コード例 #1
def addlineno(w, b, ln, li):
    face = Face(Face.black, Face.black, bright=True)
    prefix =  hex(ln.value)[2:].zfill(4) + "» "
    prefix = face.serialize(len(prefix)) + prefix.encode("utf-8")

    li.insert_at_byte(0, prefix)

def addeol(w, b, ln, li):
    face = Face(Face.black, Face.black, bright=True)
    suffix = "«"
    suffix = b" " + face.serialize(len(suffix)) + suffix.encode("utf-8")

    li.insert_at_byte(len(li.vec), suffix)

mastermode = Mode.new(100, "default-master")
mastermap = mastermode.keymap
@mastermap.add(Key("V", con=True))
def paste(keys):

@mastermap.add(Key("G", con=True))
def search(keys):

@mastermap.add(Key("X", con=True))
def masterexit(keys):
    global alive
    alive = False

コード例 #2
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: Xeom/edil-old
            string (str, bytes): The new contents of the response.
        if isinstance(string, bytes):
            string = string.decode("ascii")

        self.string = list(string)
        self.cn = len(string)


QueryCursorType = CursorType(QueryCursor)

query_mode = Mode.new_cursor(80, "query")
query_kmap = query_mode.keymap

core.cursor.snap_blacklist.insert(0, QueryCursorType.struct)

querying_buffers = set()

def autocomplete_query():
    curcursor = core.cursor.get_selected()
    curinst = QueryCursorType.find_instance(curcursor)

    if not isinstance(curinst, QueryCursor):
        raise Exception("Current cursor is not a query cursor")

    auto = curinst.autocompleter.complete("".join(curinst.string))
コード例 #3
import string

import editor.buffers.userlog
import core.cursor

from core.mode      import Mode
from core.key       import Key
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-cursor")
kmap = mode.keymap

mapname = "cursor-default"

# cursor-up
# Moves the cursor down a specified number of lines.
# Negative values move the cursor up. Called with
# argument 1 by UP key.

up_cmd = Command("cursor-up",
                 CommandArg(int, "Lines to move up"))
def up_cb(n):
    sel = core.cursor.get_selected()

up_cmd.map_to(kmap, Key("UP"), defaultargs=[1])

# cursor-down
コード例 #4
ファイル: bufferbind.py プロジェクト: Xeom/edil-old
import core.windows

from core.key import Key
from core.mode import Mode

import editor.buffers.ring
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-buffer")
kmap = mode.keymap

modifier_key = Key("B", con=True)

# buffer-select
# Select the n-th next buffer. Negative values select previous buffers.
next_cmd = Command("buffer-next", CommandArg(int, "# buffers to move"))

def next_cb(n):
    w = core.windows.get_selected().buffer
    buf = editor.buffers.ring.get_id(w, increment=n)
    w.buffer = buf

next_cmd.map_to(kmap, modifier_key, Key("."), defaultargs=[1])
next_cmd.map_to(kmap, modifier_key, Key(","), defaultargs=[-1])
コード例 #5
import core.windows

import editor.buffers.userlog

from core.mode import Mode
from core.key import Key

from editor.autocomplete import options
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-window")
kmap = mode.keymap

modifier_key = Key("W", con=True)

default_cursor_type = core.cursor.types.region

# window-split
# Splits the currently selected window into two sub-windows. The space occupied
# by the original window will be occupied by two windows - The original one,
# shrunk to fit, and a new window. The arrangement of these two windows is
# determined by the direction argument handed to this command e.g.
#      right          left         up      down
# +------+-----+ +-----+------+ +------+ +------+
# |      |     | |     |      | | new  | | orig |
# | orig | new | | new | orig | +------+ +------+
# |      |     | |     |      | | orig | | new  |
# +------+-----+ +-----+------+ +------+ +------+
コード例 #6
import itertools

import core.cursor
import core.deferline
import core.ui

from core.mode import Mode
from core.key import Key
from core.face import Face
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg

mapname = "tabs-default"

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-tabs")
kmap = mode.keymap

default_tab_string = b"   " + Face(Face.black, Face.cyan).colour(b">")
default_indent_string = b"    "
default_tab_align = True
"""Hooked function to display tabs properly.

This function expands tab characters in each line that's rendered into
default_tab_string. This is generally to make them more visible.

def expandtabs(w, b, ln, li):
    tab = get_tab_string(b)
    align = get_tab_align(b)
コード例 #7
import shlex

import core.cursor
import core.deferline

from core.mode import Mode
from core.key import Key

from editor.autocomplete import options_list, number
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg, get_command, hooks

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-command")
kmap = mode.keymap

# command-run
# Runs a command of a specific name, with no default arguments.

run_cmd = Command("command-run",
                  CommandArg(str, "Name", options_list(Command.names)))

def run_cb(name):
    cmd = get_command(name)

run_cmd.map_to(kmap, Key("E", con=True), Key("x"))

# command-run-line
コード例 #8
import os.path

import core.windows

from core.mode import Mode
from core.key import Key
from editor.command import Command, CommandArg

import editor.autocomplete

mode = Mode.new(100, "default-files")
kmap = mode.keymap

modifier_key = Key("F", con=True)

# file-revert
# Load or reload the file associated with the currently selected buffer from
# disk.
revert_cmd = Command("file-revert")

def revert_cb():

revert_cmd.map_to(kmap, modifier_key, Key("r"))

# file-associate