second time to force process termination.")
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
             logger.info(" > Terminating opened processes...")
             for task_obj in self.tasklist.keys():
                 except TimeoutError:
コード例 #8
def get_experiments(exp_file, silent=False):
    This function retrieves the dictionary of experiments with their parameters from a JSON campaign file.

    :param exp_file: input JSON simulation campaign file
    :param silent: specify whether an eventual error is to be raised or not
    :return: dictionary with the parsed experiments and their parameters
    if dirname(exp_file) == '':
        exp_file = join(EXPERIMENT_FOLDER, exp_file)
    exp_file = expanduser(exp_file)
    if not exp_file.endswith(".json"):
        exp_file += ".json"
    if not exists(exp_file):
        logger.critical("Simulation campaign JSON file does not exist !")
        logger.warning("Make sure you've generated a JSON simulation campaign file by using 'prepare' fabric command.")
    return is_valid_commented_json(exp_file, return_json=True, logger=logger if not silent else None) or {}
コード例 #9
ファイル: rpla.py プロジェクト: dhondta/rpl-attacks
def get_experiments(exp_file, silent=False):
    This function retrieves the dictionary of experiments with their parameters from a JSON campaign file.

    :param exp_file: input JSON simulation campaign file
    :param silent: specify whether an eventual error is to be raised or not
    :return: dictionary with the parsed experiments and their parameters
    if dirname(exp_file) == '':
        exp_file = join(EXPERIMENT_FOLDER, exp_file)
    exp_file = expanduser(exp_file)
    if not exp_file.endswith(".json"):
        exp_file += ".json"
    if not exists(exp_file):
        logger.critical("Simulation campaign JSON file does not exist !")
        logger.warning("Make sure you've generated a JSON simulation campaign file by using 'prepare' fabric command.")
    return is_valid_commented_json(exp_file, return_json=True, logger=logger if not silent else None) or {}
コード例 #10
ファイル: rpla.py プロジェクト: bahmadh/rpl-attacks
def get_experiments(exp_file):
    This function retrieves the dictionary of experiments with their parameters from a JSON campaign file.

    :param exp_file: input JSON simulation campaign file
    :return: dictionary with the parsed experiments and their parameters
    if dirname(exp_file) == '':
        exp_file = join(EXPERIMENT_FOLDER, exp_file)
    exp_file = expanduser(exp_file)
    if not exp_file.endswith(".json"):
        exp_file += ".json"
    if not exists(exp_file):
        logger.critical("Simulation campaign JSON file does not exist !")
            "Make sure you've generated a JSON simulation campaign file by using 'prepare' fabric command."
    with open(exp_file) as f:
        experiments = loads(jsmin(f.read()))
    return experiments
コード例 #11
 def graceful_exit(self):
     """ Exit handler for terminating the process pool gracefully. """
     if 'PENDING' in [x['status'] for x in self.tasklist.values()]:
         logger.info(" > Waiting for opened processes to finish...")
             "Hit CTRL+C a second time to force process termination.")
             for task_obj in self.tasklist.keys():
                 # see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1408356/keyboard-interrupts-with-pythons-multiprocessing-pool
                 #  "The KeyboardInterrupt exception won't be delivered until wait() returns, and it never returns,
                 #   so the interrupt never happens. KeyboardInterrupt should almost certainly interrupt a condition
                 #   wait. Note that this doesn't happen if a timeout is specified; cond.wait(1) will receive the
                 #   interrupt immediately. So, a workaround is to specify a timeout."
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
             logger.info(" > Terminating opened processes...")
             for task_obj in self.tasklist.keys():
     if not self.already_running:
コード例 #12
ファイル: decorators.py プロジェクト: yusi222/rpl-attacks
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            This is the wrapper for the 'command' decorator, handling the following execution flow :
             - It first determines if this command is used with a console
             - In case of console, it performs a lexical analysis
             - Anyway, it performs a signature checking
             - It handles 'expand' parameter
             - It then handles 'exists' and 'not_exists' (in this order)
             - It finally selects the right behavior using 'behavior'

            # specific argument existence check through the 'not_exists' and 'exists' attributes
            def get_ask():
                if attrs['on_boolean'] in kwargs.keys():
                    return kwargs[attrs['on_boolean']]
                    param = sig.parameters[attrs['on_boolean']]
                        return args[list(sig.parameters.values()).index(param)]
                    except (
                            IndexError, ValueError
                    ):  # occurs if 'ask' was not specified in the arguments ;
                        #                                in this case, take the default value from the signature
                        return param.default
                except KeyError:  # occurs if no 'ask' parameter is in the signature
                    return False

            # log message formatting with specified arguments from 'args' or 'kwargs'
            def log_msg(lvl, msg):
                if kwargs.get('silent'):
                if isinstance(msg, tuple):
                    values = []
                    for a in msg[1:]:
                        except KeyError:
                            value = kwargs.get(a)
                            if value is not None:
                    getattr(logger, lvl)(msg[0].format(*values))
                    getattr(logger, lvl)(msg)

            console = args[0] if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0],
                                                              Cmd) else None
            if console is not None:
                kwargs['console'] = console
            # lexical analysis
            if len(args) > 1 and console is not None:
                line = args[1]
                kwargs_tmp = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
                args, kwargs = lexer.analyze(line)
                if args is None and kwargs is None:
                            "Invalid", '{} {}'.format(f.__name__, line)))
            # bad signature check
            sig = signature(f)
            args = () if args == (
            ) else args  # occurs in case of Cmd ; an empty 'line' can be passed if a
            #                                           command is called without any argument
            # - first, exclude variable arguments and keyword-arguments
            no_var_args = [
                p for p in list(sig.parameters.values())
                if not str(p).startswith('*')
            # - then, retrieve arguments without default values
            no_def_args = [p for p in no_var_args if p.default is not p.empty]
            # - now, if less input arguments are provided than the number of arguments without default value,
            #    display an error
            if len(args) < len(no_var_args) - len(no_def_args):
                logger.critical("Bad input arguments !")
                    "This command has the following signature: {}{}".format(
                        str(sig).replace(', **kwargs', '')))
                    "Please check the documentation for more information.")
            # expand a specified argument to a path
            if hasattr(f, 'expand'):
                arg, attrs = f.expand
                arg_idx = list(sig.parameters.keys()).index(arg)
                    expanded = expanduser(join(attrs['into'], args[arg_idx]))
                except IndexError:  # occurs when arg_idx out of range of args, meaning that the argument to be
                    #  expanded was not provided
                # if an extension was provided and the file path does not end with it, just append it
                if attrs.get('ext') and not expanded.endswith("." +
                    expanded += "." + attrs['ext']
                # the expanded argument must not be saved to a new argument name, just replace its old value
                if attrs.get('new_arg') is None:
                    args = tuple([
                        a if i != arg_idx else expanded
                        for i, a in enumerate(args)
                # otherwise, create the new argument if the name is not used yet
                elif attrs['new_arg'] not in list(sig.parameters.keys()):
                    kwargs[attrs['new_arg']] = expanded if attrs.get(
                        'apply') is None else attrs['apply'](expanded)
                # when no 'path' kwarg is set, it must be added based on the direcotory name of the expanded arg
                if 'path' not in kwargs.keys():
                    kwargs['path'] = dirname(expanded)
            # if next commands require sudo, prompt now for privilege elevation
            if getattr(f, 'requires_sudo', False):
                system('sudo ls > /dev/null')
            # check for existence (or not) and ask for a confirmation to continue if required
            for fattr in ['exists', 'not_exists']:
                if hasattr(f, fattr):
                    arg, attrs = getattr(f, fattr)
                        arg_val = args[list(sig.parameters.keys()).index(arg)]
                    except ValueError:
                        arg_val = kwargs[arg]
                    if (fattr == 'exists'
                            and exists(arg_val)) or (fattr == 'not_exists'
                                                     and not exists(arg_val)):
                        if 'loglvl' in attrs.keys() and 'msg' in attrs.keys():
                            log_msg(attrs['loglvl'], attrs['msg'])
                        if attrs.get('loglvl') in ('error', 'critical') or \
                                ((attrs.get('loglvl') in ('warning', 'info') or fattr == 'exists') and
                                 get_ask() and attrs.get('confirm') is not None and
                                 not std_input(attrs['confirm'], 'yellow') == 'yes'):
            # run the command and catch exception if any
            if console is not None and len(args) > 0:
                pending_tasks = {
                    i['name']: str(o)
                    for o, i in console.tasklist.items()
                    if i['status'] == 'PENDING'
                if args[0] not in pending_tasks.keys():
                    if hasattr(f, 'start_msg'):
                        log_msg('info', f.start_msg)
                    kwargs['task'] = f.__name__.lstrip('_')
                        console, f.__base__
                        if f.behavior is MultiprocessedCommand else f, args[0],
                        kwargs.get('path')).run(*args, **kwargs)
                        "A task is still pending on this experiment ({})".
                if hasattr(f, 'start_msg'):
                    log_msg('info', f.start_msg)
                f(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #13
ファイル: decorators.py プロジェクト: bahmadh/rpl-attacks
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            This is the wrapper for the 'command' decorator, handling the following execution flow :
             - It first determines if this command is used with a console
             - In case of console, it performs a lexical analysis
             - Anyway, it performs a signature checking
             - It handles 'expand' parameter
             - It then handles 'exists' and 'not_exists' (in this order)
             - It finally selects the right behavior using 'behavior'
            # specific argument existence check through the 'not_exists' and 'exists' attributes
            def get_ask():
                if attrs['on_boolean'] in kwargs.keys():
                    return kwargs[attrs['on_boolean']]
                    param = sig.parameters[attrs['on_boolean']]
                        return args[list(sig.parameters.values()).index(param)]
                    except (IndexError, ValueError):  # occurs if 'ask' was not specified in the arguments ;
                        #                                in this case, take the default value from the signature
                        return param.default
                except KeyError:  # occurs if no 'ask' parameter is in the signature
                    return False

            # log message formatting with specified arguments from 'args' or 'kwargs'
            def log_msg(lvl, msg):
                if kwargs.get('silent'):
                if isinstance(msg, tuple):
                    values = []
                    for a in msg[1:]:
                        except KeyError:
                            value = kwargs.get(a)
                            if value is not None:
                    getattr(logger, lvl)(msg[0].format(*values))
                    getattr(logger, lvl)(msg)

            console = args[0] if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Cmd) else None
            if console is not None:
                kwargs['console'] = console
            # lexical analysis
            if len(args) > 1 and console is not None:
                line = args[1]
                kwargs_tmp = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
                args, kwargs = lexer.analyze(line)
                if args is None and kwargs is None:
                    print(console.badcmd_msg.format("Invalid", '{} {}'.format(f.__name__, line)))
            # bad signature check
            sig = signature(f)
            args = () if args == ('',) else args     # occurs in case of Cmd ; an empty 'line' can be passed if a
            #                                           command is called without any argument
            # - first, exclude variable arguments and keyword-arguments
            no_var_args = [p for p in list(sig.parameters.values()) if not str(p).startswith('*')]
            # - then, retrieve arguments without default values
            no_def_args = [p for p in no_var_args if p.default is not p.empty]
            # - now, if less input arguments are provided than the number of arguments without default value,
            #    display an error
            if len(args) < len(no_var_args) - len(no_def_args):
                logger.critical("Bad input arguments !")
                logger.info("This command has the following signature: {}{}"
                            .format(f.__name__, str(sig).replace(', **kwargs', '')))
                logger.info("Please check the documentation for more information.")
            # expand a specified argument to a path
            if hasattr(f, 'expand'):
                arg, attrs = f.expand
                arg_idx = list(sig.parameters.keys()).index(arg)
                    expanded = expanduser(join(attrs['into'], args[arg_idx]))
                except IndexError:  # occurs when arg_idx out of range of args, meaning that the argument to be
                    #                  expanded was not provided
                if attrs.get('ext') and not expanded.endswith("." + attrs['ext']):
                    expanded += "." + attrs['ext']
                if attrs.get('new_arg') is None:
                    args = tuple([a if i != arg_idx else expanded for i, a in enumerate(args)])
                elif attrs['new_arg'] not in list(sig.parameters.keys()):
                    kwargs[attrs['new_arg']] = expanded if attrs.get('apply') is None else attrs['apply'](expanded)
            # check for existence (or not) and ask for a confirmation to continue if required
            for fattr in ['exists', 'not_exists']:
                if hasattr(f, fattr):
                    arg, attrs = getattr(f, fattr)
                        arg_val = args[list(sig.parameters.keys()).index(arg)]
                    except ValueError:
                        arg_val = kwargs[arg]
                    if (fattr == 'exists' and exists(arg_val)) or (fattr == 'not_exists' and not exists(arg_val)):
                        if 'loglvl' in attrs.keys() and 'msg' in attrs.keys():
                            log_msg(attrs['loglvl'], attrs['msg'])
                        if attrs.get('loglvl') in ('error', 'critical') or \
                                ((attrs.get('loglvl') in ('warning', 'info') or fattr == 'exists') and
                                 get_ask() and attrs.get('confirm') is not None and
                                 not std_input(attrs['confirm'], 'yellow') == 'yes'):
            # run the command and catch exception if any
            if console is not None and len(args) > 0:
                pending_tasks = {i['name']: str(o) for o, i in console.tasklist.items() if i['status'] == 'PENDING'}
                if args[0] not in pending_tasks.keys():
                    if hasattr(f, 'start_msg'):
                        log_msg('info', f.start_msg)
                    f.behavior(console, f.__base__ if f.behavior is MultiprocessedCommand else f, args[0]) \
                        .run(*args, **kwargs)
                    logger.warning("A task is still pending on this experiment ({})".format(pending_tasks[args[0]]))
                if hasattr(f, 'start_msg'):
                    log_msg('info', f.start_msg)
                f(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #14
def setup(silent=False, **kwargs):
    Setup the framework.
    recompile = False
    # adapt IPv6 debug mode
    # install Cooja modifications
    if not check_cooja(COOJA_FOLDER):
        logger.debug(" > Installing Cooja add-ons...")
        # modify Cooja.java and adapt build.xml and ~/.cooja.user.properties
        recompile = True
    # install VisualizerScreenshot plugin in Cooja
    visualizer = join(COOJA_FOLDER, 'apps', 'visualizer_screenshot')
    if not exists(visualizer):
        logger.debug(" > Installing VisualizerScreenshot Cooja plugin...")
        copy_folder('src/visualizer_screenshot', visualizer)
        recompile = True
    # recompile Cooja for making the changes take effect
    if recompile:
        with lcd(CONTIKI_FOLDER):
            local('git submodule update --init')
        with lcd(COOJA_FOLDER):
            logger.debug(" > Recompiling Cooja...")
            with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
                for cmd in ["clean", "jar"]:
                    output = local("ant {}".format(cmd), capture=True)
                    info, error = False, False
                    for line in output.split('\n'):
                        if line.strip() == "":
                            info, error = False, False
                        elif line.startswith("BUILD"):
                            info, error = "SUCCESSFUL" in line, "FAILED" in line
                        if info or error:
                                logger, "debug" if info else
                                "error" if error else "warn")(line)
        logger.debug(" > Cooja is up-to-date")
    # install imagemagick
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        imagemagick_apt_output = local('apt-cache policy imagemagick',
        if 'Unable to locate package' in imagemagick_apt_output:
            logger.debug(" > Installing imagemagick package...")
            local('sudo apt-get install imagemagick -y &')
            logger.debug(" > Imagemagick is installed")
    # install msp430 (GCC) upgrade
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        msp430_version_output = local('msp430-gcc --version', capture=True)
    if 'msp430-gcc (GCC) 4.7.0 20120322' not in msp430_version_output:
        txt = "In order to extend msp430x memory support, it is necessary to upgrade msp430-gcc.\n" \
              "Would you like to upgrade it now ? (yes|no) [default: no] "
        if silent or std_input(txt, 'yellow') == "yes":
                " > Upgrading msp430-gcc from version 4.6.3 to 4.7.0...")
                "If you encounter problems with this upgrade, please refer to:\n"
            with lcd('src/'):
                    " > Upgrade now starts, this may take up to 30 minutes...")
                local('sudo ./upgrade-msp430.sh')
                local('sudo rm -r tmp/')
                local('export PATH=/usr/local/msp430/bin:$PATH')
            logger.warning("Upgrade of library msp430-gcc aborted")
                "You may experience problems of mote memory size at compilation"
        logger.debug(" > Library msp430-gcc is up-to-date (version 4.7.0)")
    # create a new desktop shortcut for the framework
    desktop = expanduser('~/Desktop')
    shortcut = join(desktop, 'rpl-attacks-framework.desktop')
    if not exists(desktop):
    if not exists(shortcut):
        with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
            local('sudo cp {} /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/'.format(
                join(FRAMEWORK_FOLDER, 'src/rpla-icon.svg')))
            local('sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor')
        with open(shortcut, 'w+') as f:
        chmod(shortcut, int('775', 8))
        logger.debug(" > Desktop shortcut created")
        logger.debug(" > Desktop shortcut already exists")
コード例 #15
ファイル: commands.py プロジェクト: bahmadh/rpl-attacks
def setup(silent=False, **kwargs):
    Setup the framework.
    recompile = False
    # install Cooja modifications
    if not check_cooja(COOJA_FOLDER):
        logger.debug(" > Installing Cooja add-ons...")
        # modify Cooja.java and adapt build.xml and ~/.cooja.user.properties
        recompile = True
    # install VisualizerScreenshot plugin in Cooja
    visualizer = join(COOJA_FOLDER, 'apps', 'visualizer_screenshot')
    if not exists(visualizer):
        logger.debug(" > Installing VisualizerScreenshot Cooja plugin...")
        copy_folder('src/visualizer_screenshot', visualizer)
        recompile = True
    # recompile Cooja for making the changes take effect
    if recompile:
        with lcd(COOJA_FOLDER):
            logger.debug(" > Recompiling Cooja...")
            with settings(warn_only=True):
                local("ant clean")
                local("ant jar")
        logger.debug(" > Cooja is up-to-date")
    # install imagemagick
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        imagemagick_apt_output = local('apt-cache policy imagemagick',
        if 'Unable to locate package' in imagemagick_apt_output:
            logger.debug(" > Installing imagemagick package...")
            sudo("apt-get install imagemagick -y &")
            logger.debug(" > Imagemagick is installed")
    # install msp430 (GCC) upgrade
    with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL):
        msp430_version_output = local('msp430-gcc --version', capture=True)
    if 'msp430-gcc (GCC) 4.7.0 20120322' not in msp430_version_output:
        txt = "In order to extend msp430x memory support, it is necessary to upgrade msp430-gcc.\n" \
              "Would you like to upgrade it now ? (yes|no) [default: no] "
        answer = std_input(txt, 'yellow')
        if answer == "yes":
                " > Upgrading msp430-gcc from version 4.6.3 to 4.7.0...")
                "If you encounter problems with this upgrade, please refer to:\n"
            with lcd('src/'):
                    " > Upgrade now starts, this may take up to 30 minutes...")
                sudo('rm -r tmp/')
                local('export PATH=/usr/local/msp430/bin:$PATH')
            logger.warning("Upgrade of library msp430-gcc aborted")
                "You may experience problems of mote memory size at compilation"
        logger.debug(" > Library msp430-gcc is up-to-date (version 4.7.0)")