コード例 #1
    def create_sample_graph(data1: np.ndarray, data2: np.ndarray) -> Graph:
        graph = Graph()

        # input
        x = Input('placeholder', [1, 5, 5, 3], Float32())

        # Conv1
        w1 = Constant('weight1', Float32(), data1)
        conv1 = Conv('conv1', [1, 4, 4, 3], Float32(), {'X': x, 'W': w1}, kernel_shape=[2, 2])

        # activation quantizer
        s1 = Constant('aq_const1', Int32(), np.array([2], dtype=np.int32))
        s2 = Constant('aq_const2', Float32(), np.array([2.0], dtype=np.float32))
        aq1 = QTZ_linear_mid_tread_half('aqtz1', [1, 4, 4, 3], Float32(), {'X': conv1, 'Y': s1, 'Z': s2})

        # Conv2
        w2 = Constant('weight2', Float32(), data2)
        kq = QTZ_binary_mean_scaling('kqtz1', [1, 2, 2, 3], Float32(), {'input': w2})
        conv2 = Conv('conv2', [1, 3, 3, 3], Float32(), {'X': aq1, 'W': kq}, kernel_shape=[2, 2])
        conv2.a_quantizer = [aq1]
        conv2.quantizer = kq
        conv2.is_quantized = True

        sc = Constant('bn_scale', Float32(), np.random.rand(3))
        be = Constant('bn_b', Float32(), np.random.rand(3))
        mu = Constant('bn_mu', Float32(), np.random.rand(3))
        va = Constant('bn_var', Float32(), np.random.rand(3))
        bn = BatchNormalization('bn', [1, 3, 3, 3], Float32(), {'X': conv2,
                                                                'scale': sc,
                                                                'B': be,
                                                                'mean': mu,
                                                                'var': va})

        # activation quantizer
        s3 = Constant('aq_const3', Int32(), np.array([2], dtype=np.int32))
        s4 = Constant('aq_const4', Float32(), np.array([2.0], dtype=np.float32))
        aq2 = QTZ_linear_mid_tread_half('aqtz2', [1, 3, 3, 3], Float32(), {'X': bn, 'Y': s3, 'Z': s4})

        # One output
        y = Output('output', [1, 3, 3, 3], Float32(), {'input': aq2})

        # add ops to the graph

        return graph
コード例 #2
ファイル: tf.py プロジェクト: ki-lm/blueoil
from core.data_types import DataType, Float32, Float64, Int8, Int16, Int32, \
    Int64, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Bool, String
from core.exceptions import UnsupportedNode, UnsupportedDataType
from core.graph import Graph
from core.operators import Operator, Conv, Identity, QTZ_binary_mean_scaling, \
    BatchNormalization, QTZ_linear_mid_tread_half, Add, \
    MaxPool, AveragePool, Reshape, Softmax, Transpose, Relu, SpaceToDepth, \
    Mul, QTZ_binary_channel_wise_mean_scaling, ConcatOnDepth, Maximum, DepthToSpace, ResizeNearestNeighbor, \
    Split, Pad, MatMul, Gather, Unique, Cast, Minimum, StridedSlice, Prod, Shape, LeakyRelu

DLK_DTYPE_MAP: Dict[str, Optional[DataType]] = {
    # any
    'DT_INVALID': Float32,
    # primitives
    'DT_FLOAT': Float32(),
    'DT_INT32': Int32(),
    'DT_UINT8': Uint8(),
    'DT_INT8': Int8(),
    'DT_UINT16': Uint16(),
    'DT_INT16': Int16(),
    'DT_INT64': Int64(),
    'f': Float32(),
    'i': Int32(),

    # primitive vector
    'FLOATS': None,
    'INTS': None,

    # custom
    'DT_BOOL': Bool(),
    'DT_STRING': String(),
コード例 #3
    Int64, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Bool, String
from core.exceptions import UnsupportedNode, UnsupportedDataType
from core.operators import Operator, Conv, Identity, QTZ_binary_mean_scaling, \
    BatchNormalization, QTZ_linear_mid_tread_half, Add, \
    Pool, MaxPool, AveragePool, Reshape, Softmax, Transpose
import core.operators as dlk_op
import numpy as np
import importlib
import functools

DLK_DTYPE_MAP: Dict[str, Optional[DataType]] = {
    # any
    'UNDEFINED': None,
    # primitives
    'FLOAT': Float32(),
    'INT': Int32(),
    'UINT8': Uint8(),
    'INT8': Int8(),
    'UINT16': Uint16(),
    'INT16': Int16(),
    'INT32': Int32(),
    'INT64': Int64(),
    'f': Float32(),
    'i': Int32(),

    # primitive vector
    'FLOATS': None,
    'INTS': None,

    # custom
    'BOOL': Bool(),