コード例 #1
def combustion_profile_continuation():
	s = {'I':16,'R':16,'L':-32,'side':1,'n':4}
	p = {'beta': 3.5, 'tau': .1}
	s['L'], s['R'] = -8.0*np.exp(0.54*p['beta']), 8.0*np.exp(0.54*p['beta'])
	beta_vals = [3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5] +list(np.linspace(14,18,40))
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options.abstol = 1e-7
	options.reltol = 1e-6
	options.nmax = 5000

	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,s['I'],100),lambda x: init_prof_guess(x,s,p))
	s['sol'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
					 lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
	xint = np.linspace(0,s['I'],100); Sxint,_ = deval(s['sol'],xint)
	for j in range(len(beta_vals)):
		options.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		options.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		solinit  = bvpinit(xint,Sxint)
		s['sol'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
						 lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
		print "p['beta'] = ", p['beta']
		Sxint,_ = deval(s['sol'],xint)
コード例 #2
def combustion():
	s = {'I':16,'R':16,'L':-32,'side':1,'n':4}
	p = {'beta':3.5, 'tau': .1}
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options.abstol = 1e-7
	options.reltol = 1e-6
	options.nmax = 5000

	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,s['I'],100),lambda x: init_prof_guess(x,s,p))
	s['sol'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
					 lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
	xint = np.linspace(0,s['I'],400); Sxint,_ = deval(s['sol'],xint)
コード例 #3
def combustion_roottracking():
	# Parameters 
	p={'beta':3.5,'tau': 0.1,'temp_n':200,'rooot':1e-4*(.12375+ 6.3313j)} #'rooot' for beta = 7.1
	# Structure variables
	s={'I':16.0,'R':16.0,'L':-32.0, 'side':1,'n':4, 'rarray':range(0,4), 
	s['Grarray'] = range(0,8)
	s['Glarray'] = range(8,16)
	s['L'], s['R']=-8.0*np.exp(0.54*p['beta']), 8.0*np.exp(0.54*p['beta'])
	s['PFunctions'] = 'combustionEvans' # Must be called before calling emcset
	[s,e,m,c] = emcset(s,'front',2,2,'reg_reg_polar')
	m['method'] = mod_drury; m['options'] = {'RelTol':1e-8,'AbsTol':1e-8}
	''' Profile computation; Continuation of traveling wave. '''
	options_F = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options_F.abstol, options_F.reltol = 1e-10, 1e-9
	options_F.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options_F.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options_F.nmax = 5000
	xint = np.linspace(0,s['I'],100)
	solinit = bvpinit(xint,lambda x: init_prof_guess(x,s,p))
	s['solution'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
						  lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
	Sxint,_ = deval(s['solution'],xint)
	beta_vals = [3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.1] 
	for j in range(len(beta_vals)):

		options_F.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		options_F.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		solinit  = bvpinit(xint,Sxint)
		s['solution'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
						 lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),

		print "beta = ", p['beta']
		Sxint,_ = deval(s['solution'],xint)

	s, x1, x2 = EvansDF.eigf_init_guess(s,e,m,c,p)
	if s['eigf']:
		for j in range(0,m['n']):
			plt.plot(x1,np.flipud(np.real(s['guess'][j+m['n'],:])) ,'k')
			plt.plot(np.flipud(x2), np.real(s['guess'][j,:]),'k')

		plt.title('Eigenfunction for the combustion equation')
		plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('W (Initial Guess: Hello)');
		format = '.eps'
		# plt.show()
		n=s['n']; eig_n = 2*n
		s['guess'] = np.concatenate( ( np.real(s['guess'][0:n,:]),
			np.array([np.real(s['guess'][eig_n,:]) ]),
			np.array([np.imag(s['guess'][eig_n,:]) ]) ),
			axis=0 )
		s['ph'] = np.array([[0,s['guess'][0,0] ],
					   [4,s['guess'][4,0] ] ])
		del n,eig_n
	options_eigfF = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options_eigfF.abstol, options_eigfF.reltol = 1e-10, 1e-9
	options_eigfF.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options_eigfF.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
	options_eigfF.nmax = 5000
	data = []
	beta_vals = list(np.linspace(7.1,18,219))
	total_time = 0
	import time
	start = time.time()
	for j in range(len(beta_vals)):

		options_F.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		options_F.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: bc2_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		solinit  = bvpinit(xint,Sxint)
		s['solution'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: double_profile_F(x,y,s,p),
						 lambda ya,yb: profile_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
		Sxint,_ = deval(s['solution'],xint)

		options_eigfF.fjacobian = lambda x,y: double_eigfF_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		options_eigfF.bcjacobian = lambda x,y: eigfF_bcs_jacobian(x,y,s,p)
		if j ==0:
			solinit  = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,s['I'],len(s['guess'][1])),s['guess'])
			solinit  = bvpinit(xint,eigf_Sxint)
		s['eigf_solution'] = bvp6c(lambda x,y: eigf_F(x,y,s,p),
						 		   lambda ya,yb: eigf_bcs(ya,yb,s,p),
		lmbda = s['eigf_solution'].y[16,-1] + 1.j*s['eigf_solution'].y[17,-1]
		end = time.time()
		total_time += end-start
		start = end
		# print "beta = ", p['beta']
		# print "lambda = ", lmbda
		print "total_time = ", total_time
		print data
		eigf_Sxint,_ = deval(s['eigf_solution'],xint)
	return s,p
コード例 #4
def test_ndtools_prob31(flag=False):
	# prob31 using numdifftools to construct a Jacobian
	import numdifftools as nd
	cos, sin, tan = math.cos, math.sin, math.tan
	sec = lambda x: 1./cos(x)
	# Parameters
	epsilon = .05
	alpha, beta = 0., 0.
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  sin(y[1]),
          				   epsilon**(-1)*( (y[0]-1)*cos(y[1])- y[2]*(sec(y[1]) + epsilon*y[3]*tan(y[1])) )
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	# def f_jacobian(x,y):
	# 	return np.array([  [0, cos(y[1]), 0, 0],
	#             [0, 0, 1., 0],
	#             [0, 0, 0, -epsilon**(-1.)],
	#             [epsilon**(-1.)*cos(y[1]),
	#             epsilon**(-1)*( (1-y[0])*sin(y[1])- y[2]*(sec(y[1])*tan(y[1]) + epsilon*y[3]*(sec(y[1]))**2.) ),
	#             -epsilon**(-1)*(sec(y[1]) + epsilon*y[3]*tan(y[1])),
	#             -y[2]*tan(y[1])]
	#             ])
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		g = nd.Jacobian(lambda z: ode(x,z) )
		return g(y)
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0],
	            		   [0, 0, 1, 0], 
	            		   [0, 0, 0, 0],
	            		   [0, 0, 0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0, 0, 0],
	            		   [0, 0, 0, 0],
	            		   [1, 0, 0, 0],
	            		   [0, 0, 1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] - alpha,
						   ya[2] - alpha,
	         			   yb[0] - beta,
					       yb[2] - beta

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  -(1/5.)*(x-.5)**2.+.05,

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,10),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})
	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob31.mat')
	grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
	sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
	grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
	sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
	if flag==True:
		for j in range(4):
		# plt.axis([-0.02, 1.02, .95, 1.8])
		plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-10,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-10, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob31 passes\n\n\n")
	return (grid_diff, sol_diff,grid_eval, sol_eval)
コード例 #5
def measles_seir(flag=False):
	# prob31 using numdifftools to construct a Jacobian
	# cos, sin, tan = math.cos, math.sin, math.tan
	# sec = lambda x: 1./cos(x)
	beta0 = 1575
	beta1 = 1.
	eta = 0.01
	lmbda = .0279
	mu = .02
	# print(mu)
	def beta(t):
		return beta0*(1. + beta1*cos(2*pi*t))
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  mu - beta(x)*y[0]*y[2],
						   beta(x)*y[0]*y[2] - y[1]/lmbda,
						   y[1]/lmbda - y[2]/eta,
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		out = np.array([ [ -beta(x)*y[2], 0, -beta(x)*y[0],	 0,0,0	  ],
						 [ beta(x)*y[2], -1./lmbda, beta(x)*y[0],  0,0,0	],
						 [ 0., 1./lmbda, -1/eta,  0,0,0	   ],
						 [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,]	])
		return out
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
						   [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0], 
						   [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1],
						   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]	 ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						   [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
						   [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0], 
						   [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1]	 ]);
		return dGdya, dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] - ya[3],
						   ya[1] - ya[4],
						   ya[2] - ya[5],
						   yb[0] - yb[3],
						   yb[1] - yb[4],
						   yb[2] - yb[5]

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	# def init(x):
	#	return np.array([  -(1/5.)*(x-.5)**2.+.05,
	#						(16/5.)*(x-.5)**3./3.-.8*x+.45,
	#						(16/5.)*(x-.5)**2.-.8,
	#						-epsilon*(32/5.)*(x-.5)
	#					   ]);
	def init(x):
		S = .1 + .05 * np.cos(2. * pi * x)
		out = np.ones((6,len(x)))
		out[0] = .65 + .4*S
		out[1] = .05 * (1. - S)-.042
		out[2] = .05 * (1. - S)-.042
		out[3] = .075*out[3]
		out[4] = .005*out[4]
		out[5] = .005*out[5]
		return out
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	if flag==False:
		x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
		guess = init(x)
		# plt.plot(x,guess[1],'-k')
		# plt.plot(x,guess[2],'-k')
		# plt.plot(x,guess[3],'-r')
		# plt.plot(x,guess[4],'-r')
		# plt.plot(x,guess[5],'-r')
	def init(x):
		S = .1 + .05 * cos(2. * pi * x)
		# out = np.ones((6,len(x)))
		# out[0] = .5*S
		# out[1] = .05 * (1. - S)
		# out[2] = .05 * (1. - S)
		# out[3] = .08*out[3]
		# out[4] = .08*out[4]
		# out[5] = .08*out[5]
		return np.array([.65 + .4*S, .05 * (1. - S)-.042, .05 * (1. - S)-.042, .075,.005,.005])
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000

	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,100),init)
	# with nostdout():
	sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
	xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)

	if flag==True:
		  for j in range(3):
		  plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		  plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()

コード例 #6
def prob24(flag=False):
	# Parameters
	epsilon, gamma = .008, 1.4
	alpha, beta = .9129, .375
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  y[1],
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		return np.array([ [0, 1],
	            		  [ 2.*y[1]*y[0]**(-3.)/(epsilon*(1+x**2))+epsilon**(-1)*2*x*(1+x**2)**(-2)*(y[0]**(-2)+(gamma-1)/2.) ,
						   (1+x**2.)**(-1)*(epsilon**(-1)*(1+gamma)/2.-2*x)-y[0]**(-2.)/(epsilon*(1+x**2))  ] 
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0],
	          		   	   [0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0],
	          		   	   [1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] - alpha,
	         			   yb[0] - beta		]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  (.375-.9129)*x+.9129,
	    		  	    	(.375-.9129)   ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,80),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})
	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob24.mat')
	grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
	sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
	grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
	sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
	if flag==True:
		# plt.plot(sol.x,sol.y[0],linewidth=2.0)
		# # plt.axis([-0.02, 1.02, .95, 1.8])
		# plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		# plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-10,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-10, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob24 passes\n\n\n")
	return (grid_diff, sol_diff,grid_eval, sol_eval)
コード例 #7
def prob27(flag=False):
	# Parameters
	epsilon = .005 
	alpha, beta = 1., 1/3.
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  y[1],
	         			   1./epsilon*y[0]*(1.-y[1]) ]);
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		return np.array([ [0, 1],
	            		  [1./epsilon*(1-y[1]),-y[0]/epsilon] ])
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0],
	          		   	   [0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0],
	          		   	   [1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] - alpha,
	         			   yb[0] - beta		]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  8/3.*x**2.-10/3.*x+1.,
	    		  	    	16/3.*x-10/3.   ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,30),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})
	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob27.mat')
	grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
	sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
	grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
	sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
	if flag==True:
		# plt.plot(sol.x,sol.y[0],linewidth=2.0)
		# # plt.axis([-0.02, 1.02, .95, 1.8])
		# plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		# plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-10,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-10, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob27 passes\n\n\n")
	return (grid_diff, sol_diff,grid_eval, sol_eval)
コード例 #8
def prob1(flag=False):
	# BVP parameters
	epsilon = .01
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def analytic_sol(x): 
		out = np.exp(-x/math.sqrt(epsilon)) - np.exp((x-2)/math.sqrt(epsilon));
		return out/(1. - np.exp(-2./math.sqrt(epsilon)));

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  y[1],
						   y[0]/epsilon ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		return np.array([ [0, 1],
							  [1./epsilon,0] ])

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0],
						   [0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0],
						   [1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0]-1,
						   yb[0]		]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  1.-x,
							-1.	  ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,10),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})

	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob1.mat')
		grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
		sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
		grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
		sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
		raise ValueError
	if flag==True:
		# plt.plot(xint,Sxint[0],linewidth=2.0)
		# plt.axis([0, 1, -.1, 1.1])
		# plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		# plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-14,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-14, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-14, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-14, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob1 passes\n\n\n")
	return (grid_diff, sol_diff, grid_eval, sol_eval)
コード例 #9
def prob20(flag=False):
	# exp, pi = math.exp, math.pi
	# cos, sin = math.cos, math.sin
	# log, cosh = math.log, math.cosh
	# BVP parameters
	epsilon = .06 # .5, .3, .06
	alpha = 1 + epsilon*math.log(math.cosh(-.745/epsilon))
	beta = 1 + epsilon*math.log(math.cosh(.255/epsilon))
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	# def analytic_sol(x):
	#	out = np.exp(-x/math.sqrt(epsilon)) - np.exp((x-2)/math.sqrt(epsilon));
	#	return out/(1. - np.exp(-2./math.sqrt(epsilon)));

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		return np.array([  y[1],
						   -y[1]**2./epsilon + 1./epsilon ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		return np.array([ [0, 1],
							  [0.,-2.*y[1]/epsilon] ])

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0],
						   [0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0],
						   [1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] - alpha,
						   yb[0] - beta		]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  1.-x,
							-1.	  ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,10),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(0,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})
	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob20.mat')
	grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
	sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
	grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
	sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
	if flag==True:
		# print(sol.x.shape,sol.y[0].shape)
		# plt.plot(sol.x,sol.y[0],linewidth=2.0)
		# plt.axis([-0.02, 1.02, .95, 1.8])
		# plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		# plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-10,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-10, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob20 passes\n\n\n")
	return(grid_diff, sol_diff,grid_eval, sol_eval)
コード例 #10
def prob7(flag=False):
	exp, pi = math.exp, math.pi
	cos, sin = math.cos, math.sin
	# BVP parameters
	epsilon = .0001 # .001, .0001
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	# def analytic_sol(x):
	#	out = np.exp(-x/math.sqrt(epsilon)) - np.exp((x-2)/math.sqrt(epsilon));
	#	return out/(1. - np.exp(-2./math.sqrt(epsilon)));

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def ode(x,y):
		f = -epsilon**(-1.)*( (1. + epsilon*pi**2.)*cos(pi*x) + pi*x*sin(pi*x)	)
		return np.array([  y[1],
						   -x*y[1]/epsilon + 1./epsilon*y[0] + f	]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def f_jacobian(x,y):
		return np.array([ [0, 1],
							  [1./epsilon,-x/epsilon] ])

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bc_jacobian(x,y):
		dGdya = np.array([ [1, 0],
						   [0, 0] ]);
		dGdyb = np.array([ [0, 0],
						   [1, 0] ]);
		return dGdya,dGdyb

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def bcs(ya,yb):
		return np.array([  ya[0] + 1.,
						   yb[0] - 1.		]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def init(x):
		return np.array([  1.-x,
							-1.	  ]);

	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	options = struct()
	# options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint
	options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-8, 1e-7
	options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = f_jacobian, bc_jacobian
	options.nmax = 20000
	solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(-1,1,10),init)
	with nostdout():
		sol = bvp6c(ode,bcs,solinit,options)
		xint = np.linspace(-1,1,100); Sxint,_ = deval(sol,xint)
	# savemat('np_vector.mat', {'x':sol.x,'y':sol.y,'xint':xint,'Sxint':Sxint})
	m_data = loadmat(port_path+'test_data/bvp_prob7.mat')
	grid_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.x-m_data['x']))
	sol_diff = np.max(np.abs(sol.y-m_data['y']))
	grid_eval = np.max(np.abs(xint-m_data['xint']))
	sol_eval = np.max(np.abs(Sxint-m_data['Sxint']))
	if flag==True:
		# plt.plot(sol.x,sol.y[1],linewidth=2.0)
		# # plt.axis([-1.1, 1.1, 0., 1.2])
		# plt.title('Numerical Solution')
		# plt.xlabel('x'); plt.ylabel('y'); plt.show()
		assert grid_diff < 1e-10,"Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff
		assert sol_diff < 1e-10, "Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff
		assert grid_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval
		assert sol_eval < 1e-10, "Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval
		print("Difference in grids = %e"%grid_diff)
		print("Difference in solutions = %e"%sol_diff)
		print("Difference in xint = %e"%grid_eval)
		print("Difference in Sxint = %e"%sol_eval)
		print("bvp_prob7 passes\n\n\n")

	return (grid_diff, sol_diff,grid_eval, sol_eval)