コード例 #1
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def user_delete(user_id):
        Delete the user with the provided id in the database
    from core.model.project import Project
    u = User.from_id(user_id)
    if u:
コード例 #2
def user_delete(user_id):
        Delete the user with the provided id in the database
    from core.model.project import Project

    u = User.from_id(user_id)
    if u:
コード例 #3
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def analaysis_get_fullpath(self):
        Return the list of project from the root to the last one where the analysis is stored
    from core.model import Project
    fullpath = []
    project = Project.from_id(self.project_id)
    while project is not None:
        fullpath.insert(0,{"id": project.id, "name":project.name})
        project = None if not project.parent_id else Project.from_id(project.parent_id)
    return fullpath
コード例 #4
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/Regovar
def analaysis_get_fullpath(self):
        Return the list of project from the root to the last one where the analysis is stored
    from core.model import Project
    fullpath = []
    project = Project.from_id(self.project_id)
    while project is not None:
        fullpath.insert(0, {"id": project.id, "name": project.name})
        project = None if not project.parent_id else Project.from_id(

    return fullpath
コード例 #5
def user_init(self, loading_depth=0, force=False):
        Init properties of an user :
            - id            : int       : the unique id of the user in the database
            - login         : str       : the login of the user
            - firstname     : str       : firstname of the user
            - lastname      : str       : lastname of the user
            - email         : str       : email
            - function      : str       : the function of the user
            - location      : str       : the location of the user
            - is_admin      : bool      : is the user an admin or not
            - is_activated  : bool      : is the user activated or not
            - sandbox_id    : int       : this id refer to the sandbox project of the user
            - update_date   : datetime  : the last time that the object have been updated
            - create_date   : datetime  : the date when the object have been created
        If loading_depth is > 0, Following properties fill be loaded : (Max depth level is 2)
            - sandbox       : Project   : The sandbox project of the user
    from core.model.project import Project
    # Avoid recursion infinit loop
    if hasattr(self, "loading_depth") and not force:
        self.loading_depth = min(2, loading_depth)

        self.sandbox = None
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.sandbox = Project.from_id(self.sandbox_id,
                                           self.loading_depth - 1)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException("User data corrupted (id={}).".format(self.id),
                               "", ex)
コード例 #6
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def user_init(self, loading_depth=0, force=False):
        Init properties of an user :
            - id            : int       : the unique id of the user in the database
            - login         : str       : the login of the user
            - firstname     : str       : firstname of the user
            - lastname      : str       : lastname of the user
            - email         : str       : email
            - function      : str       : the function of the user
            - location      : str       : the location of the user
            - is_admin      : bool      : is the user an admin or not
            - is_activated  : bool      : is the user activated or not
            - sandbox_id    : int       : this id refer to the sandbox project of the user
            - update_date   : datetime  : the last time that the object have been updated
            - create_date   : datetime  : the date when the object have been created
        If loading_depth is > 0, Following properties fill be loaded : (Max depth level is 2)
            - sandbox       : Project   : The sandbox project of the user
    from core.model.project import Project
    # Avoid recursion infinit loop
    if hasattr(self, "loading_depth") and not force:
        self.loading_depth = min(2, loading_depth)

        self.sandbox = None
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.sandbox = Project.from_id(self.sandbox_id, self.loading_depth-1)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException("User data corrupted (id={}).".format(self.id), "", ex)
コード例 #7
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def analysis_init(self, loading_depth=0, force_refresh=False):
        Init properties of an analysis :
            - id                : int           : the unique id of the analysis in the database
            - project_id        : int           : the id of the project that owns this analysis
            - name              : str           : the name of the analysis
            - comment           : str           : an optional comment
            - settings          : json          : parameters used to init the analysis
            - fields            : [str]         : The list of field's id to display
            - filter            : json          : The last current filter to applied
            - order             : [str]         : The list of field's id to used to order result
            - selection         : [str]         : The list of ids of selected variants
            - create_date       : datetime      : The date when the analysis have been created
            - update_date       : datetime      : The last time that the analysis have been updated
            - total_variants    : int           : The total number of variant in this analysis
            - reference_id      : int           : Refer to the id of the reference used for this analysis
            - computing_progress: json          : Used when the working table is computed to store the current progress, error, messages, ...
            - status            : enum          : The status of the analysis : 'empty', 'computing', 'ready', 'error'
            - filters_ids       : [int]         : The list of ids of filters saved for this analysis
            - samples_ids       : [int]         : The list of ids of samples used for analysis
            - files_ids         : [int]         : The list of ids of files associated to the analysis (via analysis_file table)
            - attributes        : json          : The list of attributes defined for this analysis
            - fullpath          : [json]        : The list of folder from root to the analyses [{"id":int, "name":str},...]
            - statistics        : json          : Statistics about the analysis
        If loading_depth is > 0, Following properties fill be loaded : (Max depth level is 2)
            - project           : Project       : The that own the analysis
            - samples           : [Sample]      : The list of samples owns by the analysis
            - filters           : [Filter]      : The list of Filter created in the analysis
            - files             : [File]        : The list of File associated to the analysis (via analysis_file table)
    from core.model.project import Project
    # With depth loading, sqlalchemy may return several time the same object. Take care to not erase the good depth level)
    # Avoid recursion infinit loop
    if hasattr(self, "loading_depth") and not force_refresh and self.loading_depth >= loading_depth:
        self.loading_depth = min(2, loading_depth)
        if not self.filter: self.filter = ANALYSIS_DEFAULT_FILTER
        self.filters_ids = self.get_filters_ids()
        self.samples_ids = AnalysisSample.get_samples_ids(self.id)
        self.attributes = self.get_attributes()
        self.files_ids = AnalysisFile.get_files_ids(self.id)
        self.fullpath = self.get_fullpath()
        self.project = None
        self.samples = []
        self.filters = []
        self.files = []
        self.panels = []
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.project = Project.from_id(self.project_id, self.loading_depth-1)
            self.samples = AnalysisSample.get_samples(self.id, self.loading_depth-1)
            self.filters = self.get_filters(self.loading_depth-1)
            self.files = AnalysisFile.get_files(self.id, self.loading_depth-1)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException("Analysis data corrupted (id={}).".format(self.id), "", ex)
コード例 #8
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: DeepInThought/Regovar
def user_new(login=None):
        Return a new user object
    from core.model.project import Project
    # Check login or create a fake one if not provided
    if not login:
        login = "******".format(User.count() + 1)

    # create sandbox project
    sandbox = Project.new()
    sandbox.load({"comment": "My sandbox"})

    u = User(login=login, sandbox_id=sandbox.id)

    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException(
            "Unable to create new user with provided informations.", "", ex)
    return u
コード例 #9
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def user_new(login=None):
        Return a new user object
    from core.model.project import Project
    # Check login or create a fake one if not provided
    if not login:
        login = "******".format(User.count() + 1)
    # create sandbox project
    sandbox = Project.new()
    sandbox.load({"comment": "My sandbox", "is_sandbox": True})
    u = User(login=login, sandbox_id=sandbox.id)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException("Unable to create new user with provided informations.", "", ex)
    return u
コード例 #10
ファイル: subject.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def subject_get_projects(self, loading_depth=0):
        Return the list of projects linked to the subject
    from core.model.project import Project
    return Project.from_ids(self.get_projects_ids(), loading_depth)
コード例 #11
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/Regovar
def analysis_init(self, loading_depth=0, force_refresh=False):
        Init properties of an analysis :
            - id                : int           : the unique id of the analysis in the database
            - project_id        : int           : the id of the project that owns this analysis
            - name              : str           : the name of the analysis
            - comment           : str           : an optional comment
            - settings          : json          : parameters used to init the analysis
            - fields            : [str]         : The list of field's id to display
            - filter            : json          : The last current filter to applied
            - order             : [str]         : The list of field's id to used to order result
            - selection         : [str]         : The list of ids of selected variants
            - create_date       : datetime      : The date when the analysis have been created
            - update_date       : datetime      : The last time that the analysis have been updated
            - total_variants    : int           : The total number of variant in this analysis
            - reference_id      : int           : Refer to the id of the reference used for this analysis
            - computing_progress: json          : Used when the working table is computed to store the current progress, error, messages, ...
            - status            : enum          : The status of the analysis : 'empty', 'computing', 'ready', 'error'
            - filters_ids       : [int]         : The list of ids of filters saved for this analysis
            - samples_ids       : [int]         : The list of ids of samples used for analysis
            - files_ids         : [int]         : The list of ids of files associated to the analysis (via analysis_file table)
            - attributes        : json          : The list of attributes defined for this analysis
            - fullpath          : [json]        : The list of folder from root to the analyses [{"id":int, "name":str},...]
            - statistics        : json          : Statistics about the analysis
        If loading_depth is > 0, Following properties fill be loaded : (Max depth level is 2)
            - project           : Project       : The that own the analysis
            - samples           : [Sample]      : The list of samples owns by the analysis
            - filters           : [Filter]      : The list of Filter created in the analysis
            - files             : [File]        : The list of File associated to the analysis (via analysis_file table)
    from core.model.project import Project
    # With depth loading, sqlalchemy may return several time the same object. Take care to not erase the good depth level)
    # Avoid recursion infinit loop
    if hasattr(self, "loading_depth"
               ) and not force_refresh and self.loading_depth >= loading_depth:
        self.loading_depth = min(2, loading_depth)
        if not self.filter: self.filter = ANALYSIS_DEFAULT_FILTER
        self.filters_ids = self.get_filters_ids()
        self.samples_ids = AnalysisSample.get_samples_ids(self.id)
        self.attributes = self.get_attributes()
        self.files_ids = AnalysisFile.get_files_ids(self.id)
        self.fullpath = self.get_fullpath()

        self.project = None
        self.samples = []
        self.filters = []
        self.files = []
        self.panels = []
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.project = Project.from_id(self.project_id,
                                           self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.samples = AnalysisSample.get_samples(self.id,
                                                      self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.filters = self.get_filters(self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.files = AnalysisFile.get_files(self.id,
                                                self.loading_depth - 1)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException(
            "Analysis data corrupted (id={}).".format(self.id), "", ex)
コード例 #12
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/Regovar
def analysis_load(self, data):
        Helper to update several paramters at the same time. Note that dynamics properties (project, samples, files, attributes)
        cannot be updated with this method. However, you can update project_id .
        To update sample you must used dedicated models object : AnalysisSample
    from core.model.project import Project
    settings = False
    need_to_clean_db = False
        if "name" in data.keys(): self.name = check_string(data['name'])
        if "project_id" in data.keys():
            self.project_id = check_int(data['project_id'])
        if "comment" in data.keys():
            self.comment = check_string(data['comment'])
        if "create_date" in data.keys():
            self.create_date = check_date(data['create_date'])
        if "update_date" in data.keys():
            self.update_date = check_date(data['update_date'])
        if "fields" in data.keys(): self.fields = data["fields"]
        if "filter" in data.keys(): self.filter = data["filter"]
        if "selection" in data.keys(): self.selection = data["selection"]
        if "order" in data.keys(): self.order = data["order"]
        if "total_variants" in data.keys():
            self.total_variants = check_int(data["total_variants"])
        if "reference_id" in data.keys():
            self.reference_id = check_int(data["reference_id"])
        if "computing_progress" in data.keys():
            self.computing_progress = check_float(data["computing_progress"])
        if "status" in data.keys():
            self.status = check_string(data["status"],
                                       "empty") if data["status"] else "empty"
        if "attributes" in data.keys(): self.attributes = data["attributes"]
        if "statistics" in data.keys(): self.statistics = data["statistics"]

        if "files_ids" in data.keys():
            self.files_ids = data['files_ids']
            # Remove old
            for fid in self.files_ids:
                if fid not in data["files_ids"]:
                    AnalysisFile.delete(self.id, fid)
            # Add new samples
            for fid in data["files_ids"]:
                if fid not in self.files_ids:
                    AnalysisFile.new(self.id, sid)

        if "settings" in data.keys():
            # When settings change, need to regenerate working table
            self.settings = data["settings"]
            self.status = "empty"
            self.computing_progress = None
            need_to_clean_db = True

        if "samples_ids" in data.keys():
            # Remove old
            for sid in self.samples_ids:
                if sid not in data["samples_ids"]:
                    AnalysisSample.delete(self.id, sid)
            # Add new samples
            for sid in data["samples_ids"]:
                if sid not in self.samples_ids:
                    AnalysisSample.new(self.id, sid)
            # When settings change, need to regenerate working table
            self.status = "empty"
            self.computing_progress = None
            need_to_clean_db = True

            # If settings empty, init it with informations from samples
            if len(self.settings["annotations_db"]) == 0:
                settings = self.settings
                from core.model.sample import Sample
                dbuids = []
                for sid in data["samples_ids"]:
                    sample = Sample.from_id(sid)
                    if sample and sample.default_dbuid:
                        for dbuid in sample.default_dbuid:
                            if dbuid not in dbuids:
                self.status = "empty"
                settings["annotations_db"] = dbuids
                self.settings = settings

        if need_to_clean_db:

        # check to reload dynamics properties
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.project = Project.from_id(self.project_id,
                                           self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.samples = AnalysisSample.get_samples(self.id,
                                                      self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.filters = self.get_filters(self.loading_depth - 1)
            self.files = AnalysisFile.get_files(self.id,
                                                self.loading_depth - 1)

        # FIXME : why sqlalchemy don't care about json settings the first time ?
        if settings:
            self.settings = settings
        # END FIXME
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException('Invalid input data to load.', "", ex)
    return self
コード例 #13
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: REGOVAR/REGOVAR
def analysis_load(self, data):
        Helper to update several paramters at the same time. Note that dynamics properties (project, samples, files, attributes)
        cannot be updated with this method. However, you can update project_id .
        To update sample you must used dedicated models object : AnalysisSample
    from core.model.project import Project
    settings = False
    need_to_clean_db = False
        if "name" in data.keys(): self.name = check_string(data['name'])
        if "project_id" in data.keys(): self.project_id = check_int(data['project_id'])
        if "comment" in data.keys(): self.comment = check_string(data['comment'])
        if "create_date" in data.keys(): self.create_date = check_date(data['create_date'])
        if "update_date" in data.keys(): self.update_date = check_date(data['update_date'])
        if "fields" in data.keys(): self.fields = data["fields"]
        if "filter" in data.keys(): self.filter = data["filter"]
        if "selection" in data.keys(): self.selection = data["selection"]
        if "order" in data.keys(): self.order = data["order"]
        if "total_variants" in data.keys(): self.total_variants = check_int(data["total_variants"])
        if "reference_id" in data.keys(): self.reference_id = check_int(data["reference_id"])
        if "computing_progress" in data.keys(): self.computing_progress = check_float(data["computing_progress"])
        if "status" in data.keys(): self.status = check_string(data["status"], "empty") if data["status"] else "empty"
        if "attributes" in data.keys(): self.attributes = data["attributes"]
        if "statistics" in data.keys(): self.statistics = data["statistics"]
        if "files_ids" in data.keys(): 
            self.files_ids = data['files_ids']
            # Remove old
            for fid in self.files_ids:
                if fid not in data["files_ids"]:
                    AnalysisFile.delete(self.id, fid)
            # Add new samples
            for fid in data["files_ids"]:
                if fid not in self.files_ids:
                    AnalysisFile.new(self.id, sid)
        if "settings" in data.keys(): 
            # When settings change, need to regenerate working table
            self.settings = data["settings"]
            self.status = "empty"
            self.computing_progress = None
            need_to_clean_db = True

        if "samples_ids" in data.keys():
            # Remove old
            for sid in self.samples_ids:
                if sid not in data["samples_ids"]:
                    AnalysisSample.delete(self.id, sid)
            # Add new samples
            for sid in data["samples_ids"]:
                if sid not in self.samples_ids:
                    AnalysisSample.new(self.id, sid)
            # When settings change, need to regenerate working table
            self.status = "empty"
            self.computing_progress = None
            need_to_clean_db = True

            # If settings empty, init it with informations from samples
            if len(self.settings["annotations_db"]) == 0:
                settings = self.settings
                from core.model.sample import Sample
                dbuids = []
                for sid in data["samples_ids"]:
                    sample = Sample.from_id(sid)
                    if sample and sample.default_dbuid:
                        for dbuid in sample.default_dbuid:
                            if dbuid not in dbuids:
                self.status = "empty"
                settings["annotations_db"] = dbuids
                self.settings = settings

        if need_to_clean_db:
            execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wt_{0} CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wt_{0}_var CASCADE;".format(self.id))

        # check to reload dynamics properties
        if self.loading_depth > 0:
            self.project = Project.from_id(self.project_id, self.loading_depth-1)
            self.samples = AnalysisSample.get_samples(self.id, self.loading_depth-1)
            self.filters = self.get_filters(self.loading_depth-1)
            self.files = AnalysisFile.get_files(self.id, self.loading_depth-1)

        # FIXME : why sqlalchemy don't care about json settings the first time ?
        if settings:
            self.settings = settings
        # END FIXME
    except Exception as ex:
        raise RegovarException('Invalid input data to load.', "", ex)
    return self
コード例 #14
ファイル: subject.py プロジェクト: DeepInThought/Regovar
def subject_get_projects(self, loading_depth=0):
        Return the list of projects linked to the subject
    from core.model.project import Project
    return Project.from_ids(self.get_projects_ids(), loading_depth)