コード例 #1
ファイル: glob_test.py プロジェクト: waldyrious/oil
 def testGlobToPythonRegex(self):
   CASES = [
       # glob input, (regex, err)
       ('*.py', '.*\.py', None),
       ('*.?', '.*\..', None),
       ('abc', None, None),
       ('[[:space:]]', None, True),
   for glob, expected_regex, expected_err in CASES:
     regex, err = glob_.GlobToPythonRegex(glob)
     self.assertEqual(expected_regex, regex,
         '%s: expected %r, got %r' % (glob, expected_regex, regex))
     self.assertEqual(expected_err, err,
         '%s: expected %r, got %r' % (glob, expected_err, err))
コード例 #2
    def _DoUnarySuffixOp(self, s, op, arg):
        """Helper for ${x#prefix} and family."""

        # op_id?
        py_regex = glob_.GlobToPythonRegex(arg)
        if py_regex is not None:
            # Extract the group from the regex and return it

            if op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Pound:  # shortest prefix
                raise NotImplementedError
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPound:  # longest prefix
                raise NotImplementedError

            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Percent:  # shortest suffix
                raise NotImplementedError
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPercent:  # longest suffix
                raise NotImplementedError
                raise AssertionError(op.op_id)

        else:  # fixed string
            if op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Pound, Id.VOp1_DPound):  # const prefix
                if s.startswith(arg):
                    return s[len(arg):]
                    return s

            elif op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Percent,
                              Id.VOp1_DPercent):  # const suffix
                if s.endswith(arg):
                    # Mutate it so we preserve the flags.
                    return s[:-len(arg)]
                    return s

                raise AssertionError(op.op_id)
コード例 #3
def PatSub(s, op, pat, replace_str):
    """Helper for ${x/pat/replace}."""
    #log('PAT %r REPLACE %r', pat, replace_str)
    py_regex, err = glob_.GlobToPythonRegex(pat)
    if err:
        e_die("Can't convert glob to regex: %r", pat)

    if py_regex is None:  # Simple/fast path for fixed strings
        if op.do_all:
            return s.replace(pat, replace_str)
        elif op.do_prefix:
            if s.startswith(pat):
                n = len(pat)
                return replace_str + s[n:]
                return s
        elif op.do_suffix:
            if s.endswith(pat):
                n = len(pat)
                return s[:-n] + replace_str
                return s
            return s.replace(pat, replace_str, 1)  # just the first one

        count = 1  # replace first occurrence only
        if op.do_all:
            count = 0  # replace all
        elif op.do_prefix:
            py_regex = '^' + py_regex
        elif op.do_suffix:
            py_regex = py_regex + '$'

        pat_re = re.compile(py_regex)
        return pat_re.sub(replace_str, s, count)
コード例 #4
ファイル: word_eval.py プロジェクト: lheckemann/oil
def _DoUnarySuffixOp(s, op, arg):
    """Helper for ${x#prefix} and family."""

    pat_re, err = glob_.GlobToPythonRegex(arg)
    if err:
        e_die("Can't convert glob to regex: %r", arg)

    if pat_re is None:  # simple/fast path for fixed strings
        if op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Pound, Id.VOp1_DPound):  # const prefix
            if s.startswith(arg):
                return s[len(arg):]
                return s

        elif op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Percent, Id.VOp1_DPercent):  # const suffix
            if s.endswith(arg):
                # Mutate it so we preserve the flags.
                return s[:-len(arg)]
                return s

        else:  # e.g. ^ ^^ , ,,
            raise AssertionError(op.op_id)

    else:  # glob pattern
        # Extract the group from the regex and return it
        if op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Pound:  # shortest prefix
            # Need non-greedy match
            pat_re2, err = glob_.GlobToPythonRegex(arg, greedy=False)
            r = re.compile(pat_re2)
            m = r.match(s)
            if m:
                return s[m.end(0):]
                return s

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPound:  # longest prefix
            r = re.compile(pat_re)
            m = r.match(s)
            if m:
                return s[m.end(0):]
                return s

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Percent:  # shortest suffix
            # NOTE: This is different than re.search, which will find the longest suffix.
            r = re.compile('^(.*)' + pat_re + '$')
            m = r.match(s)
            if m:
                return m.group(1)
                return s

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPercent:  # longest suffix
            r = re.compile('^(.*?)' + pat_re + '$')  # non-greedy
            m = r.match(s)
            if m:
                return m.group(1)
                return s

            raise AssertionError(op.op_id)