コード例 #1
    class AndExercise(ExerciseStep):
Let's practice now. Previously we wrote a function `is_valid_percentage` using `or`. Here's an example

    def is_valid_percentage(x):
        if x < 0 or x > 100:
            return False
            return True

    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(-1), False)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(0), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(50), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(100), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(101), False)

Rewrite this function using `and` instead.

        hints = """
If you have something like `x < 0 and x > 100`, you're on the wrong track. That's going to be `False` for *any* value of `x`!
The solution with `and` is different in several ways from the solution with `or`.
Our solution with `or` first determines if `x` is an invalid percentage, else concludes validity. Using `and` will do this in reverse.
You will have to reverse the `return` statements accordingly.
You will have to change the comparison operators too.

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.Or, label="`or`"),
            Disallowed(ast.In, label="`in`"),
            Disallowed(ast.If, label="`if`", max_count=1),

        def solution(self):
            def is_valid_percentage(x: int):
                if 0 <= x and x <= 100:
                    return True
                    return False

            return is_valid_percentage

        tests = {
            -1: False,
            0: True,
            50: True,
            100: True,
            101: False,
コード例 #2
    class spongebob(ExerciseStep):

One more exercise, and then you can relax.

Write a program which prints `sentence` mockingly, e.g:

    OnE MoRe eXeRcIsE, aNd tHeN YoU CaN ReLaX.

Every second character should be lowercased, the rest should be uppercase.

        hints = """
This is similar to the previous exercise. The difference is when and where you set the condition variable.
You will need to have a boolean variable which changes with every iteration.
First write a small program which takes a boolean variable and flips it, i.e. if the variable is `True` it becomes `False` and if it starts out `False` it's changed to `True`. No loops, just an `if/else`.
You will need to use the variable in the `if` condition and also assign to the same variable in the body.
Combine that flipping `if/else` with the one that chooses an uppercase or lowercase character.

        parsons_solution = True

        def solution(self, sentence: str):
            upper = True
            new_sentence = ''
            for char in sentence:
                if upper:
                    char = char.upper()
                    upper = False
                    char = char.lower()
                    upper = True
                new_sentence += char


        tests = {
            'One more exercise, and then you can relax.':
            'OnE MoRe eXeRcIsE, aNd tHeN YoU CaN ReLaX.',

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.For, max_count=1, label="`for`"),
            Disallowed(ast.If, max_count=1, label="`if/else`"),
コード例 #3
    class capitalise(ExerciseStep):
Time for a challenge!

Write a program which, given a string `sentence`, prints a modified version with
the same letters, where the first letter is capitalised and the rest are lowercase.
For example, the output should be `Hello world` whether the input `sentence = 'hello world'`

        hints = """
You've learned all the tools you need for this. I believe in you! Look at previous programs for inspiration.
You will need a loop to build up the new sentence character by character.
You will need an `if/else` to choose whether to add an uppercase or lowercase character.
Your `if/else` needs to execute different bodies depending on which iteration of the loop it's in.
That means that your `if` condition needs to be a variable that changes inside the loop.
In the first iteration you need an uppercase letter. In the following iterations you need a lowercase letter.

        parsons_solution = True

        def solution(self, sentence: str):
            upper = True
            new_sentence = ''
            for char in sentence:
                if upper:
                    char = char.upper()
                    char = char.lower()
                new_sentence += char
                upper = False


        tests = {
            'HELLO THERE': 'Hello there',
            'goodbye': 'Goodbye',

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.For, max_count=1, label="`for`"),
            Disallowed(ast.If, max_count=1, label="`if/else`"),
コード例 #4
    class upside_down_triangle_exercise(ExerciseStep):
Wow, you're basically a hacker now!

One more exercise. Given a size:

    size = 5

Print out an 'upside down' triangle made of the plus sign `+` whose sides are as long as the given size, e.g:


        hints = """
How would you describe instructions to type in this triangle manually?
Print a line of `size` plus signs, then `size - 1` plus signs, etc. down to 1 plus sign. For example print 5 `+`s, then 4 `+`s, then 3, 2, and 1.
Break this down into subproblems.
How do you print one line of `+`s of a given length, and how do you go through all the lengths?
Building up a line of characters should be very familiar from previous exercises, the only difference is that you have to make it a given length instead of just the same length as another string.
An easy way to do something `n` times is to loop over `range(n)`.
You need to use a for loop inside a for loop.
You need numbers that count down, like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. There is a way to do this with `range`, and you can easily look it up, but it's also easy to use a normal range and do some very simple maths to convert numbers counting up into numbers counting down.
What formula converts 0 into 5, 1 into 4, 2, into 3, etc?

        parsons_solution = True

        def solution(self, size: int):
            for i in range(size):
                length = size - i
                line = ''
                for _ in range(length):
                    line += '+'

        disallowed = Disallowed(ast.Mult, label="`*`")

        tests = {
            3: """\
            5: """\
コード例 #5
    class fix_broken_program(ExerciseStep):
As you can see we can define an f-string using double quotes too, like we can a normal string.
And like quotes, f-strings are just notation. Once they are evaluated the computer forgets
that an f-string was used, it just stores the final result as a normal string.

Here is a very broken program:

    people = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]
    print('There are' + people.length() + 'people waiting, the first one's name is' + people.1 + '.')

Fix it!
Your solution should work for any list of strings named `people`.
For example, in the above case it should print:

    There are 3 people waiting, the first one's name is Alice.

        hints = """
There are four problems with the expression inside `print`.
There is a problem with the syntax that finds the number of people.
Then one of the strings has a problem with the quotes.
Also there is a problem with the syntax that finds the first person's name.
And you can't add strings and numbers together!
Did you properly use curly brackets in your f-string?

        disallowed = Disallowed(ast.Add, label="`+`")

        # TODO message: catch forgetting the f

        def solution(self, people: List[str]):
                f"There are {len(people)} people waiting, the first one's name is {people[0]}."

        translated_tests = True

        tests = [
            (["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
             "There are 3 people waiting, the first one's name is Alice."),
            (["Dan", "Evelyn", "Frank", "George"],
             "There are 4 people waiting, the first one's name is Dan."),
コード例 #6
    class fixing_type_errors_with_conversion(ExerciseStep):
Using a string instead of an integer in `range` like `range('5')`,
or in list subscripting like `list['3']` will also lead to an error.

Most of these problems can be solved by converting the string to an integer by using `int` as a function:
`int('5')` will return the integer `5`.
Similarly an integer can be converted to a string by using `str` as a function:
`str(5)` will return the string `'5'`.

Using this new knowledge, fix this broken program:

    number = '3'
    for i in range(number):
        print('Starting... ' + i + 1)

The correct program should print:

    Starting... 1
    Starting... 2
    Starting... 3

Your solution should work for any value of the variable `number`.


        hints = """
At what points is this code broken?
There are values that need to be converted to a different type.
Specifically there's a `str` that needs to be converted to an `int`.
And an `int` that needs to be converted to a `str`.

        tests = [
            ('1', """\
Starting... 1
            ('2', """\
Starting... 1
Starting... 2
            ('3', """\
Starting... 1
Starting... 2
Starting... 3

        disallowed = Disallowed(ast.JoinedStr, label="f-strings")

        def solution(self, number: str):
            for i in range(int(number)):
                print('Starting... ' + str(i + 1))

        def generate_inputs(cls):
            return {"number": str(randint(1, 10))}
コード例 #7
    class winner(ExerciseStep):
Bravo! That was quite tough.

Now we can put the three functions together! Write a function `winner` that takes an argument `board` as before,
and returns `True` if `board` contains either a winning row, column or diagonal, `False` otherwise.

Your solution should work by calling the three functions. `winner` itself should not do any
looping, subscripting, etc.

Here is some code for `row_winner`, `column_winner` and `diagonal_winner`, along with some tests for `winner`.
Click the Copy button, and fill in the blanks for your `winner` function.

    def winner(board):

    def winning_line(strings):
        piece = strings[0]
        if piece == ' ':
            return False
        for entry in strings:
            if piece != entry:
                return False
        return True

    def row_winner(board):
        for row in board:
            if winning_line(row):
                return True
        return False

    def column_winner(board):
        for col in range(len(board[0])):
            column = []
            for row in board:
            if winning_line(column):
                return True
        return False

    def diagonal_winner(board):
        diagonal1 = []
        diagonal2 = []
        for i in range(len(board)):
        return winning_line(diagonal1) or winning_line(diagonal2)

                ['X', 'X', 'X', ' '],
                ['X', 'X', ' ', ' '],
                ['X', ' ', 'O', 'X'],
                [' ', ' ', 'O', 'X']
                ['X', ' ', 'X'],
                ['O', 'X', 'O'],
                ['O', 'O', 'O']
                ['X', ' '],
                ['X', 'O']


        hints = """
The solution is quite short! Simply use the three functions correctly.
Think about possible cases. When does `winner(board)` return `False`? When does it return `True`?
How can you use the three functions and a boolean operator together to get the result you need?

        disallowed = Disallowed((ast.For, ast.Subscript),
Your solution should work by calling the three functions. `winner` itself should not do any
looping, subscripting, etc. It should be very short.

Copy the `row_winner` and other functions and leave them as they are. Don't copy code from them
into the `winner` function, just call those functions. 

        def solution(self):
            def winning_line(strings):
                piece = strings[0]
                if piece == ' ':
                    return False
                for entry in strings:
                    if piece != entry:
                        return False
                return True

            def row_winner(board):
                for row in board:
                    if winning_line(row):
                        return True
                return False

            def column_winner(board):
                for col in range(len(board[0])):
                    column = []
                    for row in board:
                    if winning_line(column):
                        return True
                return False

            def diagonal_winner(board):
                diagonal1 = []
                diagonal2 = []
                for i in range(len(board)):
                return winning_line(diagonal1) or winning_line(diagonal2)

            def winner(board: List[List[str]]):
                return row_winner(board) or column_winner(
                    board) or diagonal_winner(board)

            return winner

        def generate_inputs(cls):
            return {"board": generate_board(choice(['row', 'col', 'diag']))}

        tests = [
            ([[" ", "A", "B"], [" ", "A", "B"], [" ", "B", "A"]], False),
            ([[" ", "A", "A"], [" ", "A", "B"], ["B", "B", "B"]], True),
            ([["S", "M", " ", "M"], ["S", "M", "S", " "], ["S", "S", "M", "S"],
              ["S", "M", " ", "S"]], True),
            ([["O", "O", " ", "X", "X"], ["X", "O", "O", "X", "X"],
              ["X", "O", "O", "O", " "], ["X", "O", "O", "O", " "],
              ["O", "X", " ", "O", "O"]], True),
コード例 #8
    class NotPriority(ExerciseStep):
You can see in Bird's Eye that

    not True or True

is interpreted by Python as

    (not True) or True

rather than:

    not (True or True)

So, `not` has higher priority than `or` if there are no parentheses. It's the same as how

    -1 + 2


    (-1) + 2

rather than

    -(1 + 2)

`not` also has higher priority than `and`.

Again, the main thing to remember is to use parentheses or extra variables when in doubt.

Exercise: Suppose you're writing a program which processes images. Only certain types of file can be processed.
If the user gives you a file that can't be processed, you want to show an error:

    if invalid_image(filename):
        print("I can't process " + filename)

Suppose that .png and .jpg files cannot be processed, but other file types can.
Here's an example function to do that:

    def invalid_image(filename):
        if filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg"):
            return False
            return True

    assert_equal(invalid_image("dog.png"), False)
    assert_equal(invalid_image("cat.jpg"), False)
    assert_equal(invalid_image("invoice.pdf"), True)

This is longer than it needs to be. Rewrite `invalid_image` so that the body is a single line `return <expression>`,
i.e. no `if` statement. It should pass the same tests.

        hints = [
            What if you were instead asked to simplify this related but opposite function?
                def valid_image(filename):
                    if filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg"):
                        return True
                        return False
                assert_equal(valid_image("dog.png"), True)
                assert_equal(valid_image("cat.jpg"), True)
                assert_equal(valid_image("invoice.pdf"), False)
            "In that case there is a standard simplification trick you can apply that we discussed a few pages ago.",
            'In particular the `returns` are redundant because `filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg")` '
            'is already the desired boolean.',
            So you can just write:

                def valid_image(filename):
                    return filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg")
            "For the real exercise, you can do something similar.",
            "The difference in the real exercise is that the result is reversed.",
            "That is, `invalid_image` returns `True` when `valid_image` returns `False` and vice versa.",
            "Remember what `not` does?",

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.If, label="`if`"),

        def solution(self):
            def invalid_image(filename: str):
                return not (filename.endswith(".png")
                            or filename.endswith(".jpg"))

            return invalid_image

        tests = {
            "dog.png": False,
            "cat.jpg": False,
            "invoice.pdf": True,

        def generate_inputs(cls):
            result = generate_string()
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                result += random.choice([".png", ".jpg"])
            return {"filename": result}
コード例 #9
    class AndHasHigherPriority(ExerciseStep):
If you read it casually from left to right, you may think that:

    True or False and False

is equivalent to

    (True or False) and False

but it's actually equivalent to

    True or (False and False)

This is because `and` has a higher priority than `or`.
This is important because the first interpretation reduces to `True and False` which is `False`, while the second
interpretation reduces to `True or False` which is `True`!
You can try both options with parentheses in the shell to confirm.

**The lesson here is to be extra careful when combining operators.** Either add parentheses to be safe or
break up your expression into smaller parts and assign each part to a variable.
This will make your code clear, readable, and unambiguous, and will save you from painful mistakes.

Time for an exercise. Suppose you're writing a program to play tic-tac-toe,
also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os. If you've never heard of tic-tac-toe, you can read the rules
and play a few games [here](https://gametable.org/games/tic-tac-toe/).

We need to check if someone has won a game. Our function `all_equal` is already helpful for checking rows.

Write a function to check if someone has won a game by placing 3 of the same pieces on one of the diagonal lines.
The board is given as a nested list `board` of 3 sublists, each sublist containing 3 strings, representing a row. For example:

    board = [
        ['X', 'O', 'X'],
        ['X', 'X', 'O'],
        ['O', 'O', 'X']

The function should return a boolean: `True` if one of the diagonals have 3 of the same pieces, `False` otherwise.
Click the Copy button to get started with the code below.
We provided some tests for you, your job is to replace the `...` with your code.

    def diagonal_winner(board):

                ['X', 'O', 'X'],
                ['X', 'X', 'O'],
                ['O', 'O', 'X']

                ['X', 'X', 'O'],
                ['X', 'O', 'O'],
                ['O', 'X', 'X']

                ['O', 'X', 'O'],
                ['X', 'X', 'X'],
                ['O', 'O', 'X']
        hints = """
How many diagonals are there on the board?
Which entries of the three sublists make up each diagonal? How can you access these entries?
Every list always has 3 entries, so no need for a loop.
There are two problems to solve here: checking for a win in a specific diagonal, and combining the checks for each diagonal.
One problem can be solved using `and`, the other using `or`.
There's a lot of similarity with the `all_equal` function. You can even call that function to help! But then you have to include its definition.
Similar to `all_equal`, check that the 3 entries on a diagonal are equal to each other, e.g. by using `and`.
Check the two diagonals together, using `or`.

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.If, label="`if`"),

        def solution(self):
            def diagonal_winner(board: List[List[str]]):
                middle = board[1][1]
                return ((middle == board[0][0] and middle == board[2][2])
                        or (middle == board[0][2] and middle == board[2][0]))

            return diagonal_winner

        def generate_inputs(cls):
            row1 = [random.choice(["X", "O"]) for _ in range(3)]
            row2 = [random.choice(["X", "O"]) for _ in range(3)]
            row3 = [random.choice(["X", "O"]) for _ in range(3)]
            return {"board": [row1, row2, row3]}

        tests = [
            ([["X", "O", "X"], ["X", "X", "O"], ["O", "O", "X"]], True),
            ([["X", "O", "O"], ["X", "O", "X"], ["O", "X", "X"]], True),
            ([["X", "O", "X"], ["X", "O", "X"], ["O", "O", "X"]], False),
コード例 #10
    class AnExercise(ExerciseStep):
When we inspect it with Bird's Eye, we can see that:

    name == "Alice" or "Bob"

is not translated into

    name == ("Alice" or "Bob")

the way we think in English, but rather:

    (name == "Alice") or ("Bob")

which evaluates to `"Bob"` when `name == "Alice"` is `False`.

Perhaps you feel like this:

[![I now have additional questions](https://i.imgur.com/jN57tGt.png)](https://imgur.com/a/icKzI)

The only thing you really need to know is this: Until you know what you're doing, always
make sure you put booleans on both sides of `or`, because it's a boolean operator.
`name == "Alice" or "Bob"` breaks that rule.

If you're curious, the answers are below, but you can skip them if you want and move onto the exercise below.


> Why does `(name == "Alice") or ("Bob")` equal `"Bob"`? Why does it equal anything? `"Bob"` isn't even a boolean!

The definition "`A or B` is `True` if either `A` or `B` is `True`" was a simplification. It's the easiest
way to think about `or` most of the time, especially for writing `if` statements.
The real definition is that if `A` is true then `A or B` is just `A` (in fact `B` is not even evaluated),
otherwise it's `B`.
You can see for yourself that if `A` and `B` are booleans then the two definitions are equivalent.
In this example `A` is `name == "Alice"` which is `False`, so `A or B` is `B` which is `"Bob"`.

> Is there a better way to write the condition without repeating `name ==` each time?

Yes! In [Functions and Methods for Lists](/course/?page=FunctionsAndMethodsForLists) we mentioned the `in`
operator, which you can use with a list like this:

    return name in ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]

But you can't always get rid of `or` like that.


Exercise: Write a function named `is_valid_percentage`, accepting one numerical argument `x`.
It should return `True` if `x` is between 0 and 100 (inclusive), and return `False` otherwise.
Your function should use `or`, and pass these tests:

    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(-1), False)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(0), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(50), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(100), True)
    assert_equal(is_valid_percentage(101), False)

        hints = """
Remember, you can use comparison operators `<, >, <=, >=, ==` to produce booleans.
You need to check how `x` compares to 0 and how it compares to 100.
You need to combine the two comparisons into one boolean using `or`.
Above we used a trick so that the whole function body was just `return <comparison> or <comparison>`. But that won't work here!
You need to use an `if` statement.
You need to have a `return False` and a `return True`.
If you have something like `x >= 0 or x <= 100`, you're on the wrong track. That's going to be true for *any* value of `x`. After all, 101 is greater than 0!

        disallowed = [
            Disallowed(ast.And, label="`and`"),
            Disallowed(ast.In, label="`in`"),
            Disallowed(ast.If, label="`if`", max_count=1),
                       label="comparison chaining",
                       predicate=lambda node: len(node.ops) > 1),

        # TODO message: catch wrong comparisons

        def solution(self):
            def is_valid_percentage(x: int):
                if x < 0 or x > 100:
                    return False
                    return True

            return is_valid_percentage

        tests = {
            -1: False,
            0: True,
            50: True,
            100: True,
            101: False,
コード例 #11
    class name_box_2(ExerciseStep):
You're getting good at this! Looks like you need more of a challenge...maybe instead of putting a name in a box, the name should be the box? Write a program that outputs this:

    W     W
    o     o
    r     r
    l     l
    d     d

        hints = """
You will need two separate for loops over `name`.
Each line except for the first and last has the same characters in the middle. That means you can reuse something.
Create a variable containing the spaces in the middle and use it many times.
Use one loop to create a bunch of spaces, and a second loop to print a bunch of lines using the previously created spaces.

        parsons_solution = True

        def solution(self, name: str):
            line = '+' + name + '+'
            spaces = ''
            for _ in name:
                spaces += ' '

            for char in name:
                print(char + spaces + char)

        tests = {
            "World": """\
W     W
o     o
r     r
l     l
d     d
            "Bob": """\
B   B
o   o
b   b

        disallowed = [
                predicate=lambda outer: search_ast(outer, ast.For),
                    Well done, this solution is correct!
                    And you used a nested loop (a loop inside a loop) which we haven't even covered yet!
                    However, in this case a nested loop is inefficient.
                    You can make a variable containing spaces and reuse that in each line.
コード例 #12
    class name_box(ExerciseStep):

By the way, when you don't need to use a variable, it's common convention to name that variable `_` (underscore), e.g. `for _ in name:`. This doesn't change how the program runs, but it's helpful to readers.

Let's make this fancier. Extend your program to draw a box around the name, like this:

    | World |

Note that there is a space between the name and the pipes (`|`).

        hints = [
            "You did all the hard stuff in the previous exercise. Now it's just some simple string concatenation.",
            "You only need one for loop - the one used to make the line of dashes from the previous exercise.",
            "Don't try and do everything at once. Break the problem up into smaller, easier subproblems.",
            Try writing a program that outputs:

            "Since you need to output three separate lines of text, you will need to call `print()` three times.",
            Try writing a program that outputs:

                | World |
            Try writing a program that outputs:


            (i.e. no spaces around `World`)

        parsons_solution = True

        def solution(self, name: str):
            line = ''
            for _ in name:
                line += '-'
            line = '+-' + line + '-+'
            print('| ' + name + ' |')

        tests = {
            "World": """\
| World |
            "Bob": """\
| Bob |

        class missing_spaces(ExerciseStep, MessageStep):
            You're almost there! Just add a few more characters to your strings.
            Your loop is perfect.
            def solution(self, name: str):
                line = ''
                for _ in name:
                    line += '-'
                line = '+' + line + '+'
                print('|' + name + '|')

            tests = {
                "World": """\
                "Bob": """\

        disallowed = [
                    Well done, this solution is correct! However, it can be improved.
                    You only need to use one loop - using more is inefficient.
                    You can reuse the variable containing the line of `-` and `+`.