def main(): try: line = + mycolor.color.underl + 'ksf' + mycolor.color.end line += ' > ' terminal = raw_input(line) if terminal == 'banner': header.main_header() menu.main_info() main() elif terminal == 'exit': exit(0) elif terminal == 'help': main() elif terminal[0:2] == 'os': os.system(terminal[3:]) main() elif terminal[0:3] == 'use': if terminal[4:20] == 'web/dir_scan': dirbb.dirscan() main() else: print("wrong command!using help") main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[*]Tring to exit...")
def postit(): print """ %s =[ \033[1;33mRoxy Exploitation Framework %s\033[1;97m ] + -- --=[ Loaded plugins - %s ] + -- --=[ Codename : ] + -- --=[ Welcome to RoxySploitPro - rsfpro ] """ % (header.main_header(),version,total_plugins)
def start(): header.main_header() menu.main_info() main()
def add(): header.main_header()
try: line = + mycolor.color.underl + 'ksf' + mycolor.color.end line += ' > ' terminal = raw_input(line) if terminal == 'banner': header.main_header() menu.main_info() main() elif terminal == 'exit': exit(0) elif terminal == 'help': main() elif terminal[0:2] == 'os': os.system(terminal[3:]) main() elif terminal[0:3] == 'use': if terminal[4:20] == 'web/dir_scan': dirbb.dirscan() main() else: print("wrong command!using help") main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[*]Tring to exit...") header.main_header() menu.main_info() main()
def main(): try: line_1 = "\033[4m" + intname + "\033[0m > " terminal = raw_input(line_1) if terminal[0:3] == 'use': if terminal[4:] == terminal[4:]: Exploit_check = "%s.plugin" % (terminal[4:]) if os.path.exists(Exploit_check) == True: os.system("python %s.plugin" % (terminal[4:])) main() else: print "[\033[1;91m!\033[0m] %s: could not be found" % ( terminal[4:]) if terminal[0:6] == 'pyexec': exec(terminal[7:]) main() elif terminal[0:21] == "retarget": retarget.edit() main() elif terminal[0:17] == 'show ' + terminal[5:]: print "" print "Plugin Category: " + terminal[5:] print "==============================\n" print " Name Description" print " ---- -----------" directory_list = glob.glob(terminal[5:] + '/*.plugin') for line in directory_list: about = line with open(about, 'r') as myfile: data = desc = data[0] datar = desc.replace("Description = '", "") x = datar.rstrip("'") bb = line.split(terminal[5:] + '/')[1].split('.plugin')[0] if x == "#!/usr/bin/python": x = "\033[1;91mDescription has not yet been implemented.\033[1;m" print " %s\t %s" % (bb, x) print " " main() elif terminal[0:] == 'session': print """Automatic Settings ====================== Variable Value -------- ----- LOCAL_IP %s GATEWAY_IP %s MAC_ADDR %s""" % ( str(lan_ip), str(gateway_ip), str(mac_address)) sesread = open("modules/", "r").read() print "" exec(sesread) main() elif terminal[0:4] == 'help': main() elif terminal[0:] == 'show': showlist() main() elif terminal[0:2] == '?': main() elif terminal[0:5] == 'ipnet': os.system('ifconfig') main() elif terminal[0:5] == 'clear': os.system('clear') main() elif terminal[0:6] == 'banner': os.system('clear') header.main_header() main() elif terminal[0:9] == 'exit': exit() elif terminal[0:1] == '!': os.system(terminal[1:]) main() else: print "\033[31m[!]\033[0m %s: command not found" % (terminal) main() except (KeyboardInterrupt): print "\n" return main()
def postit(): header.main_header() print """ > Local IP Address: %s > Gateway IP: %s > MAC Address: %s """ % (str(lan_ip), str(gateway_ip), str(mac_address))
def start(): ansicolor.enable() header.main_header() menu.main_info() main()
if CHECK_LOGS == True: filename_logging = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), logfile) logging.basicConfig(filename=filename_logging, filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG) print "\033[1;94m[?]\033[1;m Creating logfile:", logfile else: print "\033[1;31m[?]\033[1;m Failed Creating logfile:", logfile time.sleep(1) os.system('clear') print """ %s =[ \033[1;33mRoxy Exploitation Framework %s\033[1;97m ] + -- --=[ Loaded plugins - %s ] + -- --=[ Codename : ] + -- --=[ Welcome to RoxySploitPro - rsfpro ] """ % (header.main_header(),version,total_plugins) def main(): try: line_1 = "\033[1;4m" + intname + "\033[1;24m > " terminal = raw_input(line_1).lower() time.sleep(0.5) if terminal[0:3] =='use': if terminal[4:] == terminal[4:]: os.system('python plugins/%s.plugin' % (terminal[4:])) main() #elif terminal[4:32] =='example': #example() #main() if terminal[0:6] == 'search':
def exploit(): header.main_header() menu.main_info() main()
def main(): try: line = + color.underl + color.bold + 'xsf' + color.end line += ' > ' line += color.yellow terminal = raw_input(line) if terminal == 'banner': header.main_header() menu.main_info() main() elif terminal == 'exit': exit(0) elif terminal == 'help': main() elif terminal[0:1] == '!': os.system(terminal[1:]) main() elif terminal[0:12] == 'show modules': modules_database.show_modules() main() elif terminal[0:3] == 'use': if terminal[4:20] == 'info/dir_scan': dirbb.dirscan() main() elif terminal[4:30] == 'info/baidu': main() elif terminal[4:15] == 'tools/12306': query.MyTools().query_12306() main() elif terminal[4:12] == 'tools/ip': query.MyTools().loc_ip() main() elif terminal[4:11] == 'exp/sms': sms.sms_attack() main() elif terminal[4:30] == 'cms/nanfang_sqli_newstype': nanfang.sql_search() main() elif terminal[4:30] == 'exp/s2045': S2045.exp() main() elif terminal[4:12] == 'burp/web': burp.burp() main() elif terminal[4:30] =='misc/msf': msf.gen() main() else: print("[-] Not modules") main() main() elif terminal == '': main() else: print("[-] Not Command found") main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[*]Tring to exit...")
def postit(): header.main_header() os.system('python modules/') print """> Local IP Address: %s | > Gateway IP: %s | > MAC Address: %s""" % ( str(lan_ip), str(gateway_ip), str(mac_address))
def postit(): header.main_header() print """