コード例 #1
 def _Exec(self, argv):
   # Either execute command with redirects, or apply redirects in this shell.
   # NOTE: Redirects were processed earlier.
   if argv:
     environ = self.mem.GetExported()
     process.ExecExternalProgram(argv, environ)  # never returns
     return 0
コード例 #2
  def _RunSimpleCommand(self, argv, fork_external, span_id, funcs=True):
      fork_external: for subshell ( ls / ) or ( command ls / )
    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    if funcs:
      func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
      if func_node is not None:
        # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
        status = self._RunFunc(func_node, argv[1:])
        return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)

    if builtin_id == builtin_e.COMMAND:  # 'command ls' suppresses function lookup
      n = len(argv)
      if n == 1:
        return 0  # 'command', like the 'if not argv' case above
      # The 'command' builtin syntax is simple enough that this is 100%
      # correct, not a heuristic.
      elif n >= 2 and argv[1] != '-v':
        return self._RunSimpleCommand(argv[1:], fork_external, span_id,

    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv, span_id)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        ui.usage('osh %r usage error: %s', arg0, e)
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(argv, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    # NOTE: Never returns!
    process.ExecExternalProgram(argv, environ)
コード例 #3
  def _RunSimpleCommand(self, argv, fork_external):
    # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
    if not argv:
      return 0  # status 0, or skip it?

    arg0 = argv[0]

    builtin_id = builtin.ResolveSpecial(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        # TODO: Make this message more consistent?
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
    func_node = self.funcs.get(arg0)
    if func_node is not None:
      # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
      status = self.RunFunc(func_node, argv)
      return status

    builtin_id = builtin.Resolve(arg0)
    if builtin_id != builtin_e.NONE:
        status = self._RunBuiltin(builtin_id, argv)
      except args.UsageError as e:
        # TODO: Make this message more consistent?
        status = 2  # consistent error code for usage error
      return status

    environ = self.mem.GetExported()  # Include temporary variables

    if fork_external:
      thunk = process.ExternalThunk(argv, environ)
      p = process.Process(thunk)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)
      return status

    # NOTE: Never returns!
    process.ExecExternalProgram(argv, environ)