コード例 #1
def test_extract_tasks_from_url():
    """Извлечение задач со страницы.

    На 1 странице расположено 10 форм. В каждой - таблица с содержанием
    задачи. В форме также есть скрытое поле - GUID задачи.

    html, info = get(url_ikt_first_page)
    assert info['cached']

    import lxml
    from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector as S
    tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
    forms = S('form[name="checkform"]')(tree)

    # 10 задач на странице
    assert len(forms) == 10

    tasks = extract_tasks_from_url(url_ikt_first_page)
    # Должно совпадать - 10 задач из 10 форм
    assert len(tasks) == 10

    for guid, text in tasks:
        # guid должен быть строкой
        assert len(guid) > 10
        assert len(text) > 10
        assert isinstance(guid, str)
コード例 #2
def test_get_url(cache, django_cache):
    # is cache and Django cahce the same?
    assert django_cache.get('key', None) is None
    django_cache.set('key', 1) == 1
    assert django_cache.get('key', None) == 1

    from core.tasks import get
    html, info = get("https://google.com")
    assert info['cached']
コード例 #3
def test_get_subj_sections():
    # sha1 = 495af68e22c84a528901d6cb44de8e3a98f5af0c
    russian_lng_url = '' +\

    html, info = get(russian_lng_url)
    assert info['cached']

    # В "Русском языке" 11 разделов
    res = get_subject_sections(russian_lng_url)
    assert len(res) == 11
コード例 #4
def test_get_subjects():
    html, info = get(fipi_bank_root_url)
    assert info['cached']
    subject_and_urls = ege_subjects_and_urls()
    assert len(subject_and_urls) == 15

    # Start from "openlogin.php"
    # Then redirects to -> index.php
    url_start = ''
    for subj, url in subject_and_urls:
        assert url.startswith(url_start)
コード例 #5
def test_process_sections(settings, db):
    settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True
    # process_sections([
    #     # ('русский язык', '' +
    #     #  'openlogin.php?proj=AF0ED3F2557F8FFC4C06F80B6803FD26')
    # ])
    sections = [('Средства ИКТ', url_ikt_first_page)]
    for title, url in sections:
        html, info = get(url)
        assert info['cached']

    result = process_sections.delay(sections)
    assert result.successful()

    result = process_sections.delay(None)
    assert result.successful()