def load_modules_from_dir(mod_dir, ignore=None): if ignore is None: ignore = {} for file in os.listdir(mod_dir): if file in ignore: continue path = mod_dir + "/" + file if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.exists(path + "/"): module = __import__(path.replace("/", ".") + ".module", globals(), locals(), fromlist=["Module", "load_module"]) do_load = True if hasattr(module, "load_module"): do_load = module.load_module if do_load and hasattr(module, "Module"): instance = module.Module() ModuleManager().add_module(instance) logger.log(2, "Loaded module \"%s\"" %
def __init__(self, networks: list, add_networks: list, omit_networks: list, update_modules: bool, config_path: str, ports: list, output_dir: str, user_results: dict, single_network: bool, verbose: bool): """ Create a Controller object. :param networks: A list of strings specifying the networks to analyze :param add_networks: A list of networks as strings to additionally analyze :param omit_networks: A list of networks as strings to omit from the analysis :param update_modules: Whether modules should be updated or initialized :param config_path: The path to a config file :param ports: A list of port expressions :param output_dir: A string specifying the output directory of the analysis :param user_results: A list of filenames whose files contain user provided results :param single_network: A boolean specifying whether all given networks are to be considered hosts in one single network :param vebose: Specifying whether to provide verbose output or not """ self.networks = networks if networks is not None else [] self.networks += add_networks if add_networks is not None else [] self.omit_networks = omit_networks # determine output directory if output_dir: self.output_dir = output_dir else: self.output_dir = "avain_output-" + util.get_current_timestamp() self.orig_out_dir = self.output_dir self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(self.output_dir) os.makedirs(self.output_dir, exist_ok=True) # check for user scan and analysis results self.user_results = {} if user_results: for rtype, filenames in user_results.items(): if rtype not in self.user_results: self.user_results[rtype] = [] for filename in filenames: self.user_results[rtype].append( (filename, os.path.abspath(filename))) # store absolute config path if config_path: config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path) # change into AVAIN directory self.original_cwd = os.getcwd() core_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__))) avain_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(core_dir, os.pardir)) os.chdir(avain_dir) # parse default and user configs self.config = {} if os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): try: self.config = util.parse_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, self.config) except Exception as excpt: print(util.MAGENTA + ("Warning: Could not parse default config file. " + "Proceeding without default config.\n") + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) util.print_exception_and_continue(excpt) elif not config_path: print(util.MAGENTA + "Warning: Could not find default config.\n" + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) if config_path: try: self.config = util.parse_config(config_path, self.config) except Exception as excpt: print(util.MAGENTA + ("Warning: Could not parse custom config file. " + "Proceeding without custom config.\n") + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) util.print_exception_and_continue(excpt) # set remaining variables self.single_network = single_network self.verbose = verbose self.ports = ports self.update_modules = update_modules if (not self.update_modules) and self.config["core"][ "automatic_module_updates"].lower() == "true": # retrieve last update timestamp based on last CPE dict download time last_update = util.get_creation_date( "modules/resources/official-cpe-dictionary_v2.2.xml") passed_time = - last_update update_interval = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(self.config["core"]["module_update_interval"])) if passed_time > update_interval: util.printit( "[INFO] Module data is out-of-date and will be updated\n", color=util.MAGENTA) self.update_modules = True # setup module_manager self.module_manager = ModuleManager(self.networks, self.output_dir, self.omit_networks, self.ports, self.user_results, self.config, self.verbose) # setup logging self.setup_logging()"Starting the AVAIN program")"Executed call: avain %s", " ".join(sys.argv[1:]))
def register(self, obj): from core.module_manager import ModuleManager if isinstance(obj, Command): ModuleManager().add_command(obj, self) return True return False
def start(): start_time = time.time() bot = Bot() module_manager = ModuleManager() logger.log( 2, "Starting %s bot with %s %s" % (colored("Fusion", "magenta"), colored("Discord API", "blue"), colored("v" + discord.__version__, "green")))"Setting up django") django.setup() "Loading modules from \"%s\" and \"core/modules\" directories" % modules_dir) load_modules_from_dir("core/modules", ignore={"TemplateModule"}) load_modules_from_dir(modules_dir) module_manager.initialize(bot)"Setting up django models") for app in INSTALLED_APPS: call_command("makemigrations", app.split(".")[-1:][0]) call_command("migrate")"Connecting to discord") @bot.event async def on_ready():"Logged into Discord as \"%s\"." %"Running modules..") await module_manager.run_modules(bot)"Deploying threads and starting protocol processing") core.protocol.deploy() print("") logger.log( 2, "INIT FINISHED! (took %ss)" % math.floor(time.time() - start_time)) logger.log(2, "Loaded Modules: %s" % module_manager.modules_count) logger.log(2, "Loaded Commands: %s" % module_manager.commands_count) logger.log( 2, "Listening %s:%s" % (listen_ip if listen_ip != "" else "", listen_port)) print("") @bot.event async def on_message(message: discord.Message): for mod in sorted(module_manager.modules.values(), key=lambda x: x.on_message.priority): await mod.on_message(message, bot) if not message.content.startswith(cmd_prefix): return if return args = message.content.split() cmd = args.pop(0)[len(cmd_prefix):].lower() if cmd not in module_manager.commands: # await bot.send_error_embed(, "Команда \"%s\" не найдена." % cmd, # "Команда не найдена") return command = module_manager.commands[cmd] if command.guild_lock and not in command.guild_lock: await bot.send_error_embed(, "Команда \"%s\" недоступна на данном сервере." % cmd, "Команда не найдена") return "Выполнение команды %s от %s (%s)." % (repr(message.content), str(, try: args_1, keys = parse(args) if not module_manager.check_permissions(, command.permissions) \ or not module_manager.check_sp_permissions(, command.future_permissions): embed: discord.Embed = bot.get_error_embed( "У вас недостаточно прав для выполнения данной команды", "Нет прав!") required_perms = "\n".join( perm.special_name for perm in sorted(command.permissions, key=lambda x: x.value) + sorted(command.future_permissions, key=lambda x: x.value)) embed.add_field(name="Необходимые права:", value=required_perms) await await message.add_reaction(emoji_warn) return async with result = await command.execute(message, args_1, keys) except ParseError as e: await message.add_reaction(emoji_warn) await bot.send_error_embed(, str(e), "Ошибка разбора аргументов") except discord.Forbidden: await message.add_reaction(emoji_error) await bot.send_error_embed(, "У бота нет прав!") except AccessDeniedException: await message.add_reaction(emoji_warn) await bot.send_error_embed(, "У вас недостаточно прав для выполнения данной команды", "Нет прав!") except CommandException as e: await message.add_reaction(emoji_warn) await bot.send_error_embed(, str(e), e.title) except OpenComputersError as e: await bot.send_error_embed(, "```\n%s\n```" % str(e), "⚠ Криворукий уебан, у тебя ошибка! ⚠") await message.add_reaction(emoji_error) except Exception: await bot.send_error_embed(, "```\n%s\n```" % traceback.format_exc(), "⚠ Криворукий уебан, у тебя ошибка! ⚠") await message.add_reaction(emoji_error) else: if result == CommandResult.success: await message.add_reaction(emoji_ok) elif result == CommandResult.arguments_insufficient: embed: discord.Embed = bot.get_error_embed( title="Недостаточно аргументов!") embed.add_field(name="%s%s %s" % (cmd_prefix,, command.arguments), value=command.description) await await message.add_reaction(emoji_warn) @bot.event async def on_message_delete(message: discord.Message): for _, mod in list(module_manager.modules.items()): await mod.on_message_delete(message, bot) @bot.event async def on_message_edit(before: discord.Message, after: discord.Message): for _, mod in list(module_manager.modules.items()): await mod.on_message_edit(before, after, bot) @bot.event async def on_member_remove(member: discord.Member): for _, mod in list(module_manager.modules.items()): await mod.on_member_remove(member, bot) @bot.event async def on_member_join(member: discord.Member): for _, mod in list(module_manager.modules.items()): await mod.on_member_join(member, bot)
def __init__(self, networks: list, add_networks: list, omit_networks: list, update_modules: bool, config_path: str, ports: list, output_dir: str, input_dir: str, user_results: dict, separate_networks: bool, verbose: bool): """ Create a Controller object. :param networks: A list of strings specifying the networks to analyze :param add_networks: A list of networks as strings to additionally analyze :param omit_networks: A list of networks as strings to omit from the analysis :param update_modules: Whether modules should be updated or initialized :param config_path: The path to a config file :param ports: A list of port expressions :param output_dir: A string specifying the output directory of the analysis :param input_dir: A string specifying the output directory of a previous AVAIN analysis :param user_results: A list of filenames whose files contain user provided results :param separate_networks: A boolean specifying whether all given networks are to be assessed and scored independently :param vebose: Specifying whether to provide verbose output or not """ self.networks = networks if networks is not None else [] self.networks += add_networks if add_networks is not None else [] self.omit_networks = omit_networks # determine output directory if output_dir: self.output_dir = output_dir else: self.output_dir = "avain_output-" + util.get_current_timestamp() self.orig_out_dir = self.output_dir self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(self.output_dir) os.makedirs(self.output_dir, exist_ok=True) # copy 'modules' directory to output directory if AVAIN result directory was given as input if input_dir: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(input_dir, NET_DIR_MAP_FILE)): util.printit("Error: reuse of complete output directory only supported for single network output directories", color=util.RED) return previous_modules_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, MODULE_DIR_PREFIX) new_modules_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, MODULE_DIR_PREFIX) if os.path.isdir(previous_modules_dir): if os.path.isdir(new_modules_dir): shutil.rmtree(new_modules_dir) shutil.copytree(previous_modules_dir, new_modules_dir) # check for user / previous results self.user_results = {} if input_dir: for rtype in ResultType: result_file = os.path.join(RESULT_AGGR_DIRS[rtype], rtype.value.lower() + "_result.json") result_file = os.path.join(input_dir, result_file) if os.path.isfile(result_file): if rtype not in self.user_results: self.user_results[rtype] = [] self.user_results[rtype].append((result_file, os.path.abspath(result_file))) if user_results: for rtype, filenames in user_results.items(): if rtype not in self.user_results: self.user_results[rtype] = [] for filename in filenames: self.user_results[rtype].append((filename, os.path.abspath(filename))) # store absolute config path and config basename if config_path: config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path) config_base = os.path.basename(config_path) # change into AVAIN directory self.original_cwd = os.getcwd() core_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__))) avain_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(core_dir, os.pardir)) os.chdir(avain_dir) # parse default and user configs self.config = {} if os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): try: self.config = util.parse_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, self.config) except Exception as excpt: print(util.MAGENTA + ("Warning: Could not parse default config file. " + "Proceeding without default config.\n") + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) util.print_exception_and_continue(excpt) elif not config_path: print(util.MAGENTA + "Warning: Could not find default config.\n" + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) if config_path: if not os.path.isfile(config_path): # if custom config file has no extension, check config folder for config with given name if not os.path.splitext(config_base)[1]: pot_configs = glob.glob(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, config_base + "*")) if pot_configs: config_path = sorted(pot_configs)[0] # parse custom config try: self.config = util.parse_config(config_path, self.config) except FileNotFoundError: print(util.MAGENTA + ("Warning: Could not find custom config file '%s'\n" % config_path + "Proceeding without custom config\n") + util.SANE) except Exception as excpt: print(util.MAGENTA + ("Warning: Could not parse custom config file. " + "Proceeding without custom config.\n") + util.SANE, file=sys.stderr) util.print_exception_and_continue(excpt) # set remaining variables self.separate_networks = separate_networks self.verbose = verbose self.ports = ports self.update_modules = update_modules if (not self.update_modules) and self.config["core"]["automatic_module_updates"].lower() == "true": # retrieve last update timestamp based on last CPE dict download time last_update = util.get_creation_date("modules/resources/official-cpe-dictionary_v2.2.xml") passed_time = - last_update update_interval = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(self.config["core"]["module_update_interval"])) if passed_time > update_interval: util.printit("[INFO] Module data is out-of-date and will be updated\n", color=util.MAGENTA) self.update_modules = True # setup module_manager self.module_manager = ModuleManager(self.networks, self.output_dir, self.omit_networks, self.ports, self.user_results, self.config, self.verbose) # setup logging self.setup_logging()"Starting the AVAIN program")"Executed call: avain %s", " ".join(sys.argv[1:]))