コード例 #1
ファイル: bing_spider.py プロジェクト: 1d3df9903ad/w3af
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest):
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains
                                    (among other things) the URL to test.
        if not self._run:
            # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be run.
            raise w3afRunOnce()

        # I will only run this one time. All calls to bing_spider return the same url's
        self._run = False
        bingSE = bing(self._uri_opener)
        domain = fuzzableRequest.getURL().getDomain()

        if is_private_site(domain):
            msg = 'There is no point in searching Bing for "site:'+ domain + '".'
            msg += ' Bing doesnt index private pages.'
            raise w3afException( msg )

        results = bingSE.getNResults('site:'+ domain, self._resultLimit)

        for res in results:
            self._run_async(meth=self._genFuzzableRequests, args=(res.URL,))

        return self._fuzzableRequests
コード例 #2
ファイル: fingerBing.py プロジェクト: 1d3df9903ad/w3af
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest):
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains 
        (among other things) the URL to test.
        result = []
        # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be run.
        if not self._run:
            raise w3afRunOnce()

        # This plugin will only run one time. 
        self._run = False
        bingSE = bing(self._uri_opener)
        self._domain = fuzzableRequest.getURL().getDomain()
        self._domain_root = fuzzableRequest.getURL().getRootDomain()

        results = bingSE.getNResults('@'+self._domain_root, self._resultLimit)

        for result in results:
            self._run_async(meth=self._findAccounts, args=(result,))
        self.printUniq(kb.kb.getData('fingerBing', 'mails'), None)
        return result
コード例 #3
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest):
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
        result = []
        # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
        if not self._run:
            raise w3afRunOnce()

        # This plugin will only run one time. 
        self._run = False
        bingSE = bing(self._urlOpener)
        self._domain = domain = urlParser.getDomain(fuzzableRequest.getURL())
        self._domainRoot = urlParser.getRootDomain(domain)

        results = bingSE.getNResults('@'+self._domainRoot, self._resultLimit)

        for result in results:
            targs = (result,)
            self._tm.startFunction(target=self._findAccounts, args=targs, ownerObj=self)

        self.printUniq(kb.kb.getData('fingerBing', 'mails'), None)
        return result
コード例 #4
 def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
     @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
     if not self._run:
         # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
         raise w3afRunOnce()
         # I will only run this one time. All calls to sharedHosting return the same url's
         self._run = False
         bing_wrapper = bing( self._urlOpener )
         domain = urlParser.getDomain( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )
         if is_private_site( domain ):
             msg = 'sharedHosting plugin is not checking for subdomains for domain: '
             msg += domain + ' because its a private address.' 
             # Get the ip and do the search
             addrinfo = None
                 addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(domain, 0)
                 raise w3afException('Could not resolve hostname: ' + domain )
             ip_address_list = [info[4][0] for info in addrinfo]
             ip_address_list = list( set(ip_address_list) )
             # This is the best way to search, one by one!
             for ip_address in ip_address_list:
                 results = bing_wrapper.getNResults('ip:'+ ip_address, self._result_limit )
                 results = [ urlParser.baseUrl( r.URL ) for r in results ]
                 results = list( set( results ) )
                 # not vuln by default
                 is_vulnerable = False
                 if len(results) > 1:
                     # We may have something...
                     is_vulnerable = True
                     if len(results) == 2:
                         # Maybe we have this case:
                         # [Mon 09 Jun 2008 01:08:26 PM ART] -
                         # [Mon 09 Jun 2008 01:08:26 PM ART] - http://www.business.com/
                         # Where www.business.com resolves to; so we don't really
                         # have more than one domain in the same server.
                         res0 = socket.gethostbyname( urlParser.getDomain( results[0] ) )
                         res1 = socket.gethostbyname( urlParser.getDomain( results[1] ) )
                         if res0 == res1:
                             is_vulnerable = False
                 if is_vulnerable:
                     severityOfThisVuln = severity.MEDIUM
                     v = vuln.vuln()
                     v['alsoInHosting'] = results
                     msg = 'The web application under test seems to be in a shared hosting. '
                     msg += 'This list of domains, and the domain of the web application under '
                     msg += 'test, all point to the same IP address (%s):\n' % ip_address
                     for url in results:
                         domain = urlParser.getDomain(url)
                         msg += '- %s\n' % url
                         kb.kb.append( self, 'domains', domain)
                     v.setDesc( msg )
                     v.setName( 'Shared hosting' )
                     om.out.vulnerability( msg, severity=severityOfThisVuln )
                     kb.kb.append( self, 'sharedHosting', v )
     return []