コード例 #1
ファイル: phpinfo.py プロジェクト: DavisHevin/sqli_benchmark
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
        For every directory, fetch a list of files and analyze the response.
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
        self._new_fuzzable_requests = []

        for domain_path in urlParser.getDirectories(fuzzableRequest.getURL() ):

            if domain_path not in self._analyzed_dirs:

                # Save the domain_path so I know I'm not working in vane
                self._analyzed_dirs.append( domain_path )

                # Work!
                for php_info_filename in self._get_PHP_infofile():

                    #   Send the requests using threads:
                    targs = ( domain_path, php_info_filename, )
                    self._tm.startFunction( target=self._check_and_analyze, args=targs , ownerObj=self )
                # Wait for all threads to finish
                self._tm.join( self )
        return self._new_fuzzable_requests
コード例 #2
    def _generate_paths(self, url, uploaded_file_name):
        @parameter url: A URL where the uploaded_file_name could be
        @parameter uploaded_file_name: The name of the file that was uploaded to the server
        @return: A list of paths where the file could be.
        tmp = ['uploads', 'upload', 'file', 'user', 'files', 'downloads', 
               'download', 'up', 'down']

        for default_path in tmp:
            for path in urlParser.getDirectories(url):
                possible_loc = path + default_path + '/'  + uploaded_file_name
                yield possible_loc
コード例 #3
    def _find_OS( self, fuzzableRequest ):
        Analyze responses and determine if remote web server runs on windows or *nix
        @Return: None, the knowledge is saved in the knowledgeBase
        dirs = urlParser.getDirectories( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )
        filename = urlParser.getFileName( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )
        if len( dirs ) > 1 and filename:
            last = dirs[-1]
            windowsURL = last[0:-1] + '\\' + filename
            windows_response = self._urlOpener.GET( windowsURL )
            original_response = self._urlOpener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )
            self._found_OS = True

            if relative_distance_ge(original_response.getBody(),
                                    windows_response.getBody(), 0.98):
                i = info.info()
                i.setName('Operating system')
                i.setURL( windows_response.getURL() )
                i.setMethod( 'GET' )
                i.setDesc('Fingerprinted this host as a Microsoft Windows system.' )
                i.setId( [windows_response.id, original_response.id] )
                kb.kb.append( self, 'operating_system_str', 'windows' )
                kb.kb.append( self, 'operating_system', i )
                om.out.information( i.getDesc() )
                i = info.info()
                i.setName('Operating system')
                i.setURL( original_response.getURL() )
                i.setMethod( 'GET' )
                msg = 'Fingerprinted this host as a *nix system. Detection for this operating'
                msg += ' system is weak, "if not windows: is linux".'
                i.setDesc( msg )
                i.setId( [original_response.id, windows_response.id] )
                kb.kb.append( self, 'operating_system_str', 'unix' )
                kb.kb.append( self, 'operating_system', i )
                om.out.information( i.getDesc() )
コード例 #4
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
        For every directory, fetch a list of files and analyze the response.
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
        fuzzable_return_value = []
        if not self._exec:
            # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
            raise w3afRunOnce()
            # Run the plugin.
            self._exec = False

        for domain_path in urlParser.getDirectories(fuzzableRequest.getURL() ):

            if domain_path not in self._analyzed_dirs:

                # Save the domain_path so I know I'm not working in vane
                self._analyzed_dirs.add( domain_path )

                # Request the file
                frontpage_info_url = urlParser.urlJoin(  domain_path , "_vti_inf.html" )
                    response = self._urlOpener.GET( frontpage_info_url, useCache=True )
                    om.out.debug( '[frontpage_version] Testing "' + frontpage_info_url + '".' )
                except w3afException,  w3:
                    msg = 'Failed to GET Frontpage Server _vti_inf.html file: "'
                    msg += frontpage_info_url + '". Exception: "' + str(w3) + '".'
                    om.out.debug( msg )
                    # Check if it's a Fronpage Info file
                    if not is_404( response ):
                        fuzzable_return_value.extend( self._createFuzzableRequests( response ) )
                        self._analyze_response( response )
                        return fuzzable_return_value
コード例 #5
                    # Note:
                    # - With parsed_references I'm 100% that it's really something in the HTML
                    # that the developer intended to add.
                    # - The re_references are the result of regular expressions, which in some cases
                    # are just false positives.
                    parsed_references, re_references = documentParser.getReferences()

                    # I also want to analyze all directories, if the URL I just fetched is:
                    # http://localhost/a/b/c/f00.php I want to GET:
                    # http://localhost/a/b/c/
                    # http://localhost/a/b/
                    # http://localhost/a/
                    # http://localhost/
                    # And analyze the responses...
                    directories = urlParser.getDirectories(response.getURL())
                    parsed_references = list(set(parsed_references))

                    references = parsed_references + re_references
                    references = list(set(references))

                    # Filter only the references that are inside the target domain
                    # I don't want w3af sending request to 3rd parties!
                    references = [r for r in references if urlParser.getDomain(r) == self._target_domain]

                    # Filter the URL's according to the configured regular expressions
                    references = [r for r in references if self._compiled_follow_re.match(r)]
                    references = [r for r in references if not self._compiled_ignore_re.match(r)]

                    # work with the parsed references and report broken links