def save(self): database.execute( "INSERT INTO pending_matches " "(message_id, player1, player2, time) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (self.message_id, self.player1, self.player2, self.time)) database.commit()
async def update_displayname(self, ctx, *name): name = " ".join(name).strip() if database.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM players WHERE id = ? AND platforms <> '')", (, )).fetchone()[0] == 0: await ctx.send("You are not registered yet.") return if name == "": database.execute( "UPDATE players SET display_name = NULL WHERE id = ?", (, )) database.commit() await ctx.send("Cleared display name.") else: if database.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM players WHERE display_name = ?)", (name, )).fetchone()[0] == 1: await ctx.send( f"The display name \"{utils.escape_markdown(name)}\" is already in use by another player." ) return database.execute( "UPDATE players SET display_name = ? WHERE id = ?", (name, database.commit() await ctx.send( f"Display name set to \"{utils.escape_markdown(name)}\".")
async def process_match_complete(self, match): player1 = match.player1_data old_rating1 = glicko2.Rating(player1["rating_mu"], player1["rating_phi"], player1["rating_sigma"]) player2 = match.player2_data old_rating2 = glicko2.Rating(player2["rating_mu"], player2["rating_phi"], player2["rating_sigma"]) if match.player1_score > match.player2_score: new_rating1, new_rating2 = (glicko2.Glicko2().rate_1vs1( old_rating1, old_rating2)) else: new_rating2, new_rating1 = (glicko2.Glicko2().rate_1vs1( old_rating2, old_rating1)) cursor = database.execute( """ INSERT INTO matches ( player1, player2, player1_score, player2_score, player1_old_mu, player1_old_phi, player1_old_sigma, player1_new_mu, player1_new_phi, player1_new_sigma, player2_old_mu, player2_old_phi, player2_old_sigma, player2_new_mu, player2_new_phi, player2_new_sigma ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """, (player1["id"], player2["id"], match.player1_score, match.player2_score,, old_rating1.phi, old_rating1.sigma,, new_rating1.phi, new_rating1.sigma,, old_rating2.phi, old_rating2.sigma,, new_rating2.phi, new_rating2.sigma)) database.commit() embed = discord.Embed(type="rich", title="Match recorded", color=0x00E323) await match_message_helper.add_report_field( embed, player1, match.player1_score,, old_rating1.phi,, new_rating1.phi) await match_message_helper.add_report_field( embed, player2, match.player2_score,, old_rating2.phi,, new_rating2.phi) embed.set_footer(text=f"Match ID: {cursor.lastrowid}") await self.output_channel.send(embed=embed) await utils.update_role(match.player1,, old_rating1.phi,, new_rating1.phi) await utils.update_role(match.player2,, old_rating2.phi,, new_rating2.phi) await self.cleanup_for_match(match)
async def cleanup_for_match(self, match): database.execute("DELETE FROM pending_matches WHERE message_id = ?", (match.message_id, )) database.commit() self.message_map.pop(match.message_id) self.player_map.pop(match.player1) self.player_map.pop(match.player2) await (await self.announcement_channel.fetch_message(match.message_id )).clear_reactions()
async def process_player(self, player, flag, embed): old_rating = glicko2.Rating(player["rating_mu"], player["rating_phi"], player["rating_sigma"]) new_rating = old_rating if flag != 0 else \ glicko2.Glicko2().rate_1vs1(old_rating, old_rating)[1] database.execute( "UPDATE players " "SET rating_mu = ?, rating_phi = ?, rating_sigma = ? " "WHERE id = ?", (, new_rating.phi, new_rating.sigma, player["id"])) database.commit() await match_message_helper.add_report_field(embed, player, None,, old_rating.phi,, new_rating.phi)
async def update_username(self, ctx, platform, *name): platform = platform.casefold() if not platform in utils.platform_name_mapping: await ctx.send( "You need to provide a valid platform that is one of the following: " + ", ".join(utils.platform_names) + ".") return name = " ".join(name).strip() player = database.execute( "SELECT platforms FROM players WHERE id = ? AND platforms <> ''", (, )).fetchone() if player is None: await ctx.send("You are not registered yet.") return if platform not in player[0].split(): await ctx.send( f"You are not signed up for {utils.format_platform_name(platform)}." ) return if name == "": database.execute( f"UPDATE players SET username_{platform} = NULL WHERE id = ?", (, )) database.commit() await ctx.send( f"Cleared username for {utils.format_platform_name(platform)}." ) else: if database.execute( f"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM players WHERE username_{platform} = ?)", (name, )).fetchone()[0] == 1: await ctx.send( f"The username \"{utils.escape_markdown(name)}\" on " f"{utils.format_platform_name(platform)} is already in use by another player." ) return database.execute( f"UPDATE players SET username_{platform} = ? WHERE id = ?", (name, database.commit() await ctx.send( f"Username on {utils.format_platform_name(platform)} set to " f"\"{utils.escape_markdown(name)}\".")
async def register(self, ctx, *platforms_raw): platforms = self.sanitize_platforms(platforms_raw) if len(platforms) == 0: await ctx.send( "You need to provide a valid platform that is one of the following: " + ", ".join(utils.platform_names) + ".") return platform_names = ", ".join( utils.format_platform_name(platform) for platform in platforms) player = database.execute( "SELECT platforms, rating_mu, rating_phi FROM players WHERE id = ?", (, )).fetchone() if player is None: # First time registering. database.execute( "INSERT INTO players (id, platforms) VALUES (?, ?)", (, " ".join(platforms))) database.commit() await utils.update_role(, None, None, 1500, 350) await ctx.send(f"Signed up for {platform_names}.") else: # Already registered. no_new_entries = True player_platforms = player["platforms"].split() for platform in platforms: if platform not in player_platforms: player_platforms.append(platform) no_new_entries = False if no_new_entries: await ctx.send( f"You're already signed up for {platform_names}.") return else: database.execute( "UPDATE players SET platforms = ? WHERE id = ?", (" ".join(player_platforms), database.commit() await utils.update_role(, None, None, player["rating_mu"], player["rating_phi"]) await ctx.send(f"Signed up for {platform_names}.")
async def unregister(self, ctx, *platforms_raw): if in matchfinder.player_map: await ctx.send( "You are currently in the matckmaking queue. Leave the queue before unregistering." ) return if in match_manager.player_map: await ctx.send( "You have a match pending. Complete the match before unregistering." ) return nuke = len(platforms_raw) != 0 and platforms_raw[0].casefold() == "all" platforms = self.sanitize_platforms(platforms_raw) if not nuke and len(platforms) == 0: await ctx.send( "You need to provide a valid platform that is one of the following: " + ", ".join(utils.platform_names) + ".") return platform_names = ", ".join( utils.format_platform_name(platform) for platform in platforms) player = database.execute( "SELECT platforms, rating_mu, rating_phi FROM players WHERE id = ? AND platforms <> ''", (, )).fetchone() if player is None: await ctx.send(f"You are not signed up here, no worries.") else: old_player_platforms = player["platforms"].split() new_player_platforms = ([] if nuke else [ platform for platform in old_player_platforms if platform not in platforms ]) if len(new_player_platforms) != len(old_player_platforms): platform_nullify = ", ".join(f"username_{platform} = NULL" for platform in platforms) zenkeshita = nuke or len(new_player_platforms) == 0 database.execute( """ UPDATE players SET platforms = "", display_name = NULL, username_pc = NULL, username_switch = NULL, username_ps4 = NULL WHERE id = :id """ if zenkeshita else f"UPDATE players SET platforms = :platforms, {platform_nullify} WHERE id = :id", { "platforms": " ".join(new_player_platforms), "id": }) database.commit() await ctx.send( "Unregistered from __all__ platforms. You are no longer in the system." if nuke else f"Unregistered from {platform_names}." + (" __You are no longer in the system.__" if len(new_player_platforms) == 0 else "")) if zenkeshita: await utils.update_role(, player["rating_mu"], player["rating_phi"], None, None) else: await ctx.send(f"You are not signed up for {platform_names}.")