コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def map_index():
    city_name = g.city_name

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)
    hd_type = request.args.get('type', default='aqi')

    condition = {
        'date': date_end,
    hd_types = ['aqi', 'quality', 'pm25', 'pm10', 'so2', 'co', 'no2', 'o3']
    if hd_type not in hd_types:
        hd_type = 'aqi'

    field = 'hd_' + hd_type
    history_client = History.factory()
    city_all = history_client.all_city(condition)

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'map'
    data['city_name'] = city_name
    data['city_all'] = city_all
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['date_end'] = date_end
    data['type'] = hd_type
    data['field'] = field

    return render_template('map/index.html', **data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def report_aqi_trend():
    city_name = g.city_name

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    day7_dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    day7 = day7_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    date_start = request.args.get('date_start', default=day7)
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)

    condition = {
        'city_name': city_name,
        'date_start': date_start,
        'date_end': date_end
    history_client = History.factory()
    history_all = history_client.all_day(condition)
    history_types = [u'优', u'良', u'轻度污染', u'中度污染', u'重度污染', u'严重污染']
    for history in history_all:
        history['hd_quality_index'] = history_types.index(

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'report'
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['history_all'] = history_all
    data['city_name'] = city_name
    data['date_start'] = date_start
    data['date_end'] = date_end

    return render_template('report/aqi_trend.html', **data)
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def report_aqi_total():
    city_name = g.city_name

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    day7_dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    day7 = day7_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    date_start = request.args.get('date_start', default=day7)
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)

    condition = {
        'city_name': city_name,
        'date_start': date_start,
        'date_end': date_end
    history_client = History.factory()
    hd_quality = history_client.total_history(condition, 'hd_quality')

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'report'
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['hd_quality'] = hd_quality
    data['city_name'] = city_name
    data['date_start'] = date_start
    data['date_end'] = date_end

    return render_template('report/aqi_total.html', **data)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def data_history():
    city_name = g.city_name

    history_client = History.factory()
    history_city = history_client.get_city_by_name(city_name)
    if not history_city:
        return u'暂时不支持此城市的天气数据查询'

    weather_client = Weather.factory()
    weather_city = weather_client.get_city_by_name(city_name)

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    day7_dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    day7 = day7_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int)
    date_start = request.args.get('date_start', default=day7)
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)

    condition = {
        'city_name': city_name,
        'date_start': date_start,
        'date_end': date_end
    history_client = History.factory()
    info = history_client.search_day(condition, page, 31)
    # print json.dumps(dict(info), indent=7, ensure_ascii=False)
    # print str(info)

    info['pages'] = min(7, info['pages'])

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'data'
    data['date_start'] = date_start
    data['date_end'] = date_end
    data['history_city'] = history_city
    data['weather_city'] = weather_city
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['info'] = info
    data['page'] = page

    return render_template('data/history.html', **data)
コード例 #5
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def data_index():
    city_name = g.city_name

    history_client = History.factory()
    history_city = history_client.get_city_by_name(city_name)

    weather_client = Weather.factory()
    weather_city = weather_client.get_city_by_name(city_name)

    crawl_client = Crawl.factory()

    if request.method == 'POST':
        job_id = request.form.get('job_id', default=0)
        if not job_id:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'没有任务id!'})

        job_info = crawl_client.get_job_info_by_id(job_id)
        if not job_info:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'没有任务信息!'})
        if 'city_name' not in job_info or job_info['city_name'] != city_name:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'此城市没有任务信息!'})

        # scrapy crawl aqistudy -a city_name=上海 -a month=2017-01
        sp = Spider.factory()
        m = job_info['job_month']
        if int(m) < 10:
            m = '0' + str(m)
        month = str(job_info['job_year']) + '-' + str(m)

        result = sp.schedule_job(spider=job_info['job_spider'],
        if not result:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'启动任务失败!'})
        return json.dumps({'status': True, 'message': u'启动任务成功!'})

    current = datetime.datetime.now()
    job_list = crawl_client.get_job_list(city_name, current.year,
    # print job_list

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'data'
    data['history_city'] = history_city
    data['weather_city'] = weather_city
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['job_list'] = job_list

    return render_template('data/index.html', **data)
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def learn_index():
    city_name = g.city_name

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    day7_dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    day7 = day7_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    date_start = request.args.get('date_start', default=day7)
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)
    history = request.args.get('history', default=1, type=int)
    weather = request.args.get('weather', default=1, type=int)

    condition = {
        'city_name': city_name,
        'date_start': date_start,
        'date_end': date_end

    history_client = History.factory()
    weather_client = Weather.factory()
    history_count = 0
    weather_count = 0
    if history == 1:
        history_count = history_client.count_history(condition)
    if weather == 1:
        weather_count = weather_client.count_weather(condition)

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'learn'
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['city_name'] = city_name
    data['date_start'] = date_start
    data['date_end'] = date_end
    data['history'] = history
    data['weather'] = weather
    data['history_count'] = history_count
    data['weather_count'] = weather_count

    return render_template('learn/index.html', **data)
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: yangzilong1986/kongqi123
def learn_step2():
    city_name = g.city_name

    today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())
    day7_dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    day7 = day7_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    date_start = request.args.get('date_start', default=day7)
    date_end = request.args.get('date_end', default=today)
    history = request.args.get('history', default=1, type=int)
    weather = request.args.get('weather', default=1, type=int)
    day_num = request.args.get('day_num', default=1, type=int)

    condition = {
        'city_name': city_name,
        'date_start': date_start,
        'date_end': date_end

    history_client = History.factory()
    weather_client = Weather.factory()
    history_count = 0
    weather_count = 0
    if history == 1:
        history_count = history_client.count_history(condition)
    if weather == 1:
        weather_count = weather_client.count_weather(condition)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        histories = request.form.getlist('histories[]')
        weathers = request.form.getlist('weathers[]')
        # print histories, weathers
        if not histories and not weathers:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'请您勾选特征数据类型!'})

        if history_count < 1 and weather_count < 1:
            return json.dumps({
                'status': False,
                'message': u'选定的日期内没有数据,请返回上一步重新选择!'
        if (history_count + weather_count) < 7:
            return json.dumps({
                'status': False,
                'message': u'数据至少应该有7条(天)以上才能进行机器学习!'

        learn_client = Learn.factory()
        job_id = learn_client.create_job({
            'learn_status': Learn.JOB_READY,
            'city_name': city_name,
            'date_start': date_start,
            'date_end': date_end,
            'history': history,
            'weather': weather,
            'histories': json.dumps(histories),
            'weathers': json.dumps(weathers),
            'target': 'PM25',
            'day_num': day_num
        if not job_id:
            return json.dumps({'status': False, 'message': u'建立机器学习任务失败!'})

        return json.dumps({'status': True, 'message': job_id})

    data = dict()
    data['current_page'] = 'learn'
    data['req_args'] = dict(request.args.items())
    data['city_name'] = city_name
    data['date_start'] = date_start
    data['date_end'] = date_end
    data['history'] = history
    data['weather'] = weather
    data['history_count'] = history_count
    data['weather_count'] = weather_count

    return render_template('learn/step2.html', **data)