コード例 #1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument("-d", "--det", help="Detection", type=str, required=True)
                    help="Phase in pi",
args = parser.parse_args()

# Parameters for states.
series_length = 10

# INPUT - the state in the first(at the bottom) channel
input_st = single_photon(series_length)
# input_st = coherent_state(series_length, alpha=1)
# input_st = fock_state(n=2, series_length=series_length)
print('Input state norm:', get_state_norm(input_st))

# AUXILIARY - the state in the second(on top) channel
# auxiliary_st = single_photon(series_length)
alpha = 1.0
auxiliary_st = coherent_state(series_length, alpha=alpha)
# auxiliary_st = fock_state(n=2, series_length=series_length)
print('Auxiliary state norm:', get_state_norm(auxiliary_st))

states_config = f'single(chan-1)_coher(alpha_{alpha}_chan-2)'
# states_config = 'single(chan-1)_single(chan-2)'

# Measurement event, detectors configuration:
コード例 #2
from customutils.utils import *
from core.basic import *
from core.squeezing import *
from core.state_configurations import coherent_state, single_photon, fock_state
from setup_parameters import *
from core.optimized import transformations as trans
import timeit

# Parameters for states
series_length = 10
input_series_length = series_length
auxiliary_series_length = series_length
max_power = input_series_length + auxiliary_series_length

# INPUT - the state in the first(at the bottom) channel
input_st = single_photon(series_length)
# input_st = coherent_state(input_series_length, alpha=1)
# input_st = fock_state(n=2, series_length=input_series_length)
print('Input state norm:', get_state_norm(input_st))

# AUXILIARY - the state in the second(on top) channel
auxiliary_st = single_photon(series_length)
# auxiliary_st = coherent_state(auxiliary_series_length, alpha=1)
# auxiliary_st = fock_state(n=2, series_length=auxiliary_series_length)
print('Auxiliary state norm:', get_state_norm(auxiliary_st))

# Measurement event, detectors configuration:
# DET_CONF = 'BOTH'  # both 1st and 3rd detectors clicked
DET_CONF = 'FIRST'  # 1st detector is clicked
# DET_CONF = 'THIRD'  # 3rd detector is clicked
# DET_CONF = 'NONE'  # None of detectors were clicked