コード例 #1
	def _getBaseDirName( self ):
		myIndex = None
		if self.getParent():
			myIndex = self.getParent().getIndex( self ) + 1
		if self.getName() == self.__class__.__name__:
			baseDirName = '{0}'.format( myIndex )
			index = myIndex or ''
			spacer = '_' if myIndex else ''
			baseDirName = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( index, spacer, make_foldername_from_string( self.getName() ) )
		return baseDirName
コード例 #2
ファイル: TemplateSupport.py プロジェクト: KDAB/Make-O-Matic
	def __getitem__( self, key ):
		# first: try to get the value from the overwrite dict
		val = self.overwrites.get( key )
		if val != None:
			return val

		# next: try to get it from settings
		val = self.__settings.get( key, True )
		if not val:
			return ""

		if self.escape:
			return make_foldername_from_string( val )

		return val
コード例 #3
ファイル: SCMSubversion.py プロジェクト: KDAB/Make-O-Matic
	def fetchRepositoryFolder( self, remotePath ):
		# FIXME Mike abstract cache location
		path = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix = 'mom_buildscript-', suffix = make_foldername_from_string( self.getUrl() ) )
		if not self.getRevision():
			self.setRevision( 'HEAD' )
		location = self.getUrl()
		if remotePath:
			location += '/' + remotePath
		cmd = [ self.getCommand(), 'co', '-r', self.getRevision(), location ]
		runner = RunCommand( cmd, searchPaths = self.getCommandSearchPaths() )
		runner.setWorkingDir( path )
		if runner.getReturnCode() == 0:
			localPath = os.path.join( path, remotePath )
			if os.path.exists( localPath ):
				return localPath, [ path ]
		raise ConfigurationError( 'The remote path {0} was not found in the repository at revision {1}'.format( 
				remotePath, self.getRevision() ) )
コード例 #4
ファイル: StringResolver.py プロジェクト: KDAB/Make-O-Matic
	def __str__( self ):
		value = '[unresolved string]'
			value = self._asString()
		except ConfigurationError:
			# strings may remain unresolved if the script is not really executed:
			if mApp().getSettings().get( Settings.ScriptRunMode ) != Settings.RunMode_Build:
		if self.getConvertToFolderName():
			value = make_foldername_from_string( value )
		if not self.getPattern():
			return str( value )
				result = self.getPattern().format( value )
				return result
			except ValueError:
				raise ConfigurationError( 'The StringResolver "{0}" pattern needs to contain exactly one place holder like this: '\
					.format( self.getPattern() ) + '"pattern-{0}"' )
コード例 #5
ファイル: Step.py プロジェクト: mirkoboehm/Make-O-Matic
	def execute( self, instructions ):
		"""Execute the step"""
		check_for_nonempty_string( self.getName(), "Cannot execute a step with no name!" )
		self.setStatus( Step.Status.Started )
		if not self.isEnabled():
			self.setStatus( Step.Status.Skipped_Disabled )
			return True

		# (usually) abort if another step has failed for this Instructions object:
		if not instructions._stepsShouldExecute() and not self.getExecuteOnFailure():
			self.setStatus( Step.Status.Skipped_PreviousError )
			return True

		with self.getTimeKeeper():
			self._logEnvironment( instructions )

			logfileName = '{0}.log'.format( make_foldername_from_string( self.getName() ) )
			logfilePath = os.path.join( instructions.getLogDir(), logfileName )
			self.setLogfilePath( logfilePath )
			self.setResult( Step.Result.Success )

			# execute each action associated to this step
			for phase, actions in self._getPhases():
				if not actions:
					mApp().debugN( self, 3, 'phase "{0}" is empty (no actions registered)'.format( phase ) )

				mApp().debugN( self, 3, 'phase "{0}" has {1} actions registered, starting execution'.format( phase, len( actions ) ) )
				for action in actions:
					resultText = 'skipped'
					if self.getResult() != Step.Result.Failure or action.getIgnorePreviousFailure():
						result = action.executeAction( self.getLogfilePath() )
						resultText = 'successful' if result == 0 else 'failed'
						if result != 0:
							self.setResult( Step.Result.Failure )
						self.setStatus( Step.Status.Skipped_PreviousError )
					mApp().debugN( self, 3, '{0}: "{1}" {2}'.format( phase, action.getLogDescription(), resultText ) )
			self.setStatus( Step.Status.Finished )
			return self.getResult() != Step.Result.Failure
コード例 #6
ファイル: SimpleCiBase.py プロジェクト: KDAB/Make-O-Matic
	def getInstanceName( self ):
		'''Instance name can be used if multiple independent SimpleCI instances are running on the same machine
		(since configuration files are usually loaded by host name).'''
		name = make_foldername_from_string( self.getName() )
		return name
コード例 #7
ファイル: BuildStatus.py プロジェクト: KDAB/Make-O-Matic
	def performBuild( self, buildInfo ):
		"""Start a build process for a new revision. baseDir is the directory where all builds go. To build 
		different revisions and build types under it, subdirectories have to be used."""
		buildType = buildInfo.getBuildType().lower()
		# Under windows we have the problem that paths need to be short, so take only 7 digists of the git hash
		# this is also done for svn revision numbers, but these should not be so long
		if sys.platform == 'win32':
			rev = buildInfo.getRevision()[0:7]
			rev = buildInfo.getRevision()
		name = make_foldername_from_string( buildInfo.getProjectName() )
		# find suitable names for the different build dirs:
		baseDir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'builds' )
		buildRoot = mApp().getSettings().get( Settings.SimpleCIBuildDirectory, required = False ) or baseDir
		subfolder = make_foldername_from_string( rev )
		directory = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( buildRoot, name, buildType, subfolder ) )
		# prepare build directory:
		if os.path.isdir( directory ):
			mApp().debug( self, 'found remainders of a previous build, nuking it...' )
				rmtree( directory )
				mApp().debug( self, '...that was good!' )
			except ( OSError, IOError ) as e:
				raise ConfigurationError( 'Remnants of a previous build exist at "{0}" and cannot be deleted, bad. Reason: {1}.'
					.format( directory, e ) )
			os.makedirs( directory )
		except ( OSError, IOError )as e:
			raise ConfigurationError( 'Cannot create required build directory "{0}"!'.format( directory ) )
		mApp().message( self, 'starting build job for project "{0}" at revision {1}.'
					.format( buildInfo.getProjectName(), rev ) )
		with EnvironmentSaver():
			os.chdir( directory )
			extend_debug_prefix( buildInfo.getProjectName() )
			iface = BuildScriptInterface( os.path.abspath( buildInfo.getBuildScript() ) )
			runner = iface.executeBuildInfo( buildInfo )
				with open( 'buildscript.log', 'w' ) as f:
					text = runner.getStdOutAsString()
					f.write( text.decode() )
			except Exception as e:
				mApp().message( self, 'Problem! saving the build script output failed during handling an exception! {0}'
					.format( e ) )
			if runner.getReturnCode() != 0:
				mApp().message( self, 'build failed for project "{0}" at revision {1}'.format( buildInfo.getProjectName(), rev ) )
				# FIXME send out email reports on configuration or MOM errors
				mApp().message( self, 'exit code {0}'.format( runner.getReturnCode() ) )
				print( """\
-->   ____        _ _     _   _____     _ _          _ 
-->  | __ ) _   _(_) | __| | |  ___|_ _(_) | ___  __| |
-->  |  _ \| | | | | |/ _` | | |_ / _` | | |/ _ \/ _` |
-->  | |_) | |_| | | | (_| | |  _| (_| | | |  __/ (_| |
-->  |____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_| |_|  \__,_|_|_|\___|\__,_|
""" )
				return False
				mApp().message( self, 'build succeeded for project "{0}" at revision {1}'.format( buildInfo.getProjectName(), rev ) )
				print( """\
-->   _         _ _    _      _
-->  | |__ _  _(_) |__| |  __| |___ _ _  ___
-->  | '_ \ || | | / _` | / _` / _ \ ' \/ -_)
-->  |_.__/\_,_|_|_\__,_| \__,_\___/_||_\___|
""" )
				return True
コード例 #8
	def testWithConvertToFolderName( self ):
		name = 'Dummy Test Name'
		result = make_foldername_from_string( name )
		resolver = SettingResolver( Settings.ScriptBuildName, convertToFolderName = True )
		mApp().getSettings().set( Settings.ScriptBuildName, name )
		self.assertEqual( result, str( resolver ) )